Posted On: Wednesday - July 28th 2021 11:14AM MST
In Topics:   Curmudgeonry  Peak Stupidity Roadshow
(This is pretty much a continuation of this post from yesterday, with just another example that I hadn't gotten to.)

After discussing why one doesn't always need to use the turn signal, assuming his is what VW called a driver., we'll give an example of when not using one just results in traffic stupidity. There was no collision or even hazard, but this one is much like the story in our Instant Karma at the Intersection*. As opposed to that previous post, in which I didn't make a diagram, this one is easier to follow.
There is a half-mile long wide two-lane road that I use a lot. I mean W-I-D-E, as in it may have been originally intended for 4 lanes. Though they have put bike path lines on both sides, that room is still there, as there is no steady flow of bicyclists. People drive faster than the limit, probably 35-45 mph in the 30 mph zone, because that IS pretty safe, with no view obstructions of any sort.
Where I was ready to turn left into a parking lot, there is an entryway on the other side, to a park, that is less than 100 ft. past my turn. People will get confused when one guy is taking a left out from one side, and the other guy taking a left out of the other. It's pretty friendly. I put my left turn signal on to indicate my intention to go left into the parking lot. The opposing traffic was basically this one guy in his truck. He had no signal light on though. Maybe he was slowing down to answer the phone, make a LIKE, or order a pizza - I didn't freaking know. I wasn't yet ready to turn right in front of him, though, without that left turn signal from him.
Well, the guy could have turned left into the park if he wanted, as I had MY signal on. (Yeah, I checked afterwards to make sure it was working**) Nope, he was waiting for me, but why?. A few seconds of stand-off time later, and, OK, let's just go.
Again, all the driver did was hold himself up by not communicating what he wanted to do. It's another 1st World problem caused by a 3rd World mentality. "I don't care." "OK, well, I gotta know what your plan is buddy, or you'll lean on your horn and cuss me out, if I pull in front of you. Call it."
* There's also another "intersectional" (not in the iSteve sense) post, after that one called More Intersectional Stupidity. It was not about signal lights.
** There is usually an indication, whether digital or the old analog circuit in which the inside indicator light blinks twice as fast.
Thursday - July 29th 2021 1:33AM MST
PS: No, that's not my style, Alarmist. Even in the daytime, but obviously at night, I assume that drivers can't see me, until I can actually see their eyes. You're putting on the signal was more than enough effort to get along with the guy.
It's gotten more dangerous to ride since the smart phones have come out.
It's gotten more dangerous to ride since the smart phones have come out.
The Alarmist
Wednesday - July 28th 2021 12:34PM MST
I had a bicyclist try to pass me on the right as I was signalling and pulling in to the right to park. He was nowhere near me when I signalled and pulled in. He then comes around to shout at me before riding off into the night dressed in black with no tail light.
I had a bicyclist try to pass me on the right as I was signalling and pulling in to the right to park. He was nowhere near me when I signalled and pulled in. He then comes around to shout at me before riding off into the night dressed in black with no tail light.
In his book on emotions, Jack Katz says that “A-hole” is the most common term of endearment that drivers use for other drivers.