Posted On: Monday - August 8th 2022 8:12PM MST
In Topics:   Immigration Stupidity  US Feral Government  Zhou Bai Dien
I've kept 2 recent VDare posts in tabs on this device for this post. (Yeah, I just grab their graphics - hope they don't mind.) It turns out they are both by the hardworking writer A.W. Morgan. This guy writes almost a post a day on there - it's great that VDare has this guy on the payroll!
This follows slightly from the end of the last post when I mentioned the customs men and the bananas. The old worries about bringing in strange insects and diseases via ag products is getting downright obsolete. There is so much sent by container that's not inspected, and the influx even by legal means is huge... we'll get to the southern border, with regard to people rather than insects/diseases or maybe people with diseases, in a bit here. Even so, we were told to get rid of all produce and meat.*
That's fine. Then there's the immigration man. I've said it before, that if there's one little piece of the government bureaucracy that ought to be filled with assholes, it should be the immigration inspectors. I was not disappointed as to who met us down there in the terminal basement either. Really, I mean, sure we tried to use these machines, because last time - quite a while back now - you did need to use them, but they are for "Global Entry" folks now. The guy was pretty sarcastic about this error. Fortunately, that confusion somehow got us in front of the guys quicker. The same asshole had another remark, but then the guy at the actual desk was reasonable.
I'm told that they purposely try to set people on edge to see if they will act weirdly if they are really up to no good. I don't know, but telling the man in Shannon, Ireland that "well, I might have had a wee bit much drink on the flight" with a mock Leprechaun accent caused quite the hold-up for a friend. (All of a sudden the guy left his desk. A woman came back after half and hour, but his boarding pass was mysteriously missing for a wee spell.) OK, they don't like jokes. Breaking into a country is no joke either, so I say, keep these people employed down there in those basements!**
Just as with the security theatre on the other end, why do ANY of this, if you're just going to let people come willy-nilly across the 1,900 mile southern border.
The regular reader will know, and can see even from this very post, that we follow VDare closely here. It's not like this is any new news. I got into a friendly conversation on-line about some of the things discussed in anti-invasion circles recently. To paraphrase the other guy "Nah, don't worry about the wall - we need eVerify, major fines on employers, no more incentives like in-State tuition ..."
OK, now most of that is good stuff, but see, people WILL pour into the US until this country is as bad off as the worst of them. Serious border control MUST BE part of the solution. This was brought home yet again, in Mr. Morgan's article Just As We Thought, Alabama Murder-Mutilation Suspect Is An Illegal Alien. Yeah, it was pretty sick. Yes, again, as I seem to read regarding most serious illegal alien criminal acts, this sick fuck had already been deported. Oftentimes, it's 2 or more times that the criminal has been deported before!
Next, there's this story by Mr. Morgan: DoD Whistleblower: Kabul Joe Let In 324 Afghans On Biometric Watch List. There should have been NO highly-foreign Afghans let in, but when they were (in number over 100,000), they were supposedly "vetted". Bullcrap! I've been through this before too on this blog - see Motherland Security knows best - very related to the previous post - in which I noted that the Minneapolis-St. Paul ramp crews are highly Somalian. In another post, Minnesota Nice, terrorists, and the Security State, I noted this about "background checks":
Now, I'm sure some manager over them could tell me about the extensive, extensive background checks done on these men and women. Yeah, right, you people checked for arrests and traffic tickets since they've been here for 3 years. Uh-huh, OK, but how 'bout the other 25 years back in the chaos of Somalia? Got the records from their high schools, if any? Got the paperwork from jihadi clubs, do ya?OK, per, this post about the "biometric watch list", that sounds like lots of Police State*** vetting went on. Brandon up there let these 324 worrisome "folks" in anyway.
I guess no exhortations (such as our title) with real solutions mean anything when American high officials don't want to save this country. They are actively working against that effort right now.
Finally, I did hear about the entry and search of Donald Trump's house down in Florida today by the banana-republic FBI working directly for Commandante Brandon. It's getting pretty bad... my wife asked why and how ... hey, they've had half a century to infiltrate it all... the ctrl-left is pretty sure of themselves now. I'll post on this manana...
* Being a frugal family, we ate multiple bananas and oranges on short approach.
** For how it's done in China, see Chinese Immigration NON-Stupidity.
*** No, it's not something Constitutional, but you just don't let everyone in, and you don't need all this (very much like the case with eVerify).
Thursday - August 11th 2022 12:51PM MST
PS: Sorry for the late replies on ALL these threads, Mr. Hail.
Regarding your last paragraph here, that brings up 2 points. I really do think that some of the wanna-be elites, Yuppies, if I can still use that term, are in this whole pro-immigration thing just for the damn food! I have a post on that on this site from 4 years back :
"The Stupidity of the Foodies"
These are the people that the inflight magazines (used to, cause they are gone now - the magazines, not the people, unfortunately) with those articles about "Where's the best Peruvian food in Des Moines?" Why the F Des Moines must have anything besides normal American restaurants such as burger stands and steak houses is one thing, and can't you either a) go to freaking Peru or b) get on the internet and watch a youtube video on how to make Peruvian food?
Regarding your last paragraph here, that brings up 2 points. I really do think that some of the wanna-be elites, Yuppies, if I can still use that term, are in this whole pro-immigration thing just for the damn food! I have a post on that on this site from 4 years back :
"The Stupidity of the Foodies"
These are the people that the inflight magazines (used to, cause they are gone now - the magazines, not the people, unfortunately) with those articles about "Where's the best Peruvian food in Des Moines?" Why the F Des Moines must have anything besides normal American restaurants such as burger stands and steak houses is one thing, and can't you either a) go to freaking Peru or b) get on the internet and watch a youtube video on how to make Peruvian food?
Wednesday - August 10th 2022 8:26AM MST
"There should have been NO highly-foreign Afghans let in,"
The USA at some point became a firm Multicultacracy, devoted to the interests of foreign people within its own borders and the doctrines of Multiculturalism (implying also multiracialism), devoted to safeguarding and defending multiculturalism and expanding it or spicing it up with new dashes of spices here and there. The problem is, sometimes migrants end up fading into the US-Lumpenprole blob and the goals of the safeguards towards our multicultacracy can be maintained only by dumping multicultural warm bodies on places. Some of these mutliculturalizers seep into the high-end mainstream from time to time (see "Ilhan Omar") and in that they are helped along from the top to a degree, but are really even there still primarily valued as multiculturals and not as individuals with ideas and talents etc.
While the best example of Multicultacracy is the existence of the Diversity Visa, the arrival of Afghans is another good group-level example of how the Multicultacracy works. Why are they here? It never made sense in a democracy, but it makes perfect sense under Multicultacracy.
People talk about cultural slow-down by which ca. 2000 looks and feels a lot like ca.2020 except for technology changes, even applying to the 1990s and early 2020s, stretching us to 25 years of mostly cultural stasis (except technology). This also applies to the progress of the Multiculturacy. The big groups are all well-established and seldom is there any localized major new influx of some fresh group, just more chain-migrants from the established groups---at the most, maybe more exotic versions of the same (like Guatemalan mestizo-Indios who speak Spanish only, versus even-darker Guatemalan Indios who speak Spanish shakily and prefer their Mayan-derived language). The Afghans are a genuinely new group, and I think this drives Regime commitment to them just as much as the security ties.
A small number of Afghans has already begun entering and staying in the US in the 1980s. The real big deluge came from people working the US security alliance ties, and settlers through that route ended up making them a true new addition. "Imperial backwash." As such Afghan restaurants became one of the true new sights and sounds of parts of Blue-voting areas of the USA versus by the late 2010s or so, even ca. 2010 and definitely ca. 2000 when such restaurants and little shops and things identified as Afghan were very hard to find indeed. Now I think they are relatively easier to find, you will run into them a lot. It was considered a major novelty that in 2002 President Karzai's brother just happened to be owner-manager of an Afghan restaurant in Maryland. Now it would be almost a cliche.
"There should have been NO highly-foreign Afghans let in,"
The USA at some point became a firm Multicultacracy, devoted to the interests of foreign people within its own borders and the doctrines of Multiculturalism (implying also multiracialism), devoted to safeguarding and defending multiculturalism and expanding it or spicing it up with new dashes of spices here and there. The problem is, sometimes migrants end up fading into the US-Lumpenprole blob and the goals of the safeguards towards our multicultacracy can be maintained only by dumping multicultural warm bodies on places. Some of these mutliculturalizers seep into the high-end mainstream from time to time (see "Ilhan Omar") and in that they are helped along from the top to a degree, but are really even there still primarily valued as multiculturals and not as individuals with ideas and talents etc.
While the best example of Multicultacracy is the existence of the Diversity Visa, the arrival of Afghans is another good group-level example of how the Multicultacracy works. Why are they here? It never made sense in a democracy, but it makes perfect sense under Multicultacracy.
People talk about cultural slow-down by which ca. 2000 looks and feels a lot like ca.2020 except for technology changes, even applying to the 1990s and early 2020s, stretching us to 25 years of mostly cultural stasis (except technology). This also applies to the progress of the Multiculturacy. The big groups are all well-established and seldom is there any localized major new influx of some fresh group, just more chain-migrants from the established groups---at the most, maybe more exotic versions of the same (like Guatemalan mestizo-Indios who speak Spanish only, versus even-darker Guatemalan Indios who speak Spanish shakily and prefer their Mayan-derived language). The Afghans are a genuinely new group, and I think this drives Regime commitment to them just as much as the security ties.
A small number of Afghans has already begun entering and staying in the US in the 1980s. The real big deluge came from people working the US security alliance ties, and settlers through that route ended up making them a true new addition. "Imperial backwash." As such Afghan restaurants became one of the true new sights and sounds of parts of Blue-voting areas of the USA versus by the late 2010s or so, even ca. 2010 and definitely ca. 2000 when such restaurants and little shops and things identified as Afghan were very hard to find indeed. Now I think they are relatively easier to find, you will run into them a lot. It was considered a major novelty that in 2002 President Karzai's brother just happened to be owner-manager of an Afghan restaurant in Maryland. Now it would be almost a cliche.
I'm all against the American military being involved ANYWHERE outside this country right now. However, whatever happens, no, we regular Americans don't owe these people anything, at least most of them, as they are not actual refugees at all. Any real refugees can go to the nearest country that is not in whatever war.
I assume you follow, Mr. Hail. Is that correct?