Posted On: Thursday - January 5th 2023 9:55PM MST
In Topics:   Media Stupidity  US Feral Government  Anti-Social Media
Per our usual policy of lagging a week, month, and occasionally a decade or two behind, Peak Stupidity will expound a bit on the Twitter Files. Let's picture this correctly in our heads first. The Twitter Files are not hanging files in a metal filing cabinet as obtained by Jim Rockford and his late friend Angel Martin in the middle of the night. They are all electronic, being long-quashed tweets from Twitter servers, emails and tweets among Twitter employees, email and tweet requests and demands by the US Feral Gov't to Twitter employees, and so forth. Since Elon Musk bought the company, he has let this information go free, causing quite the stir.
Due to our long-ago conclusion that Twitter is plain stupid - we have never transmitted any tweets, though we've unfortunately had to receive a number of them due to no other choice - Peak Stupidity is not too bent out of shape about Twitter's purchase, the quashed tweets, the near-monopoly* (of the Tweet Space, if I may) media company's outrages, and its shunning of individuals too truthful for our own good.
I could have gone to 10,000 websites to get material for this post. However, this is not so much about the cancelling and shunning of Conservatives and people with information on this, that, and the other thing. It's about the very practices that this Anti-Social media company (and by extrapolation, likely the other big ones) uses to control what gets written to begin with, by those of ANY ideology about ANYTHING.
From a site called [Your]News comes an "article" about some of these "files", used here only because of the tweet above on it that I'd seen elsewhere really hit home about how Minitrue this whole deal is. I surely didn't pick out THE TWITTER FILES: HOW TWITTER RIGGED THE COVID DEBATE for David Zweig's prose. There is only one sentence of freaking prose! This whole damned "article" (see why I use quotes now) is a series of tweets by this same guy. I'm sorry to break this to him, but pasting in a couple of dozen of one's tweets is not writing, and you didn't create an article, David Zweig.
Here is the only line of actual prose by Mr. Zweig, or someone, but, I dunno, it doesn't have a blue check mark by it:
The United States government pressured Twitter and other social media platforms to elevate certain content and suppress other content about Covid-19.That's not the half of it, but that's what Mr. Zweig's header tweet was about. (We'll have another post on suppressed Kung Flu tweets.)
Yes, this manipulation of what gets sent and/or received as specified by the FBI, Zhou Bai Dien, Totalitarian medical establishment, and/or the Deep State is high-level corruption, collusion, election fraud, treason, and plenty of other crimes the FBI might come up with, if they weren't in the crowd of perpetrators. It's been entirely one-sided, it seems, with the Potomac Regime using the Twitter Ministry of Truth to suppress information that is contrary to the narratives of the Regime and Globalist goals worldwide.
What is extraordinary here is how many resources the company Twitter uses to do ANY of this kind of work. The company is NOT a publisher, but a free platform for communication by people not working for the company. It's not within the wheelhouse of the Peak Stupidity legal team, but we did learn enough back at the end of the Trump administration to write Big-"Tech" censorship and Section 230 about this difference. I don't know why the company Twitter should have any concern about its users' writings, if you could call it that. Incitement to violence? That's a matter for the law - they can read these tweets the same as anybody. Libel? Sounds like a job for the lawyers.
Yet, I read that Twitter had 10's of thousands of employees either doing the tedious work of sifting through computer-flagged tweets, or writing software to do this flagging, along with warning twitterers and cancelling them. I mean, it's such a big operation that the work was outsourced to the Philippines! As much as our experience with Customer Care in the Philippines has been better than dealing with other foreign places, the friendly voices speaking English over there don't actually understand a lot of English. That they are doing this warning and cancelling of twitterers shows that the Twitter Ministry of Truth is just phoning it in.
It's not even personal. Whatever information the company is told to stop from flowing, there are software "bots" and Filipinas who don't actually get what's going on that send it down the memory hole with a broad brush. As with the Customer Care operations, the software control panel (close up of what was in that tweet**) lets the employees follow a script of sets of questions without any real thinking. It's not even Orwell's Ministry of Truth with some intelligent people against you. Twitter's operation is more uncaring than that about your communications.
None of this should be necessary. Would it have been done without Feral Government involvement? Maybe it still would, with a mass of lefty employees.
The way around this modern Ministry of Truth is simple: Quit tweeting, and communicate like civilized human beings, for crying out loud!
* Who's fault is that, though?
** It's kind of blurry, but this is just to show how it is done.
[UPDATED 01/06:] Changed the last sentence in paragraph 6 to replace "Conservatives", as per comment by Dieter Kief.
Dieter Kief
Friday - January 6th 2023 9:46AM MST
Mod.. thx - since you asked: as always, my sciptings below are factually true to the last charakter: Banned for 32 or so hours.
True is also, that the exceptionally dumb - not least for a jew, mind you - - - Dr. Adler got that machinery going against me but was told by Twitter as documented, hehe, in the letter below, that: No! No way tey kick the Kief for a joke: The Kief will stay with us! - Take that!
After the Sailer ban, I was back in full gear - with all my tweets & stuff intact. Some commenters proposed that it would be easiest for Steve to delete the incriminated tweet. But then lots of far reaching lads like Dave Pinsen chimed in and I think solved that case for The Sailer Man, who did sweat this week, because he was at risk to lose 50 000 followers - not least for being hard headed & principled.
That would have hitted home hard with him. Just a few weeks back he had explained how glad he was, that his followers' number had finally reached a somewhat reasonable height. I'm sure they kicked him before in oh-so-many-ways - shadow bans and what not - all the torture instruments ready to go after the brave dog-sitter, hehe..
Adam - has your ban been lifted? I remember you were my oly follower for months hehe - and then, sadly, you were gone a& I was alone on the wide free-speech desert, left with nothing but a dead horse & a half dead bird with a cold, cawing / croaking in my tired ears, while in the east no sun would want to show up and food had long been gone too %$§"& - - - - - - - -
Mod.. thx - since you asked: as always, my sciptings below are factually true to the last charakter: Banned for 32 or so hours.
True is also, that the exceptionally dumb - not least for a jew, mind you - - - Dr. Adler got that machinery going against me but was told by Twitter as documented, hehe, in the letter below, that: No! No way tey kick the Kief for a joke: The Kief will stay with us! - Take that!
After the Sailer ban, I was back in full gear - with all my tweets & stuff intact. Some commenters proposed that it would be easiest for Steve to delete the incriminated tweet. But then lots of far reaching lads like Dave Pinsen chimed in and I think solved that case for The Sailer Man, who did sweat this week, because he was at risk to lose 50 000 followers - not least for being hard headed & principled.
That would have hitted home hard with him. Just a few weeks back he had explained how glad he was, that his followers' number had finally reached a somewhat reasonable height. I'm sure they kicked him before in oh-so-many-ways - shadow bans and what not - all the torture instruments ready to go after the brave dog-sitter, hehe..
Adam - has your ban been lifted? I remember you were my oly follower for months hehe - and then, sadly, you were gone a& I was alone on the wide free-speech desert, left with nothing but a dead horse & a half dead bird with a cold, cawing / croaking in my tired ears, while in the east no sun would want to show up and food had long been gone too %$§"& - - - - - - - -
Friday - January 6th 2023 6:11AM MST
PS: SIoP, thanks for the reminder. 2 years! The murderer, Michael Leroy Byrd, got off scot free, and there are the ~900 Political Prisoners that no one seems to care about, at least at a level to be able to do something to free them.
Mr.Kief, thanks for that summary of your twitter-life so far. The story of 'Drs. Adler and Blume was very interesting. Dr. Blume's title pretty much tells us that he's got nothing useful to do, so he will go after our own Dieter Kief, to show he's not paid 6 figures for nothing. I should have put more of these terms, "strike", "strike attempt", etc. in my post, but I haven't paid enough attention. Do you think it's Dr Adler's background that got you "off the charges"?
So standing up for iSteve cost you a banning (temporary or permanent?. Though this was after Musk took over, maybe he hasn't fired enough people yet. The point I make in this post has a corollary I thought about putting in: The company should be able to run with a few hundred people. Once you have the software doing its thing, and the users providing the content, where's the work? There's no need for most of the people that Elon Musk is firing for other reasons, but cost could be part of it too.
No, the Feral Gov't is not at all Conservative - it's iSteve's putting that thought together that is. Is it likely certain words are what got him, rather than the thought itself? That's the thing - it seems this striking, suspending, cancelling, etc. is not even based on very coherent anti-truth evil actions by people. Rather, it's like the comment moderation on WordPress on Mr. Hail's (or any WP) site - you have to figure out what you did wrong*, as it's software or (in twitter's case) sometimes a not-so-awfully-literate young lady in the Philippines that called it.
Anything against the mainstream, Globalist narrative, whether scientific, judicial, sociological or whatever, is what seems to have been suppressed, Dieter. The Covid-19 as the Black Death, and the Virus as the saving grace are both part of that narrative. That you could correspond with Professor Benn, who seems to have Ron DeSantis ear (?) is pretty cool.
* In the case of the Hail to You site, for me, it was just the cusswords, but I'm not sure what it's got for cusswords or other wrong words or phrases in its database used for moderation.
Mr.Kief, thanks for that summary of your twitter-life so far. The story of 'Drs. Adler and Blume was very interesting. Dr. Blume's title pretty much tells us that he's got nothing useful to do, so he will go after our own Dieter Kief, to show he's not paid 6 figures for nothing. I should have put more of these terms, "strike", "strike attempt", etc. in my post, but I haven't paid enough attention. Do you think it's Dr Adler's background that got you "off the charges"?
So standing up for iSteve cost you a banning (temporary or permanent?. Though this was after Musk took over, maybe he hasn't fired enough people yet. The point I make in this post has a corollary I thought about putting in: The company should be able to run with a few hundred people. Once you have the software doing its thing, and the users providing the content, where's the work? There's no need for most of the people that Elon Musk is firing for other reasons, but cost could be part of it too.
No, the Feral Gov't is not at all Conservative - it's iSteve's putting that thought together that is. Is it likely certain words are what got him, rather than the thought itself? That's the thing - it seems this striking, suspending, cancelling, etc. is not even based on very coherent anti-truth evil actions by people. Rather, it's like the comment moderation on WordPress on Mr. Hail's (or any WP) site - you have to figure out what you did wrong*, as it's software or (in twitter's case) sometimes a not-so-awfully-literate young lady in the Philippines that called it.
Anything against the mainstream, Globalist narrative, whether scientific, judicial, sociological or whatever, is what seems to have been suppressed, Dieter. The Covid-19 as the Black Death, and the Virus as the saving grace are both part of that narrative. That you could correspond with Professor Benn, who seems to have Ron DeSantis ear (?) is pretty cool.
* In the case of the Hail to You site, for me, it was just the cusswords, but I'm not sure what it's got for cusswords or other wrong words or phrases in its database used for moderation.
Friday - January 6th 2023 5:47AM MST
PS: Ha, Alarmist, that reminds me of Moby Dick. We were supposed to read it in High School. I took one look at how thick someone's copy was, no, just no... even the Cliff Notes were too big! I have a different attitude now, but that was High School.
I wish we could have made tweets as our book reviews though ... [/wistful]
I wish we could have made tweets as our book reviews though ... [/wistful]
Dieter Kief
Friday - January 6th 2023 1:37AM MST
In my series the ant's worldview, I can say that to this day, I have published 1222 tweets and got 1 strike-attempt, as that's called, yesterday and was banned 1 time for a day.
Now - banned I got since I had retweeted (world is small) a Steve Sailer tweet with - Us government crime stats (Mod. -is the US government a conservative institution?).
My strike-attempt came from Dr. Elio Adler, owner of a dental clinic in Berlin. But Twitter wrote me that they tuned it down.
I answered a tweet of Dr. Adler concerning the migrants insurgence in Berlin at New Years eve. I found his tweet not quite fitting and turned his arguent against him
by saying the following:
"German orgnised jewship will not be amused if you say things like that in ways you do it here. Same is true for Dr. Michael Blume in Stuttgart. (Dr. Blume is
secretary of the state of Badenia-Württemberia = south-west Germany) - - - "secr. of state for: Antisemitism & antiracism" - a new position, created by the
Green regional government in the south..)). I went on to warn Dr. Elio Adler, that he'd better be careful, because Dr. Blume would be known to take cases
like his to court in a second!
(Mind you, I did not write that because I feared protestant Dr. Blume would take a jew to court for being antisemite. I did say that because I could say it
from what I know about Dr. Blume's super-alert habits and I made use of that knowledge to
make people laugh about Dr. Adler's theses about the new-years-eve immigrants turmoils in Berlin, hehe.
So - that's what happened within the first five weeks I started to send out tweets: 1 ban for 24 hrs. for retweeting Steve Sailer and an attempt to hit me with a "strike"
for being antisemite! - The idea, that the discourse worldwide should be controlled following the established NY/Wash. standards, by and large, in my ant's nutshell.
Btw.: I did not tweet before Elon Musk - and that seems to have been quite right.
Btw.II - : - The first person ever to answer a tweet of mine was one Danish Professor Christine Stabell-Benn, who is completely ignored by the mainstream to this day with her
work about vaccination-consequences. In this tweet, I mentioned a sidekick of one London based Dr. James Thompson (=Unz columnist Psychological Commenter, as some peakers know).
Name of Dr. Thompson's sidekick: Stuart Ritchie. (Good!) Book: Science Fictions - about fraud in science - especially in psychology. Now things get a bit complicated: Dr. Thompson and Stuart Rictchie are fiecest lockdowners and pro vaccers and what I tweeted to Stabell-Benn was an article of Stuart Ritchie that could have been read quite easily a s a
take-down of her doubts about vaccine-safety.
And she rejected Ritchies arguements in one dry and very well thought through tweet - much to my astonishment - - - and may I admit: to my delight! She is one tough cookie.
She is one of a handful of high achievers in this - not least today: Quite important field. And no Adam, she - mind you, she spent her quite decently qualified working life of now three+ decades on this stuff - is not totally negative. To the contrary: She says vaccines do have lots of beneficial effects. Most surprisig: Lots of unintend - partially huge! - beneficial effects.
She - around the time she answered my tweet, was asked by Governor Ron DeSantis to help Florida to come to grips with
the covid vaccinations - and so she did! - She is a major voice behind the Dansih decision to stop vacciantion for everybody below fifty. DeSantis followed her (and her Great Barrington Declaration colleagues****) but was a bit more defensive than the Dansih government by saying: Nobody under fourty should get vaccinated.
***not least prof. Martin Kulldorff
So what: Is this conservative information that gets in trouble here, as you wrote above, Mod.?
I'd say not really, or not quite. To a large part, it is scientific information, juridical information, sociological inforamtion that
gets you in trouble nowadays.
Ah - did I mention, that Dr. Elio Adler, boss of a dozen or so dentists in his clinic in Berlin, let the world know that he is the son of a Holocaust survivor?
Here is the mail Twitter send me in the Dr. Adler case:
Twitter is required by German law to provide notice to users who are reported by people from Germany via the Network Enforcement Act reporting flow.
We have received a complaint for the following content from your account, @DieterKief:
Tweet ID: 1610619782763618304
Tweet Text: @DrElioAdler Das ist der organisierten Judenschaft hierzulande aber gar nicht recht, wenn Sie das jetzt so sagen. Auch dem Herrn Michael Blume in Stuttart nicht: Antisemitismusbeauftragter... - und Vorsicht - der klagt gern u. viel!
We have investigated the reported content and have found that it is not subject to removal under the Twitter Rules ( or German law.
In my series the ant's worldview, I can say that to this day, I have published 1222 tweets and got 1 strike-attempt, as that's called, yesterday and was banned 1 time for a day.
Now - banned I got since I had retweeted (world is small) a Steve Sailer tweet with - Us government crime stats (Mod. -is the US government a conservative institution?).
My strike-attempt came from Dr. Elio Adler, owner of a dental clinic in Berlin. But Twitter wrote me that they tuned it down.
I answered a tweet of Dr. Adler concerning the migrants insurgence in Berlin at New Years eve. I found his tweet not quite fitting and turned his arguent against him
by saying the following:
"German orgnised jewship will not be amused if you say things like that in ways you do it here. Same is true for Dr. Michael Blume in Stuttgart. (Dr. Blume is
secretary of the state of Badenia-Württemberia = south-west Germany) - - - "secr. of state for: Antisemitism & antiracism" - a new position, created by the
Green regional government in the south..)). I went on to warn Dr. Elio Adler, that he'd better be careful, because Dr. Blume would be known to take cases
like his to court in a second!
(Mind you, I did not write that because I feared protestant Dr. Blume would take a jew to court for being antisemite. I did say that because I could say it
from what I know about Dr. Blume's super-alert habits and I made use of that knowledge to
make people laugh about Dr. Adler's theses about the new-years-eve immigrants turmoils in Berlin, hehe.
So - that's what happened within the first five weeks I started to send out tweets: 1 ban for 24 hrs. for retweeting Steve Sailer and an attempt to hit me with a "strike"
for being antisemite! - The idea, that the discourse worldwide should be controlled following the established NY/Wash. standards, by and large, in my ant's nutshell.
Btw.: I did not tweet before Elon Musk - and that seems to have been quite right.
Btw.II - : - The first person ever to answer a tweet of mine was one Danish Professor Christine Stabell-Benn, who is completely ignored by the mainstream to this day with her
work about vaccination-consequences. In this tweet, I mentioned a sidekick of one London based Dr. James Thompson (=Unz columnist Psychological Commenter, as some peakers know).
Name of Dr. Thompson's sidekick: Stuart Ritchie. (Good!) Book: Science Fictions - about fraud in science - especially in psychology. Now things get a bit complicated: Dr. Thompson and Stuart Rictchie are fiecest lockdowners and pro vaccers and what I tweeted to Stabell-Benn was an article of Stuart Ritchie that could have been read quite easily a s a
take-down of her doubts about vaccine-safety.
And she rejected Ritchies arguements in one dry and very well thought through tweet - much to my astonishment - - - and may I admit: to my delight! She is one tough cookie.
She is one of a handful of high achievers in this - not least today: Quite important field. And no Adam, she - mind you, she spent her quite decently qualified working life of now three+ decades on this stuff - is not totally negative. To the contrary: She says vaccines do have lots of beneficial effects. Most surprisig: Lots of unintend - partially huge! - beneficial effects.
She - around the time she answered my tweet, was asked by Governor Ron DeSantis to help Florida to come to grips with
the covid vaccinations - and so she did! - She is a major voice behind the Dansih decision to stop vacciantion for everybody below fifty. DeSantis followed her (and her Great Barrington Declaration colleagues****) but was a bit more defensive than the Dansih government by saying: Nobody under fourty should get vaccinated.
***not least prof. Martin Kulldorff
So what: Is this conservative information that gets in trouble here, as you wrote above, Mod.?
I'd say not really, or not quite. To a large part, it is scientific information, juridical information, sociological inforamtion that
gets you in trouble nowadays.
Ah - did I mention, that Dr. Elio Adler, boss of a dozen or so dentists in his clinic in Berlin, let the world know that he is the son of a Holocaust survivor?
Here is the mail Twitter send me in the Dr. Adler case:
Twitter is required by German law to provide notice to users who are reported by people from Germany via the Network Enforcement Act reporting flow.
We have received a complaint for the following content from your account, @DieterKief:
Tweet ID: 1610619782763618304
Tweet Text: @DrElioAdler Das ist der organisierten Judenschaft hierzulande aber gar nicht recht, wenn Sie das jetzt so sagen. Auch dem Herrn Michael Blume in Stuttart nicht: Antisemitismusbeauftragter... - und Vorsicht - der klagt gern u. viel!
We have investigated the reported content and have found that it is not subject to removal under the Twitter Rules ( or German law.
The Alarmist
Thursday - January 5th 2023 10:48PM MST
Of course Twitter is Deep State, but what could the National Enquirer be other than a limited hangout, i.e Deep State? Who broke the JFK and space alien stories first?
Of course Twitter is Deep State, but what could the National Enquirer be other than a limited hangout, i.e Deep State? Who broke the JFK and space alien stories first?
Somafree Institute of Psychoplasmics
Thursday - January 5th 2023 10:36PM MST
PS Just read about Michelle Obama being one of the earliest twits ordering the ban of carny barker PT Trump.
Twit is Deep State and you just knew once PT Trump started talking about section 230 that the long knives would come out.
Wonder what the other hand is up to while this Kabuki goes on.
O/T-Ashli Babbit Remembrance Day is Friday.
Twit is Deep State and you just knew once PT Trump started talking about section 230 that the long knives would come out.
Wonder what the other hand is up to while this Kabuki goes on.
O/T-Ashli Babbit Remembrance Day is Friday.
The Alarmist
Thursday - January 5th 2023 10:14PM MST
Twitter ... your source when the National Enquirer is tl;dr.
Twitter ... your source when the National Enquirer is tl;dr.
Twitter has not (yet?) lifted my lifetime ban...
I guess the phrase “Thank God the pedophiles he killed were jewish and not black.” really angered the twitter algorithm. (or something?*) It's kinda wild that pedophiles are a protected class on twitter? (Oddly enough, the tweet that got me canceled was my most popular tweet. It received more likes and more retweets than anything else I ever tweeted.) TwitterBot finds that tweet so offensive it won't let me view it even though it let's me view all my other tweets.
Here are a few they didn't censor...
I'm not surprised that they didn't censor the porch monkey tweet as it fits their ideology.
(I think it would have evaded censorship even without the Trans Woman of Color part)
I'm a bit shocked they didn't censor this simple tweet...
My apologies, Dieter. If I had known I'd be leaving you in such a dismal situation I never would have let that tweet fly. If twitter ever lifts my ban the first thing I will do is follow you and Mr. Hail.
*If I lived in Germany I might have received a message that someone reported my tweet. This is probably the case because the tweet was up for several days before twitter banned me.
Anyway... I hope you have a great evening, Dieter!