Posted On: Thursday - March 26th 2020 12:44PM MST
In Topics:   Educational Stupidity
This post is related to the Kung Flu only with regard to the fact that school is still out. This is really an Educational Stupidity post - check there for a lot more. As Peak Stupidity discussed 2 weeks back in School's Out For Ever!, one of the silver linings I see out of this whole mandatory economic shutdown comes from these long-term school closings. Parents are going to realize after a while a) they can teach their children something at home, b) It only takes 1/2 the time to do at least the same teaching, as c) what the hell have they been doing all day over there?!

See, we've got this take home work. Some of it is online, but, luckily, there's no working-time measured, or major crap to turn in, by/for the school. For our elementary school boy, though we've been to the dog-and-pony show of the conferences, I am really getting a handle on how much time is blown over there. Don't get me wrong - recess ought to be longer, but even doubling it would only add 20 minutes.
As I look over what the work is, I can see, for example, that the project for finding a State's bird, flower, gemstone, motto, and dog (yes, there are official State dogs - that's about all the Feds will let 'em do anymore!), involves mostly what I'd call Arts & Crafts. Well, at best "Arts & Crafts", but pretty much involving coloring with crayons, cutting with scissors, and gluing pieces of paper on other pieces. Yes, this boy loves all of that. Maybe it brings him back fond sub-concious memories of pre-school. I just gotta ask, though, is it worth if for that 60-odd percent of house property taxes, and a large chunk on the vehicles, paid by me and my neighbors who don't all have children, really best spent in this manner?
I do get that kids have short attention spans, and just maybe the coloring and cutting and gluing keeps their attention such that they may better remember the State insect, currently the Roley-poley, of Missouri. It's a real waste of the 7 hours in government school though. I asked the boy how much time he "spends on this crap", "about half the day long?" "Nah, about 1/4" he said. We've been through fractions last week, and it's paying off!
His waking up 1 1/2 to 2 hours later, bringing his sleep time up past 11 hours, and 1 hour recess are part of a schedule he can really get behind. Me too!
PS: No, the Roley-Poley may not be the State Insect of Missouri, but it damn well oughta be.
Thursday - March 26th 2020 8:31PM MST
PS: I don't know how we can buy you a beer on-line, Mr. Ganderson. (OK, there probably ARE apps.) I'd like to read your stories and opinions though, as you have the experience.
Thursday - March 26th 2020 8:30PM MST
PS: Robert, I'm glad you like reading here, and I enjoy your comments. The first weeping willow I remember was one under which 2 cats were not fighting, not having sex, but just plain wresting for fun. This was a daily routine for them, as I recall.
You need a teacher for music too, but not that often. Just 1/2 hour per week will do you - the rest is practicing on your own.
You need a teacher for music too, but not that often. Just 1/2 hour per week will do you - the rest is practicing on your own.
Thursday - March 26th 2020 7:25PM MST
Schools are different because society’s different. The marginal value of each year after about 5th or sixth grade, for most students, drops quite a bit. If someone wishes to buy me a few beers I’ll extrapolate further.
And: the great Bob Wills checks in :
Schools are different because society’s different. The marginal value of each year after about 5th or sixth grade, for most students, drops quite a bit. If someone wishes to buy me a few beers I’ll extrapolate further.
And: the great Bob Wills checks in :
Thursday - March 26th 2020 6:51PM MST
PS: One of the very few things (only thing?) I learned in grade school that I wouldn't have learned better and quicker on my own was in art class.
"If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you like to be? Draw a picture, and label it." This rather stumped me.
What would it like to be a tree? I had never thought of this before. What kind of a tree would I like to be? I did not see how this question could be answered. Anyway, I sat there thinking, and the teacher came by and asked why I hadn't drawn anything yet. This got me going, and I came to a decision.
I decided that I would like to be the kind of tree that children liked to play under. Miss Art explained that that was not what she meant: Would I like to be an Elm, or a Maple tree?
I drew a Weeping Willow because the incomprehensibility (and incomprehension) of adults saddened me. Also they were easy to draw.
Lessons learned:
1) Adults are Idiots.
2) Just because two people are using the same words, does not mean that they actually mean the same things.
P.S. This blog has been one of the bright spots of my day. Thanks for your posts, and for putting up with my rambles.
PP.S. Pill bugs! They are really neat. They bounce! (kind of)
"If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you like to be? Draw a picture, and label it." This rather stumped me.
What would it like to be a tree? I had never thought of this before. What kind of a tree would I like to be? I did not see how this question could be answered. Anyway, I sat there thinking, and the teacher came by and asked why I hadn't drawn anything yet. This got me going, and I came to a decision.
I decided that I would like to be the kind of tree that children liked to play under. Miss Art explained that that was not what she meant: Would I like to be an Elm, or a Maple tree?
I drew a Weeping Willow because the incomprehensibility (and incomprehension) of adults saddened me. Also they were easy to draw.
Lessons learned:
1) Adults are Idiots.
2) Just because two people are using the same words, does not mean that they actually mean the same things.
P.S. This blog has been one of the bright spots of my day. Thanks for your posts, and for putting up with my rambles.
PP.S. Pill bugs! They are really neat. They bounce! (kind of)