Reparations: You do the math!

Posted On: Monday - January 29th 2024 7:59PM MST
In Topics: 
  General Stupidity  Humor  Race/Genetics

... because these dumb Black! race grifters are surely not up to it.

The source of this screenshot of a big long set of grievances set into some proposed bill on Reparations* is the American Renaissance website. As one would expect from anyone White or any non-aggrieved individual of any sort, writer and site owner Jared Taylor is, let's say, taken aback, at the numbers, to the very dollar, politely requested by a group of retarded race hustlers. The article title, Let’s Spend $14 Trillion Into Existence refers to the generation of the money, a standard Peak Stupidity grievance of our own.

I don't think it's the idea of "spending $14 Trillion into existence" that's so out of the ordinary in this day and age. No, but the Black! grift here is over the top even for the biggest and badest grifters of that whole damn crowd, and, well, if you're gonna do this, you just gots ta get da maff right!

Look, that 222 million hours seems highly erroneous from first glance. (Does It Make Sense?) Nah. I went to this graph fetched up by Statista** to get number of slaves in America over the years, but this is from 1790 through 1865 only. I could not find numbers for the Colonies before that. Let me just choose a very rough number for that whole 246 year period mentioned in this proposed Bill of Bitching. I pick 1/4 million working slaves at a time over the whole period. I could be low by 50% - I could be high by more than that.

Well, that's ~60 million slave-years, errr. enslaved years? So, then, I guess I never realized just how lazy these slaves in America were. That's less than 3 hours of work output apiece per year. OK, that's only on average - Kunta over there may have put in a solid 20.

Perhaps these math-challenged Reparations Bill proponents meant that as 222 million years, not hours. That's close to 4 times my number, but it's possible, I guess.

The amount requested to cover this oversight, as calculated by the overseer, don'tcha' know, is $97 Trillion. If we assume that mistake in units, to be years instead of hours, then that works out to be a $436,000 yearly salary average for that jumpin' down, turnin' round, pickin' bails of cotton. That's cotton-pickin' expensive! (Let's see, for a mechanical harvester, with capital costs amortized, maintenance, and such... I think we coulda' come out ahead, way ahead...)

The $97 Trillion sum owned by us became only $14 Trillion (the math here is trivial and will be left to the White reader), so these folks are not too far off from the numbers proffered in the Peak Stupidity Reparations Plan. There's one very minor caveat, but I'm sure we can reach across the aisle, or rows of cotton, if I may, and obtain a mutually beneficial arrangement. Peak Stupidity will take care of the math.

* ... from innocent citizens and great-great-great-grandchildren of mostly innocent 17th through mid-19th century American citizens to great-great-great-grandchildren of some of the best-treated slaves in post-Biblical history.

** That's what that site does, fetch data from around the web for ya'.

Wednesday - January 31st 2024 6:24AM MST
PS: "Ok, so I'm gonna call BS on Major Owen's baseless claim that 200,000,000 Africans were tossed into the Atlantic during the slave trade."

I wonder if there were even that many Africans in Africa at that time. Haha, Statista fetched numbers -

- that say the population of that continent didn't reach 200 million until 1943 - NINETEEN forty-three!

So, who exactly were they throwing off the ships anyway, big rotten pumpkins that could be mistaken ... I'll stop here.
Adam Smith
Tuesday - January 30th 2024 4:20PM MST
PS: Good evening, Mr. Moderator,

“Give it another 4 years of BaiDienomics, and maybe we can afford the quadrillions in reparations...”

Lol Mr. Alarmist! 200 million.(?) Really?

(A few minutes later...)

Ok, so I'm gonna call BS on Major Owen's baseless claim that 200,000,000 Africans were tossed into the Atlantic during the slave trade. My best estimate after a few minutes of research tells me that there were about 12 million, maybe as high as 12.8 million Africans shipped across the Atlantic over a span of 400 years. It seems to me that about 1.5 million (possibly 2 million) died en route.

Anyway... I'm just glad Guam hasn't capsized...

Cheers! ☮️
Tuesday - January 30th 2024 1:54PM MST
PS: "Doesn’t that work out to $436k per hour ?!?" Yes, if you don't take into account that the 222 million figure of total hours enslaved - no, total hours of WWE (Working While Enslaved) is correct, but, as I wrote, it doesn't pencil out unless slaves worked 3 or so hours yearly.

That's why I took it as a mistake in the units, just to get somewhere further with this. Hence, it's only $436,000 annually, not hourly. Still, I'd pick cotton all day long for that. I can't promise I'll be jumping down and turning round though... getting too old for that shit ...
Tuesday - January 30th 2024 1:51PM MST
PS: Yeah, it'll have to be more than just money, Adam, at least when you start dealing in the quadrillions of bucks. At that point, you ARE starting to talk about real money, at least if you have your quadrillions in the form of gold, real estate, maybe a bug ranch or two...

Give it another 4 years of BaiDienomics, and maybe we can afford the quadrillions in reparations. Until then, will they be satisfied that we are not allowed to say the word "nigger" but they are? That's not nothing ...
The Alarmist
Tuesday - January 30th 2024 3:53AM MST

BTW, that hours figure probably doesn’t count the 200 million African tossed overboard during the sailings across the Atlantic, so we’re gonna have to come up with more gibs ....

The Alarmist
Tuesday - January 30th 2024 3:43AM MST

Doesn’t that work out to $436k per hour ?!?

No one ever accused African Americans of low self-esteem.

I love the precision of that estimate of the hours worked. At least “they” had the good sense to round that “six million” often bandied about to seven places to allow for a lack of complete data.

Adam Smith
Monday - January 29th 2024 9:37PM MST
PS: Greetings, Achmed,

Money alone is not enough, but A study in The Review of the 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤! Political Economy journal, first published on June 19, titled "Wealth Implications of Slavery and Racial Discrimination for African American Descendants of the Enslaved" estimated the cost of reparations owed to 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤! Americans to be a modest $6.2 quadrillion as of 2018.

Cheers! ☮️
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