Posted On: Wednesday - June 12th 2024 9:48AM MST
In Topics:   Genderbenders  US Police State  US Feral Government  Bible/Religion  Anarcho-tyranny  Legal Stupidity
NOTE: Not a Foodie post. Sorry to disappoint anyone.
The Regime doesn't screw around when it comes to defacement of "Our" Flag. Pride is something to be proud of, especially during this month of June.* Defacing the Pride flag is serious business. I mean, you can't go around burning the Stars and ... never mind, but these kids in Spokane, Washington are out of control! They made skid marks on a Pride flag painted on the street with their rented Lime scooters, on purpose!
The Gateway Pundit reported this story a few days ago. They've updated it with Washington Teens Charged With ‘Felony Vandalism’ For Leaving Skid Marks on LGBT Pride Mural – Face Up to a Decade in Prison! Yes, the Anarcho-Tyranny is hitting the kids now.
You figure these kids deserve a good tongue-lashing, and maybe they should be required to scrub out the rubber and paint back better with a rainbow palette (+ brown) of spray cans. Or, were it up to me, they deserve paid airline tickets to Portland or Bangor, Maine, and a friendly, enjoyable meet and greet interview with Tucker Carlson. Ooops, gotta watch it this month, and I'm getting ahead of myself.
Let me go back, oh, 40 years ± a few. I could have sworn I'd inserted this story in some post or another, but you know, PS-search is
There were no Pride flags painted on the streets in that day and age. Were someone to have painted anything of the sort, symbolism-wise, it wouldn't have been just the road that suffered. No, this was just a garden park with some nice grass that was greener than ever after heavy rain. Whaddya' gonna do when, well, there's nothing TO DO, and your parent's response to learning that would have been to give you work to do. At the park, your friend gets the car going hard left, as you enjoy it from the passenger seat, making such a tight turn that he could now turn the wheel - in the days with that finger-tip-soft power steering - hard to the right, and have the front wheels still follow the left turn in the deepening grooves as the back ones pushed through the mud - well, it was now!
"Oh, yeah, we better wash this before we bring it home." Good idea. We left the park and went to the self-service car wash to take care of this. "Let me see how it looks", my friend remarked after that, so we went back to the park. Bad idea. There's something to this whole thing about returning to the scene of the crime. Don't do that, and you'll be fine. Well, I mean, if you do donuts in the days before cameras all over the place. I don't know about murder or whatever ...
The cop sitting in his unmarked Ford LTD at this point was not amused. ("What? We just washed the car and decided to visit the gardents. So?") My friend got a ticket and was told to appear in court soon. I was told to come to be a witness. Well, I sure wasn't going to tell my parents we had some dealings with the law. I was not a driver then, so a week later, my Mom answered the phone call from the courthouse, with some clerk or whoever wondering why I was late. I can't remember the rest, other than we had to do it a week later, and my friend didn't get any kind of serious fine, like $50 or something. Yeah, truly that would have been a lot of money to him (half a week's minimum wage work after taxes).
The crime my friend, alright, "we", had committed was not even made a misdemeanor - I think, as I'm pretty sure it was a no-points non-moving violation, this having happened in a park rather than public roads. Thing is, it was not done in anger. As with the couple of times I
The few kids on their rented scooters in Spokane probably made the skid marks in that location for a reason. I imagine their parents have well-schooled them on the sick genderbender program being forced on them at school, the library**, everywhere, and they probably have their own thoughts about it. (It's not just the social/cultural stupidity itself, but that it's being forced on them, as a process of humiliation.) Oh, plus, I'm sure it was fun.
There's too much Anarcho-Tyranny in this comparison of stories to fit in this post. Let me try to hit a few points.
Our fun at the park years ago was done purposefully in that spot too, but it wasn't on the road. That Pride paint was right there on the public road. If you don't want skid marks, maybe you should have made it off the public roads where, well, vehicles do skid on occasion.
The damage from our digging of 6" deep, tire-wide grooves into the nice grass in the park was much more than that to the stupid Pride paint on the street. The former probably took an hour or two of work to straighten up, plus a month for the grass to grow back right, while the former could take 10 minutes to fix. Yet, my friend went to court and, best I can recall, got told to "straighten up!" (ha, you couldn't say that now) or something. These kids are being told they've committed felonies and may get serious jail time!
Fully-grown adults busted thousands of plate glass windows and set buildings on fire for months during the Summer of '20. Most of them didn't even get arrested, much less get jail time. Yet, this "vandalism" by the scooter-riding kids could be tabulated at 100 bucks tops, rather than the $Billions done by Blacks! and Commies during the Summer of George.
Why the huge does of Anarcho-Tyranny here? Is it just that White kid underprivilege? It's more than that. The Potomac Regime HATES HATES HATES when people resist their programs of humiliation. They don't want those kids starting at this young at it. It could lead to more and greater resistance. Even having fun making some skid marks on the road is something the Regime can't let pass lightly.***
My redneck friend was a little too proud of his donuts back that day long ago in a different country. It got him in trouble. That was nothing though. Via the Book of Proverbs (16:18) Peak Stupidity has this warning for the Potomac Regime: Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. I'm not sure this proverb meant it exactly this way... but it works.
PS: Those stand-up scooters might be fun, but it's a hell of a shame modern kids can't experience doing donuts. Can modern cars even do them, or would all the electronics, traction control, etc., preclude this fun?
* Peak Stupidity apologizes profusely right here for not writing more posts
** We'll have another this week, as I've been to the library first time in a long while. (No fines, now, so who cares?!)
*** Someone with more reading under his belt on the subject answer this: Even in the worst days of the Soviet Union (Bolshevik Red v White Russians early on, whenever) or in the middle of Mao's Cultural Revolution, would a kid have gotten this kind of treatment for some small act against the system? (Maybe his parents would have...)
Saturday - June 15th 2024 6:11AM MST
PS: The elongation of the painted I-85 (or whatever) shields seen from the top view is interesting, Adam. There's probably a perfect elongation for the posted, or actual average, speed. Then too, the driver height above ground would come into play. For those driving sports cars with their butts a foot off the road, you need a lot of elongation for these to look right.
Adam Smith
Friday - June 14th 2024 12:40PM MST
PS: Good afternoon, Mr. Moderator...
How To Hotwire A Lime Scooter? (Step-By-Step)
Here, we’ll discuss how to hotwire and personalize a lime scooter.
(Not as easy as bypassing the control board, but it can be done.)
I don't come across these very often, (because I'm a hermit who doesn't like to leave town if I don't have to,) but they do come in handy when I'm headed north on my way out of Atlanta where 85&75 split.
How To Hotwire A Lime Scooter? (Step-By-Step)
Here, we’ll discuss how to hotwire and personalize a lime scooter.
(Not as easy as bypassing the control board, but it can be done.)
I don't come across these very often, (because I'm a hermit who doesn't like to leave town if I don't have to,) but they do come in handy when I'm headed north on my way out of Atlanta where 85&75 split.
Friday - June 14th 2024 11:12AM MST
PS: Murals on walls, you say?? What a concept! The new thing on the interstates where there are some major forks is to put the Red/White/Blue shield on the lanes a few times. I wonder how long those last? (Same as the lane lines, I guess.)
Yes, I read about Lime's solution, Adam. GPS, other sensors, and high-speed digital electronics - what CAN'T they do?! Or, what fun CAN'T they ruin?! There's probably a mechanical hack, but they do have your CC number, so ...
Yes, I read about Lime's solution, Adam. GPS, other sensors, and high-speed digital electronics - what CAN'T they do?! Or, what fun CAN'T they ruin?! There's probably a mechanical hack, but they do have your CC number, so ...
Thursday - June 13th 2024 8:02PM MST
PS. Paint on the road would be like a slick wet skid pad--- great fun! Dangerous for motorcycles though!
Adam Smith
Thursday - June 13th 2024 1:35PM MST
PS: Good afternoon, frens,
I'm old enough to remember when murals were painted on walls...
And... If they don't want people driving over their precious mural, maybe they shouldn't paint it on the road. 🤔
Fortunately, there is a (final?) solution to this hate!
Problem Solved! ☮️
I'm old enough to remember when murals were painted on walls...
And... If they don't want people driving over their precious mural, maybe they shouldn't paint it on the road. 🤔
Fortunately, there is a (final?) solution to this hate!
Problem Solved! ☮️
Thursday - June 13th 2024 8:23AM MST
PS: Ha! It was the usual for the era, I suppose, Mr. Blanc. ;-}
Thursday - June 13th 2024 8:18AM MST
PS Hmmmm. Someone had a bit of an adolescence, didn’t he?