Posted On: Wednesday - August 9th 2023 6:40AM MST
In Topics:   Race/Genetics  Educational Stupidity
...from the working man's money.
A week ago Saturday, I'd indicated there'd be a post about those who make bank on tax money after writing about taxes. This isn't the same exact bundle of confiscated money. The former post was about Feral Income Taxes, while this one is about a big payoff of NY City tax money - NYC collects taxes in any kind of way, shape, or form one could imagine. Either way, this is redistribution of money from those who earn it to those who don't. Some might call this a form of reparations among others the White Man has been paying for years. We are those some people.

Yet again, VDare's John Derbyshire has written about this too, but I'd already grabbed the image a few weeks back and we're stickin' to the plan. Mr. Derbyshire writes very well, and you'd probably want to read his Race Denialism—The Evil, Poisonous, Scientifically Illiterate Doctrine Of “Disparate Impact” Strikes Again on the $1,800,000,000 lawsuit payout to ~5,000 NY City teachers by the NY City taxpayers.
What happened see, is that too many White people passed this teachers' certification test, so there just HAD to be something wrong and discriminatory about it. That's what Disparate Impact "theory" says. If there is not equality in outcome, not just opportunity, then someone discriminated against someone, unless, basketball. No, it's always the White Man. We've been through this for over half a century, and we'll see what that SCROTUS ruling does, if anything.*
The NY Post reports Black, Hispanic NYers who failed teacher's test strike $1.8B in NYC settlement.** There are details such as that this money grab started with a lawsuit in 1996 by 4 trod-upon would-be school teachers in a case called Gulino v. Board of Education. - got a lawsuit name to pull on those heart strings, don't it? That started with 4 potential plaintiffs and has ballooned, with different lawsuits that followed to about 5,200.
That's a bit over 1/3 million, but some of the plaintiffs are getting 1 to 2 million bucks out of their efforts. What efforts, besides failing a test? Good question - more on that.
Other top winners include Andrea Durant, 62, of Center Moriches on Long Island, who scored $1,976,787, and the estate of the late Kathy Faye Bailey of Queens, who was awarded $1,975,119.My bolding, cause, well, I am starting to like these NY Post writers more and more - this is by Rich Calder, Susan Edelman, and Deirdre Bardoff. Also, I guess that estate would require a "that was awarded" rather than "who was", but that's just adding to the stupidity. The benefactors from the probate process of the Bailey "estate" - the rest of it is probably the tinted-windowed high-milage BMW with the low-profile tires and 2 cases of MD 20-20 - will get to split $1.975 million because their Mother failed a teacher's certification test in the 1990s.
This suit was settled by agreement during the Communist Mayor de Blasio's last weeks in office in '21. Redistribution, bitchez! What do expect from a Communist? Remember that thing about the scorpion?
OK, look, to be fair here, let's hear from one of those redistrbutionees, shall we? From one Herman Grim, the now-64 y/o winner of $2.06 million:
When contacted Thursday, Grim said he was unaware he struck gold but confirmed the award the following day with his lawyer.You're tryin' ta pay your bills and keep the man off your back, but every day you go to the mailbox, lots and lots of times, cause you don't have a job, that settlement is never in there. 27 years, Mama! Nuthin' but the EBT cards. Whaddya' do? Gotta eat and keep a roof over your head. Maybe there'l be a new mayor, a Communist, if I'm lucky.
Grim said he's in disbelief but the money can't come soon enough because he's racked up serious debt on his Queens home and credit cards.
Further on:
He couldn't recite examples of why the test was biased.
But [former potential Jaime Escalante] Germ recalled hiring private tutor and studying for it during the early 1990s, before failing many times.Haha, I don't want to actually BE Steve Sailer here, but I coulda' come up with something good here too...
I get a feeling from this that those NY City taxpayers who have 25-40 y/o grown up kids but never had the means as the upper class folks did to get them the hell out of government schooling in the 1990s have come out ahead on this whole thing, sudden $1,800,000,000 or not. The guy got tutoring for a freaking standardized test, failed many times, and he wanted to teach our kids? Nah, I'll pay my share, thank you very much.
"I can't tell you how many times I took them. A lot! A lot!" he said.That was Herman Grim yet again, a Grim taste of what we're dealing with. He took the test a lot!, so he's entitled to be a school teacher. See? Desperate impact [typos not intended, but sustained without objection, your Honor]. That's what we're dealing with now. $1.8 Billion ain't the half of it. Money ain't even the half of it. Still:
But the cost to taxpayers is expected to be significantly higher because they’ll also be footing the bill for many of the plaintiffs to collect pension checks based on time never worked after they reach retirement age, plus their health insurance.Don't forget the lawyers, please. Someone, please, think of the lawyers! (OK, I found it - the lawyers are getting $43 million.)
As of Friday, 225 people who failed the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test used for teacher liscensing from 1994 to 2014 had already been notified they're getting settlements of at least $2 million, according to an analysis of Manhattan federal court records.I'm a math type. If by "award" he means each as a single payout to an individual, or yes, estate, then we're just talking in the range of another Billion. NY City sounds like it's got plenty of $ to spare. If each is a payout to another group of 225 or 5,200, well, "Peak Stupidity to New York: Drop Dead!"
Court rulings found the exam violated civil-rights laws, allowing far more White candidates to pass.
The case is expected to generate hundreds of other future million dollar awards.
The funniest part of this story, as John Derbyshire emphasized, was the 27 years ago. What the heck have these people been doing for this whole time? I might have spent just one year out of those 27... errr, wait for it, studying harder?! Starting another career, perhaps? Just plain getting a job at some point? Doesn't daytime TV get old after a while? Congratulations, disparate impact victims! Victims of redistribution by Communist New York? GTFO. We've told you over and over ...
PS: The New York Post, which is closer to any kind of "newspaper of record"*, has this story, but my "hosting country" does not seem to like this publication. My quote are short because I had to transcribe them from a telephone.
* College admissions is a beachhead, I guess, but that specific instance of AA doesn't concern me very much. It's the enhanced version of AA, Wokeness, (the enhanced AA being just a part of Wokeness) that is bringing this country toward 3rd World competency.
** The NY Post pulled "a fast one", as the NY'ers put it, with their on-line story, haha. That's nothing to do with the facts, though. I will make a very short post on this.
*** One of Instapundit Glenn Reynold's bits is to refer to The Babylon Bee as such.
Friday - August 11th 2023 4:40AM MST
PS: State of Emergency: Massachusetts Governor Calls On Residents to Open Homes to Illegal Immigrants
State of Emergency: “if you have an extra room or suite in your home, please consider hosting a family”
State of Emergency: “if you have an extra room or suite in your home, please consider hosting a family”
Friday - August 11th 2023 4:37AM MST
PS: I've been keeping up with that story on VDare, Adam. I guess a Sanctuary City doesn't come cheap.
I'm glad Mr. Grim didn't waste those 27 years of his life, anyway. Substitute teaching, though, is just $80/day babysitting.
Possumman: ;-}
SafeNow, I think I remember that exact exchange, somewhere in the iSteve threads.
Peak Stupidity will get back in gear this evening or tomorrow. Besides all the rest, we'll have easily 30 posts on China coming - this assumes I can remember it all..
I'm glad Mr. Grim didn't waste those 27 years of his life, anyway. Substitute teaching, though, is just $80/day babysitting.
Possumman: ;-}
SafeNow, I think I remember that exact exchange, somewhere in the iSteve threads.
Peak Stupidity will get back in gear this evening or tomorrow. Besides all the rest, we'll have easily 30 posts on China coming - this assumes I can remember it all..
Friday - August 11th 2023 1:58AM MST
I see your point about special-ed teachers, Poss. But the flip side is that
women who go into this are very patient, sensitive, supportive, empathic; they make excellent wives. Or, should this be past-tense? I am ancient, and the above has probably changed. I once posted (elsewhere) the above, regarding the entire set of lower-grades teachers. I was quickly rebuked - - several reply commenters told me that the profile of lower-grades teachers has changed, since back in my day. I believe them, they would know better than I do. I have no idea what advice one should give, if asked by a young man, Who, on average, makes the best wives.
I see your point about special-ed teachers, Poss. But the flip side is that
women who go into this are very patient, sensitive, supportive, empathic; they make excellent wives. Or, should this be past-tense? I am ancient, and the above has probably changed. I once posted (elsewhere) the above, regarding the entire set of lower-grades teachers. I was quickly rebuked - - several reply commenters told me that the profile of lower-grades teachers has changed, since back in my day. I believe them, they would know better than I do. I have no idea what advice one should give, if asked by a young man, Who, on average, makes the best wives.
Adam Smith
Thursday - August 10th 2023 11:14AM MST
PS: Good afternoon,
$1.8 billion dollar bucks sounds kinda like it's a whole lot a dollar bucks...
🤡 🌎 is uhmazing!
$1.8 billion dollar bucks sounds kinda like it's a whole lot a dollar bucks...
🤡 🌎 is uhmazing!
Wednesday - August 9th 2023 11:41AM MST
PS Hired as a special- ed teacher--guess he rode the short bus to school too
Adam Smith
Wednesday - August 9th 2023 10:36AM MST
PS: Good afternoon, everyone,
Mr. Moderator asks...
“What the heck have these people been doing for this whole time?”
"Grim said he opened a preschool business in the mid-1990s but closed it in 2015. After that, he predominately made a living as a substitute teacher until passing the current certification test last year and going to work as a special education teacher for the city in Harlem.”
Those who can do. Those who can't teach. And now those who are too dumb to pass the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test used for teacher licensing get a big fat payout from the NYC tax cattle.
This race towards 3rd world competency levels is a recurring theme here at PeakStupidity. This story exemplifies it quite well. Thanks!
Mr. Moderator asks...
“What the heck have these people been doing for this whole time?”
"Grim said he opened a preschool business in the mid-1990s but closed it in 2015. After that, he predominately made a living as a substitute teacher until passing the current certification test last year and going to work as a special education teacher for the city in Harlem.”
Those who can do. Those who can't teach. And now those who are too dumb to pass the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test used for teacher licensing get a big fat payout from the NYC tax cattle.
This race towards 3rd world competency levels is a recurring theme here at PeakStupidity. This story exemplifies it quite well. Thanks!
The Alarmist
Wednesday - August 9th 2023 7:10AM MST
I identified as black in NYC back in the ‘90s ... where do I go to get me some of Dem gibs?
I identified as black in NYC back in the ‘90s ... where do I go to get me some of Dem gibs?
-- China update: TED, we hardly knew thee --
China has, this week, and characteristically, banned the TED motivational-speaking group from China.
Groups like that are always on thin ice in China. It is claimed that the recent ban was because TED was planning to have an event at which a speaker who would discuss the Ukraine War. Something abou this prompted the government to swoop in and ban not only the event but the entire TED organization.