Doing the right thing, 2020 style

Posted On: Monday - April 29th 2024 6:50PM MST
In Topics: 
  Trump  Liberty/Libertarianism  Kung Flu Stupidity  Totalitarianism  President DeSantis

Stupidity, I remember you ...

The Instapundit linked to an ~ year-old post of one of his bloggers, one Ed Driscoll, that itself was purely a long excerpt of a Wall Street Journal article of the previous day by one James Taranto. Mr. Taranto had written a 3-year "flashback" to the height of the Kung Flu stupidity.

I provided that link to the WSJ for readers who may be subscribers. Peak Stupidity had had it with the immigration stupidity of that publication 20 years back, as we mentioned in passing within our old post Taking the Wall Street Journal, ass-backwards. Being a lifetime non-subscriber to the WSJ at this point, I couldn't read anything past:
Brian Kemp, Georgia’s Affable Culture Warrior. The governor who defied Trump to reopen during Covid was also ahead of DeSantis in combating woke corporations.
Let me just excerpt Ed Driscoll's whole excerpt here and then proceed to demonstrate that nobody shines in this story. Only one of 3 politicians, in fact, doesn't totally suck in this story:
In April 2020, businesses in Georgia were shuttered by government decree as in most of the rest of the country. Mr. Kemp was hearing from desperate entrepreneurs: “ ‘Look man, we’re losing everything we’ve got. We can’t keep doing this.’ And I really felt like there was a lot of people fixin’ to revolt against the government.”

The Trump administration “had that damn graph or matrix or whatever that you had to fit into to be able to do certain things,” Mr. Kemp recalls. “Your cases had to be going down and whatever. Well, we felt like we met the matrix, and so I decided to move forward and open up.” He alerted Vice President Mike Pence, who headed the White House’s coronavirus task force, before publicly announcing his intentions on April 20.

That afternoon Mr. Trump called Mr. Kemp, “and he was furious.” Mr. Kemp recounts the conversation as follows:

“Look, the national media’s all over me about letting you do this,” Mr. Trump said. “And they’re saying you don’t meet whatever.”

Mr. Kemp replied: “Well, Mr. President, we sent your team everything, and they knew what we were doing. You’ve been saying the whole pandemic you trust the governors because we’re closest to the people. Just tell them you may not like what I’m doing, but you’re trusting me because I’m the governor of Georgia and leave it at that. I’ll take the heat.”

“Well, see what you can do,” the president said. “Hair salons aren’t essential and bowling alleys, tattoo parlors aren’t essential.”

“With all due respect, those are our people,” Mr. Kemp said. “They’re the people that elected us. They’re the people that are wondering who’s fighting for them. We’re fixin’ to lose them over this, because they’re about to lose everything. They are not going to sit in their basement and lose everything they got over a virus.”

Mr. Trump publicly attacked Mr. Kemp: “He went on the news at 5 o’clock and just absolutely trashed me. . . . Then the local media’s all over me—it was brutal.” The president was still holding daily press briefings on Covid. “After running over me with the bus on Monday, he backed over me on Tuesday,” Mr. Kemp says. “I could either back down and look weak and lose all respect with the legislators and get hammered in the media, or I could just say, ‘You know what? Screw it, we’re holding the line. We’re going to do what’s right.’ ” He chose the latter course. “Then on Wednesday, him and [Anthony] Fauci did it again, but at that point it didn’t really matter. The damage had already been done there, for me anyway.”

The damage healed quickly once businesses began reopening on Friday, April 24. Mr. Kemp quotes a state lawmaker who said in a phone call: “I went and got my hair cut, and the lady that cuts my hair wanted me to tell you—and she started crying when she told me this story—she said, ‘You tell the governor I appreciate him reopening, to allow me to make a choice, because . . . if I’d have stayed closed, I had a 95% chance of losing everything I’ve ever worked for. But if I open, I only had a 5% chance of getting Covid. And so I decided to open, and the governor gave me that choice.’”

At that point, Florida was still shut down. Mr. DeSantis issued his first reopening order on April 29, nine days after Mr. Kemp’s. On April 28, the Florida governor had visited the White House, where, as CNN reported, “he made sure to compliment the President and his handling of the crisis, praise Trump returned in spades.”

Three years later, here’s the thanks Mr. DeSantis gets: This Wednesday Mr. Trump issued a statement excoriating “Ron DeSanctimonious” as “a big Lockdown Governor on the China Virus.” As Mr. Trump now tells the tale, “other Republican Governors did MUCH BETTER than Ron and, because I allowed them this ‘freedom,’ never closed their States. Remember, I left that decision up to the Governors!”
Governor Kemp beat Governor DeSantis is defying the Feral Gov't Kung Flu-based Totalitarianism by 9 days. Great. However, here's where he did anything but shine, in my mind: Per his own words here, he did "what was right".

In this specific case here, reversing the Kung Flu Totalitarianism in Georgia, sure Brian Kemp did what was right. However, he said that he did what was right in order that he not look weak, lose all respect with the Georgia legislators, and get hammered in the media. How about if the situation was different, say he was Governor of a Kung Flu hell-hole like Massachusetts and he wouldn't have looked week, or lost respect with legislators, or gotten hammered in the media? Would Brian Kemp have "done what's right" then? It surely doesn't sound like it, from his own words. In other words, Mr. Kemp did not do what's right. Doing what's right means you're doing it, duh, because it's right! Period!

Then-President Trump surely doesn't shine in this episodic flashback either. In cases like this, because he never did have any real principles, doing what is right does not really ring a bell with this guy. What I especially didn't like about him here is is this "I allowed them this 'freedom'" bit. The guy's got a lot of gall. Federalism, natural rights, and the US Constitution are not his strong points.

Believe me, if Donald Trump were to take this arrogant attitude when it comes to getting the US military out of the rest of the world to completely lockdown the borders and deport any and all illegal aliens at his command, you wouldn't read complaints out of Peak Stupidity. The invasion is an existential problem, and those involved are not subject to any steeenking Constitutional rights. However, 4 years ago Trump acted like a flip-flopping, unprincipled, clueless moron when it came to the Kung Flu PanicFest. He should shut up about that stuff... if at, haha, all possible.

Adam Smith
Thursday - May 2nd 2024 7:27AM MST
PS: Good morning, Mr. Alarmist!

Apparently Deagel removed the 2025 Forecasts some time back.
Thanks to we can still view snapshots of those pages...*/

Here is their forecast for the U.S. from February 20, 2018...

(U.S.) Forecast 2025 - Population = 54 Million

The deagel population collapse forecast was not limited to the U.S. Here's the forecast for the U.K.

(U.K.) Forecast 2025 - Population = 14 Million

(Germany) Forecast 2025 - Population = 31 Million

(France) Forecast 2025 - Population = 42 Million

(Canada) Forecast 2025 - Population = 26 Million

(Spain) Forecast 2025 - Population = 24 Million

It looks like the U.S. (324 million to 54 million), the U.K. (64 million to 14 million) and Germany (81 million to 31 million) were the hardest hit in the deagel forecast, with other western countries following the trend. Meanwhile, countries like China, India, Russia and Mexico were forecast to hold their populations or in the case of Mexico, to grow their population slightly.
Japan (127 million to 109 million) looked like a somewhat realistic forecast based on an ageing population without implying nefarious activities.

Was the deagel forecast just bullshit? Is it a occult mind control thing? Is there something these people knew ahead of time?

2025 is right around the corner and as of now it looks like the deagel forecasts were a little too pessimistic (or optimistic depending on one's point of view and desired goals). Maybe the forecasts are pretty good but their timeline is off a little? I guess time will tell.

And on that happy note...

I hope you have a great evening, Mr. Alarmist! ☮️
The Alarmist
Thursday - May 2nd 2024 6:04AM MST

Remember that Deagle 2025 population estimate for the US of some ridiculous number like circa 100 million???

“Mounting evidence indicates that these vaccines, like many others, do not generate sterilizing immunity, leaving people vulnerable to recurrent infections. Additionally, it has been discovered that the mRNA vaccines inhibit essential immunological pathways, thus impairing early interferon signaling. Within the framework of COVID-19 vaccination, this inhibition ensures an appropriate spike protein synthesis and a reduced immune activation. Evidence is provided that adding 100 % of N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) to the mRNA vaccine in a melanoma model stimulated cancer growth and metastasis, while non-modified mRNA vaccines induced opposite results, thus suggesting that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could aid cancer development. Based on this compelling evidence, we suggest that future clinical trials for cancers or infectious diseases should not use mRNA vaccines with a 100 % m1Ψ modification, but rather ones with the lower percentage of m1Ψ modification to avoid immune suppression.”


Adam Smith
Wednesday - May 1st 2024 11:04AM MST
PS: Good afternoon Dieter and Friends!

All vials are not the same: Potential role of vaccine quality in vaccine adverse reactions


Hey Dieter, I found our first Trillium of the season the other day in the yard...

I know that there are more impressive flowers in the world, but I don't care. I love them. Some Trilliums can live more than 50 years if they are not killed by logging or eaten by deer. Trilliums take 7-10 years before they flower when planted from seed. They are slow to germinate and slow to spread. In some places they are endangered. They do grow wild here in North Georgia but are pretty rare.

Happy Wednesday! ☮️
Dieter Kief
Tuesday - April 30th 2024 11:11PM MST
Mod. and others - - All the prominent pro-vaxxers I quoted are at the same time strictly against mandatory vaccination- So was it handles in Sweden from the very beginning - providing a worldwide model for the right way to deal reasonably with Covid  . . . Prof. Stabell-Benn said very early on that for healthy people there was no good reason to vaccinate as  long as they were belo 60 - or even 70 - and she did not (!) - as did nobody in Sweden, put (moral!= pressure on anybody healthy to vaccinate at all. It is important in this case, to get both points. Pro vaxx was a rather restrictive thing  for all those arguing rationally.
In his look back, Martin Kulldorf talks very little about vaccines.Those with side-effects should be very rare cases. But some of those were severely hit: Immobilised, unable to speak etc. nasty conditions. Buththose too can do a lot - and improve with time, when treated correctly. Very prominent medical YouTuber Dr. John Campbell and Niesl Hoiby had some interesting things to say on this topic.
I'm a bit disappointed, tha with the great Danish data, still nobody seems to be willing to work to look deeper into this case - there seems to be a myriad of reasons for this. Some of them unpleasant, - EVEN in Denmark and_ sigh: People would now rahter look for different problems.But: The mRAN-vaccine technique will be around for a long time - and this would be a great opportunity to learn - because it was the first big experience - with - - -billions of vaccinated... 
Tuesday - April 30th 2024 4:09PM MST
PS: Dieter, I'd read an article about the problem with the implementation of the vaccine, that is, getting the mRNA elsewhere in the body, in the other tissue, rather than where it was intended. That one made sense, but the last time I took biology was in High School, so I don't pretend to know all this.

However, I'll say that I have seen personal cases of damage to people, but I don't know how good a job the nurse or tech did with the jab. How could a patient be sure, besides by living in a still-competent society, maybe most of Sweden? (That does match your point.)

I'll just say that I saw no reason to take this vaccine, even before it was out when it was just promised by Blumf(?). Once the calls to make the shots mandatory came out, my resolve NOT to take it got solidified. Again, then I saw people get harmed by it. That's just my own, personal experience. It is shaded by the fact that I have never gotten any kind of respiratory disease, flu, or anything like that in my life. I suppose I wouldn't understand the fear in people who've had.

Even in early March of '20, when, as per this blog, I thought that just maybe this disease was really a BIG THING, I was not personally worried about the Covid-19. My wife was freaked out for a spell. Like the guy who got turned into a newt in Monty Python, "she got better...."
Tuesday - April 30th 2024 4:00PM MST
PS: Adam, thanks for that link. I'd figured that the excerpt from Ed Driscoll of Instapundit was good enough for my point - the part about "doing what was right" was what got me to write this rather than the bit of retrospective of the PanicFest. However, upon starting to read just now, the WSJ article pretty interesting to me.

Other commenters regarding the vaxx.


Disregard, folks. Moderator here - sorry, the software screwed up and did not delete the ramblings of one of Peak Stupidity's biggest funders, as I'd programmed it to do. It sucks when your sponsors are your software "engineers" too. That was the dark side of Captain Unz.
Tuesday - April 30th 2024 3:45PM MST
PS: Old Soldier, regarding speaking VOLUMES. Here's my short summary of what they were saying with their actions, all the people you discussed. They were showing us with almost no fear of being seen as hypocrites that they knew this PanicFest was a farce.

Yet still, The People were supposed to not only obey the Totalitarian edicts from their Governors, the Feral Gov't, health agencies, etc., but we were to take it seriously, dammit! Because they said so and the SCIENCE! I can't be sure the whole thing was planned - I don't think those people are that smart. However, they did not let this alleged crisis go to waste, far from it.
The Alarmist
Tuesday - April 30th 2024 12:21PM MST

Meh! Aspirated syringes only means the mRNA and Pseudouridine are taking longer to kill people by other complications.

As Ralph Nader once noted, “Unsafe at any speed.”

And it’s showing in recent excess death stats, particularly in the high vaxx countries.

For me, the religious axt of welcoming the vaxx into one’s heart is actually a Darwinian intelligence test.

Old Soldier
Tuesday - April 30th 2024 10:46AM MST
I'm not concerned with HOW a vaccine is given, I'm seriously concerned with what's IN the vaccine. Lefties will always find fault with anything conservatives say. Any conservative study that counters what leftist studies say will be picked apart and countered with attacks on the authors, methods, subjects, etc. And anybody disagreeing with what leftist studies say will be bombarded by "fact checking by leftist fact checkers", condescending lectures "proving wrong" whatever conservatives say and more studies done by elite universities being brought out to belittle any conservative non-believers. I'm unvaxxed because I did my homework - and that's also why I'm going to stay unvaxxed, no matter how the vaccine is given.
Tuesday - April 30th 2024 9:26AM MST
PS “Flip-flopping, unprincipled, clueless”. There is a lot of each of those with Mr Trump. There is a lot of each of those in almost all pols. In some ways, Mr Trump comes off looking better than most pols. However, he’s not our savior. In many respects, it will be better to have Totally Legit Joe “re-elected” come November. Let the Dems get stuck with the consequences of their actions rather than the hapless Mr Trump. Things have little chance of getting better until they get a lot worse. And making things worse is what the Dems do. We might not win, but our enemies will surely lose.
Dieter Kief
Monday - April 29th 2024 10:37PM MST
PS - To Mod. Mr. Hail Adam & Old Soldier - -

President Trump an Covid:

His main Covid-adviser in his last half year or so as President was Dr. Scott Atlas: A fierce lockdowm-critic and one of the most interesting Covid-analysers - see The Peak Stupidity Book-Club entry: A Plague Upon Our House by - the fabulous Dr. Scott Atlas.

Bear also in mind that countries like Sweden and Australia etc. did best worldwide Covid-wise - all of them highly vaccinated.

See this table here by stats-blogger PaulC:

Martin Kulldorff and other reliable Covid-voices (Anders Tegnell & Johan Giesecke, who helped realize the Covid-success story in Sweden (the country did best in Europe during/with Covid) were all clearly pro mRNA-vaccination/against (!) vaccine-mandates - as was John Ioannidis.

It might well be that - as I have mentioned before, - Danish micro-biologist Prof. Niels Hoiby made also a big difference in making sure that Denmark vaccinated From The Beginning and  Throughout! - -  with aspirated syringes to make sure that mRNA did not get directly into the bloodstream.

Prof. Hoiby says his data clearly says so. This was one of the great and fascinating .e.x.p.e.r.i.m.e.n..t.s. during Covid that seems to have been a success-story about an aspect of mRNA-vaccines: Namely that they can cause - at times: severe harm - when brought directly into the blood-stream. 

I have written back and forth with Professor Hoiby and with Danish vaccine-researcher Prof. Stabell-Been I have exchanged Tweets: The fact is, that Hoiby did make a comparison between the very alike countries of Norway and Denmark and found a huge difference between the two concerning the number of cases (not: deaths!) of Myocarditis - after vaccination:

Norway having had  a whopping Three Times higher numbers of myocarditis cases after vaccination than its very much alike neighbor Denmark.

Professor Hoiby published this data too.
But as Stabell-Benn agreed: That unfortunately up until today, nobody has put more efforts into finding out what difference the application of the classical (!)  aspirated-syringe-method in Denmark made alltogether.

Could well be, that the vaccine-harms/side-effects were significantly lower in Denmark than elsewhere - but could also be that by and large it made no big difference.

Prof.Niels Hoiby talked to Dr. John Campbell for over an hour on YouTube if I remember right - about this subject and they agreed, that the danger of the mRNA-vaccine in the bloodstream from a non-aspirated vaccination might well have caused severe neurological problems - in .s.o.m.e. cases (that might add up of course, if analysed worldwide).

Dr. Campbell has presented such a case of a severely hurt young man who had trouble to talk/walk/ concentrate after the un-aspirated vaccination***. Prof. Hoiby and Dr. Campbell agreed that in this  - and similar cases - the mRNA-vaccines might have done severe damage.

***The WHO recommended this un-aspirated technique - to make the vaccination psychologically (!) easier - especially for kids (one more example for the Coddling of the Western Mind (Haidt/Lukianoff (also a PS-book-club entry)).

So - this is a partly open/unresolved case, that is very interesting I think.
E. H. Hail
Monday - April 29th 2024 9:24PM MST

-- Western Man's principles vs. the irrational illegal, immoral, as it was in the early 2020s --

The Panic of 2020 to 2022 was a social "mania," driven by paranoiacs, fueled by instantly-zapped-to-everybody Internet-rumors and such. Eventually "politicized" of course, but never entirely without that mania and religious-apocalyptic vision of the early days. We could also call it a mass delusion. The people who said "there is no virus" were closer to being right than the hardcore Panickers, whose bizarre ideology twisted Patrick Henry's famous slogan of 1776 and ironically turned it into: "Give me a permanent institutionalized-and-enforced Panic, or give me death!"

The great Western tradition is that White-Western Men reject such superstitions, manias, groupthink; reject slavish obedience to arbitrary authority, to mandates from above. All other cultures are, basically inherently, prone to these things. At least I so conclude from my experiences, observations, and studies of this great civilizational question ("the West versus the Rest"; the question of Western uniqueness).

To be more specific, non-Western cultures and their peoples don't just "obey things -- mandates from above or consensus-seeming positions -- 'even' when those things are irrational, illegal, or immoral." No, that is not the right "frame." More accurately appraised, the very fact that a mandate is from some established authority, and/or is a consensus-seeming position, makes that thing rational and moral. There is no "check" on these things, no inherent system of ethical behavior that supersedes group-consensus. Some political systems are able to graft these things on, but they always rest somewhat uneasily above a tumult below.

An international study of the Corona-Panic's effects in 2020 and 2021 would no doubt show this: the direct resisters, people who (rightly) said "these lockdowns, mandates, etc., are illegal, immoral, irrational," who said so in direct terms and acted on such principles even at personal risk, were all either White-Western men or close allies or followers thereof. The upholders of Western tradition. Any such movements outside the West simply followed the Western resisters' lead.

In fact, so far as I know, in the critical period when it really mattered, morally-serious Anti-Panic movements outside the West were generally weak and even ridiculous. When in 2022 the Panic-Behemoth unraveled (or Corona-Moloch, as social-political project intent on sacrificing children), it was largely because of internal resistance from Whites within the West. That is why the "vaccine passport" plan was scrapped, and so on, and the restrictions, when they started lifting, did so much more rapidly than they theoretically should have if we believed the Panickers' narratives.

Some of the Anti-Panickers of the day celebrated the "ineffectiveness" of lockdown mandates in Black Africa. I remember it well.'s Black Africa. Nothing is "effective" there.

(Hey, speaking of which, please assign some Peak Stupidity resources to the major South Africa elections upcoming. This bears particular attention because the anti-White "African National Congress" political party is said to finally lose a majority for the first time since 1994. Now that South Africa has been almost destroyed, turned almost a Zimbabwe No.2, some people are finally regretting anti-White, Black Racial Demagoguery)

As for Brian Kemp and Dernald Jay Blompf, I don't view either of these men as principled proponents of Western tradition in the sense I allude to. But both did have such people around them enough to (sometimes) do the right thing. It's really a big problem that Trump is surrounded by the people from whom Jesus and his disciples were often in hiding "for fear of" their wrath. The tradition of that group is outside the principled tradition of the West.

Another one who acted in the principled tradition of the West, at least within the Corona-Panic, was Governor Noem of South Dakota. It's interesting to see that she is now being "crucified" in the media to try to knock her out as a potential VP nominee of D.J. Blumpf's here in the 2024 election...
Adam Smith
Monday - April 29th 2024 7:57PM MST
PS: Being a lifetime non-subscriber to the WSJ at this point, I couldn't read anything past...

Here ya go...

Cheers! ☮️
Old Soldier
Monday - April 29th 2024 7:11PM MST
I worked with Coronaviruses for over 40 years, that was part of my career field. Saw a rare patient die from Coronavirus infections but most always patients died WITH Coronavirus (not FROM Coronavirus infections). When Congress exempted themselves from vaccinations, that spoke VOLUMES. When Biden's government didn't force vaccinations on illegals, or even mask wearing for the MILLIONS of border crossers, that also spoke VOLUMES. And when BLM riot crowds weren't required to be vaccinated OR wear masks, that spoke VOLUMES. And watching politicians nationwide immediately remove their masks when cameras were turned off (Fauci, Pelosi, etc), that spoke VOLUMES. And the big Obama birthday party with hundreds attending and dancing closely, no vaccine mandate, no social distancing mandate nor mask mandate there, that spoke VOLUMES. Media cheered the lock downs and ALL media outlets were in lockstep compliance, denouncing anyone who doubted their narrative while Big Tech censored the dissident voices - that REALLY spoke VOLUMES to me. Say what you want, and speak to me as condescendingly as you wish, but the whole COVID plandemic was all so planned, so carefully orchestrated...and now us peons wait for the next planned crisis...sign me "STILL NOT VAXXED".
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