Posted On: Tuesday - January 23rd 2024 7:18PM MST
In Topics:   Music  Humor  China  Peak Stupidity Roadshow
The Year of the Dragon is coming around again, this New Years time (Spring Festival) in China. Of the 12 animals celebrated or having superstitious fortunes based on, only 2 could be considered standard pets*, the Rabbit, which is the year just ending, and the Dog, a half cycle away. No, great Al Stewart songs notwithstanding, there is no Year of the Cat over in China.
Speaking of cats, in our early-Kung-Flu-days post Cats, bats, and spoiled brats, Peak Stupidity went off topic right away to discuss the treatment of pets in China. I can't vouch for the rest, but people say that's the Orient in general, hell, most places outside of the English speaking world and European countries. From that old post:
From my experience, the animals we love as pets, specifically your cats and dogs, aren't treated nearly as well in China. Now, that is changing as the Chinese people do get more well off, but I don't know if they'll ever have the love of animals that Americans have.Well, since our Summer '23 China visit, I've been able to corroborate from anecdotes and discussions that a love of traditional pets is growing in China. The ones I saw there were being treated better.
I chalk this partly up to more space. Where I've been in China, the cat had to be chained to the stove most of the time. Had he gotten outside, that would have been the end of him, at least for this home. I'm not saying he'd been eaten as the next meal. It's more like he'd be run over within a day or less due to the extreme congestion everywhere, or lost and hopefully adopted by another family, and tied down there. It was something I didn't even want to see, his being tied down like that.
We sure have different cultures on animals. There are Americans with all kinds of exotic ones too: llamas, emus (not so cuddly, those emus), and even tigers and other big cats. You won't see the latter, as per the owners' lawyers they are usually behind very tall solid fencing! Think of some of these exotic animals in China, and you know some kind of erection potion, or lucky health food is the normal fate of such beasts.

It's still too crowded in the villages and cities for cats to be able to roam safely, and the bustle and noise is probably a big stressor for the doggie above. At least he's not inside tied to the stove. Besides being generally more prosperous - even significantly since '17 (the last time I was there) - there's the fact that Chinese people under 40 or so are mostly only children. The companionship of pets is probably more important. The people aren't having very many children of their own either, on average**. Will China become a nation of cat ladies before what's left of America does?

Well, we too like are pets, cats especially. That long-haired dude is The Great Wall Cat of Badaling. He lives on the north side of that section, which is 40 miles CheBeiFang (NorthWest) of Peking. I guess he would have been out of The Middle Kingdom back when they built that section, but right now both sides are part of the city-province of Peking***. I was pretty impressed that this guy could jump slightly up from a small tree to one of the drain openings to get up on the wall. It likely pays off well!
She was a nice and friendly lady, though she was not exactly coming out of the sun in a silk dress running, like a watercolor in the rain... don't bother asking for explanations, she'll just tell you in Chinese... in the meantime that fat feline was strolling through the crowd like Peter Lorre contemplating a crime... glad to stay on and no longer worried about being... in the Hot Pot of the Cat.
Hat tip goes to commenter Rex Little from our post linked-to up top. However, that's just down in Canton in the south of China, far from our Great Wall friend.
I was glad to see this trend regarding the pets in China. Maybe, if they could shake this Totalitarian bastard Xi, the Chinese could see to it to reform their silly zodiac dealy by adding a 13th, the Year of the Cat. (I can't BELIEVE I haven't already embedded this song... waiting for the right year, I guess...)
What a beautiful song! Just because of the inclusion of "patchouli" in the song, for so many years I'd thought The Year of the Cat took place in the Middle East somewhere. Now, I realize I was think tabbouli, not patchouli. Unless the song was a about tripping at a Dead show, this was surely in China. I guess that's a "no duh!" there. Interestingly, that's two 1970s British pop musicians surnamed Stewart that had a thing about the Chinese women. Every Picture Tells a Story, Don't It?
* You've got your Year of the Monkey, but this is not a Friends episode or Indiana Jones movie. You've also got your Year of the Snake, but reptiles are NOT real pets ... unless you're a reptile yourself. George Soros, yeah, he might find a Gila Monster to be a comfort animal. That reminds me of that funny movie with the club that eats endangered species - something about a Komodo Dragon... gonna have to find that and watch it again.
** We gotta get back to that series on the Depopulocalypse.
*** A few of the biggest of Chinese cities are their own provinces - Shanghai, Peking, Chongking, and maybe some others.
Friday - January 26th 2024 6:40AM MST
PS: " On that note, something interesting has just happened with the Texas' refusal to follow "federal" mandates to open the border, daring the Biden people to send in "federal troops" old-style to invade the state and disarm the Texas security-forces and state-military (strangely called a "national guard")."
That is the subject of the next post, awaiting some time this evening, as today will be very busy for me, as was yesterday. Of course, I don't have any new news, but I'll put together stuff I've read on VDare. Now, I did ask last summer or whenever it was whether this Texas v BP thing might become the biggest story in future American history (at least as far as the Americans taking back the country from the Potomac Regime).
It's all very encouraging, as much as the invasion is still going on. (Deportations are now a MUST.) I wondered about TX Gov. Abbott before - Tucker had a serious rant against him down there in Texas, and I agreed with Tucker. Another think I said, and maybe that's in Abbott's mind now, is that he could have a chance to be a hero and a part of history by taking a chance and not being a squish for the Regime. Did he see the light on this?
That is the subject of the next post, awaiting some time this evening, as today will be very busy for me, as was yesterday. Of course, I don't have any new news, but I'll put together stuff I've read on VDare. Now, I did ask last summer or whenever it was whether this Texas v BP thing might become the biggest story in future American history (at least as far as the Americans taking back the country from the Potomac Regime).
It's all very encouraging, as much as the invasion is still going on. (Deportations are now a MUST.) I wondered about TX Gov. Abbott before - Tucker had a serious rant against him down there in Texas, and I agreed with Tucker. Another think I said, and maybe that's in Abbott's mind now, is that he could have a chance to be a hero and a part of history by taking a chance and not being a squish for the Regime. Did he see the light on this?
Thursday - January 25th 2024 11:20PM MST
RE: Ganderson and "Fee Bird"
One of those unintentional slips imbued with meaning. Maybe "Fee Bird" is appropriate to our time after all.
Someone should do a song "Caged Bird" in support of the two-thousand-some persons prosecuted for participating in one political protest three years ago, some receiving heavy prison sentences, --- and, in a nod to Steve Sailer's original question, almost all of whom are White (as far as I've seen).
Every week or two they trot out another of these people and the Regime-aligned media always depicts the defendant as "unapologetic Nazi at Nuremberg ranting in the open court, or about Hitler being right all along, and refusing to apologize."
RE: Ganderson and "Fee Bird"
One of those unintentional slips imbued with meaning. Maybe "Fee Bird" is appropriate to our time after all.
Someone should do a song "Caged Bird" in support of the two-thousand-some persons prosecuted for participating in one political protest three years ago, some receiving heavy prison sentences, --- and, in a nod to Steve Sailer's original question, almost all of whom are White (as far as I've seen).
Every week or two they trot out another of these people and the Regime-aligned media always depicts the defendant as "unapologetic Nazi at Nuremberg ranting in the open court, or about Hitler being right all along, and refusing to apologize."
Thursday - January 25th 2024 11:11PM MST
-- National anthems, national-definition and destiny, and the Texas Standoff of 2024 --
Good idea on the White National Anthem, Mr. Smith.
What is a hypothetical White National Anthem "for," a good question. Steve Sailer posed the question, characteristically, kind of as a joke, and personally may nt like the implications or directions, for alas Mr. Sailer is an old-fashioned patriot excited by the Battle of Midway and things.
But you can boost it to the higher level, as you do, and ask what the purpose of any national anthem is. There may be a tendency for them to be backward-looking, but the purpose of the nation is always past--present--future, which I tried to sketch out in my commentary on the "Proud to be an American / God Bless the U.S.A." song's original music-video.
I am confident that we will liberate ourselves one day, in some set of developments we may not quite envision yet.
On that note, something interesting has just happened with the Texas' refusal to follow "federal" mandates to open the border, daring the Biden people to send in "federal troops" old-style to invade the state and disarm the Texas security-forces and state-military (strangely called a "national guard").
DeSantis then showed again what he's about by immediately siding with Texas, inspiring twenty-some governors to declare support for Texas against the Washington Regime. This could get more serious, depending on what the Washington elite wants to do.
Who predicted that the e moderate and wheelchair-bound Texas governor Greg Abbot would do such a thing as this? It triggers visions of the future of the kind that serve, for me, as an indirect answer of what the future of such a national anthem would be.
-- National anthems, national-definition and destiny, and the Texas Standoff of 2024 --
Good idea on the White National Anthem, Mr. Smith.
What is a hypothetical White National Anthem "for," a good question. Steve Sailer posed the question, characteristically, kind of as a joke, and personally may nt like the implications or directions, for alas Mr. Sailer is an old-fashioned patriot excited by the Battle of Midway and things.
But you can boost it to the higher level, as you do, and ask what the purpose of any national anthem is. There may be a tendency for them to be backward-looking, but the purpose of the nation is always past--present--future, which I tried to sketch out in my commentary on the "Proud to be an American / God Bless the U.S.A." song's original music-video.
I am confident that we will liberate ourselves one day, in some set of developments we may not quite envision yet.
On that note, something interesting has just happened with the Texas' refusal to follow "federal" mandates to open the border, daring the Biden people to send in "federal troops" old-style to invade the state and disarm the Texas security-forces and state-military (strangely called a "national guard").
DeSantis then showed again what he's about by immediately siding with Texas, inspiring twenty-some governors to declare support for Texas against the Washington Regime. This could get more serious, depending on what the Washington elite wants to do.
Who predicted that the e moderate and wheelchair-bound Texas governor Greg Abbot would do such a thing as this? It triggers visions of the future of the kind that serve, for me, as an indirect answer of what the future of such a national anthem would be.
Thursday - January 25th 2024 4:03PM MST
PS: "I think it's appropriate because it is a song about a “government” that fucked over the citizens who trusted it in every way imaginable and at every turn. I don't know if most Americans realize that it isn't really a patriotic, pro-"government" song, but I'm choosing it anyway."
Mr. Smith, I noticed that most Americans didn't listen so carefully to the lyrics to get that it was not a pro-USA! song at all. As I say, when you have a good tune... People often just know the title verse.
I'll check out your videos.
Mr. Smith, I noticed that most Americans didn't listen so carefully to the lyrics to get that it was not a pro-USA! song at all. As I say, when you have a good tune... People often just know the title verse.
I'll check out your videos.
Thursday - January 25th 2024 4:01PM MST
PS: Mr. Ganderson, I made an assumption that this Daqing was in Canton. Man, not only is it in a colder place, but it's in a BITTER cold place. I've been in Liaoning in the winter, and it was brutal, This is 2 provinces north in the very end of Manchuria. I want noting to do with a place like that, and I'm sure an outdoor cat wouldn't make it. I take it that's where your DiIL is from?
Funny you mention "Call Me The Breeze" too. I have liked Skynyrd's version since I got "Gold & Platinum" long long ago. Someone on the iSteve threads stuck in or linked to the J.J. Cale original, and I like that just as much.
Funny you mention "Call Me The Breeze" too. I have liked Skynyrd's version since I got "Gold & Platinum" long long ago. Someone on the iSteve threads stuck in or linked to the J.J. Cale original, and I like that just as much.
Adam Smith
Thursday - January 25th 2024 12:04PM MST
PS: Good afternoon, everyone!
Mr. Hail, I've been thinking about the White national anthem thing since you asked the other day (under post 2839). (I would have answered sooner, but I have been really busy with work, and I didn't have any good ideas anyway. Just songs I liked in general.)
As a side note, check out these two songs... (These are not White anthems. Just songs I like featuring the girl from my favorite shampoo commercial.) (Mr. Ganderson might like them too. Miss Trouw is no Susanna Hoff, but she is pretty easy on the eyes.)
I like your suggestion of Jason Aldean's Try That In A Small Town. (I think it would be funny if they played it after the 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤! anthem at the big sportsballfest. Appropriate even, as it was semi-banned by the jewish media last year for raycisms.) (Also interesting that the Lee Greenwood video was made up of entirely White people. A refreshing lack of dieversity! What a better place American was in 1984.)
But it got me thinking a bit... What is the point of this new White Anthem? (I've never been an anthem kind of guy.) What is the goal here? Are we trying to encourage more separation and divisiveness? Should I choose something with the intent to provoke a reaction? Seems that's the whole point of the 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤! anthem. (It certainly isn't to bring people together.)
And what would be an appropriate White anthem in 2024? I can think of plenty of songs that would have worked in the past, when America was a better, safer, Whiter, more optimistic place. But alas, that America is dying (dead?). I would think a proper White anthem should reflect that reality. Which is pretty depressing when I think about it. Anthems are supposed to be optimistic and uplifting. But White America has little reason to be optimistic about where this formerly prosperous nation is headed.
So with all that in mind, I would nominate Bruce Springsteen's Born in the USA...
I think it's appropriate because it is a song about a “government” that fucked over the citizens who trusted it in every way imaginable and at every turn. I don't know if most Americans realize that it isn't really a patriotic, pro-"government" song, but I'm choosing it anyway. If my goal were simply to provoke anger in the 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬! (and ignite a race riot) I would pick the Ice Cream Truck Song...
Which would be kinda childish, but still pretty funny.
Anyway... I'm off to work.
I hope you all have a great and wonderful day! ☮️
Mr. Hail, I've been thinking about the White national anthem thing since you asked the other day (under post 2839). (I would have answered sooner, but I have been really busy with work, and I didn't have any good ideas anyway. Just songs I liked in general.)
As a side note, check out these two songs... (These are not White anthems. Just songs I like featuring the girl from my favorite shampoo commercial.) (Mr. Ganderson might like them too. Miss Trouw is no Susanna Hoff, but she is pretty easy on the eyes.)
I like your suggestion of Jason Aldean's Try That In A Small Town. (I think it would be funny if they played it after the 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤! anthem at the big sportsballfest. Appropriate even, as it was semi-banned by the jewish media last year for raycisms.) (Also interesting that the Lee Greenwood video was made up of entirely White people. A refreshing lack of dieversity! What a better place American was in 1984.)
But it got me thinking a bit... What is the point of this new White Anthem? (I've never been an anthem kind of guy.) What is the goal here? Are we trying to encourage more separation and divisiveness? Should I choose something with the intent to provoke a reaction? Seems that's the whole point of the 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤! anthem. (It certainly isn't to bring people together.)
And what would be an appropriate White anthem in 2024? I can think of plenty of songs that would have worked in the past, when America was a better, safer, Whiter, more optimistic place. But alas, that America is dying (dead?). I would think a proper White anthem should reflect that reality. Which is pretty depressing when I think about it. Anthems are supposed to be optimistic and uplifting. But White America has little reason to be optimistic about where this formerly prosperous nation is headed.
So with all that in mind, I would nominate Bruce Springsteen's Born in the USA...
I think it's appropriate because it is a song about a “government” that fucked over the citizens who trusted it in every way imaginable and at every turn. I don't know if most Americans realize that it isn't really a patriotic, pro-"government" song, but I'm choosing it anyway. If my goal were simply to provoke anger in the 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬! (and ignite a race riot) I would pick the Ice Cream Truck Song...
Which would be kinda childish, but still pretty funny.
Anyway... I'm off to work.
I hope you all have a great and wonderful day! ☮️
Thursday - January 25th 2024 7:24AM MST
Mr. Mod- it’s gotta be tough being an outdoor cat in Daqing. Winters there make the Twin Cities seem like Miami Beach.
Mr. Mod- it’s gotta be tough being an outdoor cat in Daqing. Winters there make the Twin Cities seem like Miami Beach.
Thursday - January 25th 2024 7:19AM MST
“Fee Bird” is the opposite of “Free Bird”. 😀
I really like LS’ * version of JJ Cale’s “They Call Me the Breeze”.
* too lazy to look up the correct spelling!
“Fee Bird” is the opposite of “Free Bird”. 😀
I really like LS’ * version of JJ Cale’s “They Call Me the Breeze”.
* too lazy to look up the correct spelling!
Wednesday - January 24th 2024 8:47PM MST
PS: "... the overall demographic-national situations, except that White-America now supports the burden of huge numbers of foreigners and has a powerful group of highly committed post-national and para-national elites, to a degree stronger than, certainly, PRC-China."
And, yes, Japan too.
That's why the most important caveat to be made as I discuss my opinion that declining population(s) are not a problem, per se, in the long term is: Assuming you don't go importing masses of people. That could also be put in terms of the huge population of Africa being KEPT in Africa.
And, yes, Japan too.
That's why the most important caveat to be made as I discuss my opinion that declining population(s) are not a problem, per se, in the long term is: Assuming you don't go importing masses of people. That could also be put in terms of the huge population of Africa being KEPT in Africa.
Wednesday - January 24th 2024 8:44PM MST
PS: Thank you very much for the THREE plugs, Mr. Hail. I ended up backsliding and reading the thread, though at least not commenting. Yes, I have seen that live Skynyrd video before and put in a post called:
"Keep those face diapers on, Free Birds"
That was from May of '21. Back to the Oakland Lynyrd Skynyrd show in '77, what a great country that was back then! I do remember. I also remember hearing the guitar riff of Sweet Home Alabama for the first time. Yes, it came out of big speakers on an American muscle car.
Back again to the White National Anthem post of Mr. Sailer's, as much as he is off the rails a lot, commenter JeSuisOmarMarteen said it pretty well when he noted that Americans (in general) have NO BUSINESS singing "land of the free, home of the brave" anymore after the way they behaved during the Kung Flu Panic.
"Keep those face diapers on, Free Birds"
That was from May of '21. Back to the Oakland Lynyrd Skynyrd show in '77, what a great country that was back then! I do remember. I also remember hearing the guitar riff of Sweet Home Alabama for the first time. Yes, it came out of big speakers on an American muscle car.
Back again to the White National Anthem post of Mr. Sailer's, as much as he is off the rails a lot, commenter JeSuisOmarMarteen said it pretty well when he noted that Americans (in general) have NO BUSINESS singing "land of the free, home of the brave" anymore after the way they behaved during the Kung Flu Panic.
Wednesday - January 24th 2024 8:34PM MST
PS: Mr. Ganderson, my Chinese source's information on the eating of pet-like animals in Canton is about a decade old. She had only eaten snake, but much more was on the menus.
I hope the Daqing people like their cats, including your son and DIL. Hopefully, they will have some other offspring for you (or maybe they do already.)
Mr. Blanc, yes, and I think that's mostly due to the hazards of cars. I try to teach them when they're young that the road is a bad place. I really think they get this if taught young, but then I've seen cat fights go on in the middle of the road. When they get into that thing, all bets are off. Still, there's so much more open space here for the outdoor cats.
One of ours lived for 12 years, and he was more of an outdoor than indoor. He died from kidney failure I think.
I hope the Daqing people like their cats, including your son and DIL. Hopefully, they will have some other offspring for you (or maybe they do already.)
Mr. Blanc, yes, and I think that's mostly due to the hazards of cars. I try to teach them when they're young that the road is a bad place. I really think they get this if taught young, but then I've seen cat fights go on in the middle of the road. When they get into that thing, all bets are off. Still, there's so much more open space here for the outdoor cats.
One of ours lived for 12 years, and he was more of an outdoor than indoor. He died from kidney failure I think.
Wednesday - January 24th 2024 5:07PM MST
"a love of traditional pets is growing in China"
Mr. Kief, writing some weeks ago at this website, said that there is something culturally and possibly (geo)politically or culturally important, or notable, or explanatory-of-bigger-things, about the trend towards miniature pets in wealthy East Asia in our time.
"The people aren't having very many children of their own either, on average. Will China become a nation of cat ladies before what's left of America does?"
I think there's not a great deal of difference in the 'numbers' on fertility-rates of most of White-America and China and other places of wealthy Asia, the overall demographic-national situations, except that White-America now supports the burden of huge numbers of foreigners and has a powerful group of highly committed post-national and para-national elites, to a degree stronger than, certainly, PRC-China. (They would do well to be a bit more like that, their bullying of every neighbor they have, usually for petty reasons, is a bad 'look').
Japan actually went into demographic transition considerably earlier than White-America. It remains a bit of a bugbear for immigration-enthusiasts, who have been writing Japan's obituary for decades now, but the collapse of ethnic-cohesion there never quite comes to pass.
What I sought to explain in response to Mr. Kief's insight at the time, was the phenomenon of low-fertility and also of pets-replacing-children, is similar only on surface level. It is actually deceptively similar. The causes of the declines in fertility are different in some important ways. There is not necessarily any single, all-cause factor across all political-cultures that economists love to try to find.
(You can usually rely on important East-West differences in things, no matter what the matter at hand is; to paraphrase an old joke goes, if you don't see any difference at all in some matter, you may be "a 'sucker' at the poker table"...)
"a love of traditional pets is growing in China"
Mr. Kief, writing some weeks ago at this website, said that there is something culturally and possibly (geo)politically or culturally important, or notable, or explanatory-of-bigger-things, about the trend towards miniature pets in wealthy East Asia in our time.
"The people aren't having very many children of their own either, on average. Will China become a nation of cat ladies before what's left of America does?"
I think there's not a great deal of difference in the 'numbers' on fertility-rates of most of White-America and China and other places of wealthy Asia, the overall demographic-national situations, except that White-America now supports the burden of huge numbers of foreigners and has a powerful group of highly committed post-national and para-national elites, to a degree stronger than, certainly, PRC-China. (They would do well to be a bit more like that, their bullying of every neighbor they have, usually for petty reasons, is a bad 'look').
Japan actually went into demographic transition considerably earlier than White-America. It remains a bit of a bugbear for immigration-enthusiasts, who have been writing Japan's obituary for decades now, but the collapse of ethnic-cohesion there never quite comes to pass.
What I sought to explain in response to Mr. Kief's insight at the time, was the phenomenon of low-fertility and also of pets-replacing-children, is similar only on surface level. It is actually deceptively similar. The causes of the declines in fertility are different in some important ways. There is not necessarily any single, all-cause factor across all political-cultures that economists love to try to find.
(You can usually rely on important East-West differences in things, no matter what the matter at hand is; to paraphrase an old joke goes, if you don't see any difference at all in some matter, you may be "a 'sucker' at the poker table"...)
Wednesday - January 24th 2024 4:58PM MST
-- White National Anthem updates --
note ---- I have transcribed the Honorable Mr. Moderator's endorsement of the song "Free Bird" as the White National Anthem:
For the benefit of those enjoying happy retirement from that comment-section, I will say that someone else mentioned "Fee Bird" far up-thread, with these words:
"Have a look at this video from 45 years ago and tell me our country is moving in the right direction."
The link is to the song played during a July 2, 1977 concert, with many shots of thee huge near-all-White crowd at Oakland, California, and with the stage draped with a huge 'Confederate flag':
-- White National Anthem updates --
note ---- I have transcribed the Honorable Mr. Moderator's endorsement of the song "Free Bird" as the White National Anthem:
For the benefit of those enjoying happy retirement from that comment-section, I will say that someone else mentioned "Fee Bird" far up-thread, with these words:
"Have a look at this video from 45 years ago and tell me our country is moving in the right direction."
The link is to the song played during a July 2, 1977 concert, with many shots of thee huge near-all-White crowd at Oakland, California, and with the stage draped with a huge 'Confederate flag':
Wednesday - January 24th 2024 12:02PM MST
PS Life expectancy isn’t great for outdoor cats in the US, either.
Wednesday - January 24th 2024 10:14AM MST
PS My son and his wife who live in Canton have three cats, one that that they adopted early in the pandemic madness; she was wandering around the streets of Daqing- they took her in to find she was pregnant. They found homes for all but three. Sadly one of them took leap off a 20th story balcony,
Year of the Cat and Every Picture Tells a Story are both great songs.
Year of the Cat and Every Picture Tells a Story are both great songs.
Wednesday - January 24th 2024 6:11AM MST
PS: At first I read "Bulldogi". Ha!
The Alarmist
Wednesday - January 24th 2024 1:19AM MST
In my old neighborhood in NYC, where the local deli, like nearly all, was run by Koreans, one of my older weird neighbors, who walked around with his little dog tucked in his arm, was chatting with the store clerk (who barely understood anything beyond basic English).
So he asks Korean guy, “Do Koreans like dogs?”
Silence and a look of confusion on Korean guy’s face.
So old guy asks again. “Do Koreans like dogs?”
More silence and confusion on the other side of the counter.
I, growing impatient and wanting to pay for my broccoli and go about my evening, finally chime in, “Koreans love dog. It’s often a part of one of their local dishes, called Bulgogi.”
Korean guy, face beaming, says, “Yes, Bulgogi very good!”
Old guy storms out.
In my old neighborhood in NYC, where the local deli, like nearly all, was run by Koreans, one of my older weird neighbors, who walked around with his little dog tucked in his arm, was chatting with the store clerk (who barely understood anything beyond basic English).
So he asks Korean guy, “Do Koreans like dogs?”
Silence and a look of confusion on Korean guy’s face.
So old guy asks again. “Do Koreans like dogs?”
More silence and confusion on the other side of the counter.
I, growing impatient and wanting to pay for my broccoli and go about my evening, finally chime in, “Koreans love dog. It’s often a part of one of their local dishes, called Bulgogi.”
Korean guy, face beaming, says, “Yes, Bulgogi very good!”
Old guy storms out.
It's worse than just the Lyin' Press "coverage", Mr. Hail. I read on Gateway pundit that polls of potential jurors - going by voter rolls or something - in Washington, FS show that most of them are so down with the insurrection story that these people would never get a fair trial as judged by a jury of their peers there. They've got to have the venue change... or wait for Trump and, if he'd not gonna be proved a complete bullshitter again - a full pardon. Restitution would be in order. For some of the J6 Political Prisoners it's too late for that.
I can't find the GP story right now - lots of post and too many ads...