Posted On: Tuesday - July 12th 2022 6:03PM MST
In Topics:   Genderbenders  US Feral Government
🎼Almost cut my penis...
It happened just the other day .
It was gettin' kind of long.
I could've said it was in my way.
But I didn't and, I wonder why
I feel like letting my freak flag fly,
and I feel like I owe it, yeah ... to someone... 🎵
This may not be the latest version. Changes get made regularly to reflect the admission of new types of freaks. The beautiful designs are created in Philadelphia by an ex-man formerly known as Brett Ross, who now goes by the name Betsy.
OK, whoa, those lyrics worked out better than I'd intended, without changing but that one word! From that old, but young at the time, hippie David Crosby*, we got the title of this post. How is that Pride flag that is flaunted at us by Government and Big-Biz anything but a modern freak flag? It's a flag that symbolizes a freak country.
I liked this country better when it was just full of guys with long hair being the freaks, already back being frowned upon a decade before George Thorogood's lyrical parents did 30 years ago, than the country itself being one big promotion of freakdom.
I've written this before, and I will again: The weirdos, we will always have with us. I've been friends with a few, and having various weirdos of different types around can be a good thing some of the time. However, over the last decade, the entire Establishment has been pushing hard the idea that we should all accept the weirdos as normal people. Even the weirdos themselves knew they were weirdos back in the day. Recently, though, they have been encouraged to berate us for even thinking that they are weird, and to believe that WE are the weird ones for not thinking they are normal.
Above and beyond all that, the Potomac Regime, thinking, weirdly-enough, that it's 30 years ago still and they run the sole economic and military superpower of the world, is trying to spread these beliefs throughout the rest of the world. They've even got a flag for this. (I'll get to it.). It's one thing to have some people around that dress in suits like, and think they are, Bunnies or even Diplodoci. It's another to have an embassy in East Bumfuckistan with flags (I'll get to them) that symbolize the acceptance of every weirdness known to Man, Bunnies, and Diplodoci. The people of this foreign country are being told that in order to deal in the Almighty Dollar (good as gold!) and to be accepted in the world of the civilized nations, they must also accept that one can identify as anything, even a Diplodocus roaming around the E. Bumfuckistan capital crushing vehicles and ripping through power lines, that used to have a haircut and a real job!
I had a thought about something before I looked up Almost Cut my Hair on Wiki for the album it came from. Per, Wiki, "[David] Crosby's song has been credited with popularizing the idea of long hair as a deliberate and visible symbol of the wearer's affiliation with the counterculture, and opposition to establishment values." "Anything goes!", they said. Yes, the Establishment at that time, almost 60 years ago, was Conservative, and this weirdness was part of the counterculture. That's not the deal now. These same people who got by just fine letting their freak flags fly have been part of the Establishment for a long time, along with now their offspring. Has the fact that "anything went" worked for them given them this attitude, as they push all this on us?
The ctrl-left are the Establishment now, but rather than letting us fly our normal flags they are trying to push the whole world to accept their freak flag, shown above.
They are the whole Establishment: Government, Big-Biz, Big-Ed, the Lyin' Press. The Feral Gov't takes the lead, but since it clearly does not represent the normal, non-weird, Americans in any way, Peak Stupidity calls that outfit the Potomac Regime**.
Of course, the Potomac Regime flag must fly higher. I'm sure you've also noticed that the Pride Flag is being flown upside-down in these images. That's in memory of the recently-lynched Emily Till. (What, you didn't know?! )
There is one nice thing that has come out of this massive amount of flying of that Pride flag by the Feral Gov't. We can reclaim the Stars and Stripes!
It's been 20 or maybe even 25 years since I've really felt proud of the old American flag. Between the increasing Totalitarianism within and the warmongering without, I didn't feel proud to fly a flag that represented the US Gov't and which was flown a lot by the "USA! USA! Fuck yeah!" chanting people either..
Well, if the Pride Flag is the new flag of the Potomac Regime, then maybe the Stars and Stripes can be adopted again by the (actually) patriotic American people. If not, the Rebel Stars and Bars or the Gadsden ("Don't Tread on Me.") flags would suffice for me too.
* He wrote and sang the song Almost Cut my Hair by his band Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young (also at the time only, as far as Neil Young) from their 1970 album Déja Vu. Calling one's long hair a "freak flag" was not new with this song. In his famous If 6 was 9 Jimi Hendix sang But I'm gonna wave my freak flag high a couple of years prior.
** That term seems to have been coined by VDare's James Kirkpatrick. Constitutionalists for many years have called it "Mordor on the Potomac".
Wednesday - July 13th 2022 12:27PM MST
PS These Mothers is freaks! Yeah! Until there’s something better, I’m going with the black flag. If those Antifa punks think that it belongs to them, we’ll just have to take it from them.
Wednesday - July 13th 2022 11:29AM MST
The pride flag is truly the new American flag. Get this latest bit of insanity from our harmed forces.
Yup. Join the army, young man, and get to shower with wammins!
The Chinese army collapses in laughter.
The pride flag is truly the new American flag. Get this latest bit of insanity from our harmed forces.
Yup. Join the army, young man, and get to shower with wammins!
The Chinese army collapses in laughter.
The Alarmist
Wednesday - July 13th 2022 5:19AM MST
Way back when I was in the military and there were still more than a few America-loving patriotic souls working on base, I remember plenty of those good folk making a point of being indoors or off base before they blew retreat and lowered the base flag to avoid having to stand saluting or sitting in their stopped autos in the hot sun.
I doubt I would bother to stop, much less salute, if I saw one of those rags flying next to Old Glory.
New anthem?
🎶 Oh say will you pee
in my eyes open wide.
What so proudly we hail
Is the banner to our pride.
Way back when I was in the military and there were still more than a few America-loving patriotic souls working on base, I remember plenty of those good folk making a point of being indoors or off base before they blew retreat and lowered the base flag to avoid having to stand saluting or sitting in their stopped autos in the hot sun.
I doubt I would bother to stop, much less salute, if I saw one of those rags flying next to Old Glory.
New anthem?
🎶 Oh say will you pee
in my eyes open wide.
What so proudly we hail
Is the banner to our pride.
Tuesday - July 12th 2022 8:45PM MST
PS: "We be all progressive and sh1t, awww yea!
External enemies will tremble in fear of our progressive like tendencies and stuff."
They'll tremble with laughter, the Chinese will. A few of them probably remember their own Cultural Rev., but "man, it didn't get THIS stupid! Why didn't we think of some of this sheeet back in '67?!"
You know what I or someone needs to do? Write a new National Anthem for the Pride flag, using the same tune as Francis Scott Key's song.
External enemies will tremble in fear of our progressive like tendencies and stuff."
They'll tremble with laughter, the Chinese will. A few of them probably remember their own Cultural Rev., but "man, it didn't get THIS stupid! Why didn't we think of some of this sheeet back in '67?!"
You know what I or someone needs to do? Write a new National Anthem for the Pride flag, using the same tune as Francis Scott Key's song.
Horny the Clown
Tuesday - July 12th 2022 7:38PM MST
PS A hearing impaired transgendered step child of Nazi Satan worshippers must be president in the spirit of equity!
Forward, yes we can!
The possibilities are endless, a bearded lady could be preezy of the steezy!
Paging comrade commissar/commissarina (?) Rachel Levine.
We be all progressive and sh1t, awww yea!
External enemies will tremble in fear of our progressive like tendencies and stuff.
Forward, yes we can!
The possibilities are endless, a bearded lady could be preezy of the steezy!
Paging comrade commissar/commissarina (?) Rachel Levine.
We be all progressive and sh1t, awww yea!
External enemies will tremble in fear of our progressive like tendencies and stuff.
Yes, Mr. Blanc, the black flag is appropriate, as per Mencken(?)
I'd read about that elsewhere, Mr. Ike. Thank you for the link. Alas, they will not take me for the army to fight and shower now, from what I gather just looking around at who I see in it. Too little body fat.