Anti-Social Media
Artificial Stupidity
Big-Biz Stupidity
Bread and Circuses
Cheap China-made Crap
Customer Care
Dead/Ex- Presidents
Deep State
Educational Stupidity
- E.H. Hail on the anti-Social Wokeness-Induced Mind Virus of Murderer Samantha Rupnow - Saturday - December 21st 2024 11:14AM MST
- Illegal Alien is the term, and we're stickin' to it! - Friday - April 26th 2024 6:03AM MST
- Act Designation and Peak Tampon Dispensation(?) - Monday - April 8th 2024 7:00AM MST
- Kung Flu PanicFest retrospective: Common Sense - Monday - March 18th 2024 8:33PM MST
- We're full, apparently: Romeike - German Homeschooling family being deported by Bai Dein - Tuesday - October 3rd 2023 9:32AM MST
- Do we NEED the US Police State? - Wednesday - September 27th 2023 11:55PM MST
- Good things come to those who wait .. - Wednesday - August 9th 2023 6:40AM MST
- Harold Robinson on the Competency Crisis - Thursday - June 22nd 2023 7:40PM MST
- Stupidity attracts stupidity - Saturday - February 11th 2023 5:55PM MST
- Sudden spike in the Stupidity curve - mathematical models flailing... - Wednesday - October 19th 2022 7:29PM MST
- A few words about your future, young man, OK, a meme then. - Tuesday - April 12th 2022 7:29PM MST
- Big American Homeschooling increase. Thank you, Covid-19! - Monday - April 4th 2022 7:51AM MST
- Just sit there with a fuckin' stick. - Tuesday - December 28th 2021 2:47PM MST
- The one-side stories of the Lyin' Press - Yahoo version - Tuesday - November 16th 2021 9:42PM MST
- 6 foot social distancing with 5 foot wide pianos - Wednesday - September 22nd 2021 10:54AM MST
- The Legend of SchoolDigger - Tuesday - May 4th 2021 7:22PM MST
- Harrison Bergeron and the Virginia Department of Education - Saturday - April 24th 2021 6:01PM MST
- America's Kung Flu recession, women hardest hit! - Part 9 - Monday - April 19th 2021 8:48AM MST
- Reading InComprehension - Friday - January 1st 2021 6:29PM MST
- More Kung Flu Kontroversy - Thursday - December 3rd 2020 10:20PM MST
- School Daze - Friday - November 20th 2020 10:14AM MST
- It's
niceNOT NICE to share! - Tuesday - November 17th 2020 6:28PM MST - Run-in with the PrinciPAL - Part 2 - Saturday - November 14th 2020 2:56PM MST
- The Principal is no longer my Pal - Friday - November 13th 2020 10:41PM MST
- Tagless Recess during the PANDEMIC! - Thursday - November 12th 2020 10:04AM MST
- The Mayflower sets sail - Tuesday - October 27th 2020 5:46PM MST
- Chinese Visiting Scholar Scam - Tuesday - October 13th 2020 6:29PM MST
- From the "You can't make this shit up!" department - Wednesday - July 22nd 2020 4:13PM MST
- Kung Flu vs. VD - Tuesday - April 21st 2020 7:04PM MST
- Wynken, Blynken, and Nod - Saturday - April 18th 2020 7:45PM MST
- Government school welfare still operating - Friday - March 27th 2020 12:04PM MST
- Arts & Crafts - Thursday - March 26th 2020 12:44PM MST
- School's out For Ever! - Saturday - March 14th 2020 7:13PM MST
- Big-Ed Stupidity - Science Edition - Friday - March 13th 2020 7:39PM MST
- Hey, Ed-Schools, leave them teachers alone! - Saturday - February 29th 2020 12:19PM MST
- A natural political alliance, per Matthew Richer (VDare) - Wednesday - February 26th 2020 6:47PM MST
- The Professional Educators - Saturday - February 22nd 2020 9:02PM MST
- Michelle Malkin on "Google's Kiddie Predators" - Friday - February 7th 2020 11:21AM MST
- Freedom and homeschooling in Germany and America with Lame-O Trump - Friday - November 22nd 2019 10:58AM MST
- Congress shall make no law ... or abridging the freedom of speech ... - Tuesday - November 19th 2019 2:01PM MST
- "the right of the people peaceably to assemble ..." - Friday - November 15th 2019 11:12AM MST
- K-12 LGBT - Friday - October 11th 2019 7:56AM MST
- Advancements in Higher Education - Wednesday - October 9th 2019 8:25AM MST
- Takin' it to the Streets ... or at least the playground. - Monday - September 23rd 2019 7:57PM MST
- Back to Skool - Tuesday - September 3rd 2019 6:43PM MST
- Good Schools, Race, and "Worrisome Signs" - Tuesday - May 28th 2019 6:18PM MST
- On Schools, Race, and Billboards - Monday - May 13th 2019 8:41AM MST
- Word Scramble gone wrong - Thursday - April 25th 2019 8:47PM MST
- On Moslems in Ireland - just one anecdote - Tuesday - March 19th 2019 4:14PM MST
- Don't ask me no questions ... - Thursday - February 14th 2019 7:34PM MST
- His name was Patrick McCalley - Monday - December 10th 2018 8:19PM MST
- A Peak Stupidity Belated HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY - Tuesday - October 9th 2018 7:57PM MST
- The Day Billie Joe McAlister quit the Harper Valley PTA - Wednesday - October 3rd 2018 8:29PM MST
- Latent Karma hits Brooklyn, NYC - Minority-Majority hardest hit! - Monday - October 1st 2018 10:44AM MST
- The Nurture Assumption - Book Review - Friday - August 24th 2018 9:30PM MST
- It's that time of year - THE STATE is coming for your kids. - Tuesday - August 7th 2018 8:45AM MST
- Educrats - Eliminate the POSITION, not just THE MAN - Wednesday - May 23rd 2018 7:11PM MST
- Computerized testing - pros and cons - Friday - May 4th 2018 3:34PM MST
- Making a fair multiple-choice test - Monday - April 30th 2018 9:34AM MST
- Michelle Malkin - in the right / no sense of the big picture - Wednesday - April 11th 2018 9:01AM MST
- Cowardly Cop of the American Police State - Friday - February 23rd 2018 11:55AM MST
- Educational whack-a-mole, per Steve Sailer and that Virginia Dare post - Saturday - February 17th 2018 11:27AM MST
- Western World demographic soo-ee-cide - the working woman - Thursday - February 8th 2018 8:13PM MST
- Homeschooling - poking the Beast in the eye with a big stick - Part 3 - Monday - January 29th 2018 6:43PM MST
- Homeschooling - poking the Beast in the eye with a big stick - Part 2 - Friday - January 26th 2018 11:18PM MST
- Homeschooling - poking the Beast in the eye with a big stick - Part 1 - Friday - January 26th 2018 10:15AM MST
- The modern grade school as medium-security correctional facility - Monday - January 8th 2018 7:16PM MST
- Lotto, tax on stupidity - Saturday - November 18th 2017 10:52PM MST
- Socialism - stuff you should have learned by Kindergarten - Monday - October 16th 2017 12:20PM MST
- No Stupid Left Behind - starting with the little ones now - Friday - September 22nd 2017 12:45PM MST
- Education Secretary Nominee may be rejected. - Tuesday - February 7th 2017 7:41AM MST
Environmental Stupidity
Female Stupidity
General Stupidity
Global Climate Stupidity
Global Financial Stupidity
Healthcare Stupidity
Holiday from Stupidity
Immigration Stupidity
Karmakarma Kameleon
Kung Flu Stupidity
Lefty MegaStupidity
Legal Stupidity
Media Stupidity
Morning Constitutional
Muh Generation
Orwellian Stupidity
Peak Stupidity Roadshow
People's Revolt
Poetic Stupidity
Political Correctness
Preppers and Prepping
President DeSantis
So-called Pope Francis
Southern rock
Student and other Snowflakes
The Dead
The Future
The Neocons
The Russians
TV, aka Gov't Media
US Feral Government
US Police State
World Political Stupidity
Zhou Bai Dien