Posted On: Friday - January 6th 2017 5:07PM MST
In Topics:   Commies  Genderbenders  AntiChrist  Hildabeast
Zerohedge writes that the Hildabeast, AntiChrist runner-up is considering running for mayor of NY City. The city can't be saved anyway, but as the first commenter writes:
DavidC's picture
DavidC Jan 6, 2017 3:04 PM
Please God, no. [/Michael Scott] <--- added by PeakStupidity*
Then, they've got a video of Lieutenant Mayo (of An Officer and a Gentleman) fame, crying "I've got no place left to go!"
Funny, funny people over there at Zerohedge, as we've been telling you all for years. Reading the comments will be a hoot, I tells ya.
* Here's what I'm talking about - Michael Scott is Peakstupidity and Toby is Hillary:
[UPDATE - 5 mins later:}
One more comment off of Zerohedge:
BullyDog's picture
BullyDog The Merovingian Jan 6, 2017 3:11 PM
She is like one of those floating turds, that refuses to get through the ubend. God help you all.