Posted On: Thursday - February 1st 2024 9:47AM MST
In Topics:   Immigration Stupidity  US Feral Government  World Political Stupidity  President DeSantis
Who can take a nothing day, marry her gay brother for the Green Card file?
Well it's you, girl, and you should know it.
With each rant and every bit of treason you show it."
In the US Congress, I've seen corrupt sumbitches, I've seen greedy ones who care nothing about this nation, I've seen nation wreckers aiding and abetting the Population Replacement Program. However, I've never actually quite seen a foreign agent there, working openly for his own country, having infiltrated via the welcoming immigration system. (Perhaps I haven't been paying enough attention.) This piece of work called Ilhan Omar, up in Minneapolis, Minnesota is just that though, a foreign agent established in the US Congress.
Ilhan Omar "represents", in some way, the 5th Congressional District of Minnesota, which covers pretty much the city of Minneapolis. The 5th district hasn't voted Republican in 64 years, and has been overwhelmingly in support of the DFL (Democrat-Farmer-Labor) Party in the Congressional races and Democrat for President for 25 years, at least. Well, since the nice Church ladies have been welcoming in masses of Somalians to their nice White city this whole century, maybe longer, they ended up with a voting bloc there. Who would one expect this bloc to support?
So you end up with a hard-left anti-American Somalian lady representing the good, nice people of Minnesota, don'tcha' know.
There's a bit more to the story of Ilhan Omar than just her being another "refugee" from bad economics and tragic dirt. No, Omar's family were big cheeses back in the old country till, per the illustrious Steve Sailer's reading of the NY Times to us - Was Rep. Ilhan Omar's Putative Grandpa Really a Devout Believer in Democracy? - her family had to get out. Her GrandDad was a Colonel under President Siad Barre, but he was ousted in the early 1990s and Omar and clan had to high-tail it out of there. But, of course, once you get to America, you forget all of that nonsense and assimilate, right? Ilhan was 9 years old, as I recall (also from Steve Sailer's blog posts).
Yeah, right. It's not that I wouldn't have expected Ilhan Omar to have a bias and be ctrl-left, simply because she has no reason to be loyal to traditional America. Also, there's the usual MOAR FREE STUFF for MY people! What I wouldn't have expected is that this ragheaded infiltrator would say the
Let me get to the current event here, which is Rep Omar's speech in front of a "Somalian American" crowd. (See, there's that dual loyalty thing - more on that.) From the site Red State: Ilhan Omar Rips the Mask Off and Pledges Her Allegience to Somalia in Disturbing Video. First part:
Rep. Ilhan Omar, an evidenced antisemite, has often suggested in various ways that anyone who supports Israel has "dual loyalty" and is somehow being paid off by Jews. Ironically, she's the one who has a real dual loyalty problem, or worse, a singular loyalty to a foreign nation.Now, I don't take the pro-Israel side with the bias of Red State here. Anyone who supports the involvement of the US military in Israel's business has de facto dual Loyalties. Any American citizen or "national" who has a passport from another country has de jure dual loyalties. When a real country gives citizenship or a passport, it shreds the old stuff.
Here's the video:
From the Red State article, here's the translation of the truly illuminating parts of "American" Congresswoman Omar's speech:
There are areas of friction and that led us to kill each other, but in reality, we are an organized society, brothers and sisters, people of the same blood, people who know they are Somalians first, Muslims second, who protect one another, come to each other's aid and to the aid of other Muslims too.Then, the Minnesota 5th District Rep gives some details:
The U.S. would not dare support anyone against Somalia to steal our land or oceans. Sleep in comfort, knowing I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the U.S. system. The woman you sent to Congress is working day and night to protect your interests. She knows your plight and that of Somalia. I am as concerned about Somalia as you guys are. Together, we will protect the interests of Somalia.
OMAR: Somalia is for Somalis only as over 45 percent of Somalia's population are not even ethnic Somalis. Somalia is one nation. We are all brothers and sisters. Our land can not be divided. Ethiopia and Kenya have stolen and continue to occupy the Somali region state, which belongs to Somalia. We will liberate the occupied territories stolen from Somalia...Who knew there was a Somalia and a Somaliland?
Peak Stupidity: I don't give a rat's ass what you ragheads are up to in the horn of Africa. It's not Americans' business, so go there and take care of it yourself!
I really don't think that, at 9 years old, little Ilhan had a whole plan figured out, but when did she decide that her job as an American politician is to work for the good of Somalia? Wait, that's not Somaliland but Somalia, in its efforts to take back Somaliland, or something ... It's bad enough being a private citizen and having loyalties to foreign lands over America. It's worse yet being in Congress and ranting about your old loyalties. Worst, and what I see here, is being in Congress and working to get America involved on YOUR side in the feud in your old lands.
So, as per the good comment way above by the Red State writer, no, this is not a matter of dual loyalties. This is an example of SINGLE loyalty, to the old land that you fled, over the interests of your supposed new nation and countrymen. We'd be lucky to get dual loyalties out of these people.
Conservatives in Congress want to get this Somalian instigator expelled from that esteemed body. Ron DeSantis says deport her too. Were this a serious country, that would happen, and Ilhan Omar could still consider herself lucky. Traitors used to be hanged. (They didn't make it so easy back then, by openly giving traitorous speeches in public.)
BTW, when searching for images, I got one that linked to a video titled Omar makes impassioned speech about George Floyd. Interestingly, nobody's all impassioned and shit about the millions of slaves taken by the Moslems over the Millenia, such as Ilhan Omar's own ancestors. I guess they don't count because they didn't OD on Fentanyl and could breath.
You can have the town, why don't you take it?
You're gonna make it after all.
You're gonna make it after all.
PS: If you've got a few days (not hours) and really want to learn about the background and mindset of this foreign operative Omar, Steve Sailer has lots of great writing and there are over 3,000 comments in total of discussion by very good commenters - start here.
Here's a favorite title, and NOT iSteve-generated either. It starts with another immigrant but moves on to Omar: Washington Post: "I am an Uppity Immigrant. Don’t Expect Me to be ‘grateful.’" Again, I hope you've got lots of time.
Saturday - February 3rd 2024 7:57AM MST
PS: That'd be "single", not "singly", haha.
Also, note in that Wiki blurb that, although we had our differences, the country was not so divided in the 80's-'90s to where things couldn't be settled with a little humor and common sense.
Also, note in that Wiki blurb that, although we had our differences, the country was not so divided in the 80's-'90s to where things couldn't be settled with a little humor and common sense.
Saturday - February 3rd 2024 7:55AM MST
PS: Thanks for the Rush lyrics, GAnderson.
I kid, I kid, I'm guessing there are some people that think of that Chrissy Hynde/Pretnders song as the El Rushbo theme song. That'd be just the instrumental introduction though with the great bass guitar. That was Tony Butler, though the band had a couple of other bass players through most of their time.
From Wiki about the use of the bass intro by Rush:
"In 1999, Rolling Stone magazine reported that, according to Hynde's manager, neither KFBK (which owned the show prior to national syndication) nor Limbaugh had licensed the song nor asked permission to use it. According to Rolling Stone, EMI took action after Limbaugh told a pair of reporters in 1997 that "it was icing on the cake that it was [written by] an environmentalist, animal rights wacko and was an anti-conservative song. It is anti-development, anti-capitalist and here I am going to take a liberal song and make fun of [liberals] at the same time."[8] EMI issued a cease and desist request that Limbaugh stop using the song, which he did. When Hynde found out during a radio interview, she said that her parents loved and listened to Limbaugh and she did not mind its use. A usage payment was agreed upon which she donated to PETA."
That song is 42 years old! The "Learning to Crawl" album, on which this song appeared (had first been a B-side of a singly) is from 40 years back. Geeze!
"The farms of Minnesota
had been replaced by one big shopping mall,
and Muzzie-Yak filled the air
from Mary Richard's house to Minnehaha Falls.
I said, ay, oh, where did you go, ..."
I kid, I kid, I'm guessing there are some people that think of that Chrissy Hynde/Pretnders song as the El Rushbo theme song. That'd be just the instrumental introduction though with the great bass guitar. That was Tony Butler, though the band had a couple of other bass players through most of their time.
From Wiki about the use of the bass intro by Rush:
"In 1999, Rolling Stone magazine reported that, according to Hynde's manager, neither KFBK (which owned the show prior to national syndication) nor Limbaugh had licensed the song nor asked permission to use it. According to Rolling Stone, EMI took action after Limbaugh told a pair of reporters in 1997 that "it was icing on the cake that it was [written by] an environmentalist, animal rights wacko and was an anti-conservative song. It is anti-development, anti-capitalist and here I am going to take a liberal song and make fun of [liberals] at the same time."[8] EMI issued a cease and desist request that Limbaugh stop using the song, which he did. When Hynde found out during a radio interview, she said that her parents loved and listened to Limbaugh and she did not mind its use. A usage payment was agreed upon which she donated to PETA."
That song is 42 years old! The "Learning to Crawl" album, on which this song appeared (had first been a B-side of a singly) is from 40 years back. Geeze!
"The farms of Minnesota
had been replaced by one big shopping mall,
and Muzzie-Yak filled the air
from Mary Richard's house to Minnehaha Falls.
I said, ay, oh, where did you go, ..."
The Alarmist
Saturday - February 3rd 2024 3:40AM MST
The West Germans may have had "issues" with the Ossies, but the Wessies were and are a serious problem for the Ossies, who havve lived under thirty years of occupation and plunder by the West. It is no wonder they long for the days of Trabbis, Spreewalder Gurks, and summers
at the FKK.
The West Germans may have had "issues" with the Ossies, but the Wessies were and are a serious problem for the Ossies, who havve lived under thirty years of occupation and plunder by the West. It is no wonder they long for the days of Trabbis, Spreewalder Gurks, and summers
at the FKK.
Friday - February 2nd 2024 6:15PM MST
“ I went back to Twin Cities
But my city was gone…”
“ I went back to Twin Cities
But my city was gone…”
Friday - February 2nd 2024 11:19AM MST
PS: "During this conference someone had the idea of getting Taiwanese and mainland Chinese in the same room to pray together. She, being Taiwanese, said this was one of the most difficult moments of her experience as a Christian! (She said this in some surprise and in a spirit of regret.)"
That's amazing. They actually are the same people and are only divided by 75 years of ideology. The West Germans may have had a lot of problems with those who finally came from the East after the end of the Cold War - Communism messes with the mind and morals after 40 years (in the China case 3/4 of a century). However, I doubt they'd have any problem worshipping in Church together.
I LOLed very heartily at your combination Blonde/Polish joke, Fred. Thanks!
That's amazing. They actually are the same people and are only divided by 75 years of ideology. The West Germans may have had a lot of problems with those who finally came from the East after the end of the Cold War - Communism messes with the mind and morals after 40 years (in the China case 3/4 of a century). However, I doubt they'd have any problem worshipping in Church together.
I LOLed very heartily at your combination Blonde/Polish joke, Fred. Thanks!
Fred the Gator
Friday - February 2nd 2024 8:07AM MST
PS This sense of loyalty to "the old country" has always perplexed me.
I used to work at a bilingual Taiwanese-English church. This church was famous for cancelling the service one Sunday so that people could fly back to Taiwan to vote in the presidential election.
They also imported their conflicts with mainland Chinese. One deacon said to me, "We have to be careful or mainlanders will come and take our church."
The problem was that people were no longer immigrating in numbers from Taiwan, so the church was becoming increasingly old and gradually shrinking as people died or moved away. Now (about 15 years later) they are no longer a church but a "Taiwanese cultural association".
One of the younger people in this church talked about how she went to an Inter-Varsity missions conference. During this conference someone had the idea of getting Taiwanese and mainland Chinese in the same room to pray together. She, being Taiwanese, said this was one of the most difficult moments of her experience as a Christian! (She said this in some surprise and in a spirit of regret.)
My mother's grandparents came from Poland but my only sense of being Polish was eating pierogis, Polish sausage and horseradish with beets. My mom still spoke Polish but wouldn't teach us kids because she wanted to be able to talk without us listening in.
So I'm left with Lobachevsky and Chopin and Solidarity and the like, along with Polish jokes, as my cultural heritage.
Did you hear about the blonde who told a man a Polish joke? When he complained that he was Polish, she asked, "Do you want me to tell it again slower?"
I used to work at a bilingual Taiwanese-English church. This church was famous for cancelling the service one Sunday so that people could fly back to Taiwan to vote in the presidential election.
They also imported their conflicts with mainland Chinese. One deacon said to me, "We have to be careful or mainlanders will come and take our church."
The problem was that people were no longer immigrating in numbers from Taiwan, so the church was becoming increasingly old and gradually shrinking as people died or moved away. Now (about 15 years later) they are no longer a church but a "Taiwanese cultural association".
One of the younger people in this church talked about how she went to an Inter-Varsity missions conference. During this conference someone had the idea of getting Taiwanese and mainland Chinese in the same room to pray together. She, being Taiwanese, said this was one of the most difficult moments of her experience as a Christian! (She said this in some surprise and in a spirit of regret.)
My mother's grandparents came from Poland but my only sense of being Polish was eating pierogis, Polish sausage and horseradish with beets. My mom still spoke Polish but wouldn't teach us kids because she wanted to be able to talk without us listening in.
So I'm left with Lobachevsky and Chopin and Solidarity and the like, along with Polish jokes, as my cultural heritage.
Did you hear about the blonde who told a man a Polish joke? When he complained that he was Polish, she asked, "Do you want me to tell it again slower?"
The Alarmist
Friday - February 2nd 2024 1:11AM MST
Lulz ... didn’t even notice the Moor.
Joe Biden as Ted Baxter, Bibi Nuyjobyahoo as Murray.
Minneapolis... the joke that keeps on giving.
Lulz ... didn’t even notice the Moor.
Joe Biden as Ted Baxter, Bibi Nuyjobyahoo as Murray.
Minneapolis... the joke that keeps on giving.
Thursday - February 1st 2024 6:20PM MST
PS Okay, “Moor”, pretty good. The Moors are actually West African and Berbers not Negroes, but, still pretty good.
Thursday - February 1st 2024 5:55PM MST
PS: Guys, I also hoped you liked that joke "Omar Tyler Moor", not "Moore". That one was total luck.
Thursday - February 1st 2024 12:41PM MST
PS “Dual loyalty”. You said “dual loyalty”. That could get you on a lot of lists.
The Alarmist
Thursday - February 1st 2024 11:07AM MST
Breathtaking... America’s Fifth Column doesn’t even feel the need to conceal their true loyalties.
I originally thought the USA was done by 2032, but 2026 is starting to look dicey.
Breathtaking... America’s Fifth Column doesn’t even feel the need to conceal their true loyalties.
I originally thought the USA was done by 2032, but 2026 is starting to look dicey.
However, I only commented here again because of this:
"Hynde's own provocative band project, centred around her own songwriting, was initially called (Mike Hunt's) Dishonorable Discharge."
LOL! That's freaking clever! (I'm guessing they may not have made the Billboard Top 40 so much with that name...)