Posted On: Saturday - June 22nd 2024 11:42AM MST
In Topics:   US Feral Government  Morning Constitutional  Zhou Bai Dien  Guns
There's a "youtuber" named Grant Stinchfield whom Gateway Pundit proprietor Jim Hoft has some kind of deal with to host the former's videos. Mr. Stinchfield is a Conservative, and he does a pretty good job from the couple I've seen.* The latest headline (I haven't watched the video) says: Hunter Biden’s Appeal Will Anger Every Anti-Gunner and I Love it!
Well, if you keep up with Peak Stupidity, you already know that we agree with this, as in our discussion a couple of weeks back in President pushes for more gun control as son convicted of felony gun charges. Regarding the ATF background check form 4473 (shown above), we wrote:
It's just too easy for the information to be kept, forever, by someone ... It's unConstitutional, and even were it not, the questions about drug use are. These convictions are bogus.Hunter Bai Dien's been ensnared by this ATF Totalitarian BS. I agree with Grant Stinchfield. I love it!.
Will Hunter's privileged Dad be duplicitous enough to still support the ATF and be as anti-Amendment II as ever, while doing something underhanded or even blatant to get his son off the charges or out of jail? I hope Hunter takes this one to the Supreme Court. It'd be great to see Hunter Biden winning a case for our side. Then, Hunter would have more time for cocaine-fueled Chinese Poontang Dynasty tourism, Ukraine business trips, and to make those court dates for the real charges to come, being a traitor to his country and all that ...
* The problem is, even if I completely agree with the guy and enjoy watching, there's just too much else on the internet ...
Saturday - June 22nd 2024 9:38PM MST
PS: I'm not saying we ought to play whiffle ball while the other side plays hardball, but there are plenty of serious things to get Hunter on.
The Alarmist
Saturday - June 22nd 2024 12:26PM MST
I was all for freeing Heidi Fleiss and Martha Stewart; Hunter, not so much.
Given what they’re doing to DJT, I’d say they didn’t trump Hunter’s charges up enough.
I was all for freeing Heidi Fleiss and Martha Stewart; Hunter, not so much.
Given what they’re doing to DJT, I’d say they didn’t trump Hunter’s charges up enough.