Posted On: Saturday - February 25th 2023 3:28PM MST
In Topics:   Elections '16 - '24  Liberty/Libertarianism  US Feral Government  Kung Flu Stupidity  Guns
Mr. E.H. Hail, proprietor of the Hail To You political blog and often Peak Stupidity commenter, has a very nicely written detailed report up with his personal account of the Rage Against the War Machine rally in the FS this past Sunday: Scenes from the anti-war rally in Washington (Feb. 19, 2023). Mr. Hail noted at the beginning that it's a long one, about an hour's worth of reading (about right, per my reading). It is enjoyable reading, and I like the way the writer organized his report. (I am also surprised about the details Mr. Hail was able to report, as I'd have forgotten half of them by the next day, without notes - taking notes, as he did, takes away from the experience for me though, IMO.)
This rally was specifically against the US involvement and support of the Ukraine in its war against Russia, not all wars in general. It wasn't even about their being a war, per se. It's not up to Americans, at least me, to go rallying against a war between the Ukraine and Russia. That's their business, well, or SHOULD BE. However, America had a big part in causing the trouble that started his war, and, if nothing else, we should not be sending $100 Billion and other aid, pushing things toward WWIII, or at least Cold War II.
A couple of more points from the HailToYou article, though I'll make comments there later. I agree with Mr. Hail that the name of the rally was not the best. It sounds hard-leftist. Per this report, the rally had elements of the old-left and the Libertarian Right. Yes, when rallying for a common cause, I can get along to an extent, but it's not like I trust those Commies I'd be standing next to one bit!
I do agree with the effort though and would have considered joining it had work obligations not been already determined. This brings me to mention the series of 3 rallies in the Shithole (that's what we wonks call FS, formerly DC, for short) that have been held, along with a big one in Richmond, Virginia, all over the last 4 years, in 3 January's and a February (the last one).
Actually, I'll go back one full decade before the first, which was a gun rally I attended in northern Virginia just across from Washington, FS in early Spring, AIR, of 2010. It was a fairly small crowd of purposely blatantly armed individuals - rifles for the most part. I'd say there were no more than 50 people there, listening to speakers like the late Mike Vanderboegh. This one did get into the national news for a day or two. It didn't particularly solve anything, as it was just a show of support for Amendment II in general. It was good to be part of it... until 10 miles into the long road trip home, still on Regime property, when the engine quit on the little Ford, due to the failure of a cheap-ass timing belt pulley*.
10 years later, the people of Virginia, being worried about impending additional gun control, staged another of their yearly rallies on Jan 20th, but with this one somehow morphing into a HUGE rally, the likes that had probably never been seen before from the gun rights patriots.
(Peak Stupidity image.)
I was able to attend - see There's great power in numbers - Case study: Richmond, Virginia - but it was purely a lucky thing. The work obligation that weekend took me to a city within 100 miles of Richmond, Virginia. I was able to go, but with the idea that I MUST be back at a certain hour. With all the hype about "violent gun owners", let me tell you, my biggest worry was being able to park the rent-a-car (got lucky on that) and later would I get back through the outbound traffic at the end.
I had a great spot out there in the cold for 2 hours until I got nervous (about making it back!). I did some calculations based on what I saw as roughly 100 people, how big is a crowd of 10 of those, and then how many of those 1,000s filled these streets on one side of the Virginia State House. There were multiple 10's of thousands out there, most of them openly armed. A great time was had by all, and nobody in authority would have tried arresting anyone in it.
A year later, well we all know the date now, a still-President Donald Trump held a rally in protest of the massive cheating in the '20 election. As I wrote that evening, it was only logistics that kept me from going. Better planning a few days before would have had me in the midst of it all. I still don't know if I feel more regret than relief, based on the way the Potomac Regime decided to make an Anarcho-Tyrannical "example" of these "Insurrectionists!" If Peak Stupidity had stopped publishing a few months later, you all would have figured what happened, right? How about tried to break me out? Too soon?
There is too much to write about 1/6/21, but even with the huge crowd (said to have been in the multiple 100's of thousands) at the rally itself, nothing changed for the better afterwards. The cheatfest was let stand, and the frivolity in the Capitol by a small few (as likely planned to a degree by provocateurs** ) resulted in the holding of ~1,000 Political Prisoners and lots of discouragement of those who aren't yet wanting to get violent about it all.
At a time a year later, most Americans had had enough of nearly 2 years of Totalitarianism by Kung Flu PanicFest adherents. Additionally, this was still at the time that Big Biz, government, universities, the military were still mandating, or trying to mandate, the Covid gene therapy shots called vaccines. From what I saw and experienced, Americans were no longer complying, and then there was the trucker convoy in Canada's capital Ottawa, raising hell and enjoying the chance to push back. In January '22, a "Defeat the Mandates" rally was held in FS, as documented by Mr. Hail, who was at that one too: Scenes from the “Defeat the Mandates” rally (Washington D.C., Jan. 23, 2022) and thoughts on its place in Corona-Panic history.
Work again interfered, but I was able to watch some of the talks on video - see our post Dr. Robert Malone and E.H. Hail at the anti-vax-mandate rally. Per Mr. Hail in his post and his excerpt in a comment from one Jeffrey Tucker, there were tens of thousands of protestors, even in that cold weather (as I could tell even on video). My personal opinion differs from Mr. Hail's in that I think the end of the PanicFest and the end of attempts at mandatory vaccination were already coming, protest or not. However, seeing that crowd and those speakers on video, the Totalitarians might have then understood fully that they were not going to win this one.
Someone coincidentally, Lyin' Press media coverage switched within a month to nonstop Ukraine/Russia. I doubt it's that the war was triggered at this point due to the failure in extending the Kung Flu PanicFest another season, but more that the barrage of coverage indicated it would be the new Infotainment for the American masses to take the previous one's place. (By early March of '22, Peak Stupidity asked and answered the question Is the Russia/Ukraine War another piece of Infotainment?)
This latest round of warmongering or war-instigation by the US has not just drained more money and goodwill from this country, with with Nordstream sabotage being part of the latter. It's brought fears of a greater conflict and nuclear war that hasn't been seen since the end of the Cold War.
(Image from E.H. Hail.)
That's yet one more wintertime protest by Americans. This was a smaller crowd, optimistically at 10,000 people***. You can read Mr. Hail's great report to the end to see what his conclusion is on the protest's potential "efficacy", as they say.
That's every winter for 4 years - Americans have had a major beef with the policies and dictates of the Potomac Regime. I agree with the Americans involved in all 4 of them. Well, the 1960s saw protests bigger than these weekly or monthly though. However, they weren't all protests I would have agreed with, many being held simply to help overthrow the system. It didn't need overthrowing then. Now it does.
Let's summarize ... attempts at gun control, massive election fraud, mandatory experimental "vaccine" attempts, and, finally, another war that this broke country is deeply involved in... only the first and last issues rhyme with history, and there were no protests against the 1st back in history. The Potomac Regime has got to go. "Regime Change NOW" ought to be the overarching rallying cry during all protests and rallies to come.
* This was a "non-interference" engine, so the car was able to live another day.
** See Mr. Hail's report of this latest rally for some more of that, albeit of a smaller fashion.
*** Mr. Hail's estimate of the maximum complicated by the fact that people had to leave and come back for food and drink.
Sunday - February 26th 2023 5:50AM MST
PS: Thanks for the story, Alarmist. I never had to go through anything like that - probably could have when much younger. I did know Morse Code at 13 wpm for about 1/2 a month, but then, "use it or lose it".
The Alarmist
Sunday - February 26th 2023 4:25AM MST
When I was undergoing the interrogation part of SERE (“Resistance”), naked in my very cold cell between interrogation sessions, I used to sing along to the music they used to blare at us to break us. I particularly like the song, “Napalm Sticks to Kids.” They’d open the cell door, shout at me, and often throw cold water on me. That was the worst they could do to me, but when they de-briefed me, they told me this form of resistance would likely get me killed by my captors, who would consider me a war criminal with no Geneva convention protections.
I would imagine that if you land in the FS Gulag, you will be considered a Terrorist (You’ll still be a Freedom Fighter to me 😉), and I hear those Nigerian dudes they hired as guards aren’t very friendly. It’s no coïncidence that our Minority Occupation Government imports and even hires foreigners to do their dirty work.
Anyway, start learning the tap code so we can stay in touch.
They told us the mnemonic to remember the start of each row was “Air Force Loves Quick Victories,” but I always thought the Navy version, “Air Force Loves Queer Virgins,” was funnier.
When I was undergoing the interrogation part of SERE (“Resistance”), naked in my very cold cell between interrogation sessions, I used to sing along to the music they used to blare at us to break us. I particularly like the song, “Napalm Sticks to Kids.” They’d open the cell door, shout at me, and often throw cold water on me. That was the worst they could do to me, but when they de-briefed me, they told me this form of resistance would likely get me killed by my captors, who would consider me a war criminal with no Geneva convention protections.
I would imagine that if you land in the FS Gulag, you will be considered a Terrorist (You’ll still be a Freedom Fighter to me 😉), and I hear those Nigerian dudes they hired as guards aren’t very friendly. It’s no coïncidence that our Minority Occupation Government imports and even hires foreigners to do their dirty work.
Anyway, start learning the tap code so we can stay in touch.
They told us the mnemonic to remember the start of each row was “Air Force Loves Quick Victories,” but I always thought the Navy version, “Air Force Loves Queer Virgins,” was funnier.
Saturday - February 25th 2023 4:49PM MST
PS: SafeNow, I ought to read Michelle Malkin's book on the Japanese internment to see her side on this, but she's never been a real Libertarian. Libertarians see ahead as to how exactly everything "good for us" done by the Feral Gov't can and will be used against us, not necessarily in court either.
Yes, I'll be there playing pool or shuffleboard - just no actual Gulags, please - I don't take the cold well.
Yes, I'll be there playing pool or shuffleboard - just no actual Gulags, please - I don't take the cold well.
Saturday - February 25th 2023 3:50PM MST
Your narrow escape from Jan6 imprisonment might be only a temporary reprieve. When the U.S. is more fully engaged in war against Russia (and China?), putative wartime emergency powers might be invoked to round-up
those whose activities are deemed inimical to the war effort. As I have explained before, Korematsu was NOT overruled in Trump vs. Hawaii; the permissibleness of group detention is the law of the land. I would be in the second tier. If they get that far and that happens, it would be an honor to be in the same dorm at the internment camp as you, Mr. Moderator; I’ll be at the snack bar.
Your narrow escape from Jan6 imprisonment might be only a temporary reprieve. When the U.S. is more fully engaged in war against Russia (and China?), putative wartime emergency powers might be invoked to round-up
those whose activities are deemed inimical to the war effort. As I have explained before, Korematsu was NOT overruled in Trump vs. Hawaii; the permissibleness of group detention is the law of the land. I would be in the second tier. If they get that far and that happens, it would be an honor to be in the same dorm at the internment camp as you, Mr. Moderator; I’ll be at the snack bar.
Thank you very much for the links and for your comments on the rallies.
Your proposal of a loose continuity between...
- Richmond Gun Rights -- 2020
- U.S. Capitol Election Integrity -- 2021
- Defeat The Mandates Covid-Panic -- 2022
- The Anti-War rally -- 2023 interesting but as I try to hold the edifice together it feels wobbly. There is no doubt we can find some common elements between them.
The big difference is the first two in the list were really from the "Right." The latter two rallies are notable for being broad coalitions with elements of the "Right" and "Left." But of course using such descriptions doesn't work in these cases mostly. Right and Left are not at all as salient distinctions, as are Woke vs. non-Woke vs. anti-Woke.