Posted On: Saturday - March 20th 2021 4:01PM MST
In Topics:   Music  US Feral Government  Zhou Bai Dien
I realized, as soon as I started writing that his post has got the same point as a recent post called The Farewell to Kings didn't take. That's OK, it needs to be said again with this newest brouhaha about Old Joe Bidet slipping on the stairs on the way into Air Force 1.
Here's a headline I just saw while looking for another picture on this:
The news is all over the world. The Chinese are talking about it. (Outwardly mocking, but likely inwardly a little worried about their investment.) Hey, the reader should know that Peak Stupidity feels nothing weaker than deep distain for this President, A stumble is probably just a stumble though. I've done it, and Crazy Uncle Joe Bidet has quite a few years on me. True, it possibly shows that, yeah, he's an old man, and who knows how he really functions?
Go back 100 years, and only a few reporters would know, and likely not make a deal out of, the President stumbling like that. Well, there's TV and the internet now, so that's part of the problem here. Go back nearly 50 years, when everybody watched TV and you had Saturday Night Live with Chevy Chase imitating and exaggerating the goofing and bumbling of President Gerald Ford. It was in fun. I really don't think there was that much political to it. Also, nobody thought it as something to worry about. So what, he's a goofball (if that was even the case)? Is the problem now that any Blue-Squad President shall not be made fun of, so people spend hours analyzing a stumble instead.
Here's my point though: The bigger part of the problem with having to hear about the President stumbles for days, is that IT SHOULDN'T MATTER! There's a VP to take over (shudder). There's a Congress. This guy is not the freaking King!
All this reminds me of what one would hear about the Soviet Union back in the day. If Brezhnev coughed once, uh oh, what if he dies?! What kind of hell will we live in under the next guy?
Where is my beautiful Constitutional Republic? Where is that large automobile? How did we get here?
That Talking Heads song would be nice, but let's continue with the "Farewell to Kings" theme. Back in the post I'd thought we'd bid Farewell to Kings (on the 1/2-mast flag stupidity), we featured the title track of the 1977 Rush album A Farewell to Kings, and longer ago, when writing about Ayn Rand, we featured out favorite off the album, Closer to the Heart.
From the same great album here is Cinderella Man:
Yeah, we'll get on this Oriental massage parlor dealy next week. Enjoy the rest of the weekend PSers, and thank you very much for reading, and listening too!
Tuesday - March 23rd 2021 7:05PM MST
RE: "I remember that 'don't have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore line' from my parents"
What did they say about it?
RE: "I remember that 'don't have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore line' from my parents"
What did they say about it?
Monday - March 22nd 2021 4:26PM MST
PS: I remember that "don't have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore line" from my parents, Mr. Hail. I read that Pat Buchanan book and the review is here:
I meant to write a few more posts on some pieces of history in "The Greatest Comeback", but I'm not sure if I can figure out what they were going to be anymore - still got the book though.
I meant to write a few more posts on some pieces of history in "The Greatest Comeback", but I'm not sure if I can figure out what they were going to be anymore - still got the book though.
Monday - March 22nd 2021 3:33PM MST
PS Hail: Guilty as charged. Intentionally, with knowledge aforethought, I cribbed Nixon’s line. Without attribution.
Sunday - March 21st 2021 10:06PM MST
"Go back nearly 50 years, when everybody watched TV and you had Saturday Night Live with Chevy Chase imitating and exaggerating the goofing and bumbling of President Gerald Ford. It was in fun. I really don't think there was that much political to it."
Fall 1975(?), Chevy Chase starts portraying Gerald Ford as a bumbling buffoon on Season 1 of SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, one year ahead of election vs. a super-smart peanut farmer from Georgia.
Looking back on the Nov 1976 election am surprised to see how close it was: if just 20,000 votes shifted from Carter-->Ford in Wisconsin and 6000 shifted Carter-->Ford in Ohio, Ford would have been elected president.
Might portraying Ford as a bumbling buffoon have been enough to shift those votes?
I note in passing that if Steve Sailer is really born Dec 1958, he missed by only weeks being able to vote in Nov 1976 for Ford or Carter or Other. He turned 18 a few weeks after voting day.
"Go back nearly 50 years, when everybody watched TV and you had Saturday Night Live with Chevy Chase imitating and exaggerating the goofing and bumbling of President Gerald Ford. It was in fun. I really don't think there was that much political to it."
Fall 1975(?), Chevy Chase starts portraying Gerald Ford as a bumbling buffoon on Season 1 of SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, one year ahead of election vs. a super-smart peanut farmer from Georgia.
Looking back on the Nov 1976 election am surprised to see how close it was: if just 20,000 votes shifted from Carter-->Ford in Wisconsin and 6000 shifted Carter-->Ford in Ohio, Ford would have been elected president.
Might portraying Ford as a bumbling buffoon have been enough to shift those votes?
I note in passing that if Steve Sailer is really born Dec 1958, he missed by only weeks being able to vote in Nov 1976 for Ford or Carter or Other. He turned 18 a few weeks after voting day.
Sunday - March 21st 2021 9:51PM MST
RE: MBlanc46
"The Left consider no Repub legitimate, and have not done so in my lifetime. So, at least since Truman. Ike was popular enough that they had to lay off him, but since then, the Press attacks every Repub pres and lionizes every Dem. It has gotten worse, of course, but it is not new. As there will not be another Repub pres, it will be interesting to watch how they react to not having a Repub to kick around."
I am reminded of Nixon, including by that line "kick around
("Appearing before 100 reporters at the Beverly Hilton Hotel [November 1962], an embittered Nixon lashed out at the media, proclaiming that 'you don't have Nixon to kick around any more, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference'.")
After the 1960 campaign, his opponent Kennedy himself expressed shock at the constant media harassment of Nixon, saying:
"Dick Nixon is the victim of the worst press that ever hit a politician in this country. What the did to him...was disgusting." (Quoted in Pat Buchanan's 2014 book THE GREATEST COMEBACK.)
RE: MBlanc46
"The Left consider no Repub legitimate, and have not done so in my lifetime. So, at least since Truman. Ike was popular enough that they had to lay off him, but since then, the Press attacks every Repub pres and lionizes every Dem. It has gotten worse, of course, but it is not new. As there will not be another Repub pres, it will be interesting to watch how they react to not having a Repub to kick around."
I am reminded of Nixon, including by that line "kick around
("Appearing before 100 reporters at the Beverly Hilton Hotel [November 1962], an embittered Nixon lashed out at the media, proclaiming that 'you don't have Nixon to kick around any more, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference'.")
After the 1960 campaign, his opponent Kennedy himself expressed shock at the constant media harassment of Nixon, saying:
"Dick Nixon is the victim of the worst press that ever hit a politician in this country. What the did to him...was disgusting." (Quoted in Pat Buchanan's 2014 book THE GREATEST COMEBACK.)
Sunday - March 21st 2021 4:17PM MST
PS: I've heard that theory, Alarmist. I think your last bit says it, though. I don't think this country will have much of a working Constitution by 7 years from now (a one year wait, then off the guy, then just under 2, + 4, then that last term.
Sunday - March 21st 2021 4:14PM MST
PS: Mr. Ganderson and Mr. Smith: I knew a guy that had a big Canadian flag on his apartment wall. He didn't sound Canadian. It turned out he was just that much of a Rush fan.
Mr. Blanc, you are probably right, thatI am being too generous to the entertainment business of the 1970s.
Mr. Blanc, you are probably right, thatI am being too generous to the entertainment business of the 1970s.
Sunday - March 21st 2021 1:30PM MST
Canadian Content, eh?
Canadian Content, eh?
Adam Smith
Sunday - March 21st 2021 11:15AM MST
PS: Good morning Mr. Moderator...
Luv, Luv, Luv Cinderella Man. I love the whole album really.
What a different world it was in 1977.
Luv, Luv, Luv Cinderella Man. I love the whole album really.
What a different world it was in 1977.
Sunday - March 21st 2021 9:28AM MST
PS Old Uncle Joe has even a few years on me. It is right and proper that the pres is older than I am. The one thing that I REALLY hated Obama for was that he was my junior. And by quite a bit. I wasn’t in the US when Chevy Chase was on SNL. But I do remember the atmosphere of the time. Yes, the anti-Ford skit was political. The Left consider no Repub legitimate, and have not done so in my lifetime. So, at least since Truman. Ike was popular enough that they had to lay off him, but since then, the Press attacks every Repub pres and lionizes every Dem. It has gotten worse, of course, but it is not new. As there will not be another Repub pres, it will be interesting to watch how they react to not having a Repub to kick around.
By-Tor and the Snowdog
Sunday - March 21st 2021 8:46AM MST
PS Great four panel meme shows Putin, Xi, Lil' Kim NorKo all on the phone with Xi say saying you on here bro to a smiling Putin who is on the right then comrade Xi says hold on call waiting and Kimster is in the fourth right panel saying you see that Bros!
Go get em faculty lounge heroes the world trembles in fear of Dementia Joe and Heels up, pack another choom bong and marvel at your magnificence with Chicago Jesus, the one!
Go get em faculty lounge heroes the world trembles in fear of Dementia Joe and Heels up, pack another choom bong and marvel at your magnificence with Chicago Jesus, the one!
Sunday - March 21st 2021 8:11AM MST
PS: Where is that large automobile?
I had a late '60s Olds 98 Hearse for a while. Couldn't fit it in a standard garage and close the door. Got almost five miles to the gallon.
But it sure was a smooth ride.
I had a late '60s Olds 98 Hearse for a while. Couldn't fit it in a standard garage and close the door. Got almost five miles to the gallon.
But it sure was a smooth ride.
The Alarmist
Sunday - March 21st 2021 7:31AM MST
The one freaking out the most right now might be Kamala ... she needs Creepy Joe to hang in there until he reaches the two-year mark so that she gets a full ten years as the official POTUS ... if she takes over before Joe reaches year two, she only gets one more term after completing his... assuming they don’t suspend the Constitution on national security grounds by then.
The one freaking out the most right now might be Kamala ... she needs Creepy Joe to hang in there until he reaches the two-year mark so that she gets a full ten years as the official POTUS ... if she takes over before Joe reaches year two, she only gets one more term after completing his... assuming they don’t suspend the Constitution on national security grounds by then.
Sunday - March 21st 2021 7:07AM MST
PS Ford himself was amused by Chevy Chase’s antics- for a lifetime hack pol he seemed pretty normal.
Back in the late 70s there was a play called “The Basement Tapes”, the premise being a get together in Gerry Ford’s basement with Ford, Nixon, and G. Gordon Liddy. I was amused at the time, although I was still a pseudo commie back hen. I’m guessing that it would be pretty dated today.
Was there any sport being had with Slow Joe’s slip-and-fall on SNL? I’d guess no, unless they had DJT tripping him from under the stairs.
Back in the late 70s there was a play called “The Basement Tapes”, the premise being a get together in Gerry Ford’s basement with Ford, Nixon, and G. Gordon Liddy. I was amused at the time, although I was still a pseudo commie back hen. I’m guessing that it would be pretty dated today.
Was there any sport being had with Slow Joe’s slip-and-fall on SNL? I’d guess no, unless they had DJT tripping him from under the stairs.
As you know from "The Greatest Comeback", it was not so completely one-sided back then with the print media, which was, of course, much bigger than it is now. Nixon had his editor friends . As I recall, Pat went up to New Hampshire to visit with a newspaper editor who was a big Nixon supporter.