Machine Gun Kelly

Posted On: Saturday - May 11th 2024 6:26PM MST
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George Alan Kelly is the name of an Arizona rancher who was arrested last year and put in jail for allegedly shooting one of a group of illegal aliens who trespassed across on his land and threatened him and his wife. I imagine there have been plenty more instances of this sort of trouble over the decades but especially recently with the greatly increased level of the invasion. The January '23 incident involving George Kelly and one dead illegal alien in Kino Springs, Arizona - within 5 miles or so of the Mexican border (just east of Nogales TX/Mexico) - went viral, as they say. To me that meant that White American George Kelly had a lot to be worried about.

Peak Stupidity is neither a legal eagle site, nor one that watches court cases for enlightenment or entertainment. I saw this story and immediately thought of the railroaded Brunswick (Georgia) 3, George Floyd-responder Derek Chauvin*, and others whose cases have been put in the national, even world limelight. When it gets that big, and you're the White guy, your prospects are not good. I figured Mr. Kelly's outcome in a trial would be depressing to me, the same-old-same-old, so I'm only bringing this up because I happened upon the video below.

Not being a trial follower, so hearing only Mr. Kelly's side after his mistrial last month, with the word being he'd not be tried again, I will not try to argue about the case. I WILL say, however, that when your country is being invaded through your very own property, you have a right to shoot to kill, when threatened by an armed group. Yeah, and I don't care which way the 2 Mexicans that were found - one dead and one alive to testify - were headed.

I just now went to this AZ Central article , written before the jury deliberations, to read more of the other side of the story. It differs greatly from Mr. Kelly's story in the video.

It was difficult to find out who the News Nation interviewer was here - I believe, per that site, it's one Ali Bradley. She is sympathetic to Mr. Kelly's story and sounds like she's been following and supporting him during his long ordeal. That ordeal was 22 days in jail after being arrested by Santa Cruz County deputies when they'd responded to his call about the dead body, the mortgaging of about all he owned - his was a 170 acre cattle ranch - to pay the million dollar bail, and then the trial. I won't recap the hour-long video. I don't claim it's the most interesting thing there is to watch, but you may want to, as I did.

Note George Kelly's background as a Southerner, a biologist, the builder and owner of a Montana fishing lodge, and for a long time, a small-time Texas cattle rancher, at this point 75 years old and still married to his college sweet-heart. He seems like a good guy and a real American. Did he actually do something different from what he claimed in this video? I get the idea that might be the case to some degree. Since this was nearly the farthest type of location from the big city with cameras mounted everywhere and other people holding more of them, we can never know for sure what happened.

I find it hard to believe that George Kelly decided not to shoot with the AK-47 he'd had for protection as he was outside his doorway facing a group of these dangerous men (he says cartel members - no reason not to believe that), one who had a rifle aimed at him. He said he made a choice not to shoot. His wife was inside the house. I don't know about that.

Mr. Kelly talked a lot about what would have happened to him if he'd been convicted. It is said that a 20 year sentence for a 75 y/o man is a "death sentence". (You can alter the numbers, of course.) It's true that he'd almost assuredly die in prison, but it's not an actual death sentence by definition. Then he described the scene in jail, with many prisoners, I'm sure of the Hispanic persuasion, telling him he was a "dead man walking". If he'd gone to prison, he may have indeed been killed, so in that manner of speaking, yes, it pretty much would have been a de facto death sentence. After his long sentence, Derek Chauvin has already been stabbed multiple times, maybe maiming him for life in an Arizona prison.

Toward the end, he told his interviewer that he'd refused a plea bargain for a 4-year sentence, simply due to his convictions. He wasn't guilty, so he was not going to say he was. Just after that, he brought up that these prisoners that want to kill a White man that dared defend his land and people (what he was accused of, anyway) would probably end his life in those 4 years, so this plea deal wouldn't help him. These 2 statements are contradictory.

Interestingly, as he recounted his problems with trespassing illegals in the area over the years, he noted very specifically when the problems were few and far between and when the became frequent. The timeline fit very well with President Trump's under-the-radar successful efforts to slow the invasion and then Bai Dien's deliberate encouragement of the massive surge going on now. Yet, not until the very end did Mr. Kelly say something to relate his observations to the political scene. Maybe he doesn't care about these politics, but just HOW can that be? These Americans like George Kelly have been on the physical front lines for a long time. Still, he shied away from saying anything political. A lawyer would tell one to do that in the courtroom, but his was an interview with a sympathetic follower of his case.

This is what I get out of the interview, and it's maybe the only point I'm making here. George Kelly talked as if he was still lawyered up, being very careful of what he said. I can see his reasoning.

With a mistrial having been declared by the County Superior Judge and the case being claimed over with, one might figure that's the end of this. Who knows about that? Then, even had had that last juror not refused to acquit, and the verdict were clear, that whole Amendment V thing ("... nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb;") has long ago been shredded.

It used to be rigorously applied. Go back 40 years and you could get acquitted of something horrendous, and the next day exclaim to the world "Yeah, I did it! If it wasn't for the good lawyerin' by my brother man Jackie Childs here, I'd be down for life. Too bad. See y'all!"

That's no longer the case. If the State wants to get you, they try Case A. If that fails, there's Case B, Hate Crime. Then, they'll go to another jurisdiction. There can be a civil case to bankrupt you if nothing else. Oh, and before all that, if the local guy declined to prosecute at all, the State and its $PLC and other minions would go shopping for a different prosecutor who would take up the case.

George Kelly is right to keep mum and stay in that lawyered-up mindset. As he said himself, "That cloud’s still over my head," Right. Whatever way those happenings in January '23 went down, he's one of the guys that the people who run things here want to put an end to. He's one that they want to use to discourage the others. They do not like Americans taking care of themselves and their property, and maybe even their country, on their own.

So, this is not a time for levity. Do you understand what happened to Machine Gun Kelly?

I'll call you post about it Saturday ...

Peak Stupidity posted this one before, but it's one of my favorites by James Taylor. I do know an AK-47 is not a machine gun, as in full auto., unless modified. One thing I didn't know till today was that, happily, the "Machine Gun Kelly" in the JT song was also George Kelly. (From wiki:) George Kelly Barnes was a gangster from Memphis, Tennessee, active during the Prohibition era. His nickname came from his favorite weapon, a Thompson submachine gun. He is best known for the kidnapping of oil tycoon and businessman Charles F. Urschel in July 1933, from which he and his gang collected a $200,000 ransom. James Taylor does a nice job in providing the "human factors".

Watch out, Machine Gun, don't let them put you down.
Don't let a woman put you 6 feet in the ground...

Well, this Machine Gun Kelly was only in the hole for 22 days, and his wife doesn't seem like THAT type. I'm happy for him.

OK, folks, we got only 1 of the 3 posts in that we mentioned last Saturday. Other stupidity just pops up! We eventually get to most that we plan on... eventually, remember. Thanks so much to our PS readers and especially the commenters. Happy, restful Sunday.

* Peak Stupidity featured a long video documentary on his case too. See The Fall of Minneapolis and Fall of Minneapolis - Last Responders.

Monday - May 20th 2024 8:41PM MST
PS -
Monday - May 13th 2024 7:45PM MST
PS: Ronald Reagan stated Commandment XI as "Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican,'" Those were the days...
Monday - May 13th 2024 7:02AM MST
PS Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not defend thyself against the PoC, white boy.
Sunday - May 12th 2024 4:25PM MST
PS: Mr. Smith, when I just now used to get to my site, the search gave me a hit fairly near the top touting "The Daily Stupid headlines, by Adam Smith -"

except their link went to "blogworks", which gets one to the same posts but without the fancy trappings on the page. (Stupid internet "frame" arrangement.... one day... I tells ya ..."

It was great reading your excellent job with The Daily Stupid - this one was from March of '21. This think should come out daily, but then some people got real work to do and all ...
Sunday - May 12th 2024 3:39PM MST
PS: George Kelly is 75 y/o, and he still has to worry about double/triple jeopardy. I wonder if we'll ever get the real story. Maybe if his wife outlives him, she can publish it.
Sunday - May 12th 2024 3:38PM MST
PS: I had no idea about this book of his, Adam. One would think that it would have been brought up at the trial. Maybe it was. Again, I didn't follow those details. I'd like to read it, if perchance you end up with it.

I imagine Mr. Kelly was surprised by how the actual Sheriff and deputies handled this. The Sheriff's name didn't sound Hispanic, not that all of the latter would be automatically against the George of "Far Beyond the Border Fence", necessarily. However, there's that tribalism that does pop up...

As for the real situation, I don't know if you watched the video, but Mr. Kelly says he didn't shoot when it came down to actual self-defense with a rifle pointed at him. No, they didn't find the bullet or at least match any caliber or whatever. Also, per his words to the interviewer, he didn't even know the body he called in to the Sheriff's Dept. about had been shot. It was face down, and he didn't really look into it that much.

I agree that it should have gone more as the story in the novel did, per your telling us about it.

Thanks for that info.
The Alarmist
Sunday - May 12th 2024 2:36PM MST

Evening, Mr. Smith,

To answer your hypothetical, what you certainly do not do is call the Sheriff. Let the local four-legged coyotes scavange the problem away.
The Alarmist
Sunday - May 12th 2024 12:20PM MST

In the USA of old, no, he should not be charged.

Under the current Foreign Occupation Government, he could only be charged. Good for him that a trial by jury of his theoretical peers is still required to deprive him of his liberty.
Adam Smith
Sunday - May 12th 2024 10:29AM MST
PS: Me again...

To be clear, I don't think the guy should have been charged with anything, let alone murder.

Imagine you are a 75 year old man living on a 170 acre cattle ranch with your wife, 5 miles from the Mexico border. You're making a pineapple sandwich in your kitchen when you hear a gunshot that sounds suspiciously close. When you look out the window you see your horse, Sonny, running, as if startled, as well as a group of armed men on your property heading south, away from 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 house.

What do you do?

Adam Smith
Sunday - May 12th 2024 10:17AM MST
PS: Good afternoon, Achmed!

In 2013, Kelly self-published a book called “Far Beyond the Border Fence,” about an Arizona rancher named George; his wife, Wanda; and their two adult sons. The novel’s action begins when George’s son’s horse, Deck, is stolen. When George spots two suspected thieves on his property, heading south, he shoots at them with his AK-47. The men return fire, then escape across the border. The sheriff eventually shows up:

George told the Sheriff and his deputy what he had seen and done. They wrote it all down and, when the Sheriff asked if George thought that he had hit either of the riders, George told him that if he had hit one, he hadn’t hit him hard enough. The Sheriff didn’t reply, he just smiled and shook his head. George then told the Sheriff that if he didn’t want him to protect his property by whatever means necessary, he had better arrest him there and then. The Sheriff acted like he didn’t hear George, but, as he left the ranch, he told George privately that if he ever did shoot a Mule he didn’t want to know about it.
(I haven't found a digi-copy yet.)

I hadn't heard about this. Seems like a pretty straight forward case of home defense to me. Perhaps some sort of involuntary manslaughter(?) for firing "over their heads" if they can prove that his bullet killed the guy. (They didn't.) Certainly not murder.

Looks like (most of) the jury felt the same. The jurors hung 7-1 in favor of finding Mr. Kelly not guilty. If the judge didn't declare a mistrial, perhaps they would have found him not guilty.(?)

I imagine we will see more of these encounters in the years to come. Interesting times and such...

Happy Sunday! ☮️
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