Posted On: Tuesday - December 19th 2017 7:28PM MST
In Topics:   US Police State  US Feral Government
This was said to me by a guy about 1/2 my age a number of years back, and, heck he was a sage for his age (Peak Stupidity poetry at it's best there). To explain this post, let me refer you to yesterday's, in which I mentioned that I'd need to teach a young kid that, as he was in a heated argument over the vibrant color of a car across the street.
This was a ways back when I had an Australian friend, and he had gone through the US cultural rite of watching the superbowl (I'm off all that, of course). This was, of course, after I'd forgiven the bloke for introducing me to vegemite, the sick man's substitute for peanut butter. "You gotta' have some beer for the game.", I reminded him (turns out strayin's don't need to be reminded), so we headed over to the big grocery store nearby.
Well, you need some chips too, so we came up to the cashier with our beer and chips, and the guy freakin' cards me. OK, a woman would be pleased, and most people wouldn't care unless they were underage per the Feral Gov't. I'm sure I mentioned above that I was dealing with a guy 1/2 my age, so unless they had 10 year-old cashiers, I was old enough. I was not just old enough, is the point of this post - I did not look anything near young enough for any common-sense-following individual to need to check my age off an ID card. Again, "WHY SHOULD YOU CARE?", the reader may well ask. It's because the guy was carding everyone, and there is no law to say you need an ID card (what a driver's license is basically, in the present era) to buy alcohol!
The laws of every so-called state in the Union (more like sac-hangers on the Feral Gov't, hence the "so-called) require one to be 21 y/o to buy it, but not that ANYONE must show an ID. What was the deal, too much pressure from some state alcohol-controlling agency, the manager was covering his ass, and no one else cared about this? Yeah, probably all 3. "You don't need any ID to just buy alcohol, you just have to be 21. Do I look 21 or under?" "No, but it's just what I need to do." "Here, take your stuff, see ya." I left the beer and chips right there.
That's when the young man said "you need to know how to pick your battles". I realized, hey, he's pretty wise for his age, and maybe this WAS silly. There is a fine line between being just plain neurotic and a pain-in-the-ass to everyone and just standing up for a little freedom now and then. It's hard to tell what's the best course sometimes.
However, this attitude, of "Let it go. It's just the way things are nowadays." is why you see people being felt up the ass and around their genital regions when they go to the airport to catch a flight that they paid good money for (more here.). Most Americans haven't been pushing back one bit against the Feral Police State, and they deserve whatever is coming. I sure don't.
Yes, it is indeed The Champagne of Beers, but you gotta' take a stand sometime!