GOP Estrogen Overdose v Dark Brandon

Posted On: Friday - March 8th 2024 3:49PM MST
In Topics: 
  Immigration Stupidity  Pundits  Media Stupidity  Female Stupidity  Zhou Bai Dien

In his post today, Katie Britt’s SOTU Response Attacks Biden On Border, Fentanyl, Sex Trafficking And Laken Riley—But Doesn’t’ Use The Word Immigrant, VDare's long-term editor and writer James Fulford described the GOPe rebuttal to the SOTU speech of last night, with a big assist by Ann Coulter.

Even though I was around during Ronald Reagan's 8 years as President, I may have watched one or two of these State of the Union thingies at most. Surely you don't think this Peak Stupidity blogger would be able to sit still for an hour and 10 minutes* of Dark Brandon without hashing out a post. Of course not, and quit calling me Shirley Achmed. I did watch a couple of clips on The Gateway Pundit, and I'll just say this: I would not bet more than just make-it-interesting money ($20, the new fiver, at most) that the powers that be haven't turned Dark Brandon into an android.** It's just another kind of transition, and it might very well explain the comments about sex with Dr. Jill.

That surely can't be the whole post here, so let me get to the junior Senator from Alabama, one Katie Britt, who was this year's re-butt-er. In a substack*** post "Katie" Britt's Estrogen-Laden Response to the SOTU, Ann Coulter warned her readers not to watch this thing. James Fulford took Miss Coulter's advice and read the transcript instead.

That's all Mr. Fulford needed to do his job, which is compiling all things immigration:
I started by searching the transcript for “migr” which will catch all references to immigration, immigrant, and “migrant”. There weren’t any. I wonder if that’s the speechwriter wanting not to be “anti-immigrant” or GOP strategists who hope to continue importing cheap labor.

She does, however, talk about the things that immigrants bring over Biden’s open border—drugs, rape, sex trafficking, and murder.
That's all true. Had this and other points about the evil out of Dark Brandon been said by Peter Brimelow - leaving just a few people in the dust with that accent, unfortunately ;-} - Matt Goetz, MTG, or an old George Wallace - ditto on the accent - this would have been great to get out there. (I'd have even watched it, had it been said by Peter or MTG... hell, George Wallace too - that'd be a trip.)

No, but see, lots of people like to watch rather than read. I'd say a large majority do. So, I wanted to see what Ann Coulter was talking about, after, that is, her excellent introduction, bringing up something I hadn't known, because I don't watch this stuff.:
In the last nine responses to a State of the Union address (one “Address to Congress”) Republicans have chosen a woman or minority. This year, it was a tearful Sen. Katie Britt, literally sitting at a kitchen table, presumably because a nursery school wasn’t available.

The last white male to give the response was Mitch Daniels in 2012. Coincidentally, it was the last decent one.
The following ALL CAPS are Miss Coulter's:
You sure know your voters, GOP!

This would be like Democrats refusing to give any jobs to women or minorities, as opposed to what they actually do, which is give all jobs to women and minorities.

[OK, I went ahead and made it bold too.]
Yeah, or just the other wing of the UniParty.

I didn't have the restraint of, and a real job to do like, James Fulford. I checked in at about 4 minutes in. Mrs. Britt tells a horrible story. Others could have done that. It'd have been better if someone else had, as Ann Coulter was dead on. This is what an overdose of estrogen looks and sounds like. It was like a plane wreck, and I couldn't look away. (I like to figure out what went wrong. No joy this time ...) Katie Britt seemed on the verge of tears for her whole rebuttal on the outrages that have been occurring. Political solutions and threats would have been nice to hear about, but nope.

Seeing a woman in this emotional state is unnerving. One Senator's SOTU rebuttal can be turned off quickly or one can listen (dammit, shoulda!) to Ann Coulter. However, though it can take a long time in the course of one's life to figure this out, male Peak Stupidity readers may understand an important thing about the female emotional state as seen above. Many times, what the woman is talking about might very well have nothing to do with the real problem she's upset about.

Is it possible that Senator Britt is not actually that upset about inflation and the immigration invasion surge caused by Zhou Bai Dien? Her husband Wesley (mentioned at the end) may have found out a day afterwards that this is actually about his not having brought the car she scraped up to the body shop after 6 months! The neighbors' yards on both sides are much greener, as Wesley never weeded and seeded the yard as he SAID HE WOULD!

The video included a state change that occurred about 12 1/2 minutes in. Mrs. Britt's estrogen must have changed polarity, as her mood morphed within 30 seconds into a happy one, so happy that, yeah, she was on the verge of crying the whole REST of the time too.

Just thinking of my dream girl Marjorie Taylor Greene (who also was quite involved in this shindig) for a bit, I'm sure she's got estrogen coursing through her veins too. She seems to channel it much better and maybe has 1/10 of the amount. Women need to have SOME of this stuff or they won't be womanly. However, you can't have them going on TV like this and shit, I mean come on!

Ann Coulter is right on the bigger picture. Women, except for herself, should not be involved in politics. My wife just said this same thing right after I showed her this video for 20 seconds.

As for the contest, Senator (R-AL) Katie Britt v Evil scum Dark Brandon, I will say that I'd watch the latter before the former, albeit only after having had a few beers with my pundit buddies Alex and Tucker. This Katie, she'd require a whole nother 6-pack. Oh, and Katie ain't gonna win that Oscar she's gunning for either. They don't take White people, last I heard.

PS: I'm curious what Jordan Peterson would have to say about this.

* Geeze, the search sites suck badly! It took me about 2% of the time of that speech to find out the one number. Yandex came through! Thank you, Yandex, and, well, I guess that means I'm a Russian sympathizer, so, go, Putin!

** Hopefully, an android that uses the Android OS rather than Windows. You want an hour and 10 minutes of operating time without any black & blue screens o' death.

*** Unsafe is the name of her blog area on the site.

[UPDATED 03/09:]
Added a couple of paragraphs (just below the video) and fixed one typo - "SOTU".

Bill H
Sunday - March 10th 2024 7:40AM MST
PS If she was really worried about her childrens' future, she wouldn't have named them Bennet and Ridgeway. Ridgeway?
Dieter Kief
Saturday - March 9th 2024 12:35PM MST

Oh Adam - I tried all kinds of stuff. We had  - what was the name? - - - fast- and focused makers in the classroom. 25 cent/a tablet. The thing was - as with lots of other stuff: I seemed to be completely tone deaf to it. Others weren't - - - Melanie wasn't, Gerard, Jean, Frank, Peter - - - they liked this stuff - - - and consumed it in heavy doses (it was - Captagon was the name!) practically free, mind you - - - .

Biden's cold straightforward rage is something else... but I think Victor Davis Hanson in his ten minutes with Tucker Carlson is quite right: The result is apalling. And seen from Mr. McGilchrist's perspective, Mod., this is no wonder, because to improve the cold left-hemisphere straightforwardness makes the anger cold, boring and - - -scary. Joni Mitchell portrayed such a speed-nerd in her song Richard on her Blue album: Cynical and drunk and boring in some dark café - - - dark café days - - - that was her man, Mr. Mitchell (!), who at a certain point must have understood that his future will not be touring with Joni as a Duo,- he just was not up to her tasks - and heights - - - whatever the drug - - - - and she did the same stunt a few years later with the heaviestly cocaine-invested David Crosby. - She then also decided to strictly! move on. Lose no time with losers...

The anger in itself is no problem, I'd think that Mr. Mcgilchrist would side with you that anger is not the problem in itself, but the color anger took on in the case of Joe Biden: VD Hanson mentions the flat, unmodulated, kinda barking!!  voice - - -  these things: The .m.e.n.t.a.l. stiffness I saw. There for sure is a productive kind of anger - - - a funny kind even - - - positive angers - - - an Austrian playwright cultivated this kind of anger to perfection - a man named Thomas Bernhard - the PERFECT Brawler/Bruddler. He got at times so deep into a certain kind of anger that the result ranged from   - - - deeply disturbing to pure fun, but never boring! - - - - But that is not the case here at all. And that is what turns Joe Biden into a loser - - - that he is. Has anybody seen this clip that they showed at TGP in which Kamala Harris seems to - accidentally, of course - - say, Joe Biden will lose the election in November - over the subject of  - - - - immigration - - - - Huh?!
Saturday - March 9th 2024 10:53AM MST
PS: "According to Victor Davis Hanson Biden makes people angry too - and scares them as well. That is the flip side of the way in which he appeared to be hyper-focused and though: He stiffens mentally even more and pretty much looses the ability to .b.on.d. with the voters -- now think of a scoial psychologist thinking about the optimal way to counter these off-putting of angry old man vibes? - - They've looked at their data in their labs and - - - came up with the Sen. Katie Britt proposition... (and succeeded - - )...."

Well, as you, Dieter, and Adam with the additional drug side-effect info, noted Bai Dien's manner must have something to do with that.

Yes, he comes off angry. However, if he were very very angry due to immigration invasion, the American Warfare State, etc, I think most of us would understand the anger and appreciate it even.

I'm not turned off by the anger of Zhou Bai Dien. I'm disgusted by his anger that, real as it may be, is completely based on lies, blatant, ridiculous lies that still many American may fall for. Does he know he's lying through his teeth? That's the question I wonder about.
Adam Smith
Saturday - March 9th 2024 10:03AM MST
PS: Good morning, y'all...

And good morning, Dieter!

“Biden appeared to be hyper-focused and - as Victor Davis Hanson remarked to Tucker Carlson: Angry and aggressive. - This is left brain hemisphere territory completely, the very territory which 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒉𝒚𝒑𝒆𝒓-𝒇𝒊𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌.”

“I'd like to know how you technically do that - pump this old half-demented man mentally up and refresh him‽”

“I'd assume, they give him hormones (testosterone maybe). And maybe a blood-exchange. And MORE...”

I would guess they give him Adderall (amphetamine and dextroamphetamine), or just plain old amphetamine salts(??)... Or (perhaps?) something more potent and more difficult to come by.

I don't know how much experience you have with speedy drugs, Dieter, but I know (from experience, personal and otherwise) that Adderall and other amphetamines produce the exact behaviors we see in Creepy Old Joe's performance at the SOTU. It neatly explains his anger and aggressiveness; these off-putting 𝑨𝒏𝒈𝒓𝒚 𝑶𝒍𝒅 𝑴𝒂𝒏 𝒗𝒊𝒃𝒆𝒔, as you so kindly describe it.

As you probably know, many students take Adderall as a study drug because it helps them hyper-focus. (At least for a while, until the inevitable crash.) But that artificially induced ability to hyper-focus comes with some other, less desirable, effects. Simply put, Adderall rage is very real! (As is Adderall psychosis.)

I'm not saying that they don't also give him a cocktail of hormones and testosterone and such, but I would guess they rely heavily on some sort of amphetamine like substance to pump this half-demented old man up for a performance like this. (After all, the show must go on!)

Just my opinion, anyway...

Cheers! ☮️
Dieter Kief
Saturday - March 9th 2024 1:25AM MST
The idea behind this Senator Katie Britt video is that politics is about voting/the voters Mod.

There are theorists/scientists that look into the effect of such talks/ performances?/ TV-interventions and it looks as if the numbers for this very kind of - performance: Are best.

So: You have social psychologists regarding all aspects of this business - and there are an awful lot of them aspects. The biggest one: Half the voters are below IQ 100 and - .m.o.r.e. than half of them are - women (and gays!).

I also thought of Joprdan B. Peterson Mod. and I would like his response most if he'd reflect not least about the things I said above - Mr. Jordan, if you please!?

Joe Biden after the magic cure - Peterson or somebody knwoledgeable should also say a few words about him.

I've heard him talk for two minutes maybe. Starting off with Hitler at the very beginning - - puhh. The Holloywood-blockbuster rule: You show an erthquake, that destroys .a.n.d. then floods the West-Coast - and increase from there - - - .

So first Hitler, than Trump, then Putin was President Bidens path of danger and horror.

What about the "Dictator" Xi??? They left a wide agp there - maybe because just February China did what they had officially not done for a long time: Declare that they'd team up with Russia militarily...John Mwearsheimer (and Ron Unz): This is the direct result of the Democrats' Neocon-politics in Ukraine and elsewhere. - So: Good reason to keep quiet about China in this regard.

Btw.: Biden appeared to be hyper-focued and - as Victor Davis Hanson remarked to Tucker Carlson: Angry and aggressive. - This is left brain hemisphere territory*** completely, the veryterritory which they have made hyper-fit for this talk.

***Iain McGilchrist is explicit and very clear here: The left hemisphere is where anger and resentment sit.

According to Victor Davis Hanson Biden makes people angry too - and scares them as well. That is the flip side of the way in which he appeared to be hyper-focused and though: He stiffens mentally even more and pretty much looses the ability to .b.on.d. with the voters -- now think of a scoial psychologist thinking about the optimal way to counter these off-putting of angry old man vibes? - - They've looked at their data in their labs and - - - came up with the Sen. Katie Britt proposition... (and succeeded - - ).

I'd like to know how you technically do that - pump this old half-demented man mentally up and refresh him?!

I'd assume, they give him hormones (testosterone maybe). And maybe a blood-exchange. And MORE.
Friday - March 8th 2024 6:31PM MST
PS Women can be wonderful. They have an important role to play in society; perhaps the most important role. But the qualities that fit them for that role interfere with the demands of governance. They should not be in politics.
Friday - March 8th 2024 4:12PM MST
PS: So, pre-VCR, even Betamax, too, Alarmist? 1,000 big ones was great money during those times - one could get a decent used car for that. Now, it's so bad, that would only get me an oil change dinner and a movie, and an infinite number of 6-packs of Bud Light (aren't they even paying people to take it out of the store?) ... sorry, I had to wipe back tears... estrogen contagion from the video.

I hope you all will read all of Ann Coulter's post - she's pretty good!
The Alarmist
Friday - March 8th 2024 4:05PM MST

During my banking days in NYC, the CEO of a major investment bank had a scheduling conflict that wouldn’t allow him to watch the SOTU, so my Managing Director, knowing I had worked in TV and could discretely and reliably produce a good recording, paid me a grand to record it and deliver it to the CEO’s house.

In those still largely internet-free days when there was no shortage of clapping seals, but most people still took these things seriously.

Those days are long gone.
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