Keep Kustomers' Kash King

Posted On: Wednesday - June 28th 2023 9:10PM MST
In Topics: 
  General Stupidity  Immigration Stupidity  Humor  Curmudgeonry  Economics

Sign seen at the covinence store this week:

I like the idea. Peak Stupidity covers the niche market in stupidity and curmudgeonry that is the attempt to phase out the use of cash. China has pretty much been there/done that, but I'll probably have a chance to report on that accurately pretty soon. (Please check out the Economics topic key for other posts on the topic.)

I'm sorry if this offends a reader or two*, but I don't get the idea of going around with a only a couple of bucks cash. It's not like a potential mugger can see you've got a hundred or two on you. People do though, and they buy that Hershey bar or 20 oz Coke with a credit or debit card. Hell yeah, ding 'em for the 25¢.

I don't think this store owner's problem is the non-use of cash, though. What he's on about is the processing fees of some sort - I'm not sure if there are any on debit cards vs credit cards, but he doesn't specify. He's not really a very good communicator in general, judging by the sign alone.

The owner is a nice guy though, a fairly friendly •Indian. He has an extra large • on his forehead in fact, which I take as the markings of his status as the covinence store chain Assistant Regional Manager, or at least Assistant to the Regional Manager.

I don't get a chance to have any long conversations with the guy. There are often lottery ticket losers scratching off cards in front of me and then buying others right there to see if they can make it up in volume. Behind me are guys and girls waiting to buy snacks, cokes, or red bull, as I stand there in the middle to pay cash for gas.

Therefore, I did not have a chance to ask the gentlemen about his children, and more specifically, whether he will be bringing up the new State Spelling Bee champion.

"I came to this country with 10 rupiees in my pocket and a bootleg copy of Goodnight, Constuction Sight! I had nothing. We are razing you to due bedder."

PS: I would call it 4 misspellings in that sign. You can have more than one per word. Let's not even get into the grammar. That's just the cost of Population Replacement doing business.

* Keep in mind that, per Section 109 para. (c)(1)(vi) of the FBC (Federal Blog Code), Peak Stupidity is an Equal Opportunity Offender.

The Alarmist
Thursday - June 29th 2023 1:48PM MST

Considering that laundered drug cash was what kept the US financial system afloat in 2008/2009, I doubt they really want all cash to go away completely, though they are trying to push the trade toward Big
pharma and away from Juan and Carlos.

US politicos collect their gratuities mostly after leaving their offices through sweetheart book deals, speeches, directorships, etc., all of which can be paid in legal wire transfers. EU politicos are slowly learning the art of the deal.
Thursday - June 29th 2023 12:16PM MST
I recently thought of this website when I was reading a Roger Ebert review.
Mr. Ebert wrote that there exists a category of “Idiot plot” movies, meaning, the plot does not work unless everybody involved is an idiot. My immediate thought was this: Does there exist a comparable classification system for acts of stupidity? Thus, some acts of stupidity could not be pulled-off unless everybody connected to it or interested in it is an idiot. Contrariwise, for some acts of stupidity, the act is sufficiently isolated so that the stupid person can pull it off irrespective of what the larger environment is.
Thursday - June 29th 2023 9:37AM MST
I've heard the saying "They'll get rid of cash when politicians stop taking bribes."
I wonder what they must be thinking. Maybe they aren't. Or maybe they're thinking they have the bank guys under their thumbs, so they won't rat.
Adam Smith
Wednesday - June 28th 2023 10:39PM MST
PS: Good evening, Mr. Moderator,

Well, hell... (Alas!) I finally hit the "submit" button only to find out you already covered this 2651=2650 stuff about a half hour ago.

Oh well...

Happy Thursday morning...

Adam Smith
Wednesday - June 28th 2023 10:31PM MST
PS: Greetings, Mr. Hail,

I hope you too are enjoying a great evening!...

I also noticed that glitch in the PS matrix as post 2651 became post 2650...

Yeah. Sailer's speech is my 2nd most popular youtube video after Asufutimaehaehfutbw...

But that video is a year old. At this rate the Steve Sailer Secret History of the 21st Century video will overtake Asufutimaehaehfutbw in no time. (probably by morning?)

Thank you for the great advice. Tonight I'm calling the 6 o'clock rule, (current time 1:12am)(almost time for bed) but tomorrow I will edit/add to the description and add those time stamps. I very much appreciate your feedback and suggestions. I think this video deserves a little more attention to detail than my other youtube videos.

PS: For a good time (time travel at PS that is, where it's always January 1st 1970) you could check out the Tommy Tutone post at 8675309...

(Helpful time travel hint...)

This one too...

Happy Thursday Morning!
(and cheers to another great day!)

Wednesday - June 28th 2023 10:28PM MST

- Sailer slowly storms Youtube, cont. -

cont., to Mr Smith:

"Here are some things to consider adding to the Steve Sailer VDare speech Youtube upload"

By this I mean adding those things to the video description, --

The timestamps should work as just plain numbers in "1:05" form linking to that spot (the 1-minute, 5-second mark) in the current video.

Youtube has a way of soaking up views, 10x what even the most favorable conditions will give the next-best competitor. It's too bad Youtube life-banned the VDare account (?).

From what I know of Internet-People, the principle of Laziness dictates that about half to two-thirds of them, if faced with an hour-plus video, want to either jump around with time-stamps or at least be guided-by-the-hand with an outline of what the video is about.

I wonder if anyone will slice up short-clips and upload to (-shudder-) Tik-Tok.
Wednesday - June 28th 2023 9:58PM MST
PS: Haha, tumbleweeds, huh?! Yes, I had to do a few SQL statement to straighten out the post numbering that got off due to something not so readily explainable. If you note, this post is now # 2650 instead of #2651. Then I moved the comment back to here.

You've experienced a paradox with your time traveling, Mr. Hail. You saw this blog site as it existed in 1970, but there was no www. in 1970. Was a DeLorean involved, by any chance? Did you purchase any HP stock while your were on the 1970 internet?

Speaking of time travel, a very recent, but not the latest, post from Steve Sailer has a thread that has turned into a Kung Flu argument that makes me feel like it's 2020 again. (Not nearly as nice as a half-century prior.)

I appreciate your beginnings of the summary of that speech too.

Wednesday - June 28th 2023 9:31PM MST

- Time travel at PS -

Another interesting Peak Stupidity experience, as the previous comment, when submitted, zapped me back to January 1970 and into the blank canvas of an empty, tumbleweed-rolling Peak Stupidity post.

I looked around 1970 for a few seconds, just to see if anyone around had an inkling of the wave of Stupidity that would follow in the following half-century. I didn't notice anyone. I then jumped back and posted again, back in 2023. This time it didn't teleport me in time. It's "good" (so to speak) to be back in 2023.
Wednesday - June 28th 2023 9:27PM MST

Adam Smith:

I see you have already hit 1,200 views after just hours and without and that without any big shares.

Here are some things to consider adding to the Steve Sailer VDare speech Youtube upload:

1- Recorded evening of June 17, 2023

2- Place: The Castle at Berkeley Springs, West Virginia (VDare headquarters)

3- Link to as the original provider of the video


Some timestamps:

00:00 - Introductory remarks by VDare president Peter Brimelow, on Steve Sailer's career in dissident journalism

5:12 - A bagpipe tribute to Steve Sailer by Fred Kelly

6:30 - Steve Sailer comes to podium to hearty applause (but speech actually starts at 7:05)

7:30 - Sailer says this is his first public speech since early 2013; he had had other bookings but anarchists successfully used threats of violence to force venues to cancel all of the others he was invited to since then; Sailer therefore praises VDare for securing the cancel-proof Castle as its headquarters.

9:20 - Sailer says he is a "semi-legendary character whose insights show up, in modified form, in the work of 'edgier' and 'more interesting' pundits -- like Tucker Carlson, Matthew Yglesias, Ross Douthat, Scott Alexander, and lately Elon Musk -- but MY name, it appears, should never be mentioned!"

(no time for more right now)

49:20 - Audience Q&A begins
Wednesday - June 28th 2023 9:27PM MST

Adam Smith:

I see you have already hit 1,200 views after just hours and without and that without any big shares.

Here are some things to consider adding to the Steve Sailer VDare speech Youtube upload:

1- Recorded evening of June 17, 2023

2- Place: The Castle at Berkeley Springs, West Virginia (VDare headquarters)

3- Link to as the original provider of the video


Some timestamps:

00:00 - Introductory remarks by VDare president Peter Brimelow, on Steve Sailer's career in dissident journalism

5:12 - A bagpipe tribute to Steve Sailer by Fred Kelly

6:30 - Steve Sailer comes to podium to hearty applause (but speech actually starts at 7:05)

7:30 - Sailer says this is his first public speech since early 2013; he had had other bookings but anarchists successfully used threats of violence to force venues to cancel all of the others he was invited to since then; Sailer therefore praises VDare for securing the cancel-proof Castle as its headquarters.

9:20 - Sailer says he is a "semi-legendary character whose insights show up, in modified form, in the work of 'edgier' and 'more interesting' pundits -- like Tucker Carlson, Matthew Yglesias, Ross Douthat, Scott Alexander, and lately Elon Musk -- but MY name, it appears, should never be mentioned!"

(no time for more right now)

49:20 - Audience Q&A begins
Wednesday - June 28th 2023 9:04PM MST
PS: Thanks for that too, Mr. Smith. Yes, I've already watched the whole speech. I thought it was very well organized. (He even explained why he ends his columns kind of abruptly with no conclusion, though I'm not sure I really "got" that still.)

I don't know if I'll write a review. It's not a bad idea.

Yes, guys, some day I want to revamp this whole thing. Many times, the searches give results, but most got to the blogworks page directly. That is in one "frame", and therefore looks kind of ugly, but post and comments are still there. This frame stuff was not necessary, I think. I also think it'd be better if the posts are all on "flat pages", as in not taken from the dBase in real time.
Wednesday - June 28th 2023 8:58PM MST
PS: Well, hell, I got to the next comment, and I see Mr. Smith provided it.

Alarmist, I remember seeing commercials (not too long ago) on some TV that specifically push the cards as quicker than cash. I don't know - "Yeah, click 'Agree'" "OK, try the card again?" "Hit the green button." "OK, remove it..." "Did it take?" "Hold on ..." etc. Cards are only quicker some of the time, as in, when the cashier can't count... which is getting to be significant portion of the time, come to think of it.

I'm glad to hear you are also on board with the use of cash as much as is possible. My story will be, "I blew it in Vegas, man! Yeah, drove all the way out there with all of it. I was SO CLOSE to beating the house!"
Wednesday - June 28th 2023 8:52PM MST
PS: Thanks, Mr. G. I hope you enjoyed the show. I'm not sure I will ever get to one, but I am thankful for youtube and the archive sites (one of which you sent me to.)

Mr. Kief, the article is here:

as linked for us by Adam Smith, aka, "Peak Stupidity Book Club" in the comments under this post:
Adam Smith
Wednesday - June 28th 2023 4:46PM MST
PS: Good evening, gentlemen,

I'm with you Mr. Alarmist. I use cash for almost everything. The exception being online shopping. I haven't figured out how to pay for things online with cash... (yet?)

Mr. Hail, Thanks for the Pro Tip. Yandex is pretty nice. I should use it more often.

Steve Sailer VDare speech, video edition...

Hope you guys have a great evening!

Wednesday - June 28th 2023 3:04PM MST

When can we expect the Peak Stupidity review of the Steve Sailer VDare speech, video edition?
Wednesday - June 28th 2023 3:00PM MST

RE: the hard-to-find Helen Andrews profile of Steve Sailer

Peak Stupidity's lack of a search-bar (or other forms of searchability, partially blacked-out by "Big-Tech Leviathan" Google) gains wide attention again!




Although I didn't immediately find the Adam Smith-hosted Helen Andrews magazine article on Yandex, I can say that Yandex did provide multiple related results, or in this case "clues." (On Google, most of Peak Stupidity is greyed-out or blacked-out; Google: zero results for CompactMag; Yandex: several results).

Based on the Yandex results, I was able to find the original entry in which Adam Smith posted the CompactMag article. It is here:

This features also some of our initial commentary on the Helen Andrews article.



Also this:

- Steve Sailer featured in "Nazi" Documentary -

I turned up again, during this Yandex search, the "Web of Make-Believe" documentary series episode "Rise of Hate," released about this time in 2022, which featured Steve Sailer.

It is a terrible documentary but can be appreciated as Wokeness propaganda. See Adam Smith's remotely hosted copy of the documentary and info on where Steve Sailer appears, here:

(Search "tinyurl" for the viewing link).
Adam Smith
Wednesday - June 28th 2023 2:24PM MST
PS: Hey Dieter,

The Helen Andrews Sailer article originally appeared under post 2587...

It's posted under the Peak Stupidity Book Club Handle.
(Thursday - April 27th 2023 12:02PM MST)

(Going to the store... Be back soon.)

The Alarmist
Wednesday - June 28th 2023 2:17PM MST

I’m annoyed watching people with sub-£5 coffee purchases all paying by card and taking at least a minute, when my fiver note only takes two seconds to tender and maybe thirty seconds for the cashier to figure out and count out the change.

Bloody wankers.

I pay with cash for practically everything. Eventually some govt official will ask where all the cash went, and I’ll respond, “Hookers and blow ... just like my friend Hunter’s cash.”
Adam Smith
Wednesday - June 28th 2023 2:16PM MST
PS: Greetings, Dieter,

Here's the link...

Also, thanks for the heads up about Ax Genrich. I've never heard of him before. (I was going to reply on the other post but I wanted to listen to more of his music before I did.) He's pretty good, in a raw early 70's experimental guitarist sort of way. Thanks!

Glad you liked the Cliffs of Dover instrumental.


Dieter Kief
Wednesday - June 28th 2023 1:47PM MST
Gentlemen - - - there seems to be some demand for Adam's Helen Andrews' Steve Sailer article link - - but people can't find it on the PS site, - - even though I wished them good luck tryin'! - - Anybody willing to help out at iSteve comments at his My talk about the hidden history of the 21st century article... - since I can't find the link here either - - - ?
Wednesday - June 28th 2023 1:45PM MST
Off topic, Mr . Moderator, but just so you know, Dead and Company did “Mr. Charlie” Sunday night at Fenway. Sadly, I only went Saturday. They did not do “Cosmic Charlie”either night.
Adam Smith
Wednesday - June 28th 2023 1:36PM MST
PS: Greetings, Mr. Moderator,

Lol... I didn't realize they were missing.

Wednesday - June 28th 2023 1:08PM MST
PS: Mr. Smith, your comments are not gone. Not to worry.
WHAT SAY YOU? : (PLEASE NOTE: You must type capital PS as the 1st TWO characters in your comment body - for spam avoidance - or the comment will be lost!)