Updated People of GoDaddy

Posted On: Monday - May 6th 2024 7:02PM MST
In Topics: 
  Internets  Political Correctness  Economics  Race/Genetics  Inflation  Customer Care

Over 3 years ago, after doing some dealing with the Peak Stupidity-hosting company GoDaddy, we put up this post, and I'll excerpt just a portion:
Here's the thing. Affirmative Action has been around my whole life. As much as I know there are plenty of competent black or Hispanic and women software people around (have run into both, and I'm not counting •Indians either), I just can't be very confident that your average one is nearly as competent as the White guys. This is due specifically to Affirmative Action. White guys are the only people who have not benefitted (and of course, being left out of the hand-outs, are being screwed by it).

Were there no AA, then I'd just assume the managers and even dipshit HR ladies had hired the most qualified people. Why not?...
With some unexpected charge on my debit card* from them, I had to get ahold of the People of GoDaddy again. I like that these "customer care" "associates" take care of both billing and technical questions. Forgive me if I would not be so confident in getting the best help on the latter from the advertised associate on their website.

This guy was British and almost certainly White. ("I tell you, old chap, I don't get no respect.") After the quick explanation I needed, he told me he really liked our URL "Peak Stupidity". I told him to come visit.

Now that's not anything resembling a new post, but because I looked into the money I've been spending for the hosting (majority of it), the domain registration, and the fairly new SSL certificates**. I compared my transaction record over a pretty even 7 year period. Renewal*** of website hosting has gone up right around 3 X, that's 300%. This is not the perfect set of data points, because sometimes you can get deals. Anyway, this gets me - thanks Money Chimp! - an annual rate with compounding of 17%. That's harsh! It's also a reason to consider getting off my ass on this business.

* Normally, there has been enough fraudulent charges that by the time anyone tries some type of charge without asking me, they've got an old card number. A little more to this can be gleaned from our 2 posts on Visa Account Updater - Part 1 and Part 2.

** Basically some key code. It ain't rocket science, but I'll admit that my laziness has me paying out the wazoo for this.

*** I'd actually reserved the URL and paid for hosting a year or two before finally getting the site up. I'm like that sometimes...

The Alarmist
Tuesday - May 7th 2024 12:47PM MST

IIRC, Congresscritter Lee asked the boys at JPL to steer one of the Mars Rovers over to take a look at the flag Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planted on the Moon.

I swear to God, a Horse in Congress would be more fitting for our Republic than that wretched woman. On second thought, more appropriate than roughly five hundred of our Congresscritters.

Tuesday - May 7th 2024 9:42AM MST
PS: I didn't see Victor Davis Hanson go off on her about it, but I did see the Esteemed Representative from Houston's highly ignorant explanation of the solar eclipse, Dieter.

BTW, looked up her 18th district of Texas. That's been one of the "specified" black! districts for a long time, with an early Congresswoman from there being Barbara Jordan. Though a lefty and race-bitcher in the usual sense, she was very very good on immigration though.

From Wiki:

"From 1994 until her death, Jordan chaired the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform. The commission recommended that total immigration be cut by one-third to approximately 550,000 per year. The commission supported increasing enforcement against undocumented migrants and their employers, eliminating visa preferences for siblings and adult children of U.S. citizens, and ending unskilled immigration except for refugees and nuclear families. The commission's report to Congress said that it was "a right and responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest",..."
Dieter Kief
Tuesday - May 7th 2024 8:51AM MST
Apropos sinking standards

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Struggles to Explain the Moon and the Sun, with Victor Davis Hanson (youtube.com)
Tuesday - May 7th 2024 5:31AM MST
PS: Yes, I've run into them too, Alarmist. I would put money on this guy's being White though, from listening for a couple of minutes. OTOH, I might lose.

What I forgot to ask was whether he was in Scottsdale, Arizona (outside Phoenix) with the rest of them or working remotely.
The Alarmist
Tuesday - May 7th 2024 2:09AM MST

"This guy was British and almost certainly White."

You'd be surprised how articulate and well-spoken some Brit PoCs can be.

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