The Potomac Regime goes full Tranny

Posted On: Tuesday - June 13th 2023 9:19PM MST
In Topics: 
  Genderbenders  US Feral Government

... while in the meantime, nobody can analyze the root cause of that Nashville school shooting 2 months back done by a tranny, because it might lead to bad thoughts and more understanding.

This is not my country.

Last summer, Peak Stupidity first noted how the Potomac Regime has taken up new colors, and let its freak flag fly. They are at it again. It is pissing off a lot of Americans, but to me it's a good thing that The Regime has made it clear to everyone that it is not America's government anymore. (I could say it's not American's government any more.)

Angry Americans have been rebelling in schools, tearing down store displays and even, GASP!, cutting up their Target credit cards. The latter, though it may not feel as good, is probably the best idea though. We need to quit thinking we can teach this government in the Federal Shithole what is right and what is wrong. We need to realize that it's not our government up in there. Let Target decide which side it's going to be on.

Slow but sure and steady separation from this other nation parasitically infecting our land is the way to go. That means cultural separation, financial separation, and hopefully eventual geographic separation.

Meanwhile, since it's Pride month and all, it would seem like we would want to get it all out in the open - what makes these trannies tick? What would make one of these Proud people go shoot 3 9 y/o's and 3 60 y/o's in her old Christian school. It's been 2 months, and the Nashville police have not released the information they have straight from the late psycho-killer's hand.

Peak Stupidity says:

Release the Tranifesto!

Thursday - June 15th 2023 8:29PM MST
PS: Those are some depressing stats, Mr. Hail. When it came to overdosing on drugs, there was the period in the mid-1960s through late 1970s, by my estimation, when drugs were "in". Those were suicides of exuberance, in pseudo-Steve Sailer terminology. These ones are definitely of despair. There's a lot to despair about, and that Potomac Regime has a lot of culpability.
Thursday - June 15th 2023 8:26PM MST
PS: Bill H, I don't think we all have to necessarily "work in concert". If a lot of us take these steps, spread the word, and give those more timid or worried about dropping out of the Potomac Regime more confidence, who knows?

Alarmist, Bai Dien will have a list bigger than the Federal Register. No, they don't care about the flag rules anymore.
Wednesday - June 14th 2023 7:30PM MST

Just as the Regime is now flying the LGBTQIAX+ and Black-and-Brown-Power flag in place of the racist and boring U.S. flag,

news came out today that drug-overdose deaths reached another record-high for 2022. The lifetime chance-of-death to drug overdose for a median American has reached 2.7%.

In a graduating class of 400 high-school students, eleven of them will die of drug-overdose, beneath the LGBTQIAX+ Black-and-Brown-Power Flag.

In some socioeconomically depressed White areas, of 400 graduating high-school seniors, the number who will die Regime-supervised deaths to drug-overdoses is more like twenty-five to thirty. An astonishing number. You graduated high-school with 400 others and as many as thirty die to drug-overdoses. SLAVA UKRAINA!
Bill H
Wednesday - June 14th 2023 11:28AM MST
@MBlanc "But, when—if—enough of us are declining to participate..."

You are counting on the people of this country to act in concert? Good luck with that.
Wednesday - June 14th 2023 8:29AM MST
PS Absolutely. Disengagement is the only tactic that we have at present. They won’t feel much effect, at first. They might not even notice it. But, when—if—enough of us are declining to participate, it will be noticed. Their legitimacy depends on our participation. Without that participation, they’re simply an occupying force. This is not a short-term approach. For us, there is no such thing. We old guys won’t live to see the victory, if there is one. But if you younger guys just keep at it, and escalate it (by not paying taxes, e.g.) when conditions warrant, there’s a real chance of saving something.
The Alarmist
Wednesday - June 14th 2023 4:39AM MST

BTW, seeing the facts that Americans’ rights and liberties, and even the best interests of their health (do you think ordering people to stay inside is sound medical advice?) were being violated for a dubious cause of protecting them from a relatively non-lethal virus and then doing nothing is not being neutral ... it is collaboration with the side of darkness that took hold of the Western world in 2020.

Mr. Pence chose to walk on the Dark Side by not choosing to remain in the Light. He is a psuedo-Christian at best.
The Alarmist
Wednesday - June 14th 2023 3:56AM MST

I don’t care if the feel the compulsion to fly their gaily colored flag, but I do care that they violate the rules of display outlined in 4 USC §7, particularly

(e) The flag of the United States of America should be at the center and at the highest point of the group when a number of flags of States or localities or pennants of societies are grouped and displayed from staffs.

There are other provisions, the gist of which is that the Flag of the USA gets prominence.

Add this to the Articles of Xiao Bai Den’s Impeachment.
Wednesday - June 14th 2023 1:14AM MST
“what makes these trannies tick? What would make one of these”

The dichotomy in this phrase by Mr. Moderator suggests an important issue. “these” suggests that the manifesto describes beliefs of the group, while “one” suggests the manifesto uses wording indicating the manifesto-writer personalizes the mental life. It seems to me a big reason the manifesto is being hidden is that it clearly does the former..
Wednesday - June 14th 2023 12:13AM MST
As does the Social Democratic Party of Germany - a proud (in the previous sense) institution, known for reasonable politics through the centuries) - - - - now the Co-Leader of the SPD, a single mother of two and software-"specialist" posed with Leather-Puppies at a sunday afternoon family event*** in Stuttgart.
***I assume that that's what it was

The Leather Puppy movement in Switzerland is even more liberated: "Leathermen" walk their full geared "doggies", walking on "four leggs" in the public sphere - - - in parks, train stions, etc. pp..

In the meantime, we had this: Huge press coverage of the fact, that the band Rammstein had groupie-sex after-show parties! - Based on the fact, that a youtube-women-influencer claimed, that she - might! - - have been given "knock-out drops" at such a party in Vilnius - but had not have sex, but some kind of "injuries" (traces of - "possible" - "bumps" she declared she did not know where from - - and made sure the hospital in Latvia documented and the police there testified - - the case is taken - - to the court).

The debate ended with the prohibition of any further after-show parties of this band in communal or local rooms = in quite some halls etc. in Germany - - and the ban of the band in some TV etc. programs.

Ahhh - did I mention, that Rammstein (I personally find their hard-rock-hard-rage music not intersting/aesthetically pleasing)) is one of the few popular bands, that is not leaning fully left? - And that nobody ever bothered with group- or groupie-sex in Germany before in htis millenium?
So - -some things do indeed change.
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