Posted On: Saturday - February 11th 2023 5:55PM MST
In Topics:   Genderbenders  Lefty MegaStupidity  Educational Stupidity  Female Stupidity
I remember the saying "trash attracts trash" from long ago. That wasn't about people, though I supposed it could apply. It meant that once there was a small pile of trash somewhere, people would not feel any compunction about throwing some more down in the same place.

Peak Stupidity hasn't really covered the Genderbender stupidity very thoroughly. Luckily we haven't been locally exposed to the stuff I see written about in Steve Sailer posts. I still find it hard to believe some of the stuff that is going on. Well, Instapundit linked to a National Review article (yeah, I know*) titled Maine Mom Demands Investigation after School Counselor Secretly Gives Daughter a ‘Chest Binder’. That sounds pretty readable and within Peak Stupidity's wheelhouse as we extoll Libertarianism and Conservatism. It sounds like a rightly upset parent fighting the good fight, more so when you read the beginning. From near the beginning:
Lavigne would later learn that earlier in the year, without her knowledge, her daughter had been reassigned to a new social worker at Great Salt Bay Community School in Maine. This social worker, she learned, had been advising her daughter about gender transitioning. He had provided her daughter with the chest binder, telling the girl that he wouldn’t tell her mother, and she didn’t need to either. She also learned that school personnel had been involved in socially transitioning her daughter, referring to her by a new name and by male pronouns.Yeah, I didn't know about chest binders either. Weight belts, sure... Anyway, good on her. This Maine Mom Amber Lavigne has 3 children, and it's sure tough to keep them from the evil in the Education System during this Cultural Revolution 2.0. She solicited free legal help from the Goldwater Institute (gotta be good people from the name alone!), and much of this long article is about this battle with the Educational Establishment.
No one had bothered to notify Lavigne.
Lavigne demanded answers, but for the most part, she said, school district leaders and school-board members have been defensive and evasive. She is now represented by lawyers from the Arizona-based Goldwater Institute, who argue that the school’s actions are unconstitutional and violate Lavigne’s rights as a parent to direct the education, upbringing, and health care of her child.
That Ed Establishment doesn't feel it has to answer to anyone, and any legal business on their end is covered by the always generous taxpayers. You can read about their full-Commie attitude, their stonewalling with claims of confidentiality, and the usual fighting back with lies (such as that bomb threats to the schools there came from those on the side who don't believe in school counselor-directed genderbending for 13 year-olds.). OK, fine, good on her, and best wishes, I thought ... for a while.
Miss Lavigne feels it very important, though, to make sure we all know she is no right-winger, one of these Liberty nuts or something.
While she has received support from local Republican groups, Lavigne said she is no religious fanatic or right-wing culture warrior. Rather, she’s a Democrat who runs a mental-health-services business in Damariscotta, a small coastal town in Maine best known for its oysters. Her business has worked with transgender clients over the years, she said.Keeping an open mind here myself, I don't want to be too quick to just dismiss her whole story by "what do you expect, lefty? You got what was coming." First, there's the more innocent 13 y/o daughter. Then too, people can learn, even if it has to be the hard way. Amber Lavigne will be on OUR side after this battle, surely. Nope, she ain't learnin' SQUAT, and she will NEVER be on our side. You can read on:
“I’m a pretty open-minded person,” she said, though she said that’s not how she’s been portrayed by school leaders. Lavigne also has two young sons who are four and one.
Last fall, Lavigne’s 13-year-old daughter started eighth grade at Great Salt Bay Community School, which she’s attended since fifth grade. Although she’s struggling with her gender identity now, Lavigne said that when her daughter was young, she was a girly-girl who liked painting her fingernails and putting on makeup.Basketball superstar?! The stupid is attracting more stupid. The Mom wanted her daughter to be like herself, with no thought to traditional Conservative sex roles, and what would make a feminine woman happy. At this point I did a quick ctrl-f "Father" and a ctrl-f "Husband". "No matches." Ahhaa. In the meantime, as of the article date, Miss Lavigne has a 1 y/o son and a 4 y/o son too.
“That’s one of the most bizarre things about this,” she said. “I wanted so badly for my daughter to be an athlete, because I was an athlete; I was a wicked tomboy growing up. I’m like, she’s going to be a basketball superstar. I couldn’t get this kid to pick up a frigging baseball and throw it at me to save her life. She was into tutus and My Little Ponies.”
“I have people in my life who work in other public schools in Maine. This is happening everywhere: One day this girl is declaring she’s a boy, and a week later she’s deciding she’s not,” she said. And as someone who works in the mental-health field, Lavigne said she considered it a “beautiful thing” that the school had social workers for struggling kids.Single Mom Amber Lavigne is an integral part of the Social Worker establishment. Being that, and without a husband to lay down the rules, she didn't have time to do anything but let the Establishment screw with her daughter. She doesn't seem to have a problem with the whole genderbender stupidity in general.
When Lavigne’s daughter started eighth grade, she continued seeing that same social worker. But Lavigne said she has since learned that in October, her daughter was reassigned to another social worker, Samuel Roy, or “Mr. Sam,” as her daughter called him.
Lavigne said that since she’s come forward, she’s been the focus on hateful social-media posts and ugly accusations in the generally left-wing community. There are some stores in town she’s not shopping at anymore because she said she feels unwelcome and judged by staff members.Well, I'm all bent of of shape about Amber Lavigne's shopping experience!
If her daughter gets through her childhood and still feels that she is a boy, Lavigne said she will support her decisions, because “it’s my kid.”There's a lot in the article about this Mom's fight for parental control. That's just for HER daughter though. Being part of the whole lefty Establishment herself, Miss Lavigne is an integral part of that Establishment, which wants control of the children. But, "this is HER baby girl". Well not a baby, and as for girl, that's kind of fluid ...
“If she at 18 starts taking testosterone and decides to mutilate her body, am I going to express to her some concerns? Absolutely,” she said. “Am I going to write my kiddo off? Never in a million years. This is my baby girl. At the end of the day, I’m not going to destroy my relationship with my child to be right.”That would not be some political disagreement or argument about colleges with her daughter. We're talking about the rest of her (former?) daughter's life being ruined, but she's not going to "destroy my relationship". This is not being a good parent. It's hard not to be a dysfunctional Mom when there's no Dad around. I wish the 2 boys all the luck - they're gonna need it.
“At the end of the day, she is who she is,” Lavigne said of her daughter. “If she thinks she’s going to live a more fulfilled life as a male, that’s up for her to decide as an adult. At 13, it’s up to me to safeguard my child against doing things to her body that she can’t reverse.” [My bolding.]
Finally, the NR author Ryan Mills doesn't seem to get that this is not a normal fight-the-crazy-left-Establishment story. There too much stupidity on both sides for that. Stupidity attracts stupidity, I guess.
* Instapundit's more frequent go-to source from the old media world is The New York Post. He links to them about every day. (They host his (weekly) column, so I guess that's part of it.) Peak Stupidity suggested in this post that that publication be the new "Newspaper of Record". Really, I see no reason for any Newspaper of Record. Sounds like Communism.
Tuesday - February 14th 2023 1:19PM MST
PS Get the eye bleach----thanx guys.
Adam Smith
Sunday - February 12th 2023 6:14PM MST
PS: Good evening, Achmed,
"What's wrong with those watercolor tattoos that the kids get for fun? This is sick." - The ink! It goes to the brain!
So you don't have to read the last link, (same daddy's girl)...
"I lived with my dad at the time. He told me I could get it and that he supported me but I think he secretly thought I would find it too sore and stop at one."
Nadine said that the addiction was instantaneous and within a month she was back in the studio for more ink...
Nadine loves how her look has evolved - but has admitted her dad is her biggest critic...
She joked: "The way I look now, my dad says I'm an a***hole. He constantly asks me why I've taken it so far."
"The moment I came home with my first face tattoo he didn't speak to me for a couple of weeks."
"He's definitely my biggest troll."
Nadine says she’s lost count of how many tattoos she has as they all now make up her ‘body suit’ and have morphed into one large piece.
But she reckons 90 per cent of her body is covered in ink - and she’s not quite finished yet.
"It’s just my feet I need to tattoo now."
Agreed. This is sick. Like a train wreck.
Not sure which is worse, that these poor girls did this to themselves or that these media outlets celebrate this.
"What's wrong with those watercolor tattoos that the kids get for fun? This is sick." - The ink! It goes to the brain!
So you don't have to read the last link, (same daddy's girl)...
"I lived with my dad at the time. He told me I could get it and that he supported me but I think he secretly thought I would find it too sore and stop at one."
Nadine said that the addiction was instantaneous and within a month she was back in the studio for more ink...
Nadine loves how her look has evolved - but has admitted her dad is her biggest critic...
She joked: "The way I look now, my dad says I'm an a***hole. He constantly asks me why I've taken it so far."
"The moment I came home with my first face tattoo he didn't speak to me for a couple of weeks."
"He's definitely my biggest troll."
Nadine says she’s lost count of how many tattoos she has as they all now make up her ‘body suit’ and have morphed into one large piece.
But she reckons 90 per cent of her body is covered in ink - and she’s not quite finished yet.
"It’s just my feet I need to tattoo now."
Agreed. This is sick. Like a train wreck.
Not sure which is worse, that these poor girls did this to themselves or that these media outlets celebrate this.
Sunday - February 12th 2023 5:21PM MST
PS: Thanks for the links, Adam.
"“Growing up and seeing my dad covered in [tattoos] I always knew I wanted to be like him and have all that kind of stuff,” she tells Media Drum World. “I discussed my first tattoo with my dad, and he supported my decision, [saying] ‘As long as you’re sure you want to do it.’ So I went and booked my first tattoo with my dad.”"
What's wrong with those watercolor tattoos that the kids get for fun? This is sick. I'm not sure if I want to see the rest of the links... like a train wreck.
"“Growing up and seeing my dad covered in [tattoos] I always knew I wanted to be like him and have all that kind of stuff,” she tells Media Drum World. “I discussed my first tattoo with my dad, and he supported my decision, [saying] ‘As long as you’re sure you want to do it.’ So I went and booked my first tattoo with my dad.”"
What's wrong with those watercolor tattoos that the kids get for fun? This is sick. I'm not sure if I want to see the rest of the links... like a train wreck.
Sunday - February 12th 2023 5:19PM MST
PS: I don't know, Mr. Blanc. Sometimes lawyers are good for something. Shall we call out the lawyers? It's gonna be too late for the poor damaged individual, though, but maybe they can stop this.
We can't rely on women like this Mom. All she cares about is her own kid, and only so much too.
We can't rely on women like this Mom. All she cares about is her own kid, and only so much too.
Adam Smith
Sunday - February 12th 2023 1:36PM MST
PS: A few more links...
We need a bigger horn! ☮
We need a bigger horn! ☮
Adam Smith
Sunday - February 12th 2023 1:23PM MST
PS: Face Tattoos, eh?
This girl even tattooed her eyes...
Honk! ☮
This girl even tattooed her eyes...
Honk! ☮
Sunday - February 12th 2023 12:28PM MST
PS It took Those Who Rule Us decades to shove homosexual “marriage” down our throats. There was serious institutional resistance. It’s only taken them a decade to push this “trans” lunacy upon us. There’s been almost zero institutional pushback. The only resistance has been from a few parents, who were immediately crushed. This women is, apparently, such resistance as remains. Is there any hope for a people that can be made to assent to the idea that men who say that they think they are women really are women? Or allow their sons and daughters to be mutilated if they show some psychic distress over the processes of sexual maturation? Should there be any hope for such a people?
Sunday - February 12th 2023 6:41AM MST
PS: And, some parents are rearing hogs now... based on BMI, anyway.
Agreed with your advice, Alarmist.
Agreed with your advice, Alarmist.
The Alarmist
Sunday - February 12th 2023 4:42AM MST
Shecould send the kid to school with a carton of cigarettes for her and her friends.
OMG, if I was rearing children (you raise hogs, you rear children) in these times, I’d buy a nice piece of land off the grid and homeschool them. Little House on the Prairie life might have been tough, but it was populated with far fewer evils in the world.
Shecould send the kid to school with a carton of cigarettes for her and her friends.
OMG, if I was rearing children (you raise hogs, you rear children) in these times, I’d buy a nice piece of land off the grid and homeschool them. Little House on the Prairie life might have been tough, but it was populated with far fewer evils in the world.
Saturday - February 11th 2023 8:24PM MST
PS: I wouldn't be surprised, Possumman. It'd probably whatever design the school social worker prefers on her.
Saturday - February 11th 2023 6:53PM MST
PS. If she wanted to get face tattoos would the school help her do that at 13?