Posted On: Monday - March 18th 2024 8:33PM MST
In Topics:   Educational Stupidity  Kung Flu Stupidity
"Common sense is not so common", they'll tell you. I agree. It's not something you're born with or not, IMO. Common sense comes from getting out and about, and with using what one's learned from all that getting out and about.
After finishing that 4-year retrospective on Peak Stupidity's stance on the PanicFest at the time, I felt I should add more explanation of this stance at the time based on common sense. I mentioned the school closings as that was the thing going on right at 4 years back.

This Kung Flu Infotainment had been going on already a month and a half when the various States closed the schools. You'd have to have been in permanent RTC - - Responsible Thinking Center, aka Detention*, to have not heard about the Covid 19 ("the Corona" being the phrase most used at the time, IIRC) by that date, Yet, out of a few hundred kids, we did not hear of ANY of them being hospitalized by this disease. Had one been, we would have heard - that's my common sense. Had one child DIED from it, believe me, there would have been no need for a mandated closure of the school. Every parent would have said "fuck this shit, absence warnings or not!" and kept the kids inside the house for a long while.
Yet, this is what the park/playground we hung out at our 2 hour recesses looked like for the next month or more:

"Well, maybe they're worried about the kids spreading this virus more quickly than it would if everyone stays home", I thought of. But, no. Most of the parents are young and in good health, and I'd not heard of any parent who'd gotten hospitalized or died from the Corona either. We would have heard, if so, and all those the kids would probably have not been out in the sunshine at the park either.
It was just common sense. This was an Infotainment PanicFest - good for governments and good for the media.
"Wait, now, but maybe others, with no kids in the schools didn't know wha you did. You can't blame them, right?" Perhaps they should have gotten out more themselves, so they wouldn't have been fixated on the Lyin' Press on TV and the internet. Then too, nobody, not even the fairly large number of old people around, was heard of dying from the Corona.
Well, was this some exceptionally good or lucky area? We weren't in Wuhan or New York City, but no, we had the big circles of "cases of Corona" covering our area too on those thematic maps that came up for every search on the news. Common sense would have helped a lot of people from getting sucked into the Panic vortex.
Back to the kids, even on this totally bogus bar graph - due to cases of the disease being defined as only people hospitalized with positive tests - the kids' numbers were small.

Why'd they close the schools, then? Exercise of Totalitarian tendencies, for the most part, is what I came up with.
* RTC is what they called it at the local school. They're not fooling
Wednesday - March 20th 2024 5:43PM MST
PS: Mr. Hail, that was supposed to be "coup, as *you* called it." Sorry, still catching up.
Wednesday - March 20th 2024 8:21AM MST
PS: Yes, I looked back and saw that commenter Bill Jones was very prescient and ahead of the game on the vaccine story - way ahead! I also can see that, even on the last day of February, in that leap year, BTW, I took this whole thing with a grain of salt... well a shaker of salt and a lime... saying "give me a song I can dance to, or a memory that rhymes ..."
Sorry, that latter bit was the ParrotHead in me coming to the surface. The lyric is from "Banana Republics", featured here long ago. Sung by Jimmy Buffet, it was a Steve Goodman-written song.
Sorry, that latter bit was the ParrotHead in me coming to the surface. The lyric is from "Banana Republics", featured here long ago. Sung by Jimmy Buffet, it was a Steve Goodman-written song.
Wednesday - March 20th 2024 8:18AM MST
PS: "It's true, of course, but I take the whole idea here to have been written with ironic intent." No, I really meant that, but I guess that's kind of naive.
I know the agenda setters knew better, and any common sense they have or don't have is not a factor. They wanted this coup, as he called it, against the West to happen. However, vs. a real stampede, many of the individual panickers were not really forced to follow, get out of the way, or be trampled. I mean, yes you might have to go along. Your kid was out of school, and your business might have been closed, no matter how stupid you thought it was.
There was free will there, and my observation was that people willing chose to go along.
An important factor here, as you have agreed on before, Mr. Hail, is that the state of society was a factor. This couldn't have happened during the "Patriarchy" of the 1950s, probably not even the 1990s. However, women are in charge of a lot, and they are prone to stampede in herds.
Just imagine if you went to a school board* meeting during the midst of this and told the crowd that they were worrying for nothing, and to just calm the f down, but even in much nicer, less-bullying, haha, words. Well, you'd have women just screaming at you, others bawling their eyes out, and then cucked men standing up for them. You'd be called a big bully and the cops might likely have been called. How do you deal with this?!
* Mind you, I think the school closures were a silver lining in this cloud of stupidity, as I've discussed many times. I'm using this as an example due to it being the example of this post.
I know the agenda setters knew better, and any common sense they have or don't have is not a factor. They wanted this coup, as he called it, against the West to happen. However, vs. a real stampede, many of the individual panickers were not really forced to follow, get out of the way, or be trampled. I mean, yes you might have to go along. Your kid was out of school, and your business might have been closed, no matter how stupid you thought it was.
There was free will there, and my observation was that people willing chose to go along.
An important factor here, as you have agreed on before, Mr. Hail, is that the state of society was a factor. This couldn't have happened during the "Patriarchy" of the 1950s, probably not even the 1990s. However, women are in charge of a lot, and they are prone to stampede in herds.
Just imagine if you went to a school board* meeting during the midst of this and told the crowd that they were worrying for nothing, and to just calm the f down, but even in much nicer, less-bullying, haha, words. Well, you'd have women just screaming at you, others bawling their eyes out, and then cucked men standing up for them. You'd be called a big bully and the cops might likely have been called. How do you deal with this?!
* Mind you, I think the school closures were a silver lining in this cloud of stupidity, as I've discussed many times. I'm using this as an example due to it being the example of this post.
Tuesday - March 19th 2024 8:12PM MST
Quoting Bill Jones, March 5th 2020, in the Peak Stupidity entry:
"Have we reached the threshold where a panicked population can be convinced to spend a few Billion on a miracle new vaccine?" (end quote from Bill Jones, March 5, 2020, PS entry "Goodbye to Rosie, the Queen of Corona").
Little did he know how prescient this little line was.
In many ways it's a shame that the Vaccine controversy lasted longer than the initial panic-shutdown-restriction-lockdown period and controversy.
During an early phase of the Panic period, the "government response" actually constituted an internal coup d'etat against the people in the West. That is one of the real interesting things about the Corona-Panic, which I hear very few people talking about.
(That non-PRC-China Asian regimes and so on copied the Panic is not particularly interesting; it takes little to get most Asians on board with "authoritarian" sledgehammer-style policies or trends; it is us, of the White-Christian West, who set the world-agenda towards dignity of the individual and against things like lockdowns) (the role of PRC-China itself in the Panic is also an unresolved question; why did they choose to do a crazy "Lockdown" at all?).
March 5th, when Bill Jones wrote that little "miracle new vaccine" comment, was still about ten days prior to the true Rubicon-crossing moment of the coup d'etat, which really dates to mid-March in the USA, the decisions to "lock down for two weeks to slow the spread and save lives; fight the evil people who refuse lockdowns."
But maybe the full-bore Panic was already inevitable by March 5th, if not considerably earlier still. Four years is enough to fade the memory somewhat, which is why books like Rom Woods' day-by-day account of the Panic's early months is so valuable.
Quoting Bill Jones, March 5th 2020, in the Peak Stupidity entry:
"Have we reached the threshold where a panicked population can be convinced to spend a few Billion on a miracle new vaccine?" (end quote from Bill Jones, March 5, 2020, PS entry "Goodbye to Rosie, the Queen of Corona").
Little did he know how prescient this little line was.
In many ways it's a shame that the Vaccine controversy lasted longer than the initial panic-shutdown-restriction-lockdown period and controversy.
During an early phase of the Panic period, the "government response" actually constituted an internal coup d'etat against the people in the West. That is one of the real interesting things about the Corona-Panic, which I hear very few people talking about.
(That non-PRC-China Asian regimes and so on copied the Panic is not particularly interesting; it takes little to get most Asians on board with "authoritarian" sledgehammer-style policies or trends; it is us, of the White-Christian West, who set the world-agenda towards dignity of the individual and against things like lockdowns) (the role of PRC-China itself in the Panic is also an unresolved question; why did they choose to do a crazy "Lockdown" at all?).
March 5th, when Bill Jones wrote that little "miracle new vaccine" comment, was still about ten days prior to the true Rubicon-crossing moment of the coup d'etat, which really dates to mid-March in the USA, the decisions to "lock down for two weeks to slow the spread and save lives; fight the evil people who refuse lockdowns."
But maybe the full-bore Panic was already inevitable by March 5th, if not considerably earlier still. Four years is enough to fade the memory somewhat, which is why books like Rom Woods' day-by-day account of the Panic's early months is so valuable.
Tuesday - March 19th 2024 7:58PM MST
"Common sense would have helped a lot of people from getting sucked into the Panic vortex."
It's true, of course, but I take the whole idea here to have been written with ironic intent.
Because the Panic was not a sum of several hundreds-of-millions or several billion people's individual choices to suspend "common sense" for a while, to choose to wallow around, pig-in-a-sty-like, in the Panic-mud for a while a nd have a grand-old time of it.
Rather, the agenda-setting element who became hardcore Panickers and the large number who became moderate Panickers were reacting to news of an biblical-like Apocalypse with mass-deaths, and (later) with evil Vaccine-decliners out there a mortal threat to decency and virtue.
I remember well the barrage of articles from about late February 2020 to about early April 2020 that had messages like this: "Sometimes it is RIGHT to panic; experts agree, the Wuhan Apocalypse Virus is one of those times! Repent! Panic!" They really did say "Panic is good in a true catastrophic crisis, to get lazy- reckless-idiots like the noncompliant Peak Stupidity staff and editors into battle against the horrific Wuhan Apocalypse Flu-Virus."
Most people are heavily influenced by what the others are doing. Social panics and delusions can and do happen, and for the typical person the "common sense" is indeed to follow what others are doing. For those of us NOT so inclined, it is worth reminded ourselves of this fact. Agenda-setters can have real power, and responsibility is not on the individual who simply complies or nods along or passes the buck and passively participates in a panic. It would be a bit like after a deadly stampede, a court bringing up a thousand criminal charges against individuals shown to be pushing, caught on a surveillance camera. It's not their fault; the other guy behind them was pushing, too.
The Panic was the result of structural-technological, social, political (including gender-politics, see "Safetyism"), spiritual-religious, demographic, philosophical, and cultural factors all of which predate and postdate the early-2020s range of the Panic itself. The Panic was a distillation of many of the problems of our time.
"Common sense would have helped a lot of people from getting sucked into the Panic vortex."
It's true, of course, but I take the whole idea here to have been written with ironic intent.
Because the Panic was not a sum of several hundreds-of-millions or several billion people's individual choices to suspend "common sense" for a while, to choose to wallow around, pig-in-a-sty-like, in the Panic-mud for a while a nd have a grand-old time of it.
Rather, the agenda-setting element who became hardcore Panickers and the large number who became moderate Panickers were reacting to news of an biblical-like Apocalypse with mass-deaths, and (later) with evil Vaccine-decliners out there a mortal threat to decency and virtue.
I remember well the barrage of articles from about late February 2020 to about early April 2020 that had messages like this: "Sometimes it is RIGHT to panic; experts agree, the Wuhan Apocalypse Virus is one of those times! Repent! Panic!" They really did say "Panic is good in a true catastrophic crisis, to get lazy- reckless-idiots like the noncompliant Peak Stupidity staff and editors into battle against the horrific Wuhan Apocalypse Flu-Virus."
Most people are heavily influenced by what the others are doing. Social panics and delusions can and do happen, and for the typical person the "common sense" is indeed to follow what others are doing. For those of us NOT so inclined, it is worth reminded ourselves of this fact. Agenda-setters can have real power, and responsibility is not on the individual who simply complies or nods along or passes the buck and passively participates in a panic. It would be a bit like after a deadly stampede, a court bringing up a thousand criminal charges against individuals shown to be pushing, caught on a surveillance camera. It's not their fault; the other guy behind them was pushing, too.
The Panic was the result of structural-technological, social, political (including gender-politics, see "Safetyism"), spiritual-religious, demographic, philosophical, and cultural factors all of which predate and postdate the early-2020s range of the Panic itself. The Panic was a distillation of many of the problems of our time.
Adam Smith
Tuesday - March 19th 2024 2:42PM MST
PS: Thanks, Achmed!
Unfortunately, we had to trim a few branches off our Jap maple this winter. For now, she looks kinda lopsided. A little unshapely if you will. But yeah, she's most beautiful in the fall...
(Stock Photo. Not our tree.)
“The best time to plant a Jap Maple - 20 years back. Next best time - now.”
Haha... They say the same thing about buying silver.
We were cold enough last night that I had to bring in the plants again. (They were predicting 28° overnight with frost.) Apparently it was windy enough that the frost didn't settle. If it did the horseradish leaves would have been wilted this morning. Looks like we have one more border line frosty night and then everything can go back outside. (again.)
Happy Tuesday! ☮️
Unfortunately, we had to trim a few branches off our Jap maple this winter. For now, she looks kinda lopsided. A little unshapely if you will. But yeah, she's most beautiful in the fall...
(Stock Photo. Not our tree.)
“The best time to plant a Jap Maple - 20 years back. Next best time - now.”
Haha... They say the same thing about buying silver.
We were cold enough last night that I had to bring in the plants again. (They were predicting 28° overnight with frost.) Apparently it was windy enough that the frost didn't settle. If it did the horseradish leaves would have been wilted this morning. Looks like we have one more border line frosty night and then everything can go back outside. (again.)
Happy Tuesday! ☮️
Tuesday - March 19th 2024 12:59PM MST
PS: "𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒏𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒗𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅❓ ...𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚❜𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒗𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈❗"
Haha, I never thought about it that way, Adam. Stats are ... interesting...
I'm glad your plants are doing well, Adam. The best time to plant a Jap Maple - 20 years back. Next best time - now. There's one nearby that's just beautiful in the fall. Bright red flowers like Poinsettias.
Haha, I never thought about it that way, Adam. Stats are ... interesting...
I'm glad your plants are doing well, Adam. The best time to plant a Jap Maple - 20 years back. Next best time - now. There's one nearby that's just beautiful in the fall. Bright red flowers like Poinsettias.
Adam Smith
Tuesday - March 19th 2024 11:17AM MST
PS: Good afternoon, everyone,
“Just hearing the word "vaccinated" makes my blood boil. They will take jabs monthly if they're told to. 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒏𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒗𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅❓ ...𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚❜𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒗𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈❗ WTH!”
Lol... Well said, Old Soldier! Thanks.
I hear they're releasing round 10 of the biannual booster as we speak...
And the best news?
The Science™ says that biannual boosters are twice as safe and twice as effective!
I wonder... Does this mean that quarterly boosters are four times as safe and four times as effective??? 🤔
As long as we're all still talking about this*** I'm going to copy-paste in a comment that I recently found under one of my favorite Kung Flu PanicFest era articles...
I read your article on how some people chose to get vaccinated while others didn't and that those who chose not to get it "have blood on their hands". I'm vaccinated and had two members of my family inform me on its side effects, mention that it's in trials and even say that us triple vaccinated are at high risk of heart attack, bloodclots and even death in 3 - 5 years time. I brushed them off, called them anti-vaxxer and ridiculed them. I followed my government and the want to travel, work and get into bars. Even though I feel winded, I've had covid twice, imagine if I wasn't vaccinated or boosted!? They're the crazy ones for not getting it. Our father in law is in hospital now for heart attack and get this, they blame the vaccine. My brother has chest pain and my brother in law, plus my sister developed tinnitus. My mom passed away to an aggressive cancer in June but it's NOT the vaccine. Plus everyone who took the shots got covid so we're hybrid protection. Those 2 who didn't take the shot NEVER caught covid, didn't fall sick or catch pneumonia like me (that put me in hospital it was so bad, almost developed blood clots). They're a walking time bomb. They just don't get it.
- 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑒
Of course, none of this was planned...
(Kindly disregard pages 18-21 of this document...)
(Actually, kindly disregard this document in its entirety...)
*** We're still talking about this‽
🎶 Everybody was Kung Flu Fighting 🎶... ☮️
“Just hearing the word "vaccinated" makes my blood boil. They will take jabs monthly if they're told to. 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒏𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒗𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅❓ ...𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚❜𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒗𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈❗ WTH!”
Lol... Well said, Old Soldier! Thanks.
I hear they're releasing round 10 of the biannual booster as we speak...
And the best news?
The Science™ says that biannual boosters are twice as safe and twice as effective!
I wonder... Does this mean that quarterly boosters are four times as safe and four times as effective??? 🤔
As long as we're all still talking about this*** I'm going to copy-paste in a comment that I recently found under one of my favorite Kung Flu PanicFest era articles...
I read your article on how some people chose to get vaccinated while others didn't and that those who chose not to get it "have blood on their hands". I'm vaccinated and had two members of my family inform me on its side effects, mention that it's in trials and even say that us triple vaccinated are at high risk of heart attack, bloodclots and even death in 3 - 5 years time. I brushed them off, called them anti-vaxxer and ridiculed them. I followed my government and the want to travel, work and get into bars. Even though I feel winded, I've had covid twice, imagine if I wasn't vaccinated or boosted!? They're the crazy ones for not getting it. Our father in law is in hospital now for heart attack and get this, they blame the vaccine. My brother has chest pain and my brother in law, plus my sister developed tinnitus. My mom passed away to an aggressive cancer in June but it's NOT the vaccine. Plus everyone who took the shots got covid so we're hybrid protection. Those 2 who didn't take the shot NEVER caught covid, didn't fall sick or catch pneumonia like me (that put me in hospital it was so bad, almost developed blood clots). They're a walking time bomb. They just don't get it.
- 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑒
Of course, none of this was planned...
(Kindly disregard pages 18-21 of this document...)
(Actually, kindly disregard this document in its entirety...)
*** We're still talking about this‽
🎶 Everybody was Kung Flu Fighting 🎶... ☮️
Tuesday - March 19th 2024 7:46AM MST
PS: Old Soldier, this is just more personal anecdotal stuff here, but I haven't heard anyone talking about getting any of these vaccines, except in telling me their regrets, in over a year now. Maybe I'm just hanging with the right people.
Old Soldier
Tuesday - March 19th 2024 7:36AM MST
PS "Fully vaccinated" now means nine shots...actually, according the our government, you can never be fully vaccinated. How can people be that dumb??? 4 freaking years later and people are still buying into it and the vaccinated crowds are dropping like flies with excess deaths while the UNvaccinated crowds just go about life as usual. Just hearing the word "vaccinated" makes my blood boil. They will take jabs monthly if they're told to. And those who died after the third booster are no longer vaccinated? ...but they're still voting! WTH! You've got to admit, if the vaccine was designed to lessen the world's population, that might be the only thing it was good at - well, it's still got the lefties wearing masks in their cars while driving alone, but it sucks at absolutely everything else!
Tuesday - March 19th 2024 6:27AM MST
PS: "int hte very beginning,the West was: Covid is a nothingburger. Trump is a totalitarian nut - that's why he canceld china-flights! - The left-leaning Italian government ran an ad-campaign: .H.u.g. a Chinese! ---- And the Italians did - not least in Northern Italy - - around Bergamo too... "
I remember all of this too, Dieter, and thanks for bringing it up. About the motivations of the ctrl-left: I am of the opinion that many of them knew that, if not a complete nothingburger, as you say, they weren't personally scared shitless by the Kung Flu. However, like many on all portions of the right/left political spectrum, they figured making a big deal out of it, with new Totalitarian measures was "being on the safe side". (I could EASILY picture Steve Sailer having written just that during the Spring of '20.) Actually, I should say those on the left WANTED the Totalitarian measures, along with the nice idea of loose mail-in voting, to specifically to help their cause.
However, the ctrl-left did not like that President Trump, wisely* used the PanicFest to cut immigration levels. The ctrl-left fought even that stuff. They care about the Population Replacement Program much more than they did about the optics of letting people in the country with ANY kind of disease, BTW, some that really are a big problem. (Hell, bed bugs even, have made a big come-back - another 3rd World import.)
Notice that during BLM/antifa rioting, burning, and looting, nobody on the left urged them to "be careful out there" or "Stop, wait for us to flatten the curve, you know, the Corona and all..." The physical and political destruction was more important to them than this disease, even if they were easily seen as complete hypocrites. The left doesn't care about that anymore - they figure they have all the power.
If they could criticize Trump based on his being too strict, in the beginning, or too slack, later on, that's what they'd do. No principles or logic need be involved.
* OK, maybe not wisely, but maybe due to the wisdom of Steven Miller.
I remember all of this too, Dieter, and thanks for bringing it up. About the motivations of the ctrl-left: I am of the opinion that many of them knew that, if not a complete nothingburger, as you say, they weren't personally scared shitless by the Kung Flu. However, like many on all portions of the right/left political spectrum, they figured making a big deal out of it, with new Totalitarian measures was "being on the safe side". (I could EASILY picture Steve Sailer having written just that during the Spring of '20.) Actually, I should say those on the left WANTED the Totalitarian measures, along with the nice idea of loose mail-in voting, to specifically to help their cause.
However, the ctrl-left did not like that President Trump, wisely* used the PanicFest to cut immigration levels. The ctrl-left fought even that stuff. They care about the Population Replacement Program much more than they did about the optics of letting people in the country with ANY kind of disease, BTW, some that really are a big problem. (Hell, bed bugs even, have made a big come-back - another 3rd World import.)
Notice that during BLM/antifa rioting, burning, and looting, nobody on the left urged them to "be careful out there" or "Stop, wait for us to flatten the curve, you know, the Corona and all..." The physical and political destruction was more important to them than this disease, even if they were easily seen as complete hypocrites. The left doesn't care about that anymore - they figure they have all the power.
If they could criticize Trump based on his being too strict, in the beginning, or too slack, later on, that's what they'd do. No principles or logic need be involved.
* OK, maybe not wisely, but maybe due to the wisdom of Steven Miller.
Tuesday - March 19th 2024 6:13AM MST
PS: "A lot depended on the first variants being more severe than the later ones - and on common uncertainties about a new virus-form (maybe a man made***/ lab leaked one....)."
This was during the initial variant contagion, Dieter, at least once it left Wuhan, China - by, what maybe only one month by this point? Whatever the origins - nefarious work by THE AMERICANS (Ron Unz's opinion for which he's got 2,000 unz-hrs. invested in by this point), the dastardly Chinese government, or, now, as seems ALSO common sense, an accidental leak due to Chinese TOP Quality Assurance measures, of work that is asinine to do to begin with - where was I? - Yeah, no matter what the origin, I could see that the effect on people I was in contact with and thousands acquainted with was close to NIL.
This was during the initial variant contagion, Dieter, at least once it left Wuhan, China - by, what maybe only one month by this point? Whatever the origins - nefarious work by THE AMERICANS (Ron Unz's opinion for which he's got 2,000 unz-hrs. invested in by this point), the dastardly Chinese government, or, now, as seems ALSO common sense, an accidental leak due to Chinese TOP Quality Assurance measures, of work that is asinine to do to begin with - where was I? - Yeah, no matter what the origin, I could see that the effect on people I was in contact with and thousands acquainted with was close to NIL.
Dieter Kief
Monday - March 18th 2024 11:49PM MST
Mod. you ask: "Why'd they close the schools, then? Exercise of Totalitarian tendencies, for the most part, is what I came up with."
A lot depended on the first variants being more severe than the later ones - and on common uncertainties about a new virus-form (maybe a man made***/ lab leaked one....).
***man made maybe to hurt the enemy. - Remember Vladimir Putin sitting at these long tables? - It was explained then that Putin was paranoid...*** We now know for sure that they worked on weird stuff in laboratories in Ukraine, run with the help of the CIA...)
***int hte very beginning,the West was: Covid is a nothingburger. Trump is a totalitarian nut - that's why he canceld china-flights! - The left-leaning Italian government ran an ad-campaign: .H.u.g. a Chinese! ---- And the Italians did - not least in Northern Italy - - around Bergamo too...
Then there was the theory that kids could infect grandparents. - And the elderly are more prone to - even die from the virus - - in the beginning for those over 80 there was a considerable chance to die from it (some said: it could reach the double digit region. Nobody would enter a vehicle for example, with this chance of being severely hurt - if not even dying (christine Stabell-Benn had those stats).
A look back at the effect of the virus - and the vaccines by one of my stats references: Paul Collier.
A local - real!! - thing was Bergamo, which did see lots of Covid-dead - considerably more than usual.One extra-complication was that the ventilator beds were understood as life-savers. A terrible and deadly confusion.There were five more severe! ones of those at work in Bergamo: It was a real world disaster, televised all over Europe.
Mod. you ask: "Why'd they close the schools, then? Exercise of Totalitarian tendencies, for the most part, is what I came up with."
A lot depended on the first variants being more severe than the later ones - and on common uncertainties about a new virus-form (maybe a man made***/ lab leaked one....).
***man made maybe to hurt the enemy. - Remember Vladimir Putin sitting at these long tables? - It was explained then that Putin was paranoid...*** We now know for sure that they worked on weird stuff in laboratories in Ukraine, run with the help of the CIA...)
***int hte very beginning,the West was: Covid is a nothingburger. Trump is a totalitarian nut - that's why he canceld china-flights! - The left-leaning Italian government ran an ad-campaign: .H.u.g. a Chinese! ---- And the Italians did - not least in Northern Italy - - around Bergamo too...
Then there was the theory that kids could infect grandparents. - And the elderly are more prone to - even die from the virus - - in the beginning for those over 80 there was a considerable chance to die from it (some said: it could reach the double digit region. Nobody would enter a vehicle for example, with this chance of being severely hurt - if not even dying (christine Stabell-Benn had those stats).
A look back at the effect of the virus - and the vaccines by one of my stats references: Paul Collier.
A local - real!! - thing was Bergamo, which did see lots of Covid-dead - considerably more than usual.One extra-complication was that the ventilator beds were understood as life-savers. A terrible and deadly confusion.There were five more severe! ones of those at work in Bergamo: It was a real world disaster, televised all over Europe.