Trump v Bai Dien and 2020s v 1980s

Posted On: Friday - April 5th 2024 7:17AM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  History  Trump  Americans  ctrl-left  Zhou Bai Dien

Peak Stupidity has a running theme of X v Y, be they mad wild beasts, politicians, but I repeat myself, or whatever. In this case, the 1st match-up in the title here is a "no duh!", well, for the most part. The Presidential election is 7 months from today, and these two are the purported selected candidates. OTOH, one of them could be in jail by November, and the other could be so mentally incognizant, he'd have to be replaced - whether the public would be let in on the latter fact is another story.

It's the 2nd match-up in the title that this post is really about, the difference in America and "the most important" elections ever between the 1980s* and the 2020s. As somewhat of a digression here, this post is about what I believe IS the most important election, which will get to my point later.

However, if I were personally to pick an American Presidential election that was the most important in HINDSIGHT, it'd be the Goldwater v Johnson election of 1964. Truly, the evil that came out of the Johnson administration put the ruination of America on the fast track. That is, the racial spoils systems, the Welfare State, and most importantly, the Immigration Invasion disaster, ALL were implemented during those 4 years. Goldwater would not have signed off on ANY of that. I'm not saying he'd have single-handedly saved the country, but he may have gotten us another 2 decades free of the madness.

OK, the subject here is the difference in the civility, the rule of law, and the general faith in the system in the elections between this decade and 4 decades ago.

It's not the best likeness of Jimmy Carter, but all los Gringos lookie alikie ...

Let's go back to the 1980s. If you will or can recall, with the Cold War being a part of it, the US Gov't felt it important to ensure fair*** elections in the various and sundry Banana Republics of Latin America from way back. Peak Stupidity noted here how the countries in that part of the world would go from Commie to Totalitarian Right (Can you say "military junta"**? I knew you could didn't think so*.) and back with the frequency of a cheap ham radio. Whatever the additional underlying motivations might have been, the sending of the Peace Corps (with supplies of condoms for extra-curricular activity), Amnesty International, back when they weren't as corrupt, and people like ex-President Jimmy Carter as election monitors down to these countries was an effort to get these Banana Republics on board with rule-of-law-not-men, you know, like we had here.

We were, after all, the experts, living in a country in which political changes happened smoothly and as per the US Constitution, no matter how big the rancor of the politics was. True, there was talk of election cheating back in '60, probably correct, and the ctrl-left got even better at it over the years. However, even had a Dukakis or a Mondale gotten in office, I didn't see that as being a country-changing thing, at least in the short run. Of course, as with Johnson, policies from the ctrl-left had long-term ruinous consequences, but there was hope that it could be stopped and reversed via the normal political process.****

American elections had been going on fairly smoothly, with no major changes in their immediate aftermaths - there was that trouble in 1860*****, a few guys were shot to death and that - for right about 200 years! This was indeed something to be proud of. Well-intentioned people like Jimmah figured we needed to spread this expertise on fair and violence-free elections (and their aftermaths) around the world.

Perhaps if you were one of the 95% poor peons down there in the Banana Republics, the results of said elections wouldn't change too much, unless the place went full-on Commie for too long, as in Cuba and later Venezuela. However, the politics and the government itself were subject to big changes come election day. It wasn't just another guy administering the government.

What was the norm 4 decades ago in the Banana Republics is now the norm here in America in the present decade. One might go back to '16 and remember how the ctrl-left behaved after the UNPOSSIBLE! happened. (Unpossible, as in a non-UniParty candidate was elected, somehow!) By '20, much of the right had rightly lost faith in the election process. We realize now that rather than send anybody to Central America, WE need a guy like a Jaime Cartero out of Argentina to arrange for monitoring of US elections UP HERE.

There's more to the current state of affairs than the cheating. After some questioning, protesting, and peaceful rioting about the '20 election, the ctrl-left "winners" have taken over a thousand Political Prisoners. (This sounds very Banana Republican.) The ctrl-left has been trying to normalize and expand the cheating process. They've been personalizing the law to persecute the candidate of The Right. (This ALSO sounds very Banana Republican.) Is it time to bring back the term "Junta" to be used to describe the Potomac Regime here? Face it, we're really gonna need to learn how to pronounce that one!

I don't understand the Black Swan hullabaloo about the coming total solar eclipse. (We really enjoyed the '17 one.) The coming Presidential election, on November 5th of this year, is another story. I will be surprised if there is NOT some big trouble in the aftermath. Peak Stupidity is not a prepper site, per se, but let's say I've been reading those type sites regularly lately. Here we are in the 2020s, and America has finally become 1980s Latin America, in which elections have upheaval-of-society style consequences. That's what Peak Stupidity expects anyway. Read us in early '25. We'll be happy to have been wrong.

* I could have picked a decade later, possibly, and definitely any decade earlier since the 1860s, but I was aware and remember the 1980s.

** It's not pronounced like the name of Dark Brandon's crack-head son without the "r", but that's the best I can do.

*** Yeah, I know, some of the time, "fair" meant an election that got OUR guy elected.

**** I pin down my realization that the normal political process would not save us to 1995 - see When did the Feral Government get OUT OF CONTROL?

***** Really, the election result itself did NOT directly affect the near future unpleasantness - it was the refusal of the new President Lincoln to get Federal troops out of S. Carolina territory that was the spark.

The Alarmist
Saturday - April 6th 2024 7:47PM MST

As far as Conservatives go, I’m somewhat to the right of Attilla the Hun, which makes living in Europe funny at times. When I hear the Eurotrash referring to this or that political party as “Extreme Right Wing,” I comment that “I was in El Salvador in the early ‘80s, and I don’t see any right-wing death squads here. You have no idea what extreme right wing looks like!”

I do see left-wing hate squads in the streets of Europe. Right-wing death squads might not be such a bad thing, but you won’t get them from RN/FN in France or AfD in Germany; their to worried about offending people.

Appropo that...

Re eclipse doomsday, somebody said CERN was going to fire up the Super Collider to give the conjunction a little extra oomph. Some say the near conjunction now is what shook NYC the other day; I think it was all the media heading to Texas to give us eighty million stories on how to watch the eclipse.
Saturday - April 6th 2024 2:48PM MST
PS: Jimbobla says " It will be a win-win no matter who gets elected, or reelected, which ever is the case." I take it you mean for the UniParty and Globalist elites?

Yes, I'm glad you agree, Mr. Blanc. It was important to my Dad anyway. My Mom never "got it*", as smart as she was in other ways.

* "It" being real Conservatism.
Saturday - April 6th 2024 2:45PM MST
PS: Alarmist, you probably know this, but what's the diff between the next month when the moon passes a degree or two to the south or north of the sun (appearance-wise) in the sky. The difference in the gravitational force vector will be miniscule, maybe higher even, depending on whether the moon is closer or farther to us at that point.

Anyway, if this has people ready to freak out, then maybe they will based on something other than gravitational pull. It's the full moon that's supposed to bring out the crazies. I guess all phases work these days!
Saturday - April 6th 2024 8:28AM MST
PS 1964. That was the one.
Saturday - April 6th 2024 6:08AM MST
PS: There are different types of unawareness. Biden has one type, Orangeman another. Trump doesn’t realize he is the central player in an iteration of “The Truman Show”. He was no more in charge when he was Prez than Biden is now. It will be a win-win no matter who gets elected, or reelected, which ever is the case.
The Alarmist
Friday - April 5th 2024 5:29PM MST

BTW, the doomsday hullaballoo relates to the conjunction of the Sun and Moon directly over the New Madrid Seismic Zone, which some believe could trigger the Mother if all quakes. But the loss of St. Louis would be little more than a blip, though there is a big bond fund manager there with a few hundred billions under management, though I suspect their disaster recovery plan took the elimination of the region into account. There’s also Anheuser Busch, but are they still a thing?
The Alarmist
Friday - April 5th 2024 5:22PM MST

Rock the Vote indeed. How about P-Diddy’s “Vote or Die” ?
Adam Smith
Friday - April 5th 2024 11:33AM MST
PS: Good afternoon, Mr. Moderator...

August 21, 2017? What the h‽,_2017

It doesn't seem like that was two thousand, four hundred nineteen days ago. (That's six years, seven months and 15 days for those of us blessed with dyschronometria.)

I remember it like it was... well, not yesterday...
But not six and a half+ years either...

I guess time really does fly when having fun...

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