Millennials v Boomers - Part 3: Muh-muh-my g-g-generation g-g-gap

Posted On: Thursday - January 13th 2022 6:39PM MST
In Topics: 
  General Stupidity  Music  Americans  Muh Generation

(Sort of continued from Part 1 and Part 2.)

The Generation Gap was a BIG topic from the middle 1960s through, I dunno, likely the mid-1970s, after the hippie era had ended. One could say that "it's always like this", and there was nothing new about the differences in perspective. I disagree. I don't know of any large cohort of young people who had rebelled against the Establishment and so disrespectfully against their parents in history, at least American history. (Of course, not close to all of them participated, so, yes, this is a generational-lization).

I will use Strauss' & Howe's, again arguable definitions of these generations again, During that time, it was the younger of the GI Generation (born 1901--1924) and the older of Silent Generation (born 1925 - 1942) who were the parents of that rebellious Baby Boom Generation (born 1943 - 1960). Apparently that White Man-run, civil, peaceful, prosperous era of 1946 to 1964* was too boooring for these young people. Their parents "wouldn't understand!" (Maybe because they were not young and stupid?) The Establishment had to be ousted.

If one either was there at the time or has read a decent amount on this period of the Generation Gap, he would know that this was not all grass-roots independent thought by the young Boomers (and some younger Silent Generation types too, as with those Beatniks, for example). As Peak Stupidity has discussed quite a bit lately, as the external Cold War was waged, the internal Cold War was being waged too. Unfortunately, Americans gave ground to the Communists waging that one at almost every turn. Unilateral disarmament wouldn't have been a good idea in the external stand-off against the USSR. What idiots thought it would work just fine in the internal version?!

That Generation Gap of the mid-1960's-mid-1970s was just a part of the Long March through the American Institutions. Destroying the nuclear family is job 1 for any good Communist. Creating a huge gap in perspective and values is between the generations worked, but at least, I'll grant that the rebelling Boomers had some great music.

What do we have going on now with the Millennials v Boomers? There's a lot of name-calling and bitterness, mostly in one direction, young against old. The differences in perspective and values this time doesn't seem to be based on lefty vs. conservative politics. The one thing that stands out is that the changes in electronic technology from the time of the days of the Boomers to the current day of the Millennials have been so sweeping that the generations have grown up in different worlds. That'd go even more so for the Zoomers, a portion of whom are old enough to be part of this current divide. (Strauss & Howe dubbed them the "Homeland Generation", which means, what exactly? I don't like that one.)

However, I think "it's the economy, stupid." Millennials and Zoomers are perhaps loath to repeat that line from that penultimate Boomer, BJ Clinton, if they remember it. (It was 30 years ago, in fact!) It is the problem they have with the Boomers - well, as usual, not ALL of them by any means. I take the side of the young people on this beef. There are still Boomer and older MIllennial parents who would lecture their young adults with a straight face:

Pull yourself up with your bootstraps. I worked every summer and made enough money to pay for college. You get that degree, and then, OK, maybe you do have to start in the mailroom ("mailroom? WTF, Dad?), but you work hard, you put your nose to the grindstone, and you'll make your way up the ladder. Or, get an apartment and work at fast food for a year or two and save up money and build up your work record. I walked around for a week handing out resumes until IBM hired me. You know, you get in the pension plan, you buy a small ranch house ..."

No, the American economy is nothing like the economy during the young adult years of the Boomers, and it hasn't been in 10 years either, when all the Millennials were young adults. That's not all of the Boomers' faults, as we noted in part 1. A large number of them were NOT in favor of shipping industry to Mexico and China, importing 60 million new people, or keeping Affirmative Action going.** Then again, not all the Millennials are the ones using the "OK, Boomer" insult. Maybe it's just a few idiots on-line, I dunno.

Are we in the midst of Generation Gap 2.0, or My Generation Gap? That's that whole "my computer", my this, and my that bit that Microsoft started 25 years ago(?)) There is no great music to go along with this generation gap this time, though. "Your music sucks!" and "learn to play guitar!" would be the modern version of "turn that down!", as those parents used to say, as they rolled around on the couch, rolling numbers with your KISS records out ...

You figured The Who would be featured at the end here, didn't you? Unfortunately, Peak Stupidity has already featured the stutter-rock song you expected. This one is about Generation Gap 1.0 bridged. It's the 1970s band Cheap Trick song Surrender from their excellent Live at Budokan (Japan) from 1978.

Mommy's alright, daddy's alright, they just seem a little weird.
Surrender, surrender, but don't give yourself away.

* It's a little on the later side, perhaps, but I'll call it ended when the Socialist Scumbag Lyndon Johnson won the 1964 Presidential election over Barry Goldwater. (Sure, we had another Barry in office 50 years later - that was not quite the same!)

** The origin of that anti-White evil comes from the time when it was 3 older generations voting for, again, the Socialist Scumbag Lyndon Johnson. (Hey, how come he appears in all the footnotes?)

Adam Smith
Saturday - January 15th 2022 9:27PM MST
PS: Good evening y'all,

The Underground History of American Education

Saturday - January 15th 2022 5:54PM MST
PS: I didn't look at the link, CB, to notice all the extra reference crap:

Saturday - January 15th 2022 5:52PM MST
PS: I appreciate the link, CB - I'll take a look.

I'm pretty sure it was "The Underground History of American Education: An Intimate Investigation Into the Prison of Modern Schooling".
Saturday - January 15th 2022 11:06AM MST
PS No, we weren't around to see, but we can infer. Normal Mailer's "The White Negro" (1957) has been in the news lately, and I had occasion to read it. Mr. Mailer was very late Greatest Gen, just missed Silent -- he served a bit in World War 2 because he was a Harvard brat who chose poorly when requesting his draft deferment.

Read "The White Negro" and see how conservative Mr. Mailer was. Mailer was "a voice of his generation."

"Thanks for the discussion, CloudBuster. BTW, have you read anything by John Taylor Gatto? I read one of his books a long time ago."

No, I haven't. Do you have a recommendation for a particular book of his?
Saturday - January 15th 2022 10:34AM MST
PS: Thanks for that excerpt from Neil Howe, Mr. Smith. If I even get around to writing that review I will note, as here, that those 2 guys had a lot of (goodwill or trust?) invested in their comprehensive theory of how all the generational cohorts, archetypes, 4 stages of the various "Saeculem" fit together so nicely. Whatever Mr. Howe wrote about the Homeland Generation had to fit into the theory.

I note that he says these kids keep their feelings repressed. I think not. "Well Socialized"? Nah. Of course, Mr. Howe (along with Mr. Strauss) missed the Kung Flu PanicFest, but in those books from 30-20 years ago, he missed the electronic iCrap huge effect on this new generation too (I wouldn't expect otherwise, as how were they to see this coming?)

Yeah, I will review these books someday. The theory was profound, but it's probably mostly a load of bull, as far as how it will all turn out. Oh, I've written this before: If you learn about their theory, it's all based on cycles of history of the English and American people (going back to the Glorious Revolution at least). How's that all pan out when these White people - especially just the English-derived, are by far a minority of the population?

Adam Smith
Saturday - January 15th 2022 9:36AM MST
PS: Good morning Mr. Moderator,

I like your term “Police State Generation”.
“Bubble-Wrap Kids” seems to work too.

I found this description of Homelanders, by Neil Howe...

Introducing the Homeland Generation
BY NEIL HOWE/School Administrator, June 2019

First, a note on terminology. I classify anyone born in 2005 or later as belonging to the Homeland Generation, meaning that the oldest are just entering high school. The name was chosen through an online contest by readers of my organization’s books, who felt it embodied the post-9/11 world into which this generation was born. Their childhood era was shaped by global turmoil — the War on Terror, the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the global financial crisis and the general sense that our homeland was no longer safe.

The name also reflects the fact these kids literally spend more time at home than any earlier generation in American history.

Consider five key traits of the Homeland Generation...

Overprotected. Millennial kids were increasingly protected. Homelander kids are overprotected. Smothering Gen-X parents are leading the way. From baby monitors to smartphone tracking apps, today’s technology is being leveraged by parents who want to monitor their child’s activity anytime, anywhere. Once-common activities like playing outside without adult supervision or staying home alone now are strictly forbidden.

Trained to Behave. Rules and manners matter more, feelings and attitudes matter less. Today’s parents swear by prescriptive parenting guides full of do’s and don’ts. This early focus on behavioralism is reinforced by the society at large, which has found ways to reward well-behaved kids (or, more accurately, their parents). Talking through feelings is passé. Today, we rely on cognitive behavioral therapy.

Comfortable with Rules. Homelanders have been subject to more rules and regulations than any generation of kids in living memory. In the classroom, these rules take the form of strict dress codes, no-touching policies and zero-tolerance truancy programs. This rule-bound culture is a natural extension of Homelanders’ protected upbringing.

Well Socialized. Kindness is key for Homelanders. From toddlerdom, they have been taught how to play nice with others — how to share, mitigate conflict and see the world through others’ eyes. This theme is endlessly stressed in popular Homelander media. TV shows such as “Sheriff Callie’s Wild West” (described as the “friendliest town in the West”) feature protagonists who solve problems by resolving conflicts.

Able to Manage (or Repress) Emotions. Homelanders are taught not just to look outward but also to look inward. Emotions are not just to be felt but to be identified, labeled and managed. Social and emotional learning curricula are widely used to teach Homelanders how to process and sublimate anger, sadness and stress. What tools of the mind are teaching in the classrooms, animated films such as “Inside Out” are teaching in the theaters.

Still don't know what year the term was coined.

Also, I agree with Mr. Blanc about the bankers and capitalists being largely responsible for bringing this about.
And I agree with Mr. Cloudbuster about the schools also being responsible, though perhaps to a lesser degree than the bankers.

Saturday - January 15th 2022 9:30AM MST
PS: "People forget that the period from 1900-1948 was an extremely progressive period, stalled a bit through the '30s." I take your point here, CB, but both of us were not around to see the situation at the non-high-politics level.

I had not really understood until 5 or 10 years ago how bad Professor Woodrow Wilson was for this country. The country got a big break with Warren Harding and especially "Silent Cal" Coolidge (sometimes "nothing is a pretty cool hand, errr Presidency" could have been his motto, and I am completely down with that thought.

However, even with the Dewey or Prussian style education being pushed by the elites, how was it at the local level? Again, I'm just imagining, but I can sure imagine that the teachers (many still male then, BTW) were pretty conservative.

"A lot of the intelligentsia were big fans of Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler..." Yeah, but were the average people (not the Woody Guthries) that way yet?

BTW, though Great Depression 1.0 might have slowed down some of the elite's plans, I think it was the time in which the country was the closest to going Communist that it's been until, well now (and "now" by far!) It was a long march though, and I don't know enough about that "Progressive" era

Thanks for the discussion, CloudBuster. BTW, have you read anything by John Taylor Gatto? I read one of his books a long time ago.
Saturday - January 15th 2022 8:07AM MST
PS "the teachers in, what 1940's, would have been pretty conservative, right? I know, it was a long slow march through the Education Establishment, but that's pretty early on."

No, not early on at all. People forget that the period from 1900-1948 was an extremely progressive period, stalled a bit through the '30s.

Teddy Roosevelt was the first truly progressive President and just a couple elections later the nutbag Woodrow Wilson got elected. The theories of John Dewey (1859-1952) were all the rage and Marxist theory was extremely popular among the elite. A lot of the intelligentsia were big fans of Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler until it got awkward to support the latter.

The educators trained by Harvard president Woodrow Wilson and his fellow travelers in the aughts and teens went on to teach students and educate other teachers that were teaching students in the '40s.
Friday - January 14th 2022 6:08PM MST
PS: Cloudbuster, you are talking about the Silent Generation (proto-hippies, beatnics etc.) as the first bunch of students to be turned against their parents, but the teachers in, what 1940's, would have been pretty conservative, right? I know, it was a long slow march through the Education Establishment, but that's pretty early on.

Also, about the current generation gap, I just don't see much rebellion, just misunderstanding. The almost-all-woke teachers now indeed have the students for a longer portion of their lives and start early with the BS. However, I see woke people of all ages, as you undoubtably read about on iSteve. Not many parents even have the motivation to look at the stuff the kids are being taught and courageous enough to stand up and say something.
Friday - January 14th 2022 6:00PM MST
PS: Adam, I was thinking of Motherland Security also, which is why I don't the term. (I don't like anything about the 9/11 Police State implementation, of course.) However, Strauss and Howe wrote "Generations" in 1991, "The Fourth Turning" in 1997 - I believe that's the one I read first and right at that time - '97. They wrote their last of the series about their generational theory, "Millennials Rising", in 2000.

Possibly, they just coined the term later on. I agree with your take on the term as a reference to the low-freedom lifestyle of the young people. I guess "Police State Generation" wouldn't fly.
Friday - January 14th 2022 2:17PM MST
PS Two things: 1. We’re the “postwar baby boom” cohort. So we begin with the first postwar year, 1946. That would be me. 2. Absolutely, the economy has changed radically since my youth (not that it was any picnic then with hundreds of us competing for one job opening and the stagflation of the 1970s). But that change is not down to a particular age-cohort, but to the evolution of capitalism to a globalized, financialized form. If anyone wants to blame anyone, they can blame the bankers and capitalists who brought this about.
Friday - January 14th 2022 1:16PM MST
PS I'm afraid that since you have gotten through three parts of this without mentioning public education, you've completely missed it. The generation gap is entirely the product of the leftist takeover of public education in the early 20th century finally bearing fruit. Finally saturation of leftist teachers and administrators intent on turning children against their parents was thick enough to turn a generation. It arguably reached critical mass with the Silents, not the Boomers, as it is Silent generation leaders who were responsible for much of the tumult during the '60s.
Adam Smith
Friday - January 14th 2022 11:38AM MST
PS: Good afternoon gentlemen,

Mr. Alarmist, I'm happy to hear you're enjoying your visit to sunny Florida.
(I imagine there are not many places to go shooting in London.)
I'm a little jealous that you have a bottle of “I” medicine for your medicine cabinet.
(Maybe I should ask my doctor friend for a prescription.)
(Also, funny how prohibition works. I never wanted a stock of “I” medicine until it became somewhat hard to get.)

Mr. Moderator, “Strauss & Howe dubbed them the "Homeland Generation", which means, what exactly? I don't like that one.”

While I don't know for sure what Strauss and Howe mean, I think they mean that these post-9/11 infants grew up in a world under the shadow of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, with all the post September 11th propaganda to go with it, and because of that they mostly believe that the purpose of government is to “keep us safe”.

These kids have grown up in a world where just going outside to play with your friends unsupervised is pretty rare. (In some places it is almost a criminal offense to raise free range kids.) All their play dates are scheduled. They literally spend more time at home, and in front of a screen, than any previous generation.

The schools they attended were dramatically different than the schools you or I went to. There were no metal detectors, cops or drug dogs at the school I attended. There was more pressure on them to obey “authority” and punishments for what we would consider trivial transgressions were much more harsh and forthcoming. All this pressure has made them seemingly more compliant to the whims of those who masquerade as “authority”.

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but that's my take on it.
And no, I don't like it either.

The Alarmist
Friday - January 14th 2022 7:27AM MST

You know, I didn’t even ask how much it was, and I forgot what I paid in the past. 100 rounds of 9mm plus gun rental, use of the range, and sales tax came to just under $60.

I said, “That’s all? I thought it would be more, what with all the scary stories about ammo shortages,” to which he said, “There were, but its gotten better lately.” Seems there might still be some capitalism left in the old girl we call the USA.

Same thing happened earlier in the day when I picked up my prescriptions for that “I” medicine that dare not be mentioned, a z-pack, and some Budesonide, which all came to $75. Given all the crap I’ve seen online, I was expecting to pay a lot more, but my friendly compounding pharmacy had no qualms dispensing it and did not gouge me. Try that at one of the national chains.
Friday - January 14th 2022 6:23AM MST
PS: "Perhaps they were swiping right for their next hookup, or using a similar motion to handle that need." Hah!

BTW, I haven't been to the gun show in so long, to stock up on ammo. I'm pretty sure I'll be shocked by the prices.
The Alarmist
Thursday - January 13th 2022 9:22PM MST

There has to be a more useful classification system. For example, many “conservative” Boomers spent their 8pm hour tonight watching Tucker Carlson. I went to my local range and unloaded a couple boxes of 9mm rounds into a couple targets. Who do you think will be better prepared when TSHTF?

I literally had the place to myself, even though, like my target, it was well ventilated and it was unlikely that big, bad Coof might get me, so I can’t tell what like-minded millenials might be up to. Perhaps they were swiping right for their next hookup, or using a similar motion to handle that need.

I joked with one of my millenial colleagues a while back that I couldn’t wait for them to take the grid down just so I could see if he could walk up to a live girl and ask her out. I’m still a pureblood, and a higher value male with my decadent boomer riches, so I’d probably just barge in and chat her up before he got the first sentence out.

What most boomers forgot was the motto of our earlier days: Live hard, die young, and leave a good looking corpse.

Yeah, as Vox Day often notes, the day of the fluffy pillow is coming for me unless I go out in flames first.
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