A lesson in DUI for the broke guy

Posted On: Monday - September 28th 2020 6:10PM MST
In Topics: 
  Legal Stupidity

"Your honor?" "Go ahead, Ma'am." "Yeah, uhhh, when do we get our 15 bucks?"

Anecdotes are easy to write. There's no going back and forth to check a few facts here and there. I can just make it up as I go along. Nah, that's not the case, but these ones are just easy and fun.

In the comments under the post with the horrid SJW cousin of suicide case Jake Gardner - Scene from a "Court of Law" - I mentioned hanging out in court to collect my fee.

Here's the just untimely part of the whole thing. I was under-employed, let's call it, at the time, so I'd have been thrilled go every day, if they had a) sent me more invitations and/or b) picked me out for the jury. I really needed the extra cash that badly. Later on, when I was making good money, but traveling a decent amount, I got at least 3 letters asking me to do my duty. I would have gone if I were going to be in town, but I'd have lost out of money and maybe employment, if I went to court.

I sent the letters back or called, at least a couple of times, saying I couldn't make it but also "why didn't you ask me to come in 1998?!" I know I didn't write back at all after a while. Now that may seem a real dereliction of duty for a Constitutionalist like myself. However, the problem is that they WILL NOT EVER PICK ME. I have qualifications, such as education and a job and what-not that pretty much disqualifies me from today's courtrooms. Why? I think the lawyers on both sides want dull people on the jury. Each of them thinks he's the best bullshitter (occasionally the best honest thinker), and he doesn't want the stupid jury messing up his arguments by doing a lot of thinking.

There I was then, back waiting for that 15 bucks ... well, see, that's over One Million Dollars! 25 bucks in today's money, soo... as I got struck from the pool after "what do you do for a living?" Fine, but I did stick around for this DUI case to not have to spend a buck on gas for another trip. (I can't remember if that was the case I was to be a juror on, though.)

It sure looked like the cop didn't have any kind of beyond-a-reasonable-doubt case after the 1 hour or so of back-and-forth. Then, the defendant was asked a question about her recital of the alphabet backwards per the cop's instructions* during the traffic stop. For whatever reason, this defendant woman brought up something about "yeah, well I've been teaching my nephew the ABC's, so ..." The prosecutor asked her quickly how old her nephew was. She admitted he was a teenager. WTF?!

This is why lawyers will tell you what to say. I can be guilty of this same thing - just wanting to be friendly and chatty. Yeah, but why the lie? Maybe it was a mix-up regarding different cousins or something, but how in the heck did this prosecutor have this particular question ready? He must have kept a lot of information in his head, because he wouldn't have heard that "teaching the ABC's" bit before.

That was going to be it for her. Whether the lady was driving drunk as a skunk or not, once she was caught in a blatant lie, as silly and irrelevant as it was, the jury wasn't going to believe her anymore. Could this be the problem for the Hildabeast. Oh wait, she doesn't tell ANY truth, so it's a moot point.

I don't think I stuck around for the verdict. I got my 15 bucks and headed home.

* I don't know if they still do that stuff, BTW. I think I might do better drunk on that one ...

Adam Smith
Tuesday - October 6th 2020 2:41PM MST
PS: You're welcome Mr. Moderator...


Monday - October 5th 2020 5:20AM MST
PS: Catching up here, Mr. Smith thanks for the jury rights article and the modern heretic link. I just go around to looking at them.

Bill, as I wrote, I was in the kind of mode where money for anything but the house payment and utilities was almost non-existent but with plenty of time on my hands. At the value of the dollar then, I could have eaten for 2 or 3 days on that. I don't plan on being in that situation again!

Alarmist, from your comment on iSteve, did I get it right that you live in England now? Hopefully you won't get extradited by Mayor Di Blasio. That has international incident written all over it (thanks, Jerry Seinfeld!). If you go back to NYC and the immigration man doesn't catch you, make sure to put on that face mask. It's dangerous out there, you know ...
The Alarmist
Monday - October 5th 2020 3:12AM MST

I’m reminded of the old joke where a defendent raises an objection to the judge that he has the right to a trial by a jury of his peers, and none of the twelve are anywhere being near his peers.

In the several years I lived in NYC, I never received a call to jury duty. Several years after I expatriated, I returned to NYC on a business trip and was rudely interrupted with the fact that there was a bench warrant for failure to appear for jury duty after I was called for it two years after I had left NYC. I think they call this “sewer service” in New York.
Bill H
Wednesday - September 30th 2020 7:38AM MST
PS I've been on a jury twice, once federal, once state. Both times was promised $15/day. Both times was told the check would be mailed to me. Neither time did I get a check. Neither time felt like it was worth hassling with the court system to get the money.
Adam Smith
Wednesday - September 30th 2020 6:30AM MST
PS: Good morning Mr. Moderator...

While it does sound like (and could be) Cleveland, Detroit or Chicago it is actually none of the above. (You're on the right track though.)

I think the chances of the lawyers (especially) and the clerks having never partaken is exceedingly low. Cannabis isn't for everyone, but just about everyone has tried it by adulthood. It's safer than alcohol.

Funny how "the system" does not want informed jurors. Not much of a jury if the jurors are merely window dressing and rubber stamps. It would be horrible if some of the those prosecutors had lower conviction rates because the jurors were informed of jury nullification.





Keith Wood was finally exonerated by the Michigan supreme court, but it took five years to get there. Appallingly, there were two dissenting judges. Crazy.

Modern Heretic reviewed a Steve Sailer article last night...


Who ever he is, I guess he reads Sailer.

Tuesday - September 29th 2020 8:06PM MST
PS: Thanks for the anecdote, Mr. Smith. So the charming Charleston lady tainted that jury with the talk of the weed. What's the chances those lawyers or the clerks who request jurors have never partaken?

I could definitely see them banning you for that. (I'm not saying that'd be right.) Sounds like either Cleveland, Detroit or Chicago.
Adam Smith
Tuesday - September 29th 2020 9:15AM MST
PS: Good morning Mr. Moderator...

I know how to say the alphabet backwards. I avoided a DUI and a speeding ticket, one evening, years ago, with that fun little parlor trick. Cop let me go. He said I was funny.

"I think the lawyers on both sides want dull people on the jury."

I think the lawyers and the judge want dull people on the jury who will follow the judges jury instructions without question.

Once upon a time, I knew a lady from Charleston who moved to a small community in the mountains in a neighboring state. She spoke with a charming southern accent and wore upper class attire. Evidently the locals at the courthouse decided that they could count on her to follow the judges instructions, so she was consistently and often being summoned to jury duty.

Then one day, while they were choosing the jurors, one of the attorneys asked the potential jurors to raise their hand if they believed that it would ever be acceptable for someone to partake of the cannabis. The charming, well dressed lady was the first in the room to raise her hand, then others followed her lead. Needless to say, she was not selected for the jury that day. In fact, she has never been called for jury duty again. It’s been almost 20 years now. She still lives in the same small county.

I’ve only been called for jury duty once, about 25 years ago, in a large formerly prosperous rust belt city adjacent to a lake. When the bureaucrats in the courthouse learned of my belief in jury nullification, I was promptly relieved of my duty (conveniently enough as it was just before lunch) and forever purged from the potential juror pool. Never to be called for jury duty again.

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