Posted On: Saturday - February 22nd 2020 9:02PM MST
In Topics:   Educational Stupidity  Scams

Peak Stupidity has verbally beaten on the Schools of Education before, such as in our post "Advancements in Higher Education" past fall. That one was written after I'd read some BS, obviously lifted straight out of an Education Masters program textbook. describing the on-going education for elementary school kids. The stupidity described therein was in the use of many pseudo-technical terms that I don't (and don't want to) understand, much less the kids by the teacher in her one-sheet newsletter boasting of the fine learning process going on.
These ladies (as they are all, 100% of 'em) seem to be carrying on with their Masters work, as experiments on the kids. I don't mean that they are taking data and writing reports, as one could easily get in trouble nowadays for, like "judging the kids". It seems like they are simply taking their many years of "Education" education a bit too seriously, meaning, seriously. In the minds of schoolteachers now, they are "Professional Educators", so they've got to prove it those ideas from all their taxpayer-guaranteed-loan-supported Professional Education classes. The last thing they are up for is just straight-up teaching like some old-timey one-room schoolhouse lady, who never got her Masters.
The latest thing I noticed isn't from these newsletters, though they still come. No, I see the learning process being used by this particular teacher as being dragged out to Kingdom Come. The class is working on fractions. From the weeks and weeks of sheets of paper, I can see that the big concept in education here is to have the kids understand how to divide up polygons and see what 1/2 or 1/4 means. You know, that might be a good thing for one or two days. They get to color. Nope, no stickers, so that's disappointing to your average kid, but you get your coloring fix in.
That's fine for a day or two, but then get the hell ON it. Let them write out some fractions, get them started adding or subtraction them at least, what with the rules of only common denominators and all. Sure, you can use the polygons again to show them how this works, how 1/2 = 2/4 and so on. They can memorize the rules and understand them later, if it comes down to it.
Just get it done. These are bright kids and they will really start to get a bad impression of math if this drawing lines through rectangles goes on for the rest of the month. (And who has time, what with black history month and all? Many of the papers I've seen in February involve people I've never ever heard of, and I'm a guy with a blog!)
These teachers are beating this "understanding" process to death. I believe it would be a lot better if not a one of these elementary school teachers had ever set foot in an education class. They'd have been better off getting that BS and MrS at the same time. As we've discussed in our rants against feminism, there's no time like 22-30 years old to crank those little ones out, and a teaching job later goes along very well with raising kids older than toddlers.
I'm sure lots of these nice ladies really would have been happier to have avoided the whole stupid drudgery of the Ed. School themselves, but as I've written before, it's a big scam (with other embedded scams, such as the old great University textbook scam - 2nd time I fell for that this semester!). Women LUV LUV LUV kids of elementary school age in hopefully one of those green-on-schooldigger schools. Could they not be left to nurture them with common sense and the 3-R's, and leave that Ed-School crap behind? I mean, hopefully a BS provides enough knowledge to stay ahead of 5th graders, but I wouldn't put all my money on that now.
Nope, gotta get that loan and waste 1 to 4 years getting that piece of paper. ITS! THE! LAW!
Monday - February 24th 2020 7:49PM MST
PS: Responding to the moderator's point, I have always thought we would be better served, at least in the grades beyond elementary school, for teachers of math, biology, etc., to have degrees in math, biology, etc., instead of degrees in math education, biology education or those other degrees where you substitute "education" courses for additional courses in your subject specialization. (I exempt elementary grades on the off chance that there are stages of development in which certain pedogogical techniques are useful and others are not. Don't know much about that Piaget theory though.)
I don't want to paint with too broad a brush here--one of the sharpest guys I knew in math was a math ed major, but I suspect he took many of his general electives in math. As credentialism advances, simple bachelor's degrees in many areas are not enough to get you jobs in those fields. For those not inclined to go the graduate school route (and who can blame them?), teaching posts would provide good jobs and they would know the subject matter. That speaks to the moderator's point abut math graduates having to get education certificates or degrees before they could teach. I think mostly they're going to get practicums (on-the-job training, in effect). The whole thing smacks of a guild restriction.
I don't want to paint with too broad a brush here--one of the sharpest guys I knew in math was a math ed major, but I suspect he took many of his general electives in math. As credentialism advances, simple bachelor's degrees in many areas are not enough to get you jobs in those fields. For those not inclined to go the graduate school route (and who can blame them?), teaching posts would provide good jobs and they would know the subject matter. That speaks to the moderator's point abut math graduates having to get education certificates or degrees before they could teach. I think mostly they're going to get practicums (on-the-job training, in effect). The whole thing smacks of a guild restriction.
Sunday - February 23rd 2020 9:16PM MST
PS: Thanks for the comments guys. I hope I was clear that, yeah, it's not usually the teachers that want all that "higher" "education". I knew a man and wife who were both Mathematics graduates (the guy at least Masters and his wife either the same or Bachelors) that just wanted to teach math in high school. They were forced to pay up and get the Masters in Ed by State law, knowing it was a complete waste.
It's a scam.
It's a scam.
Sunday - February 23rd 2020 4:31PM MST
PS Think I used the word “masters “enough in that post?
Sunday - February 23rd 2020 4:30PM MST
PS. Very few working teachers will extoll the virtues of ED school. Most states, though now require a masters after a certain number of years. It’s idiotic. Fortunately for me, I was grandfathered in so I never had to get a masters. I would strongly argue there’s almost 0 correlation between the quality of teacher and whether or not they have a Masters. Of course once everybody has to have one of the teachers will have one so I guess that’s 100%. Trust me on this though, education classes were the absolute worst.
Sunday - February 23rd 2020 10:14AM MST
PS Back in my primary/secondary days (1950s snd 1960s) in a 99.5% white suburban Chicago school district, perhaps the superintendent had an advanced degree in education. Some of the high school teachers had masters degrees in their subject fields. Fancy (and as pointed out useless) education degrees aren’t required to teach whites kids what white kids need to know. I’m sure that race isn’t the only factor in the credentialization of education, but it must be a significant one. And yet none of the programs devised by all these MSs, DEds, and PhDs have succeeded in teaching the majority of black kids what white kids need to know.
I would hope, as I wrote in the post, that for Elementary School, one could teach what the kids need with ANY college degree. For High School, I could see math teachers needing a math degree, etc.
This credentialism wouldn't be necessary in a small private school without the bureaucracy. For example, why not hire that retired engineer to teach the algebra and geometry, that budding novelist who works in the coffee shop, literature, etc?