Posted On: Wednesday - June 14th 2023 4:30PM MST
In Topics:   Immigration Stupidity  Curmudgeonry  Peak Stupidity Roadshow

The curmudgeonly complaint in this post could be called a "1st World problem". That said, it's a problem that wouldn't exist even in 3rd World countries, as most are at least not multi-cultural Towers of Babel. The multi-cultural madness we've got going on manifests itself in very poor communication, but then there's native stupidity too.
The Peak Stupidity reader could get a flavor of the present-day hotel complaints in our series Hotel Haiti: Introduction - - on Competence - - on Caring, and Conclusion. Yes, I know this post sounds elitist. It's more about the continuously decreasing competence we Americans are experiencing than anything.
We often have a reason to stay in hotel rooms later than check-out time, as arranged upon our arrival. The ability to keep up with that arrangement by the staff is just getting stupider as the years go by. Let me put this in terms of communication methods:
3-Way Communication: The on-duty manager should be able to let the housekeeping staff know what the deal is on check-out times. They have clipboards with this info - I know that. In the modern day and age, I could see an easily-writable software program - OK, app, fine, dammit - that could be used to communicate 2-way from the desk to the staff or vice-versa. I'm old fashioned, and I'd be fine with a clipboard were I doing this housekeeping work. (I sure hope I don't, as it's hard work and not my kind of thing at all!)
However, even when that doesn't work, one gets a knock on the door, "Housekeeping?" and just tells her "we're not leaving till one.", she gets that, says "OK", and then at least someone knows the deal.
2-Way Communication: As I was getting to, often this quick conversation above doesn't result in anything getting written or updated anywhere else. So, another housekeeper comes by an hour later. "We're not leaving till one." "OK, thank you." It's not optimum, but, no problem. (They just don't really have their shit together, but who does, right?)
This has gotten worse due to the language barrier that exists within the English-speaking world... wait, whaaaa? "What??" "I said 'we'll be here till one.'" Then it's "OK" - maybe she got that, maybe not. 10 minutes later, at 10:45, "Housekeeping?" "We're staying till one, remember?" Well, this might be someone else, who also knows minimal English.
It just gets worse when people don't reply at all, as that seems to be just as much a modern thing as the language barrier.
1-Way Communication: This is mostly the case now. I hear no reply when I give someone information. I'll sometimes poke out the door, "one O'Clock, that's when we're leaving." Maybe I get a reply then, maybe not, depending on language and/or attitude.
However, the way it is today, they've also gotten to just trying to break into the room, either while simultaneously saying "Housekeeping?" or not. Because they need the feature, the staff has master card keys, which can also open the deadbolts. However, with the security latch on, the door just bangs against it. It might be a little jarring, is all.
0-Way Communication: That's me nowadays. Because communication with the housekeepers is usually futile, I don't answer anyone. Go ahead and bash away on the door - I just sit there and wait for them to go away. Occasionally, I'll comment that "you're gonna break something, if you keep doing that!" They'll figure it out. It's still a shame it has to be this way.
PS: Yeah, Led Zeppelin's Communication Breakdown would be very appropriate for this post, but we featured it already in this post from the waning days of the Kung Flu PanicFest.
Thursday - June 15th 2023 11:27AM MST
PS: The sign works some of the time, Alarmist. I should have mentioned that at least. However, they often don't heed it. OTOH, I can't blame them for that when it's past normal check-out time, as plenty of people don't bother to be courteous and put it back inside.
The Alarmist
Thursday - June 15th 2023 11:24AM MST
I just hang the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door handle. They never bother me, but then again, I usually stay in hotels that coördinate their housekeeping staff by radio rather than letting her (it’s always a her in small hotes, and often just her) roam at will.
I just hang the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door handle. They never bother me, but then again, I usually stay in hotels that coördinate their housekeeping staff by radio rather than letting her (it’s always a her in small hotes, and often just her) roam at will.
Thursday - June 15th 2023 4:52AM MST
PS: OK, I could try that, SafeNow. However, when they just yell "Housekeeping" AS they are trying to break into the room, it's still annoying.
Explain again the bit about why you have your landline. What types of experiments do you do?
Explain again the bit about why you have your landline. What types of experiments do you do?
Thursday - June 15th 2023 1:49AM MST
I suggest adding “Doctor” to your communication. Thus, you would say
“Doctor Achmed here. My checkout at 1:00. One o’clock very necessary.” In addition to the general heightened measure of doctor awe, this would impart a worry that not paying attention to your necessary checkout time might result in someone’s death. Thus, the housekeeper, and all she will be in contact with, will strive mightily to save a life. I will add, Mr. Moderator, that I am something of an expert at this; I maintain a landline just to experiment with what verbiage breaks-through stupidity and what does not.
I suggest adding “Doctor” to your communication. Thus, you would say
“Doctor Achmed here. My checkout at 1:00. One o’clock very necessary.” In addition to the general heightened measure of doctor awe, this would impart a worry that not paying attention to your necessary checkout time might result in someone’s death. Thus, the housekeeper, and all she will be in contact with, will strive mightily to save a life. I will add, Mr. Moderator, that I am something of an expert at this; I maintain a landline just to experiment with what verbiage breaks-through stupidity and what does not.