Traffic stupidity, episode 3146

Posted On: Saturday - December 7th 2024 5:47PM MST
In Topics: 
  General Stupidity  Movies  Curmudgeonry  Peak Stupidity Roadshow

Peak Stupidity has been big into the Curmudgeonry stuff from Day Post One. With so much trouble and excitement going on politically (it never ends) these posts are likely boring for the reader. However, it's good for me and, after all, this is not a news site, but a record of our period of Peak Stupidity. I believe this post is in our lane, so to speak...

The image above hopefully will get readers' attention, but I can't always find one that fits exactly. It's not the 1st time we've written about full grown adults who don't seem to understand things I was taught by Kindergarten. - see Stuff a 10 year-old used to know - lost to history or lost to stupidity? and Two Peak Stupidity local anecdotes. Basically, Don't walk in the middle of the road!

Oh, they apparently know better, these joggers. I'm guessing that the sidewalks that exist along over half the roads here have too many offset plates that might result in sprained ankles or worse. Fine. As a kid I was taught to walk or run on the left, so as to face the cars that will be nearest to me. The lady was in the middle. Drivers going against her could at least move way over, and she could see them. She couldn't see me behind her, AND, worse yet, she was wearing headphones! All it would take is one driver buying something on Ebay at a bad time, and SPLAT. What was it, she was too trusting in the competence of others, she thinks she's hot enough to be noticed anywhere, or she's just plain stupid? I pointed this out to my boy: "You don't do that. It's just plain stupid."

On the way back of the very same short trip, as I recall, I was behind a monster SUV at the 4-way stop. I'm a bit impatient and roll through some that have good views. (If a cop stops me, I'll bring up the fuel savings and ask him if he'd rather me kill the planet rather than bend the law a bit. However, it seems you just don't get pulled over anymore... at least I don't.) I was going to roll on through behind this SUV. He waited extra long, making me stop fully. Want to be extra careful? I GET THAT. At this point, though, the SUV was taking up most of the intersection. What's the point here? If someone WAS coming, the best idea would be to floor it! Stopping in the middle of the intersection to see if someone's coming is also plain stupid.

You know, I really like that scene in Patton in which the General is standing on a gasoline drum directing tank traffic somewhere in France. I have no idea if the scene was just artistic license or based on anything real. Either way, that's the idea. An intersection is a bottleneck. Move it!

Here we go:

It's a shock for me to realize that Patton was made only 26 years after the actual 3rd Army march to Berlin shown.

Tuesday - December 10th 2024 7:14PM MST
PS: " Loved the Patton clip. Mostly because it's good to know that blacks stole the fist-pump from George Patton!!"

Or, at least from George C. Scott, Mr. 1234. How are you?
Tuesday - December 10th 2024 6:31PM MST

Hi everyone. Loved the Patton clip. Mostly because it's good to know that blacks stole the fist-pump from George Patton!! I've got to watch that movie again.
Adam Smith
Monday - December 9th 2024 9:43PM MST
PS: Greetings, Mr. Hail!

๐ป๐‘’'๐‘‘ โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘ฃ๐‘’ ๐‘๐‘’๐‘’๐‘› ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘ฃ๐‘–๐‘๐‘ก๐‘’๐‘‘ (๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘™๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘โ„Ž๐‘’๐‘‘ ๐‘๐‘ข๐‘๐‘™๐‘–๐‘๐‘™๐‘ฆ) ๐‘–๐‘› 2020-2021.
Indeed he would have. My, how times change.

Monday - December 9th 2024 9:35PM MST

"What a friendly chat. (Never used it yet myself.)"

That was my paraphrasing of the ChatGPT paraphrase by a Sailer commenter. More likely it was less chipper and a lot more vague. What it's really saying was: INSUFFICENT INFORMATION AT THIS TIME, PLEASE RE-FORMULATE YOUR INQUIRY.
Monday - December 9th 2024 9:21PM MST

"Daniel Penny acquitted"

That's 2024. He'd have been convicted (or lynched publicly) in 2020-2021.
Adam Smith
Monday - December 9th 2024 9:18PM MST
PS: Good evening, gentlemen,

(Completely off topic poast...)

Daniel Penny acquitted. I think he deserves reparations or compensation from the court for what they needlessly put him through. They should also reimburse him for his legal expenses. Daniel Penny never should have been charged. I'm glad he was acquitted.
Governor Shapiro has a message for us...

"In America, we do not kill people in cold blood to resolve policy differences..."

And here's a photo of Shapiro signing bombs...
So, I recently learned that it is ~79 miles to Hart's Field and ~76 miles back...

Cheers! โ˜ฎ๏ธ

Monday - December 9th 2024 7:05AM MST
PS: "ChatGPT: "Gee, I have no idea, sorry old friend." What a friendly chat. (Never used it yet myself.)

Thanks for confirming my guess, Mr. Hail, regarding the crowd outside the UU. I'll get back on your site.
Sunday - December 8th 2024 11:09PM MST

-- Coulter "disbarred": fact or fiction? --

A Sailer reader says an acquaintance was involved in getting Ann Coulter disbarred in Virginia. The man asked ChatGPT but found it highly unhelpful.

ChatGPT: "Gee, I have no idea, sorry old friend."

Me: (See here--)
Sunday - December 8th 2024 7:39PM MST

See my comment "Re: Sailer Unitarian-Universalist church" in PS-3145.

including my link to the answer to the mystery and further commentary.
Sunday - December 8th 2024 4:08PM MST
PS: One thing about Daniel Perry and the like, White Americans who would LIKE to stand up for ourselves and others but fear getting our lives ruined by being railroaded - think Brunswick, Georgia - by the whole system: Just having Trump in office, with his bully pulpit, but also with his change of "the guard" (the Federal bureaucrats) gives me hope. The system is not completely against the White man so much as it was a month ago, at least at the Federal level.
Sunday - December 8th 2024 4:06PM MST
PS: Sorry for the long delay, Undecided. It has been on this very blog where commenter Adam Smith helped me get a downloaded version of "Cocaine Cowboys" to watch. My friend had recommended it to me for a long time, just because we both were interested in the flying aspect, but also my friend has some thing about Miami. (I couldn't care if I'd never set foot there - bypassed it - only once for a gas stop - on the way to the Keys.)

All that changed the whole place. Since Steve Sailer has written quite a bit to bolster (rightly, I'm sure) his point that he can pinpoint the increase in crime to that wave of Cubans and subsequent crack epidemic a decade later. Because I thought of this, I'll ask you if you came to this blog originally from Steve Sailer's Unz Review-hosted blog.
Sunday - December 8th 2024 7:35AM MST
PS: (Still) Undecided: That's too bad what happened to S. Florida after Jimmy Carter got suckered by, or cucked out to, Fidel Castro. That was 125,000 often violent, often crazy, foreigners - the numbers are so much higher now - we are all Miamians now.

... oops, gotta go, will write more later.
Sunday - December 8th 2024 7:33AM MST
PS: Hello, Undecided, it makes me feel good that people look forward to reading here. It's for a while still, I think...

Congrats on the family, firstly. Are you saying the young one is not so bright, hence, just "not to be stupid", or just because he's so young?

People do not like to be told they're doing something stupid, and I've been on the other end of that - yes, top of an escalator! - but I didn't go ranting at least. The guy was right.

Do you mean comments on substack or that you have your own "account", "page" whatever? If you get going put the link in here.

Yeah, there are plenty more of these stories, but then I guess the stuff in the news is what people mostly want to read (opinion) on and comment about.
Still undecided
Sunday - December 8th 2024 2:54AM MST
PS so I almost forgot! The bit about Patton And your SUV story? Again, it immediately reminded me of a time back in the late 90s when I had moved from Miami to a little further north in Florida to avoid the crime wave that was just as liable to kill me as not. You remember when the cocaine Cowboys were having gun fights at the Dadeland Mall? One night, coming home after a church event I was hoping to meet some like-minded people at, on a lonely rural Street. I almost rolled through the stop sign. Iโ€™ll never know why there was a cop right there but was so glad that I didnโ€™t because I was imagining what I wouldโ€™ve said to him about how in Miami no one ever fully stopped at a stop sign- we all just rolled through because there was so many carjackings and kidnappings, etcโ€ฆ Especially as a lady out at night alone! At that time, I was still reading the local crime report, but it didnโ€™t take too long to realize that if I stayed out of downtown On Friday and Saturday nights I was pretty safe. Those were the days! Now it doesnโ€™t matter where you are or what time of day. You better be paying attention or at least not be stupid enough to walk into a crime scene in progress somewhereโ€ฆ. Much less have a protector mindset like brave Daniel Perry ๐Ÿ˜ฅ
Sunday - December 8th 2024 2:39AM MST
PS Well hallelujah, you seem to be back! I literally went through a grieving process back when you seemed to be signing off permanently, and yet at first I would check, but then accepted the loss. Finally when whatever rapid fire event just made me wish I could see your take, watch a clip and especially hear your music selections to go along, you were there again!
Now Iโ€™m happy to give you my attention on the picture about the stupid woman jogging in the middle of the road because it reminded me immediately of the time a few years back when some bozo was standing in the middle of the doors at a natural (commie) food grocery store. I made a remark that it was not the best place to stop and block. Well the jackass went off on me and started following me out to the parking lot ranting and raving. I just kept moving along and putting my groceries in the car and ignoring him as best I could while listening to his wife plead with him to give it a rest. I thought to myself โ€œyou canโ€™t fix stupidโ€œ but was literally afraid to say it out loud for fear of being physically attacked. Anyway, I try to teach my adult children and now my adult grandchildren, How to be smart rather than how not to be stupid :-) I do also have one very young grandchild and him I try to encourage not to be stupid!
BTW-I only said my name was undecided because Iโ€™m trying to make up my mind before I start posting some of these stories on Substack because itโ€™s mostly for my own pleasure and to leave a record for my grandkids about these various things I think about on a wide range of topicsโ€ฆpartially in part because of writers just like you. Thanks a lot-I think ๐Ÿค”
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