Posted On: Saturday - December 15th 2018 9:52PM MST
In Topics:   Commies  General Stupidity  Music  Feminism  China  Curmudgeonry
The "Women's March" is the newest feminist movement, purporting to stand, or hopefully march to somewhere, for the right to all the feminist ideas that haven't already been destroying society. They'll be out there wearing those pink pussy hats that they knitted themselves via grrrll powah, made from inexpensive yarn made by machinery built by men, arriving via transportation built by men on roads built by men, carrying their supplies produced in factories built and run by men, oh, including some feminine products developed and built by men. From the Women's March very own website, run by software and on hardware designed/built by men, we read:
And we’re committed to deepening relationships with any community who has felt left out of this movement. We want to create space where all are welcome. We are trying to build an intersectional women’s movement.Yeah, at the intersection of stupidity and retardation ... OK, I promise that I did not write the post to knock feminism. This stuff just comes out.
Let's stay inside and knit more pink hats for THE MARCH.
The point here is about just the name of this movement, the Women's March, and other movements like it. See, a march is a transient event, not a long-term thing. You walk a ways, yell some shit, get tired, and it's OVAH! This irks me, as with another example to come shortly.
I guess there could be a march that lasts a while, say the Long March of the Chinese Communists from October of 1934 to October of 1935. This 3,700 to 5,500 mile trek, depending on whom you talk to, but still a pretty daunting distance even for the Forrest Gumps of the world, is big in Chi-Com lore. The Commies like to call it a march now, but it started as a retreat from the Nationalist Chinese under General Chiang, and only 10-15 thousand reds were left out of > 100,000 after Mao's contingent got far enough away (for a while) into Guizhou province in deepest yellowest China. Even so, it was eventually over. A march is a thing you do, not a movement.
Since Communists were mentioned, this brings up the other BIG example, which is the use of the term "revolution" for a long-term movement, rather than the transient phenomena of (most times) war or other turmoil to change the system of government. Our great founders of our country for instance, started a revolution and fought this 5-year Revolutionary War, and then it was over.
The Communists (isn't it always!) OTOH, in various lands around the world have had on-going "revolutions" for decades upon decades.
It was especially a thing with the (as of yet) longest-term Commie of them all, a thorn in the side of Cold War America, Fidel Castro (pictured above, starting a revolution as a youngster in 1959). It didn't matter whether it was now 1970, 1980, 1990, or 2000, the revolution was still on. You could have been born 20 years after the Cuban government of Fulgencio Batista was overthrown, and Cuba had been a shithole for years, but you still needed to "support the revolution". If you wanted some liberty or free markets, well, you were "against the revolution!"
That type of talk was big with the Chinese Communists too, but lesser so, from my recollection with the Soviets of the USSR. I tell you what, if the same damn sorry-assed place has the same sorry-assed economy and the same broke-assed population as it did 5 decades ago, there's nothing revolutionary about it, my cigar-smoking amigo.
"But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao,
you ain't gonna' make it with anyone anyhow ..."
Finally, in this Beatles song from 1968, note that the first verse (verses follow the choruses in this one), John Lennon sings "If you talk about destruction, don't you know that you can count me out (in!)" I am conflicted about where I stand with regard to the politics of this guy, even 50 years later.
If I must, for the youngsters, The Beatles were:
John Lennon - Guitar, vocals
Paul McCartney - Bass, piano, vocals
George Harrison - Guitar, vocals
Ringo Starr - Drums, backing vocals (very occasionally lead vocals)
Peak Stupidity featured John Lennon's music before with Nobody Told Me, and Paul McCartney with Helen Wheels and Junior's Farm