New Mexico Commie Governor declares guns health emergency

Posted On: Tuesday - September 12th 2023 7:07PM MST
In Topics: 
  Liberty/Libertarianism  ctrl-left  Guns

I could have told you this in Spring of '20, when the LOCKDOWNs and curfews started. Give them an "in", and the Totalitarians/Commies will find a way to use it for their purposes. You can do anything during a health emergency, right? We saw that during the Kung Flu PanicFest.

The anti-gun political forcers have tried to use the healthcare industry to do their work. For a long time now, the anti-Amendment II radicals have pushed for doctors to inquire about guns in homes* during patient exams.

New Mexico's lefty Commie Governor is in on this now. The NRA gives us the scoop: Governor Lujan Grisham Attempting Unconstitutional Gun Ban in Bernalillo County! . That's the county where the State's largest city, Albuquerque sits. New Mexico isn't all Constitutional about it, as half the State are at this point (yes, thank the IRA), but it's a "Shall Issue" State and open carrying is permitted. There are exceptions involving Indians, hard liquor, and Indians and hard liquor. (Uhhh, well, that'd be the First Nations and the Spirits Communities.)

However, if it's a health emergency that's going on, well, that's different! Why didn't you say so? Yeah, sure, anything goes!
Late Friday, anti-gun Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham announced that she will attempt to institute and enforce an unconstitutional 30-day ban on open and concealed carry of firearms in public places in Bernalillo County. She apparently intends to accomplish this by administrative fiat under the guise of a public health emergency, which she declared in response to her and her political sidekick, Mayor Tim Keller's inability to control the violent crime situation in Albuquerque that is a direct result of their failed "soft on crime" policies. She also stated that State Police officers will be sent to the affected area to enforce this so-called "civil order," a violation of which would amount to misdemeanor.
It's the State police, a bad idea to being with, that are to enforce this. Even the anti-gun lefty Sheriff of Bernalillo Country thinks this is unConstitutional.

I hope the good folks of Albuquerque and Bernalillo Country resist this step in turning individual violence into a "health scare" that demands gun control. We can't give these people an "in" or an inch.

Update from Instapundit's go-to gun blogger The Truth about Guns, regarding the Governor's dependence on New Mexican police enforcement: New Mexico AG to Governor on Defending Her Second Amendment Suspension: Drop Dead. That'd be Attorney General Raul Torrez. No arrests have been made so far. This is heartening news. As left as many parts of the country have turned, Amendment II is still respected by most of the people, more and more so as uncertainty and violence increase.

* I am in a location where I don't think this would fly at all. I've never been asked.

Thursday - September 14th 2023 5:27AM MST
PS: Yeah, I was kind of slow on this one. It's become a heartwarming story. I read that too, Adam.

Fenix Ammo out of Michigan is offering free shipping for New Mexican customers. There's a catch. You have to be sure to type in the promotional code.

"'Simply select the ‘F*** Off, Gov. Grisham' option at checkout. Thank you for your attention,” the company added."

BTW, I saw this first on a another site and it had an image with an order page (w/the free shipping) 5.56 FMJ - good brand, as I recall - but 50 cents a round! I haven't bought this ammo in a long while. I was getting the cheaper Wolf (steel case) for 20 cents a round and the brass for 30-35.
Adam Smith
Wednesday - September 13th 2023 2:40PM MST
PS: Quick update...

The Alarmist
Wednesday - September 13th 2023 1:20PM MST

Cheery though if a disarmed you comes across a Mojave Rattler.

“You going to have to throw a rock at that snake.”


Wednesday - September 13th 2023 12:44PM MST
PS: "The true mental health emergency in NM is the pandemic of voters who put this creature in office." Alarmist, I wish I could say that's hyperbole...

Yes, Adam, this has become a feel good story for Constitutionalists and/or gun rights advocates. I read most of this 4 days ago, so I wasn't really up on the pushback, till I read the TheTruthAboutGuns post, and then your info.

SafeNow, somewhat coincidentally, this morning, after having read your comment about the new hatred of the SCROTUS, my friend said one of his tenants has a "Fuck the Supreme Court" in her window, but it might be just "F__ ..." He's considering placing Trump signs on the lawn of HIS building.
Adam Smith
Wednesday - September 13th 2023 11:35AM MST
PS: Good afternoon, y'all,

Vermont has been a constitutional carry state since 1793 and 27 states are now “constitutional carry” states. Which state will be next? Maybe South Carolina?

In related news, governor Michelle Lujan Grisham's unconstitutional “public health” edict has united many in opposition. Bernalillo County sheriff, John Allen, vowed not to enforce it, joining the county’s top prosecutor, and the Albuquerque mayor and city’s police chief.

“I am wary of placing my deputies in positions that could lead to civil liability conflicts as well as the potential risks posed by prohibiting law-abiding citizens from their constitutional right to self-defense.” - John Allen

Heavily armed protesters gathered in Albuquerque to protest the governor’s blatantly unconstitutional order.

Congresscritter Stefani Lord announced that she, along with Republican Rep John Block, of Otero County, were calling for the governor’s impeachment and claimed the emergency order “violates the governor’s oath to protect and defend the rights of New Mexicans.”

“She has gone too far... Every single person agrees that what she did was illegal.” - Stefani Lord

Albuquerque resident Foster Allen Haines filed a federal lawsuit against the order on Saturday, in conjunction with the National Association for Gun Rights. Meanwhile, both New Mexico Senate and House Republicans on Saturday vowed to file lawsuits of their own challenging the order.

The Gun Owners of America and the Gun Owners Foundation have also filed a lawsuit.

When questioned about her order violating the Constitution governor Lujan Grisham said conceal and open carry are state laws that she has jurisdiction over.

“Fuck the constitution and your rights!” - Michelle Lujan Grisham

The 30-day order directs a state agency to conduct monthly inspections on licensed firearm dealers and orders the state health department to assemble a report on gunshot victims at hospitals across the state, among other measures.

The ban prohibits firearms on state property, including parks, state buildings and schools. It makes exceptions for law enforcement officers and licensed security guards. Residents with permits to carry firearms can possess those weapons on private property as long as they are transported in a lock box or have a trigger lock or other mechanism that prevents the weapon from being fired.

“No person, other than a law enforcement officer or licensed security officer, shall possess a firearm ... either openly or concealed,” the governor’s order states.

When asked “Do you really think criminals are going to hear this message and not carry a gun in Albuquerque on the streets for 30 days?” the would be dictator defiantly answered “Uh, no.”

The Alarmist
Wednesday - September 13th 2023 10:09AM MST

The true mental health emergency in NM is the pandemic of voters who put this creature in office.

Screw lawsuits. There is nothing so wrong in NM that can’t be fixed with a little Citizen Action.
Wednesday - September 13th 2023 4:25AM MST
PS: Sometimes, too, SafeNow, things can get set up in that year wait for Constitutional justice that the programs are hard to reverse by then. However, that the SCROTUS is fairly Conservative now is a new cause for the ctrl-left. They have tried to take down Clarence Thomas with some accusations of mild monetary corruption or something. That'd be kid stuff for the left.

Yeah, Josh Hawley and a few others are great to see and hear from, but we need 100x more. People aren't sending enough of them. Both squads of the UniParty's establishment usually make sure of that early on in the primaries.
Wednesday - September 13th 2023 1:56AM MST
Leftists are so brazen now about blatantly unconstitutional exec orders that a new time frame for Scotus review needs to be implemented. Otherwise, the Left figures they’ve got a year before review occurs, and meanwhile, they’ll enjoy the unconstitutional order and oftentimes negotiate a compromise. And then just before embarrassing review is ready to occur, they drop the order or modify it making the case moot. Josh Hawley* should try to get something going to change the timeline.
*Smartest, fastest guy in the country, in the debate/argue/think-on-feet sense. Clerked for the chief justice. So did his wife. so he is familiar with the scotus court and the court is familiar with him.
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