The Big Sort and the decline of Egging

Posted On: Tuesday - April 2nd 2024 6:16AM MST
In Topics: 
  Media Stupidity  Liberty/Libertarianism  The Future  Geography  President DeSantis

Still got my hat!

... in Florida and hopefully in the rest of the country? Peak Stupidity would in no way have watched an NBC News story, but The Gateway Pundit was disgusted by a certain story about Florida, as Ben Kew discussed, in NBC Runs Pathetic Hit Piece on Free State of Florida, Claims People Fleeing The ‘Culture War’.

In the article, the numbers for this alleged exodus of these Culture War losers are given extremely vaguely.* However, the concept of some exodus of people who are not happy with the politics and culture, as we assume others moved down there FOR it, is interesting. Gateway Pundit takes the stand:
Florida has become hot property over recent years, providing newcomers** with all round sunshine and an escape from Democratic insanity of states such as New York and California.

This is largely due to its Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, who led the way against the COVID tyranny and ensured that Florida remained free while other parts of the country were under indefinite house arrest.

In its article, NBC notes that although hundreds of thousands of people moved to Florida, many also left the state and moved elsewhere:
NBC's testimony to the Judge:
While hundreds of thousands of new residents have flocked to the state on the promise of beautiful weather, no income tax and lower costs, nearly 500,000 left in 2022, according to the most recent census data. Contributing to their move was a perfect storm of soaring insurance costs, a hostile political environment, worsening traffic and extreme weather, according to interviews with more than a dozen recent transplants and longtime residents who left the state in the past two years.
Insurance has gone way up there, and yes, you'll get worse traffic when multitudes of northern refugees swarm a place***.

Extreme weather? Yes, Florida has extreme weather. It's hot a LOT. It doesn't ever really cool down, and Floridians will tell you it's freezing out when the outside temperature is in the high 40s F. They are science deniers, as we up north know that water freezes at 32F. However, that well-known meme with the two guys in space suits would be handy here: "You mean Florida is experiencing extreme weather?" "Always has been."

As for the hostile political environment, I am not sure if NBC is exaggerating, OK, lying a bit here, with this eyewitness testimony:
Costs and politics were also enough to cause Noelle Schmitz to leave the state after more than 30 years, despite her son having a year left in high school, and relocate to Winchester, Virginia. She said the politics became ever-present in her daily life — one former neighbor had a massive Trump banner in front of their house for years, and another had Trump written in big letters across their yard. When she put out a Hillary Clinton sign in 2016, it was stolen and her house was egged.
Well, if it keeps them off the screens ...

Please continue with your testimony:
“I saw my neighbors and co-workers become more radicalized, more aggressive and more angry about politics. I’m thinking, where is this coming from? These are not the people I remember,” Schmitz said. “I was finally like, we need to get the hell out of here, things are not going well.”
Was "Trump" written in flowers, was it made with monkey grass inserted into the regular St. Augustine, or did she mean the homeowner mowed it that way? Either way, that takes some skill and effort - much appreciated!

Egging, well, if you grew up in a certain era, I don't see how you would have gotten to adulthood without having egged a house or two. We egged a couple of houses, and it wasn't even out of valid anger over the political ideology of Communism and the Hildabeast. We were just bored shitless.

Wait, what judge and testimony are we talking about here? Think family court.

Whenever Peak Stupidity discusses the America's deep divide, our very favorite member of Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene comes up. (Her support or lack thereof by commenters demonstrated the divide in that post, and here's a follow-up.) I'd forgotten that MTG has been praised here long before - over a year ago we posted Irreconcilable Differences as grounds for a National Divorce. The division of America along appropriate political lines to separate the greatly polarized population as a "national divorce" is a good concept. Unfortunately, the deep division doesn't align nicely with State borders, and often not along county lines either.

What if we could sort ourselves out around State borders before this national divorce? It'd be akin to dividing up the many kids, the cars, and the real estate before the lawyers (governments) get involved. "She likes to be with me more, and, well, I don't drive a stick, so you can have that one." "You can live in the city place, because you can't take care of all the equipment on our land out in the country. I get the other kids and the tools."

I do find it hard to believe that there are people who are offended by an attitude in the population and its State government that's pro freedom and against anti-White wokeness and lawlessness. Governor DeSantis just beat Big Mouse, he has gotten the Florida University system to eliminate all D.I.E. departments, and the State has passed a law making it easier to boot out illegal squatters on one's property.

Are they against all that? Do they want to start up Sanctimony Cities in their own new back yards? That's hard for me to believe, but if they want to get out of America for these reasons, more power to them. Let's all sort ourselves out. This is very cost effective for U-Haul, if nothing else.

Make America (and a few dozen other States) Florida, and make the Potomac Regime New York and California!**** Let's run a Big Sort.

PS: As for the political feuding among neighbors, even if I believe NBC News, I find it only fair. I've lived among BLM banners on churches for many years, the stupid yard signs (only taken down after burglaries), and the Ukraine flags flying in American neighborhoods, with most of the latter down now besides one nearby.

Yet, we haven't removed any or egged any of said houses. Is inflation making egging cost prohibitive now? Hmmmm.... more likely the decline of egging is due to the doorbell cameras. ;-} OTOH, what are we to do with all those extra eggs from Easter Sunday? It's very tempting indeed, and if it can get U-Haul just one extra sale ...

* I looked at population growth in Florida, here - there are a table and a graph showing growth there for 2.2 decades, from '00 through '22. There's a lot to this, though, what with natural births - deaths growth to be accounted for before getting a net influx. More difficult would be determining (for me from the internet anyway) where new residents came from and where those leaving went to. Their reasons, well, NBC talked to a dozen people - that's 12. So, they know nothing more than I do about the numbers.

** That's the old use of the word "newcomers", I assume. We're not talking illegal aliens, but then, they are involved in all this too. We'll give you your Sanctimony Cities, if we can keep our IC cars.

*** Charleston, S. Carolina is a great example of this.

**** It's just a real shame about California, though. It's simply the most beautiful piece of land with such a great (physical!) climate.

Wednesday - April 3rd 2024 7:13AM MST
PS: Mr. Hail, the sorting out of populations internationally, i.e, taking the "West" as a whole, is something I also had though of before. This was years ago, at least 20, maybe 25. I remember thinking that it'd be a shame if White people had to all consolidate back in Europe - after all, the North American continent has so much space and resources. After building all this from scratch out of the wilderness, how can you leave it all behind.

It's be a hell of a shame, but at least White people could consolidate ... so I thought back then. The non-White immigration madness to Europe was not so much in full swing then, or at least I knew nothing about it then.

It seems pretty purposeful sometimes. They don't want us to have any home at all.
Tuesday - April 2nd 2024 5:35PM MST
PS: Mr. Hail, I would put '26 in the mids only. I could see '27 being in the mids, as '23 is. However, the point is taken, as we are assuredly in the middle of this decades and 1/4 of the way through this century.

The latter is why I don't say and write the "20.." anymore. Did they say "19" right up through 1924? I doubt it.

Hello, Mr. Kief!
Tuesday - April 2nd 2024 5:31PM MST
PS: There are so many great spots in Florida, Mr. Blanc. That's too bad that you didn't get to move down, but that childhood time in Sarasota sounds great. I don't mind the pretty warm water, even in the summer.
Tuesday - April 2nd 2024 5:29PM MST
PS: "I still don't know what that story has to do with anything though." Well, I mentioned U-Haul twice and what you wrote here was what I was thinking of (though not in that much detail). If we all sorted ourselves out into America and Potomac Regime areas, then the U-Haul trucks and trailers would be moving more evenly.

You and Alarmist wouldn't be able to get those great deals though. ;-}

There was a company called Auto Drivaways that would connect people who wanted to driver a long ways across the country to others who needed their cars moved. I think I was looking for "work" on the driving end, but I know it never did work out. That company, IIRC, was doing this before the internet... but not before cheap computers, so they would have had some big database, I guess.
Dieter Kief
Tuesday - April 2nd 2024 1:02PM MST
As you know I'm deep into TITAN by Franconian genius Jean Paul.
Now: He - seemingly - is able to connect ALL the dots, but - people got tired of his brillance - so: Maybe you're approaching wisdom, Adam - slowly but steadily!
I liked the story, btw.!

A friend - two actually were in Buffalo for a while - the second flies into B two times / year at least, because that is the frequency his boss in B wants to see him. He said he'd work for them, just not in B,hehe and they said: Ok, show up regularly and - you're hired... They even pay him 1k month as workspace-compensation or how they call that for his house in Germany. He grew up in the GDR. He never saw such a terrible city as B he says. U-huu.
Tuesday - April 2nd 2024 12:49PM MST

Now that Easter has come and gone, it means that northern-hemisphere Spring has arrived, and with it the best months of the year. The months of the year things can really begin to happen.

-- --

Thinking about things "beginning to happen"

I'll point out here that we are now unmistakably in "the mid 2020s," by anyone's possible count. A simple schematic for measuring "early/mid/late" periods of a decade:

(Early 2020s)

(Mid 2020s)

(Late 2020s)

So we are actually now in the best time of year, of the middle part of the decade.

The "early 2020s" were pretty lousy. Very bad, in many macro-trend ways. But the "mid 2020s" could have many positive developments yet in store for European Man, wherever he may reside.

America's fate (and any "Big Sort" applied politically at national scale, whatever it may man) -- is not America's own, but tied to other Western countries.

I remain with an eye on Germany, where several state elections this year (2024) could deliver AfD-led governments. If this happens, it could be a major step in giving the "humpty dumpty" treatment to the sick German political-culture and system, and thus a course-change for Europe itself. (I am an optimist on this matter, by choice.)
The Alarmist
Tuesday - April 2nd 2024 12:21PM MST

Hey Mr. Smith, a couple of the rental car companies used to offer special rates to get people to rebalance their fleets in various seasons. Inused to get good rates in NYC to take a car to Florida and use it there a couple weeks in the Autumn and then the reverse in Spring. Don’t know if any are still doing it. I think one of the RV rental companies still does this, which is OK if you are a retiree not tied to school vacation periods looking to RV at off-peak times.
The Alarmist
Tuesday - April 2nd 2024 11:19AM MST

Must be all the Blue Belly Yankee women pissed to learn they can’t abort up to the date of birth so that “Planned” Parenthood can seel body parts to raise money to support their favorite Blue Belly politicians.

Tuesday - April 2nd 2024 10:54AM MST
PS My grandparents moved to Sarasota in 1951. It was paradise. Of course, I saw it through the eyes of a child and a young person. To those eyes it was paradise. I haven’t been there in 40 years, but even today, I would have moved there (not Sarasota; surely couldn’t afford it) had Mme B not had an irrational prejudice against the place. As far as the weather goes, in the winter my grandfather would have the furnace on at night and the air conditioning on during the day. I always preferred swimming in the Gulf during the winter; it was too warm and not as refreshing in the summer. In all the years they lived there, they never saw a storm worse than what we’d see in Illinois. I’m sure that the place is no longer a paradise. Too many people ruin anything.
Old Soldier
Tuesday - April 2nd 2024 9:50AM MST

"NBC's testimony to the Judge:

While hundreds of thousands of new residents have flocked to the state on the promise of beautiful weather, no income tax and lower costs, nearly 500,000 left in 2022, according to the most recent census data. Contributing to their move was a perfect storm of soaring insurance costs, a hostile political environment, worsening traffic and extreme weather, according to interviews with more than a dozen recent transplants and longtime residents who left the state in the past two years."

That's "testimony"? ...'more than a dozen' out of 500,000 people is somehow considered "testimony"? Seriously?? And I thought, all these years, that "testimony" was supposed to be truthful...MY BAD!!! And NBC likely spent weeks or longer diligently searching out those scant few ("more than a dozen") to report as "testimony"? I can find 5 times that many in my small community that left Florida because of the crazy fags, drunk and drugged nutjobs, rising crime caused by liberals, etc. And with Florida's "promise of beautiful weather, no income tax and lower costs", did NBC expect people would avoid Florida like the Plague or most recent Covid strain outbreak (OMG!!!)? NBC - will do just about anything to DISTORT the news in favor of liberal politics, pro-communistic views and anything that's for 'destroy America' they can find, or manufacture.

Adam Smith
Tuesday - April 2nd 2024 8:42AM MST
PS: Good morning, Mr. Moderator!

Mostly off topic, and I have no idea why I'm bringing this up, but here's a fun fact you won't find on the internet...

There are certain horribly undesirable cities, like Buffalo NY, where all the one way U-Haul trucks leave town, because nobody wants to live there and everyone who can leave does. So, if by chance you are looking for a one way U-Haul truck rental going into one of these undesirable places, you can often rent them for next to nothing and sometimes for free because you are doing U-Haul a huge favor by taking one of their trucks to such an undesirable place. They can give you the rental truck for free because they would otherwise have to hire people to move the one way trucks back into the undesirable cities so more people can rent them to leave.

Back when I worked for the carnival, a friend and I scored a free U-Haul truck rental from Sarasota to Pittsburgh PA for this very reason. My friend and I were delivering a Christmas train ride from Sarasota to a mall in Pittsburgh. The rental would have cost many several hundreds of dollars, except we agreed to drop the truck off in Buffalo after our delivery. Worked out well enough for us, because we had family to visit and one of us still had a car parked there that needed to be picked up and taken back to Florida.

I still don't know what that story has to do with anything though.

Anyway... ☮️
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