Posted On: Friday - April 7th 2023 3:01PM MST
In Topics:   Trump  US Feral Government  alt-right  ctrl-left  Female Stupidity
The comparison between these 2 US Congressladies we made on Peak Stupidity last time was about the political ramifications of geography and demographics more than anything else. As per some of the comments, along with my own thoughts, the question that arises is "Do we want women in politics in America?"
I have said NO, many times. Sure, we could watch the drama on youtube clips as the huge difference in ideology, the high spirits of these 2, and then there's AOC's rack, have us hoping for a good old cat fight. That's not the kind of serious politics that would help our country though.
Regarding these specific ladies, AOC is an avowed Socialist, too young to know a damn thing other than about dressing sexy and serving mixed drinks. MTG's politics are right up our alley here, in contrast. She first brought up the phrase (not the idea, of course) of "national divorce". I've seen more recent tweets or quotes from her that are to my liking beyond anything I've seen from the rest of the actual Conservatives in FS, the few there are there. It's great stuff!
However, are these tweets and in-person squabbles going to change anything or even help anyone attempt to? MTG and AOC probably both believe in the ideologies, but this is a lot of drama that is not part of any plan to actually get change done. Hmmmm, who does this remind me of? It's coming to me ... lots of tweeting drama ... lots of talk instead of planning ... constant squabbling... Got it! Donald Trump was the first Woman President.
Say what you want about (some of his) backers and his big mistakes*, but Ronald Reagan is an example of how you get things done politically. He had men working with him (yeah, on HIS side) developing strategies to get what he wanted - the end of the USSR was the big one. That's men's work, making plans and carrying them out. Where are these men though, nowadays? Are they also spending too much time on the internet... like your blogger here?
* See also, 1986 Illegal Amnesty - Ronald Reagan's regrets.
Saturday - April 8th 2023 8:02PM MST
PS “Donald Trump was the first Woman President.” You heard it here first.
Saturday - April 8th 2023 12:27PM MST
PS: Mr. Hail, you really gave me a blast from the past with that excerpt from 6 years ago. I remember exactly where I was when I talked to this young lady, and thought "hey, this here's a blog post". She was in a service job, so not a comparison to MTG, the Bohert types (well-known pundits), etc. I think there's a big generation gap, and it's about living in reality most of the time vs living on the internet most of the time... like I am now, haha.
Saturday - April 8th 2023 11:00AM MST
In Easter week, I have had some occasion to think about the churches more more than usual.
The churches are a traditional realm of women and women's leadership, even if they weren't allowed to become full pastors for most of history (and still not, generally, in conservative churches).
In my experience, there is a big qualitative difference in the churches between the 1990s and the 2010s (and our current early 2020s are a definite continuance of those 2010s). This change in the tenor of the churches seems parallel to the rise of the loud-and-proud female politicos.
I wonder what common phenomenon I think I'm seeing. Without using a lazy label like "liberalism" or even "feminization."
In Easter week, I have had some occasion to think about the churches more more than usual.
The churches are a traditional realm of women and women's leadership, even if they weren't allowed to become full pastors for most of history (and still not, generally, in conservative churches).
In my experience, there is a big qualitative difference in the churches between the 1990s and the 2010s (and our current early 2020s are a definite continuance of those 2010s). This change in the tenor of the churches seems parallel to the rise of the loud-and-proud female politicos.
I wonder what common phenomenon I think I'm seeing. Without using a lazy label like "liberalism" or even "feminization."
Saturday - April 8th 2023 10:56AM MST
I present the following from the Peak Stupidity archives, under the "Female Stupidity" topic-key, originally posted in 2017 (#474, "Snowflake Girls"), which is the second-earliest use of this topic-key.
"I met this lady in the work environment, and luckily this was not a long-term arrangement. We had to talk to each other, and yes, I was the boss. However, it was very hard to even talk to her about normal work stuff without seeing a scared look like I was getting out of her little world in her head too far. I saw this time and again, as some remark I made when I wasn't smiling really brightly and talking really slowly brought on a scared look. If everything was going really smoothly, she could do her job, but she didn't want to hear anything bad - no, no bad thoughts. It really looked like she might cry and quit a few times just due to .. what?
How does one get that way?"
The "How does one get that way" question may not immediately seem to apply to the current female-politico celebrities and attention-getters, but maybe it's not so different a question.
Another is the loud-and-proud Lauren Bobert, and lesser-stature versions of these people are really all over U.S. politics now (not sure if Hillary Clinton fits exactly this paradigm or is better placed as an ancestral form), in a way that would have stunned people not so long ago.
I present the following from the Peak Stupidity archives, under the "Female Stupidity" topic-key, originally posted in 2017 (#474, "Snowflake Girls"), which is the second-earliest use of this topic-key.
"I met this lady in the work environment, and luckily this was not a long-term arrangement. We had to talk to each other, and yes, I was the boss. However, it was very hard to even talk to her about normal work stuff without seeing a scared look like I was getting out of her little world in her head too far. I saw this time and again, as some remark I made when I wasn't smiling really brightly and talking really slowly brought on a scared look. If everything was going really smoothly, she could do her job, but she didn't want to hear anything bad - no, no bad thoughts. It really looked like she might cry and quit a few times just due to .. what?
How does one get that way?"
The "How does one get that way" question may not immediately seem to apply to the current female-politico celebrities and attention-getters, but maybe it's not so different a question.
Another is the loud-and-proud Lauren Bobert, and lesser-stature versions of these people are really all over U.S. politics now (not sure if Hillary Clinton fits exactly this paradigm or is better placed as an ancestral form), in a way that would have stunned people not so long ago.
Saturday - April 8th 2023 8:20AM MST
PS: SafeNow, re: "AOC is a silly child, but is not vulnerable to having testosterone cause her to start another war, or even blow-up the world." Probably true, but she'd let the country go far down the hole into Totalitarianism/Communism that a war would be the only way out of it.
Then there's the Hildabeast. Who knows what wars she would have started besides the ones she had already been heavily involved in?
Then there's the Hildabeast. Who knows what wars she would have started besides the ones she had already been heavily involved in?
The Alarmist
Saturday - April 8th 2023 4:55AM MST
Ah, for the good old days when the only women involved in political intercourse were prostitutes.
On second thought ....
Ah, for the good old days when the only women involved in political intercourse were prostitutes.
On second thought ....
Saturday - April 8th 2023 1:06AM MST
Testosterone-driven maleness (“TDM”) presents an armageddon risk. For the previous zillion years, the unremitting subjectivity of TDM created misadventures, but these were not nuclear-ash-pile misadventures. Women, overwhelmingly, are fairness- and empathy-driven; that is THEIR subjectivity. AOC is a silly child, but is not vulnerable to having testosterone cause her to start another war, or even blow-up the world.
Testosterone-driven maleness (“TDM”) presents an armageddon risk. For the previous zillion years, the unremitting subjectivity of TDM created misadventures, but these were not nuclear-ash-pile misadventures. Women, overwhelmingly, are fairness- and empathy-driven; that is THEIR subjectivity. AOC is a silly child, but is not vulnerable to having testosterone cause her to start another war, or even blow-up the world.
Saturday - April 8th 2023 12:24AM MST
PS: Thanks for the wisdom and advice from the past, Robert and Mr. Hail.
Friday - April 7th 2023 7:27PM MST
Robert has given a quote from the great Reformer, John Knox, dated 1550s.
Let me jump ahead some three centuries and offer this for consideration:
"Women are directly fitted for acting as the nurses and teachers of our early childhood by the fact that they are themselves childish, frivolous, and short-sighted; in a word, they are big children all their life long -- a kind of intermediate stage between the child and the full-grown man. ... (Women) never seeing anything but that which is quite close to them, cleaving to the present moment, taking appearance for reality, and preferring trifles to matters of the first importance."
-- the right-wing philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, 1851.
Robert has given a quote from the great Reformer, John Knox, dated 1550s.
Let me jump ahead some three centuries and offer this for consideration:
"Women are directly fitted for acting as the nurses and teachers of our early childhood by the fact that they are themselves childish, frivolous, and short-sighted; in a word, they are big children all their life long -- a kind of intermediate stage between the child and the full-grown man. ... (Women) never seeing anything but that which is quite close to them, cleaving to the present moment, taking appearance for reality, and preferring trifles to matters of the first importance."
-- the right-wing philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, 1851.
Friday - April 7th 2023 5:28PM MST
The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regimen of Women
'For who can denie but it repugneth to nature, that the blind shal be appointed to leade and conduct such as do see? That the weake, the sicke, and impotent persones shall norishe and kepe the hole and strong, and finallie, that the foolishe, madde and phrenetike shal gouerne the discrete, and giue counsel to such as be sober of mind? And such be al women, compared vnto man in bearing of authoritie. For their sight in ciuile regiment, is but blindnes: their strength, weaknes: their counsel, foolishenes: and judgement, phrenesie, if it be rightlie considered.'
The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regimen of Women
'For who can denie but it repugneth to nature, that the blind shal be appointed to leade and conduct such as do see? That the weake, the sicke, and impotent persones shall norishe and kepe the hole and strong, and finallie, that the foolishe, madde and phrenetike shal gouerne the discrete, and giue counsel to such as be sober of mind? And such be al women, compared vnto man in bearing of authoritie. For their sight in ciuile regiment, is but blindnes: their strength, weaknes: their counsel, foolishenes: and judgement, phrenesie, if it be rightlie considered.'
Lulz, MBlanc ... too true in so many ways.