Posted On: Wednesday - December 15th 2021 7:05PM MST
In Topics:   History  Globalists  Geography  Peak Stupidity Roadshow
(Continued from Part 1.)

I started reading the ..pdf file book that commenter Adam Smith kindly found and linked to in the comments for us that "Robert Christian", creator of the Georgia Guidestones, wrote. It's only 125 pages of fairly large text and easy reading, so I got about 1/4 of the way through in 1/2 hour before life intervened today. Because I'm not through, I'll leave plenty of other interesting discussion about the Georgia Guidestones - some already started/covered in the comment under Part 1 - aside till I am.
This post is as close to a tour-guide version as Peak Stupidity can get. Really, that's not very close, as for example, the first advice for the visiting tourist from us is, as usual*, Don't spend the whole time taking selfies! It's not like there aren't pictures of this monument on the internet - just look at the top right here. You can photoshop yourself in and save the gas for airfare, but you really ought to have more trust from your friends, family, and blog readers such that they will believe you really were there. It's not like a picture of your finish in an Ironman. Even Peak Stupidity readers, as cynical as they are likely to be, will believe I was there without pictures that would destroy anonymity. You do, right?
Why go here at all nowadays, since one can get everything on these stones, and the base and plaque, off the internet? I guess one could say that for historic tourist destinations of all sorts, but there's something about being there. I'm glad we went.
If you're driving an hour or 3, I'd say just give yourself about an hour at the site before you get bored and need to drive into Elberton for Taco Bell (then, because it was locked up due to PanicFest after-affects, we crossed the street to KFC). Granted, if you came across the ocean because this is something you just HAD TO see, well, go to lunch, come back for another coupla' hours and sit in the sunshine to show that it was all worth it.
As I wrote, nobody came from too awfully far during the hour we were there. Two 20-something guys came from Upstate South Carolina, about an hour and a half drive for them, and one of them told me he was pretty into this thing, and he had come a few times before. He was no fanatic of any sort. There were families from the eastern suburbs of Atlanta, one from Lawrenceville. The kids of various ages got bored after 20 minutes and went running around the 5 acre property. (I believe that is the brighter green area shown in the aerial photo last time - that'd be a square 467 ft each side - looks about right.)
Seeing as there were about 5 "parties"** there at a time, maybe 8 during our hour there, I suppose that day could have seen a couple of hundred visitors trickle in. However, this was a really nice day.
There's no visitor's log. What kind of Globalist illuminati types wouldn't leave a visitor's log that they could use to come get us later? Just sayin'...
Besides the "just being there" thing, as witness to something kinda different and a little spooky, there is the construction of it to admire. Of course there are buildings, bridges, and towers that are much more impressive, engineering-wise. It's still something that this J.C. Christian and his backers spent the effort to make this modern-day Stonehenge. When we compare the quality here to the Stonehenge in England, we can really take to heart the complete BS inherent in the believers in the noble savages or just primitives of pre-modern times and their "building with their bare hands, what we still can't do today". C'mon, man! See our old post The great works of the ancients ... with no Caterpillars for more, but I'll just say for now that, 41 years later, these polished stones with professional engraving have stood up nicely. Well, Stonehenge 1.0 is a lot older, come to think of it, so that'll be a great comparison post for later: Stonehenge v Georgia Guidestones. There was one slight screw up in manufacturing on one of them, I noticed.
Speaking of all that, there is that astronomical aspect to this monument. Really, it isn't much, and the .pdf that Mr. Smith rounded up doesn't have too much to say about this part. I guess if you build something like this, you feel obligated to include a sundial...
Nah, don't pay for an airline ticket just for this. If you can include a stop by while on a trip taking you within 100 miles, well, why not? The best things about a visit to the Georgia Guidestones - there are no mouthy tour guides, and this one must have been left out of the Chinese charter tour routes! (Too many drivers getting lost and letting the GPS steer them toward the other Stonehenge?)
* For starters we have at least 2 posts that mention this: At the Beach and The Ugly Chinaman.
** Hey, that might be a really good place for a party at night, UGa students! (The gate gets locked, but it doesn't mean much.)
The Alarmist
Friday - December 17th 2021 11:13AM MST
Just a coïncidence it resembles the beast described in Revelations.
Just a coïncidence it resembles the beast described in Revelations.
Friday - December 17th 2021 7:53AM MST
PS: "Have you seen the Beast of Revelation statue that the global Soviet UN has put up? It looks like some predator cat with rainbow wings and the artist may have found the last of whatever Bosch was ingesting."
I take it this is outside or in the lobby of the UN building in NYC? If so, I doubt I'll ever end up seeing it in person.
I take it this is outside or in the lobby of the UN building in NYC? If so, I doubt I'll ever end up seeing it in person.
Friday - December 17th 2021 6:51AM MST
PS: Mr. Hail, I erred about the 1-child policy of China - I'd thought it started right after Mao died (1976), but I now know it was around 1980. In that case, of course, at the point the Guidestones were carved, there was no such thing.
I'd also thought that the .pdf Mr. Smith linked us to was from the time the monument was being built. I just now checked the date on it. (I thought your 1986 quote must have been from later writings of his.) Maybe it is not in this book, but I haven't gotten past the part on America voting rights yet.
So, yes, when Mr. Christian wrote this book, he knew about the one-child policy. Also, as you wrote, by 1986, but NOT NECESSARILY in 1979, most people were well aware that some massive population boom HERE was not a problem (other than from massive immigration, and even Peter Brimelow was probably not aware of that yet, by '86!)
I'd also thought that the .pdf Mr. Smith linked us to was from the time the monument was being built. I just now checked the date on it. (I thought your 1986 quote must have been from later writings of his.) Maybe it is not in this book, but I haven't gotten past the part on America voting rights yet.
So, yes, when Mr. Christian wrote this book, he knew about the one-child policy. Also, as you wrote, by 1986, but NOT NECESSARILY in 1979, most people were well aware that some massive population boom HERE was not a problem (other than from massive immigration, and even Peter Brimelow was probably not aware of that yet, by '86!)
Friday - December 17th 2021 6:34AM MST
PS: Hardee's flame broiled burgers. I think they combined with Carl's Junior (out of California?) at the least. Hardee's used to be rival to McDonalds as far as popularity. They are few and far between now.
Mr. Hail, I am glad to see that you have a new post up. I will read it this morning, likely comment, and for sure link to it in a post soon.
Mr. Hail, I am glad to see that you have a new post up. I will read it this morning, likely comment, and for sure link to it in a post soon.
The Alarmist
Friday - December 17th 2021 5:00AM MST
@YMECW ... The Great Escape 2021, Oz Edition. They just don’t make them like they used to, I guess.
I used to occasionally take the old US Highways through Georgia, and if there was a good smokehouse in the area, you could smell the hickory or whatever they were using for the smoke from miles away. However, one thing I noticed on the stretches from Macon to Waycross was that Hardees was pretty much near the center of every town and seemed like the center of too many peoples’ lives. This was the ‘80s, so it would not be surprising to hear that the other Satanic Brands had moved in en masse.
@YMECW ... The Great Escape 2021, Oz Edition. They just don’t make them like they used to, I guess.
I used to occasionally take the old US Highways through Georgia, and if there was a good smokehouse in the area, you could smell the hickory or whatever they were using for the smoke from miles away. However, one thing I noticed on the stretches from Macon to Waycross was that Hardees was pretty much near the center of every town and seemed like the center of too many peoples’ lives. This was the ‘80s, so it would not be surprising to hear that the other Satanic Brands had moved in en masse.
You Must Escape Clown World
Thursday - December 16th 2021 9:50PM MST
PS Toxic Smell, Taco Hell, just some of the names we give the Frankenfood stops locally.
That diet is a major contributor to Peak Stupidity but not nearly as bad as the chicken shack with the house of worship name.
May a gargantuan lightning bolt strike or hell mouth open up under the Georgia Guidestones.
Have you seen the Beast of Revelation statue that the global Soviet UN has put up?
It looks like some predator cat with rainbow wings and the artist may have found the last of whatever Bosch was ingesting.
Three people escaped the Oz concentration camp!
Hip hip hurray! (x3).
That diet is a major contributor to Peak Stupidity but not nearly as bad as the chicken shack with the house of worship name.
May a gargantuan lightning bolt strike or hell mouth open up under the Georgia Guidestones.
Have you seen the Beast of Revelation statue that the global Soviet UN has put up?
It looks like some predator cat with rainbow wings and the artist may have found the last of whatever Bosch was ingesting.
Three people escaped the Oz concentration camp!
Hip hip hurray! (x3).
Thursday - December 16th 2021 8:50PM MST
In other news: I was mentioned for I think the first time at VDare by longtime regular writer there James Fulford:
I'm glad they posted about and transcribed my "find"." It is one of the first times Sam Francis used "anarcho-tyranny" in writing. I posted the column in this very comment section two months ago----which means VDare now catches up to Peak Stupidity on that count. I had a mind to do it but if it's on VDare it'll have a whole lot more exposure.
In other news: I was mentioned for I think the first time at VDare by longtime regular writer there James Fulford:
I'm glad they posted about and transcribed my "find"." It is one of the first times Sam Francis used "anarcho-tyranny" in writing. I posted the column in this very comment section two months ago----which means VDare now catches up to Peak Stupidity on that count. I had a mind to do it but if it's on VDare it'll have a whole lot more exposure.
Thursday - December 16th 2021 8:46PM MST
Proposal: A "Robert Christian decade-of-birth guessing game."
My bet: 1930s.
Second guess: 1920s.
I say this based on the following assumptions: (1) that he was/is an American; (2) that the world he knew as a young adult was one of high fertility, i.e. my guess is that he was of impressionable age between about 1942 and 1965. His overpopulation concerns reflect that.
I'm guessing he was of middle age by the time of the big fertility transition. It can be really hard to recognize a historical wave when you're riding on the crest of one; you think you're still on the previous wave but you're on a new one, but your attention is on the open sea and maneuvering through it. (It makes me wonder what we of the present are missing right now.) And seldom have fundamentals changed so much as they did between about 1960 and 1980, first for the Christian-West, and others to some extent have followed with their own local flavors.
We're now talking about China as a country with terrible demographics set to age even faster than Japan (depending on whose estimates on China births you believe).
Even so, some of his statements could still apply in our time, the 2020s (yes, the worst decade yet; a shabby excuse for a decade, with the neverending waves of top-down imposed "flu-like illness" panics, inflation, crime, and more, and perhaps the worst ruling class we've ever had).
These days the general point which he says applies to Japan and the Netherlands is really mostly about Black Africa, a highly inconvenient fact for peace-love-n-harmony types like the good Mr R C Christian. And it's going to be especially difficult if operating under the present US regime or its satellites---the "satellites" definable as anywhere which had "Black Lives Matter" protests in mid-2020 (and in many cases the student exceeds the teacher on this), which not by coincidence all have low fertility.
Proposal: A "Robert Christian decade-of-birth guessing game."
My bet: 1930s.
Second guess: 1920s.
I say this based on the following assumptions: (1) that he was/is an American; (2) that the world he knew as a young adult was one of high fertility, i.e. my guess is that he was of impressionable age between about 1942 and 1965. His overpopulation concerns reflect that.
I'm guessing he was of middle age by the time of the big fertility transition. It can be really hard to recognize a historical wave when you're riding on the crest of one; you think you're still on the previous wave but you're on a new one, but your attention is on the open sea and maneuvering through it. (It makes me wonder what we of the present are missing right now.) And seldom have fundamentals changed so much as they did between about 1960 and 1980, first for the Christian-West, and others to some extent have followed with their own local flavors.
We're now talking about China as a country with terrible demographics set to age even faster than Japan (depending on whose estimates on China births you believe).
Even so, some of his statements could still apply in our time, the 2020s (yes, the worst decade yet; a shabby excuse for a decade, with the neverending waves of top-down imposed "flu-like illness" panics, inflation, crime, and more, and perhaps the worst ruling class we've ever had).
These days the general point which he says applies to Japan and the Netherlands is really mostly about Black Africa, a highly inconvenient fact for peace-love-n-harmony types like the good Mr R C Christian. And it's going to be especially difficult if operating under the present US regime or its satellites---the "satellites" definable as anywhere which had "Black Lives Matter" protests in mid-2020 (and in many cases the student exceeds the teacher on this), which not by coincidence all have low fertility.
Thursday - December 16th 2021 8:38PM MST
RE: Robert Christian book talk
I, too, appreciate this treatise for what it is, which is as a kind of historical document indicating what dissident freethinkers of the 1970s-80s era were thinking.
You could even consider it a pre-Internet version of some of the types of characters you'd see on the Unz Review, except more love-dovey than the usual Unz Review fare----which tends towards the angry and, frankly, sometimes towards the hateful (but both cases may be a reflection of the times; the 2010s-20s do seem legitimately worse to live in in cultural-social-political senses than the 1970s-80s).
On China's one-child policy:
"No major power except China has indicated an awareness
of the problems of overpopulation" --Robert Christian, 1986
Comment: He is simply wrong on this. Every White-Christian nation HAD by the 1980s "indicated an awareness," and had their money where their awareness was. All had transitioned to sub-replacement fertility, with no real prospect of recovery, and flash forward four decades to the 2020s (the worst decade of the new century so far) and we've all been steady sub-replacement.
RE: Robert Christian book talk
I, too, appreciate this treatise for what it is, which is as a kind of historical document indicating what dissident freethinkers of the 1970s-80s era were thinking.
You could even consider it a pre-Internet version of some of the types of characters you'd see on the Unz Review, except more love-dovey than the usual Unz Review fare----which tends towards the angry and, frankly, sometimes towards the hateful (but both cases may be a reflection of the times; the 2010s-20s do seem legitimately worse to live in in cultural-social-political senses than the 1970s-80s).
On China's one-child policy:
"No major power except China has indicated an awareness
of the problems of overpopulation" --Robert Christian, 1986
Comment: He is simply wrong on this. Every White-Christian nation HAD by the 1980s "indicated an awareness," and had their money where their awareness was. All had transitioned to sub-replacement fertility, with no real prospect of recovery, and flash forward four decades to the 2020s (the worst decade of the new century so far) and we've all been steady sub-replacement.
Thursday - December 16th 2021 8:05PM MST
PS: Mr. Hail, I have enjoyed reading what I have of Mr. Christian's book so far. Nuclear annihilation and the population's outstripping natural resources are the worries that he starts out with, pretty appropriate for the era.
Go a little farther, and you'll find that, although some of it is contradictory (Libertarianism by diktat, it seem like, in parts of this), this guy is a strong supporter of Eugenics! The "i-" word, immigration, is not mentioned, but he specifically says that countries that CAN control their populations should not be subject to overflows of people from countries that CAN'T.
I am enjoying the part where he is discussing the voting franchise in America. I haven't finished that part, but it sure seems to be leading to that he liked the 18th and 19th century voting rights. (I'll see shortly.)
I will be sure to put a post or two up about R.C. Christian's book that should have accompanied the Guidestones (but, how, keep a bunch of paperback copies at the site?) It's also easy reading and not too high-brow.
Yes, the religion does not go along any specific lines, and the author noted early on that he wouldn't be too specific about countries (he used another term that I need to find). At some points, he couldn't help himself, and also, being an American at a time when it was definitely the leader of the free world, he focuses strongly on our country.
Did you see the part about overpopulation in Haiti, Japan, and Holland, Mr. Hail, like there was ANY kind of parallel? That was a bit of a laugh, but then he got to the Eugenics, and I gained more respect for his intelligence.
I have a question about whether he knew about China's one-child policy when he wrote this, which was only 3 years or so old at the time. Not many people knew what was going on in China in those years, but also this guy may not have read up anyway.
Without a lot of detail, the book is still very interesting, and thank you again, Adam. There won't be any posts tonight, but I'll get back on this, with no discussion of the 10 suggestions before I finish this .pdf book.
Go a little farther, and you'll find that, although some of it is contradictory (Libertarianism by diktat, it seem like, in parts of this), this guy is a strong supporter of Eugenics! The "i-" word, immigration, is not mentioned, but he specifically says that countries that CAN control their populations should not be subject to overflows of people from countries that CAN'T.
I am enjoying the part where he is discussing the voting franchise in America. I haven't finished that part, but it sure seems to be leading to that he liked the 18th and 19th century voting rights. (I'll see shortly.)
I will be sure to put a post or two up about R.C. Christian's book that should have accompanied the Guidestones (but, how, keep a bunch of paperback copies at the site?) It's also easy reading and not too high-brow.
Yes, the religion does not go along any specific lines, and the author noted early on that he wouldn't be too specific about countries (he used another term that I need to find). At some points, he couldn't help himself, and also, being an American at a time when it was definitely the leader of the free world, he focuses strongly on our country.
Did you see the part about overpopulation in Haiti, Japan, and Holland, Mr. Hail, like there was ANY kind of parallel? That was a bit of a laugh, but then he got to the Eugenics, and I gained more respect for his intelligence.
I have a question about whether he knew about China's one-child policy when he wrote this, which was only 3 years or so old at the time. Not many people knew what was going on in China in those years, but also this guy may not have read up anyway.
Without a lot of detail, the book is still very interesting, and thank you again, Adam. There won't be any posts tonight, but I'll get back on this, with no discussion of the 10 suggestions before I finish this .pdf book.
Thursday - December 16th 2021 7:08PM MST
This manifesto COMMON SENSE RENEWED by Robert Christian has lots in it which strongly roots it in a specific time and place.
(The pdf copy we have, thanks to Adam Smith's efforts, is purported to be an exact facsimile of the 1986 original, from what I can tell. Why did he publish only in 1986? Weren't the "guidestones" from 1980-81?).
Passage One, quote from COMMON SENSE RENEWED:
"We and the Soviet Union are directing vast resources and intense intellectual effort to the exploration of space. This is not intrinsically wrong, but it diverts attention from much more pressing problems. We must all rearrange our priorities to reflect a logical appraisal of the more urgent political dilemmas which confront us." (end quote)
In the few decades after this writing, the USA itself kind of abandoned space.
Passage Two:
"America and Russia in recent memory worked together to contain the aggression of Hitler. Is it not within the range of possibility that these two powers, as dominant members of the human family, could again join in leading the entire community of nations to the acceptance of basic international law, applied through world courts of justice, and enforced by the moral, economic, and military forces of the entire family?" (end quote)
These are all the concerns of mid-20th-century liberals, except the writer was clearly influence by some New Age-y type religion (also big at the time, pound-for-pound bigger than now, I think), and some of the religious discussion basically reminds me of the Bahai religion, or maybe Unitarian Universalism.
This manifesto COMMON SENSE RENEWED by Robert Christian has lots in it which strongly roots it in a specific time and place.
(The pdf copy we have, thanks to Adam Smith's efforts, is purported to be an exact facsimile of the 1986 original, from what I can tell. Why did he publish only in 1986? Weren't the "guidestones" from 1980-81?).
Passage One, quote from COMMON SENSE RENEWED:
"We and the Soviet Union are directing vast resources and intense intellectual effort to the exploration of space. This is not intrinsically wrong, but it diverts attention from much more pressing problems. We must all rearrange our priorities to reflect a logical appraisal of the more urgent political dilemmas which confront us." (end quote)
In the few decades after this writing, the USA itself kind of abandoned space.
Passage Two:
"America and Russia in recent memory worked together to contain the aggression of Hitler. Is it not within the range of possibility that these two powers, as dominant members of the human family, could again join in leading the entire community of nations to the acceptance of basic international law, applied through world courts of justice, and enforced by the moral, economic, and military forces of the entire family?" (end quote)
These are all the concerns of mid-20th-century liberals, except the writer was clearly influence by some New Age-y type religion (also big at the time, pound-for-pound bigger than now, I think), and some of the religious discussion basically reminds me of the Bahai religion, or maybe Unitarian Universalism.
Thursday - December 16th 2021 5:01PM MST
PS: I just checked a couple out on line from Adam's link. Banks BBQ looks pretty darn good - MOAR planning next time. (Except my wife is a health nut and won't go for that stuff too often. Then, again she couldn't give a rat's hootie about going to see this American Stonehenge either.
Thursday - December 16th 2021 4:58PM MST
PS: Ahh, what'd I start with this Taco Bell/KFC business! I do have a weakness for it sometimes, but then I really wanted to get to a sit-down restaurant, yes with BBQ as first choice on the way home. Nobody was as helpful on the internet as I drove around looking, as Mr. Smith here has been. The other guys were in a hurry, but then my boy was also up for the fast food. "You gotta please everyone else, but you can't please yourself." Not quite right, but from that old "Garden Party" song.
(I just didn't see much that I was sure was open in that small downtown though.) There may be a next time, maybe with Stone Mountain thrown in there.
(I just didn't see much that I was sure was open in that small downtown though.) There may be a next time, maybe with Stone Mountain thrown in there.
Adam Smith
Thursday - December 16th 2021 12:03PM MST
PS: Good afternoon everyone...
“Even Peak Stupidity readers, as cynical as they are likely to be, will believe I was there without pictures that would destroy anonymity. You do, right?”
I did. Now, I'm not so sure. 🙃
In all fairness to Achmed, RestaurantGuru ranks TacoBell as the 14th best restaurant in Elberton...
(KFC ranks 21st)
If you're in the mood for BBQ...
There is no 9th best on the list, so I guess this makes TacoBell the 13th best restaurant in Elberton (KFC 20th)...
I've never been to Elberton, (well, only once to help a friend move his trailer at his hunt camp,)
but I'd probably try one of these...
Imperial Lounge and Grill - 245 College Ave, Elberton
Richards - 19 N McIntosh St, Elberton
La Fogata - 235 Elbert St, Elberton
3 Reinas - 113 N McIntosh St, Elberton
White’s Old South BBQ - 895 -A Elbert ST, Elberton
El Rinconcito Michoacano - 304 Elbert St, Elberton
Banks Barbecue - 1008 Oglesby Blvd Ext, Elberton
“Even Peak Stupidity readers, as cynical as they are likely to be, will believe I was there without pictures that would destroy anonymity. You do, right?”
I did. Now, I'm not so sure. 🙃
In all fairness to Achmed, RestaurantGuru ranks TacoBell as the 14th best restaurant in Elberton...
(KFC ranks 21st)
If you're in the mood for BBQ...
There is no 9th best on the list, so I guess this makes TacoBell the 13th best restaurant in Elberton (KFC 20th)...
I've never been to Elberton, (well, only once to help a friend move his trailer at his hunt camp,)
but I'd probably try one of these...
Imperial Lounge and Grill - 245 College Ave, Elberton
Richards - 19 N McIntosh St, Elberton
La Fogata - 235 Elbert St, Elberton
3 Reinas - 113 N McIntosh St, Elberton
White’s Old South BBQ - 895 -A Elbert ST, Elberton
El Rinconcito Michoacano - 304 Elbert St, Elberton
Banks Barbecue - 1008 Oglesby Blvd Ext, Elberton
Thursday - December 16th 2021 6:19AM MST
PS: I drove us through downtown, Alarmist, in the afternoon looking, but didn't see anything like that. That'd have been my choice too. The town had about 2 blocks of real business, but I didn't see the rib joint. Why not on the way home is another story.
The Alarmist
Thursday - December 16th 2021 5:13AM MST
BTW, you went to Taco Bell in a state filled with good rib & bbq joints?
As DJT might tweet, Sad!
BTW, you went to Taco Bell in a state filled with good rib & bbq joints?
As DJT might tweet, Sad!
Dieter Kief
Thursday - December 16th 2021 3:24AM MST
PS - Mod. I want to tell ya - : - P. J. O'Rourke talked about the dolphins 1987 in a Rolling Stone article which is reprinted in his book Age and Guile (p. 232).
In the same book (p. xiii) he writes about being stupid, if that rings - 'xcuse me - a(taco) bell for ya?! - as the main thing he focused on while tackling international affairs for Rolling Stone magazine:"(...) whenever soemthing stupid is happening internationally, I'm there being stupid about it."
In the same book (p. xiii) he writes about being stupid, if that rings - 'xcuse me - a(taco) bell for ya?! - as the main thing he focused on while tackling international affairs for Rolling Stone magazine:"(...) whenever soemthing stupid is happening internationally, I'm there being stupid about it."
Thursday - December 16th 2021 2:50AM MST
PS: Yes, I have no excuse for not having gone to Stone Mountain already, Alarmist. I hope I can report that the Rebels are still there.
The Alarmist
Thursday - December 16th 2021 1:42AM MST
I don’t know if they’ve dynamited or covered the offending bas-relief yet, but the next site worth a side trip is Stone Mountain.
I don’t know if they’ve dynamited or covered the offending bas-relief yet, but the next site worth a side trip is Stone Mountain.
Wednesday - December 15th 2021 10:59PM MST
PS: Taco Hell. A friend's choice, Robert! I was just along for the ride on that one, haha.
Wednesday - December 15th 2021 8:13PM MST
PS: Taco Bell!? TACO BELL!!??
Or should it be:
Taco Bell?! TACO BELL??!!
OK, this looks right:
Taco Bell‽ TACO BELL‽‽
The Interrobang, almost as well named as the Octothorpe.
Or should it be:
Taco Bell?! TACO BELL??!!
OK, this looks right:
Taco Bell‽ TACO BELL‽‽
The Interrobang, almost as well named as the Octothorpe.
Congratulations, Mr. Hail, for your appearance on Vdare's blog.
Good job on the internet sleuthing. Thanks for your efforts.
“Robert Christian decade-of-birth guessing game.”
Third guess: 1910's
About that statue...
A “guardian for international peace and security” sits on the Visitor's Plaza outside UN Headquarters.
The guardian is a fusion of jaguar and eagle and donated by the Government of Oaxaca, Mexico.
It is created by artists Jacobo and Maria Angeles.
And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another.
The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings...
And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion.
And the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
For when they shall say, peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them...
Totally just a coïncidence, Mr. Alarmist.
'Cause nothing says peace and security like the cultures of pre-Columbian Mexico...
The tzompantli served three simple yet terrifying social purposes in several Mesoamerican civilizations:
• To publicly display the skulls of sacrificial victims,
• To honor the gods to whom the victims were sacrificed,
• To showcase the military might and power of the emperor and empire.