Posted On: Friday - December 17th 2021 10:45AM MST
In Topics:   Pundits  Globalists  US Feral Government
I had never run into the term "The Potomac Regime" for the heart of the US Feral Gov't in Washington, F.S. before reading VDare's James Kirkpatrick's article An American Warns Eastern Europe: The Potomac Regime Is Not Your Friend (Or Ours) a couple of days back*. I really like this terminology.
As a Chinaman in Mao's Red China, a regular
Along with that, the namesake of the city Washington, F.S. (see what I mean, that's Federal Shithole, in Peak Stupidity parlance) takes a real beating based on our disgust with the, yes, "regime" there. You've got the "Father of our Country", a guy who could have remained President for life, who did the right thing, and that's after leading the American Revolutionists to victory after 8 years of war. Yet, a large portion of the citizens of the country he founded revile the word "Washington". Yeah, leave it out.
No, we have nothing against the Potomac River, per se, but that's where this Federal Shithole of a city happens to lie. I assume that he coined it**, so I thank James Kirkpatrick for a very appropriate term for the evil cabal who run things in the nation's capital. In fact, we will appropriate it, with attribution till (fingers crossed) the term comes into common use. Then, we actual Americans can talk more clearly about "regime change", as seems to have been a big thing for this very crowd.
The Potomac Regime.
* That article delves into more US involvement in places that we have no business being in, but also one other topic that will result in a humorous post to come.
** I just duckduckwent it, and other than a guy at What Really Happened who excerpted a small part of Mr. Kirkpatrick's article - with no attribution, but his title links to the article on VDare, I got nuthin'.
The Alarmist
Sunday - December 19th 2021 1:18PM MST
“Other” must largely people who are anti-$PLC.
Riddle me this, Batman:
Brandon says that getting a vaxx makes one a patriot, but Mr. Garland says that being a patriot makes one a terrorist. So, since the US is picking up the costs of vaxxes for its citizens, does that make the US a state-sponsor of terrorism?
“Other” must largely people who are anti-$PLC.
Riddle me this, Batman:
Brandon says that getting a vaxx makes one a patriot, but Mr. Garland says that being a patriot makes one a terrorist. So, since the US is picking up the costs of vaxxes for its citizens, does that make the US a state-sponsor of terrorism?
Adam Smith
Saturday - December 18th 2021 9:14PM MST
PS: 🙉 🙊 🙈
“I really wonder whether I should send in a tip or two.”
How bad do you want to be recognized as a legitimate, bonafide Hate Organization™?
“I really wonder whether I should send in a tip or two.”
How bad do you want to be recognized as a legitimate, bonafide Hate Organization™?
Saturday - December 18th 2021 7:16PM MST
PS: Mr. Smith, I didn't realize I had THAT many qualifications.
□ Antigovernment "Patriot" Movement
Hey, why the scare quotes? I guess they really don't understand us...
□ Elected Officials
Well, yeah, duh!!
I jokingly wrote about this same thing in a post in the summer of '18, called "Help Peak Stupidity reach our goal":
I really wonder whether I should send in a tip or two.
□ Antigovernment "Patriot" Movement
Hey, why the scare quotes? I guess they really don't understand us...
□ Elected Officials
Well, yeah, duh!!
I jokingly wrote about this same thing in a post in the summer of '18, called "Help Peak Stupidity reach our goal":
I really wonder whether I should send in a tip or two.
Adam Smith
Saturday - December 18th 2021 12:38PM MST
PS: Good afternoon everyone...
“I do want Peak Stupidity to be listed by the $PLC. That'd be a nice Christmas present.”
Maybe we should all chip in and send the $PLC some anonymous tips with links to various PeakStupidity posts.
The $PLC's general areas of concern...
□ White Nationalism
□ Neo-Nazism
□ Anti-Muslim
□ Anti-Immigrant
□ Anti-LGBT
□ Antisemitism
□ Antigovernment "Patriot" Movement
□ Elected Officials
□ Crimes and Violence
□ Other
Checking more boxes might increase our chances of getting Achmed on that HateList™.
“I do want Peak Stupidity to be listed by the $PLC. That'd be a nice Christmas present.”
Maybe we should all chip in and send the $PLC some anonymous tips with links to various PeakStupidity posts.
The $PLC's general areas of concern...
□ White Nationalism
□ Neo-Nazism
□ Anti-Muslim
□ Anti-Immigrant
□ Anti-LGBT
□ Antisemitism
□ Antigovernment "Patriot" Movement
□ Elected Officials
□ Crimes and Violence
□ Other
Checking more boxes might increase our chances of getting Achmed on that HateList™.
Friday - December 17th 2021 7:29PM MST
PS: It's a real shame to have George Washington's name used in reference to evil, though, Mr. Hail. He didn't want anything to do with anything like this Beast of a government that's there now. He fought a war against one, a couple of orders-of-magnitude smaller, but you get the idea ...
Mr. Alarmist, what other watch lists are there to join that you're not already on? I do want Peak Stupidity to be listed by the $PLC. That'd be a nice Christmas present. Santa, have I been good enough this year?
Mr. Alarmist, what other watch lists are there to join that you're not already on? I do want Peak Stupidity to be listed by the $PLC. That'd be a nice Christmas present. Santa, have I been good enough this year?
Friday - December 17th 2021 6:20PM MST
Also possible is using "the Washington government,"
and conspicuously and consistently refraining from using the terms "US government," "federal government" (a misnomer anyway from the start), or an unqualified "the government" when referring to said Washington government.
Also possible is using "the Washington government,"
and conspicuously and consistently refraining from using the terms "US government," "federal government" (a misnomer anyway from the start), or an unqualified "the government" when referring to said Washington government.
The Alarmist
Friday - December 17th 2021 11:07AM MST
Forbidden City on the Potomac
New Soviet Disctrict Potomica
District of Cabal
Den of Criminals
This is fun ... I wonder if I made any new watch-lists with this.
Forbidden City on the Potomac
New Soviet Disctrict Potomica
District of Cabal
Den of Criminals
This is fun ... I wonder if I made any new watch-lists with this.
"Brandon says that getting a vaxx makes one a patriot, but Mr. Garland says that being a patriot makes one a terrorist. So, since the US is picking up the costs of vaxxes for its citizens, does that make the US a state-sponsor of terrorism?"
That's a great riddle, Alarmist! I hope you will put that in some unz and other comments of yours. That would make Steve Sailer's and Ron Unz' s heads spin, I think.