Posted On: Wednesday - September 28th 2022 5:55PM MST
In Topics:   General Stupidity  Race/Genetics  Peak Stupidity Roadshow
(Anything to get that apology off the top of the page here, right?)

This is one small bit of stupidity that we covered already the past February in the post Stuff a 10 year-old used to know - lost to history or lost to stupidity?. It bears repeating or People! Will! Die! Really, though, this stupidity has probably killed a few. It's the deal (as the other post discussed) in which society has apparently forgotten that you walk on the left side of the road, against the traffic, that is the subject.
This time, I came left off a busy 4-lane road onto a small street, and there was a Mom - not just a Mom, but a real MILF, hotter than the one in the picture here - walking with a stroller in the right. She wasn't by the curb, mind you, but she took up the whole right side of the road. The lighting had changed and it took a second or so to see her and the stroller, at that point only 100 ft away. Luckily it's a slow road, I was not one of those web-surfing drivers, and, most importantly, the light wasn't such that I went from shade right into direct sunlight. You're a hot young Mom, you've got a new young child, and you just saunter down the lane without a view of opposing traffic? What stupidity!
I was really close to getting out of the car and telling her nicely what the problem is and "maybe they don't teach this stuff anymore" in a nice fashion. However, I know how too many young people can be now. She may have just called the cops as soon as I pulled over and went walking toward her. It's better the cops be called than having to learn something...

Next, my son and I played 7 holes (baskets, actually) of Disc Golf. (There's a lot of walking, and we are not that good, so we could only do that much in the hour we had.) Some of this was in the woods. Well, near hole 4, I saw this black kid dragging a bicycle along a trail there, in the way. We gave him time to move, and played on. There he* was again near hole 5, though. I felt sorry for the kid, thinking he had a flat tire, but then, why drag the thing? Oh, his chain was jammed, I figured.
I really don't want anything to do with certain people. We passed him up, but something made me go try to help. Yeah, his chain, clean as it can be on this new bike (i.e. no lube either) was jammed at the front sprockets between them and the frame and bottom bracket. This was easy. You have to take the tension off from that torsion spring in the back and then just roll the chain back on. I did that, and he understood that I wanted him to adjust his front derailleur to match the sprocket I got the chain on.
The kid started pushing the bike, worried it would jam again, and then, before long, I saw him carrying/dragging it again. Oh, c'mon! He must have tried to ride it from there. Even if he didn't know how to line up the derailleurs with the chain, when it jammed again he could have at least done what I did to unjam it himself. It wasn't like the chain was greasy (possibly part of the problem too). I shook my head, and we played on.
Before I met this kid the odds were 70-something percent that he had no Dad at home. After seeing this, I'd say they were more like 95%. Single Moms will tell you that doesn't matter.
* I am not completely sure "he" was not a girl. I know this sounds like one of the most hilarious scenes of many in The Office, but with the hair style, age (about 12?), and bulky build, I still have no idea.
Thursday - September 29th 2022 5:56PM MST
PS: Haha, Al, I wondered when I saw him from afar. It was a new bike too, so maybe he'd already taken care of that part. I shouldn't be so cynical, I know.
Al Corrupt
Thursday - September 29th 2022 1:32PM MST
You sure he wasn’t dragging it because a lock was on it?
You sure he wasn’t dragging it because a lock was on it?
Thursday - September 29th 2022 5:29AM MST
PS: I wouldn't have come near the kid and bike if there were more than the one, Alarmist. I've also read John Derbyshire's non-black version of The Talk, of course.
The Alarmist
Thursday - September 29th 2022 4:08AM MST
When I lived and drove in NYC, you’d always get these yuppies who would cross the streets pushing their prams with their mutant offspring despite having the no crossing light. I drove a stick, so I’d pop it into neutral and rev the engine to make them think I was speeding at them. Yep, they spread like roaches.
If you read enough VDare, you’ll know that it is dangerous to be a good samaritan with black folk.
When I lived and drove in NYC, you’d always get these yuppies who would cross the streets pushing their prams with their mutant offspring despite having the no crossing light. I drove a stick, so I’d pop it into neutral and rev the engine to make them think I was speeding at them. Yep, they spread like roaches.
If you read enough VDare, you’ll know that it is dangerous to be a good samaritan with black folk.