Gag Orders of the corrupt, extra-legal New York legal system

Posted On: Wednesday - May 8th 2024 11:20AM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  Trump  Anarcho-tyranny  Legal Stupidity

Listen, I don't follow all of this stuff. As much as the Gateway Pundit site goes nuts with new posts about what lawyer said this and what judge ruled that, I have neither the time nor the mental capacity to keep up with the Lawfare process against Donald Trump.

I know the gist of what's going on: The ctrl-left-run New York State legal apparatus, and others in Georgia and wherever, have never let Constitutional due process, rule-of-law-not-men, and all that get in their way of persecuting Trump. They want him in jail (or dead, as MTG has said).

Failing that, all of this Lawfare can keep Trump distracted through election time. As Peak Stupidity stated last summer in our post Donald Trump Arrested, surges in polls, the completely bogus but highly-publicized legal battlers are not hurting Trump one bit support-wise. Voters like me will only sympathize more and work to show the State of New York who's in charge.

Thing is, it's not like Zhou Bai Dien is out there, rallying the left with encouraging rhetoric - they can barely keep him focused long enough for quick, slurred statements to the press. Trump wins the campaign part - the voting process is another deal - even without speaking a word, but he does anyway. He speaks a lot of words.

Every time I go ahead and click on a clip of one of Trump's statements, it starts off great and then it deteriorates quickly into his usual egotistical BS about how everything was great when he was last King President, and it will be again, and that's just 'cause of me! "I am the greatest! Tweet like a butterfly, talk like a bee."

The latest tactic by the ctrl-left-run il legal system, again, not that I'm keeping up with every detail, is that Trump has been served(?) Gag Orders. I just read CNN Analyst Warns Jailing Trump Over Gag Order Would Be a ‘Political Gift’ to His Campaign. Former U.S. Attorney, now CNN Legal Analyst, getting into the corrupted legal mind of Judge Juan Merchan worries:
How do I get Trump’s attention? How do I maintain the integrity and the respect of the court? How do I protect this process? How do I protect the trial? And at the same time, do I fall into the trap of giving Trump this big political gift of putting him in jail? Because of the fact is he’d never be in jail in a place where any common person might serve any amount of time.”
I thought a gag order was only meant to keep someone from spoiling the jurors of a trial, as in keeping information from them that they're not supposed to know (the question being "Why?"). I'm pretty sure everyone knows what's going on, most of them more than I, on both sides of this legal sham.
I mean, he would be isolated, he would be put in a secure facility. He may never even see another inmate, it’s not like he’s going to have to shower in the shower room or use the toilet room with everybody else. That’s just not the way it would work. And so it would really be a gift, I think, for Trump. And that’s why he’s playing this card because he knows that the likelihood of him being incarcerated is slim to none, but the poor judge is sort of like the boy in the dike, he’s got his finger in the hole trying to stop the flood, but he can only do so much, the hole being Trump’s mouth.
Haha, that gets to the bottom of it. An enforced gag order would be akin to the death sentence for Donald Trump. If he can't run his mouth, I mean, what's it all for anyway?!

PS: I haven't heard anyone say "Gag me with a spoon" in a long while.

Wednesday - May 8th 2024 4:33PM MST
PS: “We figured a former President should be accorded some degree of deference and dignity, so when he asked to be spared the Orange jump suit, we agreed to let him keep the suit, tie, and even his shoe laces.”

Yes, and we took out all the cameras from the area, because, you know, President and all.
The Alarmist
Wednesday - May 8th 2024 12:37PM MST

As the other cases seem to be all stalling, the NY gang have even more incentive to jail Trump for civil contempt and then suicide him with his own neck tie. NY is quickly becoming the court of last resort for the Never-Trumpers and Deep State.

They can spin some BS like, “We figured a former President should be accorded some degree of deference and dignity, so when he asked to be spared the Orange jump suit, we agreed to let him keep the suit, tie, and even his shoe laces.”
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