Posted On: Thursday - February 2nd 2023 9:19AM MST
In Topics:   Peak Stupidity Roadshow  Kung Flu Stupidity

Do any Peak Stupidity readers remember the days of the ubiquitous steak house restaurants? Western Sizzler, Western Steer, Ponderosa, and Ryan's are those I recall. ("The West is the best", "they"* say.) Only the latter is still in business, having re-invented itself as a buffet restaurant. Back in the day, you'd get that 1/2" thick piece of solid Sirloin - billed as that, anyway - with a baked potato, drink, and access to the salad bar for $4.75 or so. This was just after the decade in which jogging became popular.
Though you came for the shoe-leather steak, you all thought you were being so healthful, partaking of the salad bar, with 20 kinds of dressings and, YEAH, bacon bits!
On a road trip recently, the chain restaurant we stopped by had the old-fashioned salad bar. You've got your Romaine lettuce, your Iceberg lettuce, your variegated purple/green lettuce, your spinach... I was grabbing some of that rabbit food with the plastic tongs when a woman fell behind me in line. She had on plastic gloves up to her elbows. These were made of clear plastic, not the blue neoprene. Whatever, it was not my business, and not my day to calm down hysterics.
I didn't start it. "We're supposed to still wear gloves at the salad bar," she informed me. "First I've heard about it," I informed her back. "I thought the PanicFest was completely over." Well, SHE started it. "No, they want you to wear gloves." "That's not gonna happen."
Well, I got my salad, and she got her salad, so I assume this customer was not too bent out of shape by my lack of "Protective Equipment". I mean, they still have the sneeze guard, so there's that ...
This Kung Flu stupidity, the bread and butter of Peak Stupidity during our Salad (Bar) Days, lingers on, like a 3-day old booger on the sneeze guard.
* "They" being crazy Jim Morrison of The Doors of Perception.
Adam Smith
Thursday - February 2nd 2023 8:44PM MST
PS: Good evening, everyone,
In 1989 there were almost 700 Ponderosa locations. By 2003 there were less than 400 locations. By October 2022 only 17 Ponderosa locations remain open.
If I'm not mistaken, Ryan's Buffet and their parent company are no more...
Anyone remember the Roadhouse Grill?'s
In 1989 there were almost 700 Ponderosa locations. By 2003 there were less than 400 locations. By October 2022 only 17 Ponderosa locations remain open.
If I'm not mistaken, Ryan's Buffet and their parent company are no more...
Anyone remember the Roadhouse Grill?'s
Thursday - February 2nd 2023 8:27PM MST
PS: UsAndThem and Sam, yeah, there are steakhouses, but they are more upscale (in my mind) and of a different generation.
Thursday - February 2nd 2023 8:24PM MST
PS: Yeah, I should add, Alarmist, that this salad bar was twice as much without some meal. I realize the reason, but still, I got the cheapest thing, a burger, and split it with someone else who paid for just the salad bar.
If nothing else, I notice that this type of restaurant, Ruby Tuesdays/TGIF/Applebees/Chile's (aren't they all the same damn thing?) has prices about twice what they were in the mid '00s, when I went a few times with friends.
If nothing else, I notice that this type of restaurant, Ruby Tuesdays/TGIF/Applebees/Chile's (aren't they all the same damn thing?) has prices about twice what they were in the mid '00s, when I went a few times with friends.
Sam J.
Thursday - February 2nd 2023 7:08PM MST
Western Sizzler, Ryans, good stuff! , Outback Steakhouse, Longhorn Steakhouse, etc. I don't think they're as good. Likely all the crap they put in the food. I can not eat chicken. It’s disgusting. I used to love chicken. We had in all the zippy marts, 7-11 type stores, they would have fried chicken box with rolls and a fried potato wedge. SO GOOD. Now, it’s awful. All of it. (I know I’m rambling but food made me think of chicken, then Jim Stone and he’s interesting so...) I couldn't figure out what it was about the chicken but a guy named Jim Stone, who may be dead, but they are impersonating him, said that he bought a chicken that was not so good, he lives, maybe, in Mexico(had to run from the States), so he washed it in bleach, and he said that it tasted like American chicken. So it seems they drench all chickens in bleach. The taste is awful.
You ought to look at Jim Stones, Fukushima SABOTAGE! report. I know it sounds nuts. Like really crazy but...I can not shake or disprove the facts that he lays out that the Japanese earthquake was really a Jewish attack on the Japanese. Likely for them promising to buy Iranian oil and to reprocess uranium for them. I know it sounds nuts, but the pictures he has, and the logic is...I can't disprove he is not right. It's just like 9-11. The story is so crazy but if you look at the facts they do add up. I looked up the pictures and some of his facts on different sites and it seems to be correct.
Did you know, and this is verified from many sources, that one of the reactors that blew the roof off was shut down? Like big massive explosion. In fact all the fuel had been taken out of it and the lid was off to the side until they were ready to reload it. No fuel, no lid, turned off and it blew up. Now how did that happen? Furthermore, officially they said that the reason that this happened was hydrogen build up from the reactor next to it venting into that building. There's only one problem with that, they have these huge high stack ventilation vents directly added to their plants because of the three mile island accident to vent the hydrogen. So then how did the nuke plants blow up?
Surprise, surprise the Israelis somehow got a security contract and put this massive huge camera about the size of the little boy Hiroshima bomb inside the reactors(hint, hint). I think they nuked them. Read this report, it will blow your mind. Ever since and before he wrote this they’ve been trying to kill him. I can see why. It sounds so nuts but if they can do 9-11, and they did, then they can nuke Japan and fire off nukes to simulate earthquakes.
I'm not entirely convinced they have not killed him and taken over his site. He had a car pull out in front of him and broke his arm when he crashed into it, then it drove off, A little after that his site shut down, then came back may not be him. Then he said his wife threw him out and stole his site and all his money. Strange stuff. Can't say for sure it’s him still or if he’s alive. They tried to kill him with poison twice before. They are so ruthless. You can not live with the Jews. They're too mentally ill. If you think of all Jews as psychopaths you will be far better informed about what they might do and what they might have done.
Western Sizzler, Ryans, good stuff! , Outback Steakhouse, Longhorn Steakhouse, etc. I don't think they're as good. Likely all the crap they put in the food. I can not eat chicken. It’s disgusting. I used to love chicken. We had in all the zippy marts, 7-11 type stores, they would have fried chicken box with rolls and a fried potato wedge. SO GOOD. Now, it’s awful. All of it. (I know I’m rambling but food made me think of chicken, then Jim Stone and he’s interesting so...) I couldn't figure out what it was about the chicken but a guy named Jim Stone, who may be dead, but they are impersonating him, said that he bought a chicken that was not so good, he lives, maybe, in Mexico(had to run from the States), so he washed it in bleach, and he said that it tasted like American chicken. So it seems they drench all chickens in bleach. The taste is awful.
You ought to look at Jim Stones, Fukushima SABOTAGE! report. I know it sounds nuts. Like really crazy but...I can not shake or disprove the facts that he lays out that the Japanese earthquake was really a Jewish attack on the Japanese. Likely for them promising to buy Iranian oil and to reprocess uranium for them. I know it sounds nuts, but the pictures he has, and the logic is...I can't disprove he is not right. It's just like 9-11. The story is so crazy but if you look at the facts they do add up. I looked up the pictures and some of his facts on different sites and it seems to be correct.
Did you know, and this is verified from many sources, that one of the reactors that blew the roof off was shut down? Like big massive explosion. In fact all the fuel had been taken out of it and the lid was off to the side until they were ready to reload it. No fuel, no lid, turned off and it blew up. Now how did that happen? Furthermore, officially they said that the reason that this happened was hydrogen build up from the reactor next to it venting into that building. There's only one problem with that, they have these huge high stack ventilation vents directly added to their plants because of the three mile island accident to vent the hydrogen. So then how did the nuke plants blow up?
Surprise, surprise the Israelis somehow got a security contract and put this massive huge camera about the size of the little boy Hiroshima bomb inside the reactors(hint, hint). I think they nuked them. Read this report, it will blow your mind. Ever since and before he wrote this they’ve been trying to kill him. I can see why. It sounds so nuts but if they can do 9-11, and they did, then they can nuke Japan and fire off nukes to simulate earthquakes.
I'm not entirely convinced they have not killed him and taken over his site. He had a car pull out in front of him and broke his arm when he crashed into it, then it drove off, A little after that his site shut down, then came back may not be him. Then he said his wife threw him out and stole his site and all his money. Strange stuff. Can't say for sure it’s him still or if he’s alive. They tried to kill him with poison twice before. They are so ruthless. You can not live with the Jews. They're too mentally ill. If you think of all Jews as psychopaths you will be far better informed about what they might do and what they might have done.
Thursday - February 2nd 2023 5:38PM MST
There're still a bunch of "steakhouses" around: Texas Roadhouse, Outback Steakhouse, Longhorn Steakhouse, etc. - but all chain types. At any rate, there's also a certain segment of the population who are never gonna let covid go. They'll be masking, gloving, vaxxing and bitching until the day they die - which for many will be a lot sooner than they think.
There're still a bunch of "steakhouses" around: Texas Roadhouse, Outback Steakhouse, Longhorn Steakhouse, etc. - but all chain types. At any rate, there's also a certain segment of the population who are never gonna let covid go. They'll be masking, gloving, vaxxing and bitching until the day they die - which for many will be a lot sooner than they think.
The Alarmist
Thursday - February 2nd 2023 2:21PM MST
At the steakhouse of my teen years, the Ribeye sandwich with fries was two dollars cheaper than the ribeye platter with baked potato, Texas toast, and salad bar (both with drinks), but you could add a salad to the sandwich for another dollar... My first practical lesson in arbitrage, since it was the same ribeye on a bun, and you could ask for it on two Texas toasts, so even better value.
Thank goodness for the sneeze guards on those salad bars, but the ice between the ingredient containers got grotty to the max quite quickly.
At the steakhouse of my teen years, the Ribeye sandwich with fries was two dollars cheaper than the ribeye platter with baked potato, Texas toast, and salad bar (both with drinks), but you could add a salad to the sandwich for another dollar... My first practical lesson in arbitrage, since it was the same ribeye on a bun, and you could ask for it on two Texas toasts, so even better value.
Thank goodness for the sneeze guards on those salad bars, but the ice between the ingredient containers got grotty to the max quite quickly.
Thursday - February 2nd 2023 9:35AM MST
PS: Yeah, now those vets had a reason, but, sure, make 'em available for the salad bar, by all means...
I've liked your comments on, BTW, Possumman. Thanks for writing on here.
I've liked your comments on, BTW, Possumman. Thanks for writing on here.
Thursday - February 2nd 2023 9:23AM MST
PS they should hand out those gloves that large animal vets use--up to your shoulders
Stuckey's was another place that is long gone and Pappy called it the fat farm.
How I miss the salad bar! A buffet of good stuff.
Pondergrossa is what locals who worked there called it while mocking the green apron and "tacky khakis" outfit in a shout out to the ZZ Top song about khaki pants.
The last one went under in 1995 and now it is an Arby's Frankenfood 5000 calorie fill up two for about $8.
Family still eats those but I'll pass, it is better than Rally's/Checkers I guess.
There are still some Rax roast beef out West with the killer milkshakes.