Posted On: Tuesday - October 3rd 2023 9:32AM MST
In Topics:   Immigration Stupidity  Anarcho-tyranny  Educational Stupidity  Zhou Bai Dien

It is one sick, sick freaking government we live under nowadays. Anarcho-Tyranny is what makes it all work for the Bai Dein Administration and the Potomac Regime Deep State.
This is a follow-up from Peak Stupidity's reporting* - Homeschooling - poking the Beast in the eye with a big stick - Part 3 and Freedom and homeschooling in Germany and America with Lame-O Trump on a different German homeschooling family, in America taking asylum from a German Government that doesn't allow homeschooling at all. Must learn from zie State! Jawohl,
While we'd reported on the Wunderlich family - with 4 homeschooled children, in passing we did reference this other German persecuted family, the Romeike's, White Evangelical Christians with (now) 7 children. They had bailed out of the repression in Germany to East Tennessee, an excellent choice, in my opinion! (They are/were(?) in Morristown, outside of Knoxville on the road to the Tri-Cities - Kingsport/Johnson City/Bristol.) It was the Øb☭ma administration that had tried to deport these people.
The plan of these persecuted Christians is called "seeking asylum". The American government allowed many Jews to escape the Nazis of that previous era and come here. Americans were fine with those under Communist repression and persecution coming to stay too, that is, if they could get out. Well, it's easy to get out now, and it's easy to come in. It's even easy to stay... if you are one of the many MILLIONS of Venezuelans, Haitians, Black! Africans, and other potential scum from trashed-out shitholes around the world. White Christians, though? We gotta lay down the law here, guys - can't just let anybody and his brother into the country willy-nilly, ya know.
I've read about the Bai Dien Administration's taking up the cause now to deport these scum of society, shown in the image above, a decade later on various websites. My go-to site, VDare, has an article by long-term regular writer Mr. James Fulford on this story: Biden Regime Suddenly Decides To Deport German Home-Schooling Romeike Family—WHY NOW?.
There's so much hypocrisy in this story that even VDare writers with 2 decades of immigration ins-and-outs under their belts can't point it all out. Then again, Anarcho-Tyranny is not quite the same as simple hypocrisy. (That'd be a good post to come.)
One thing that I see is that the deportation of this family of 9 means that there would be separation of the family if the Germans didn't let the 2 American-born kids in. How about those big sob stories about the dark foreign kids, brought in by Coyotes on a dangerous trek through the desert, were separated - separated I tell's ya! - from their parents. (As are American children whose Dads commit grand larceny, rape, or murder- freaking family separation!)
I will insert this little bit of the great discussion of this stupidity by James Fulford. (The first part is his excerpt of a wiki paragraph on homeschooling in Germany :
I have no idea what constitutes sex education in modern day Germany, and I’m not sure I want to, but I’m not reassured by stories like this: It’s not all anal sex’: the German schools exploring love, equality and LGBT issues, by Abby Young-Powell, Guardian, November 23, 2016.The illegality[In Germany] has to do with the prioritization of children’s rights over the rights of parents: children have the right to the company of other children and adults who are not their parents. For similar reasons, parents cannot opt their children out of sexual education classes because the state considers a child’s right to information to be more important than a parent’s desire to withhold it.
Germany started modern sex education in 1969, and made it mandatory in all schools in 2002.This is why the Romeike's wanted out. It's a decent case for political asylum. The millions of cases EACH YEAR of foreigners obtaining this status are not, so we know what this is about, don't we? It's pure anti-White and anti-Christian hatred by the Regime.
I read an an article for some more info on the life of the Romeike family in Tennessee. Evan Mealins of The Tennessean reports German family in Tennessee faces deportation. Everything we know about the case. It's a good unbiased article, but, man, are these people still clueless about the invasion!:
How many people are granted asylum?This is from 4 days ago. Read VDare, Evan. They are getting "asylumed" by the hundreds of thousands MONTHLY!
According to Syracuse University, nearly 2 million people applied for asylum in the U.S. from 2001 through 2022. Just over 600,000 were granted asylum in that time period, according to Homeland Security. From 2013 to 2022, about 15,000 people from Europe were granted asylum. None of those appear to be from Germany. Asia has had the most people granted asylum in the United States with nearly 120,000 people from 2013 through 2022.
Final question for the Bai Dien deportation squad: Would it have been OK if the Romieke family had used the App? Would they have been just given a date to come to a hearing - or not - in a half a year, no harm, no foul - had they broken into this country via Ecuador, the Darien Gap, and then a another gap, provided by the helpful US Border Patrol, in the razor wire, on the American side of the Rio Grande?
* From almost 6 and from 4 years back respectively. Regarding the title of the latter, just read that one, and you'll understand the insult "lame-o" when it comes to Donald Trump.
** From the 1st of our previous posts cited here, to get the German a little better, it was NEIN! ISS VERBOTEN! You must turn ofver der kindervolk to zie STADT!
Tuesday - October 3rd 2023 7:14PM MST
PS: I almost forgot this story of someone I knew. He was born in Germany, but at a military base. I think his Mom was a German citizen too at that point. This guy had no luck in trying to get permission to move to Germany to live permanently. He even got some German lower-level politician to try to help him, though I never met the pol, so I don't know if he actually cared.
Yet, if he'd come across the Mediterranean in a boat, through Lampedusa, the peninsula, and across Switzerland, he'd have been welcomed with open arms, just start speaking in Moslem-sounding Gibberish. I believe when he was trying to arrange this, it was around the time of Merkel's Boner - iSteve terminology that sticks with me but is not so accurate. This was no mistake by her, IMO.
Yet, if he'd come across the Mediterranean in a boat, through Lampedusa, the peninsula, and across Switzerland, he'd have been welcomed with open arms, just start speaking in Moslem-sounding Gibberish. I believe when he was trying to arrange this, it was around the time of Merkel's Boner - iSteve terminology that sticks with me but is not so accurate. This was no mistake by her, IMO.
Tuesday - October 3rd 2023 7:08PM MST
PS: Ahaaa, first I couldn't figure out how this family could be Stateless, but with what you found out, sure. Being The Sovereign above all sounds cool, but with no place to live with certainty... It's not like this is 1,500 AD, and one can just go and find and found one's own State.
BTW, I checked out our link to the story on the dealing out of cash and/or cards to the illegals. That must be a post here soon. Thanks.
BTW, I checked out our link to the story on the dealing out of cash and/or cards to the illegals. That must be a post here soon. Thanks.
Adam Smith
Tuesday - October 3rd 2023 5:32PM MST
PS: One more link...
Adam Smith
Tuesday - October 3rd 2023 5:28PM MST
PS: Not sure how up to date this is, but here's a little quick info...
Children who are born to former German citizens do not acquire German citizenship. Also, The German Citizenship Act stipulated that a German automatically lost his/her citizenship by residing outside of Germany for more than 10 years.
Children who are born to former German citizens do not acquire German citizenship. Also, The German Citizenship Act stipulated that a German automatically lost his/her citizenship by residing outside of Germany for more than 10 years.
Adam Smith
Tuesday - October 3rd 2023 5:19PM MST
PS: Good evening, Mr. Moderator,
“Everyone, including me, simply assumes that Bug-out babies, errr, birthright babies are citizens. I mean, I've read on this and written to the contrary, but that was my knee-jerk assumption.”
Well, a lie told often enough tends to be believed...
Even by those who know better*. Another thought...
I don't know German citizenship law, but...
Perhaps the children are stateless?
And... If one is stateless, does that make them sovereign? (Meaning not 𝒔𝒖𝒃𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒕𝒐 a higher power.)
Does someone have the right to be stateless?
Do I have the right to be stateless? If not, why not?
(Ctrl-F sovereign)
* 'cause a lie becomes the truth...
↑↑↑ This is the only version of this song that I like. (Check out the guitar solo.)
Happy evening! ☮
“Everyone, including me, simply assumes that Bug-out babies, errr, birthright babies are citizens. I mean, I've read on this and written to the contrary, but that was my knee-jerk assumption.”
Well, a lie told often enough tends to be believed...
Even by those who know better*. Another thought...
I don't know German citizenship law, but...
Perhaps the children are stateless?
And... If one is stateless, does that make them sovereign? (Meaning not 𝒔𝒖𝒃𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒕𝒐 a higher power.)
Does someone have the right to be stateless?
Do I have the right to be stateless? If not, why not?
(Ctrl-F sovereign)
* 'cause a lie becomes the truth...
↑↑↑ This is the only version of this song that I like. (Check out the guitar solo.)
Happy evening! ☮
Tuesday - October 3rd 2023 2:30PM MST
PS: "Well, presumably Uwe & Hannelore Romeike are both still German subjects, so technically their two American born children are not U.S. citizens. But, as you know, following the actual law is so passe."
Actually, that's a good point that I missed, Adam. Everyone, including me, simply assumes that Bug-out babies, errr, birthright babies are citizens. I mean, I've read on this and written to the contrary, but that was my knee-jerk assumption. I guess they'd better get right on this Birthright Citizenship loophole, for the Germans anyway ...
Actually, that's a good point that I missed, Adam. Everyone, including me, simply assumes that Bug-out babies, errr, birthright babies are citizens. I mean, I've read on this and written to the contrary, but that was my knee-jerk assumption. I guess they'd better get right on this Birthright Citizenship loophole, for the Germans anyway ...
Adam Smith
Tuesday - October 3rd 2023 2:25PM MST
PS: Me again,
“In order to home-school their five children, the Romeikes moved to Tennessee in August 2008 and settled in Morristown, between Johnson City and Knoxville. They have had two children born in America, both of whom are American citizens as a result.”
Well, presumably Uwe & Hannelore Romeike are both still German subjects, so technically their two American born children are not U.S. citizens. But, as you know, following the actual law is so passe.
Gonna go fire up my garden torch... Cheers! ☮
“In order to home-school their five children, the Romeikes moved to Tennessee in August 2008 and settled in Morristown, between Johnson City and Knoxville. They have had two children born in America, both of whom are American citizens as a result.”
Well, presumably Uwe & Hannelore Romeike are both still German subjects, so technically their two American born children are not U.S. citizens. But, as you know, following the actual law is so passe.
Gonna go fire up my garden torch... Cheers! ☮
Adam Smith
Tuesday - October 3rd 2023 2:20PM MST
PS: Greetings, gentlemen,
Yeah, this family definitely fails the paper bag test...
(Too White!)
And it's not like Germans are hard working or conscientious or capable or anything like that. They are probably horrible neighbors. Only weirdos would deny their children a proper “government” sex education.
Too bad they weren't some nice hard working Haitians.
I mean, who wouldn't be thrilled to have some Haitians move in next door?
The UN would even give them each debit cards to help them out a little...
The U.S. desperately needs MOAR Haitians!
Yeah, this family definitely fails the paper bag test...
(Too White!)
And it's not like Germans are hard working or conscientious or capable or anything like that. They are probably horrible neighbors. Only weirdos would deny their children a proper “government” sex education.
Too bad they weren't some nice hard working Haitians.
I mean, who wouldn't be thrilled to have some Haitians move in next door?
The UN would even give them each debit cards to help them out a little...
The U.S. desperately needs MOAR Haitians!
Tuesday - October 3rd 2023 12:57PM MST
PS: Yep, that's the same thing, the same Anarcho-Tyranny. For years, even well before the big surge of this invasion, VDare has had stories about the many old-is-new-again diseases and even bed bugs that have returned to this country via the new arrivals.
Yet, they wouldn't let your wife in. The rules are for the people that will follow them, still believing in that old law & order thing. (Not the TV show.)
Maybe if you had sold it to her as a wilderness tour and told her you had already put a 10%, $6,000 down payment, you could have gotten your wife to go with you to Ecuador, through the Darien Gap in Panama (but you got to say it right, pana-MA) then up to Texas with one of the higher-class coyotes, you could have gotten to Florida ... yet the beaches are still crawling with Covid...
Pull it (the country)! Right.
Yet, they wouldn't let your wife in. The rules are for the people that will follow them, still believing in that old law & order thing. (Not the TV show.)
Maybe if you had sold it to her as a wilderness tour and told her you had already put a 10%, $6,000 down payment, you could have gotten your wife to go with you to Ecuador, through the Darien Gap in Panama (but you got to say it right, pana-MA) then up to Texas with one of the higher-class coyotes, you could have gotten to Florida ... yet the beaches are still crawling with Covid...
Pull it (the country)! Right.
The Alarmist
Tuesday - October 3rd 2023 10:25AM MST
During the peak of COVIDIOCY, my unvaxxed European wife could not enter the USA (she could under Trump’s EO, but Bai Den quickly ended that exception), so yeah, millions of brown-skinned sun people could walk in, but my White, health-insured, and somewhat wealthy Eurowife could not fly in. I suggested we fly to Mexico and walk in, but she had no interest. We probably were too White to get away with it anyway.
Xio Bai Den on 20 Jan 2021: “Pull it !”
During the peak of COVIDIOCY, my unvaxxed European wife could not enter the USA (she could under Trump’s EO, but Bai Den quickly ended that exception), so yeah, millions of brown-skinned sun people could walk in, but my White, health-insured, and somewhat wealthy Eurowife could not fly in. I suggested we fly to Mexico and walk in, but she had no interest. We probably were too White to get away with it anyway.
Xio Bai Den on 20 Jan 2021: “Pull it !”
There’s a diagnostic principle taught to medical students by using this allegory: There are a lot of horses in The U.S., but very few camels. Thus, if you hear hoofbeats, simply assume you are hearing horses. Well, I am a
camel-hoofbeats kind of guy,…very much alert to spotting a camel explanation for something going on. So here goes.
Ron Paul, on Unz, is frequently explaining and facilitating the benefits of homeschooling. Ron’s son, Senator Rand, is a major pain in the neck to the administration. Thus, strike at Ron, by striking a blow against his father, by showing that Dad’s favorite cause is vulnerable to govt action; if you are homeschooling, you had better keep looking over your shoulder. This would be in general Flynn / Flynn’s son situation in reverse.