Posted On: Monday - April 8th 2024 7:00AM MST
In Topics:   Genderbenders  Humor  Movies  Educational Stupidity
Honestly, this is not something I relish discussing. Unlike, say, exercise machine display stupidity, The Office, or inflation, the use of feminine hygiene products is NOT one of Peak Stupidity's niche topics. As hard as the genderbending tranny nonsense is being pushed, even high schoolers with 10 years of Big Ed attempted brainwashing behind them see the stupidity of it all. Also, for a man of any age, but especially a teenager, being taught about various feminine products is insulting. It's bad enough being called one!
From John Derbyshire on VDare, we read In Brookfield, CT, Normal Boys Smash Legally Required Tampon Dispenser In Men’s Room. Good on 'em! I won't get into the story here, as Mr. Derbyshire can explain and ridicule better than the next man.
This post is about the law, or Act, passed by that retarded Connecticut State Legislature back in '20. Act-ually, it's just about the name. State Bill 140 (that must mean the 140th bill of the year '20, as the lawmaking of these people stops for no man... or woman) became an Act after passage, with the name An Act Requiring Free Feminine Hygiene Products in Middle and High School Student Bathrooms.. Well, that's descriptive enough - hell, that title may as well BE the law. However, it's not an acronym, is it? AARFFHPiMaHSSB. Johnny, what can you make out of this?
A tampon? (I just bet he could!) Anyway, that's one cumbersome Act name. This naming style is not the norm. It seems like the trend the last couple of decades has been naming via 1 of 2 ways:
1) Using an acronym that matches the idea of the Act, usually done with a real stretch on the wording to make it work.
2) Using the name of a person egregiously harmed or killed, with the Act's intention being that it will prevent this from happening in this way to the next (usually) girl.
Using style (2), I suggest to the Connecticut legislature the renaming of former House Bill 140, the Act Requiring Free Feminine Hygiene Products in Middle and High School Student Bathrooms. to....

As much as I didn't completely get it at the time of the movie, I did truly feel for the plight of the girl Carrie and the hell that High School can be for some kids, especially girls. However, this joke was a must.
Will the following be the result of this genderbending stupidity?

OK, enough of that. It's good to get some of this humor down, what with some problems at home and all. I'm writing this from the sidewalk in front of a Starbucks for the free wifi.
See, my wife just told me that she's long suspected me of being a Tranny,...
... so, I packed her stuff and left.
Thank you, thank, you! We'll be here all week. Try the exercise machine posts.
[UPDATED 04/09:] Changed the title.
Adam Smith
Tuesday - April 9th 2024 2:51PM MST
PS: Greetings, gentlemen,
Mrs. Smith watched Oppenheimer a while back. I started watching, but it didn't really catch my attention so I quit part way through. Mrs. Smith didn't much care for it either as she deleted it when she was done watching.
I just asked Mrs. Smith for her review of Oppenheimer. Her answer...
“Don’t waste your time.”
She agrees with The Alarmist... Oppenheimer was disappointing.
Mrs. Smith watched Oppenheimer a while back. I started watching, but it didn't really catch my attention so I quit part way through. Mrs. Smith didn't much care for it either as she deleted it when she was done watching.
I just asked Mrs. Smith for her review of Oppenheimer. Her answer...
“Don’t waste your time.”
She agrees with The Alarmist... Oppenheimer was disappointing.
Tuesday - April 9th 2024 6:56AM MST
PS: Mr. Hail, I will get back to you on your comment about the Good War and Cold War myths or truths. I know you figure posts older than a day or so won't have further discussion, but I have something to say here but gotta go now. See you.
The Alarmist
Tuesday - April 9th 2024 2:26AM MST
I also watched both Oppenheimer and Barbie on my flight to the US. Barbie was better than I expected, and who can't like Margot Robbie; Oppenheimer was disappointing.
I guess I like my propaganda in Pink, not Pinko.
I also watched both Oppenheimer and Barbie on my flight to the US. Barbie was better than I expected, and who can't like Margot Robbie; Oppenheimer was disappointing.
I guess I like my propaganda in Pink, not Pinko.
Monday - April 8th 2024 5:38PM MST
Re: Steve Sailer's praise for Oppenheimer
I was going to start writing something about Sailer's view on the movie, but the comment was too long already. I share your view that he has a blind-spot related to "near-worship" of Hollywood products.
I think there is a lot to criticize about Oppenheimer, including simply as art (not politics or "narrative"). The storytelling is a little weird. It makes sense only if you allow yourself to be swept away and carried by the tide, like a religious person who embraces his own religion's great stories or narratives.
I don't recall reading all of what Sailer had to say on Oppenheimer, but as usual I do recall some of his commenters identifying some things with more candor than he allows himself in some fields these days. Sailer is also personally committed to the Good War Myth about the events of the 1930s-40s that shape the outlines of our world today to such a strong degree. The "Good War Myth" must be discarded, in my view, in the way the myths about the stupid 1914-1918 war were done away with long ago.
"Oppenheimer" is like a firework-explosion to remind complacent mid-2020s that the Good War Myth is still very much strong, or at least a successor of it is. A version of it has displaced Cold War Anti-Communism, in that we get a semi-hagiography of Oppenheimer that all-but embraces his ties to the Communist Party of the United States and his many affiliations with pro-Soviet individuals.
By the way, Einstein is also in the movie. He makes appearances similar to that of a god when an ancient-Greek hero might climb Mount Olympus to consult with the gods for guidance. /// In our time, and in this ideological frame, those "Greek heroes" are brilliant left-wing Jews. And the parallel is made explicit by director Nolan by repeatedly referring to Oppenheimer as Prometheus of Greek myth.
Steve Sailer and others have claimed that Christopher Nolan is a right-wing film-director, but given his treatment of the 1930s-50s and some of these things, it's not clear to me what "right-wing" is, exactly, supposed to mean.
Re: Steve Sailer's praise for Oppenheimer
I was going to start writing something about Sailer's view on the movie, but the comment was too long already. I share your view that he has a blind-spot related to "near-worship" of Hollywood products.
I think there is a lot to criticize about Oppenheimer, including simply as art (not politics or "narrative"). The storytelling is a little weird. It makes sense only if you allow yourself to be swept away and carried by the tide, like a religious person who embraces his own religion's great stories or narratives.
I don't recall reading all of what Sailer had to say on Oppenheimer, but as usual I do recall some of his commenters identifying some things with more candor than he allows himself in some fields these days. Sailer is also personally committed to the Good War Myth about the events of the 1930s-40s that shape the outlines of our world today to such a strong degree. The "Good War Myth" must be discarded, in my view, in the way the myths about the stupid 1914-1918 war were done away with long ago.
"Oppenheimer" is like a firework-explosion to remind complacent mid-2020s that the Good War Myth is still very much strong, or at least a successor of it is. A version of it has displaced Cold War Anti-Communism, in that we get a semi-hagiography of Oppenheimer that all-but embraces his ties to the Communist Party of the United States and his many affiliations with pro-Soviet individuals.
By the way, Einstein is also in the movie. He makes appearances similar to that of a god when an ancient-Greek hero might climb Mount Olympus to consult with the gods for guidance. /// In our time, and in this ideological frame, those "Greek heroes" are brilliant left-wing Jews. And the parallel is made explicit by director Nolan by repeatedly referring to Oppenheimer as Prometheus of Greek myth.
Steve Sailer and others have claimed that Christopher Nolan is a right-wing film-director, but given his treatment of the 1930s-50s and some of these things, it's not clear to me what "right-wing" is, exactly, supposed to mean.
Monday - April 8th 2024 5:19PM MST
RE: Carrie movie
Moderator says: "the heroes, if any, were White too"
That's the 1970s for you! (and 1980s, 1990s, I suppose, still in great part).
Stephen King in recent years emerged as a social-media commentator attacking Trump and Dumb Trump People, but he himself emerges from an all-White world and has never lived among the Nonwhite "general population" (to borrow a U.S. prison-term).
RE: Carrie movie
Moderator says: "the heroes, if any, were White too"
That's the 1970s for you! (and 1980s, 1990s, I suppose, still in great part).
Stephen King in recent years emerged as a social-media commentator attacking Trump and Dumb Trump People, but he himself emerges from an all-White world and has never lived among the Nonwhite "general population" (to borrow a U.S. prison-term).
Monday - April 8th 2024 5:14PM MST
PS: I read a whole lot about Oppenheimer, the movie, on Steve Sailer's blog whenever it was out. I think he analyzes movies well, but I don't care for his near-worship of the movie business and movie people. (He does live in LA, and he may have backed off on this.)
I haven't seen it. What I did though, long ago, was write a 10, maybe 15 page term paper on the Manhattan project in High School. That meant the reading of at least 2 maybe 3 books on it. (I'm no Ron Unz - it took me a while.) Because this was a big project for me, I actually remember a decent amount from back then. Those books did not make the lefty Jews to be the heroes. I guess I didn't even thing of this aspect about it, and I know I didn't cover any of the events of Oppenheimer's life after the bombs were completed.
However, after reading that book on Joe McCarthy - "Blacklisted by History" - I tend to think that those thought to be Commie spies WERE Commie spies for the most part. Their excuses and claims of persecution were BS, at least all those described in that M. Stanton Evans book. (It's got a whole lot of detail.)
I haven't seen it. What I did though, long ago, was write a 10, maybe 15 page term paper on the Manhattan project in High School. That meant the reading of at least 2 maybe 3 books on it. (I'm no Ron Unz - it took me a while.) Because this was a big project for me, I actually remember a decent amount from back then. Those books did not make the lefty Jews to be the heroes. I guess I didn't even thing of this aspect about it, and I know I didn't cover any of the events of Oppenheimer's life after the bombs were completed.
However, after reading that book on Joe McCarthy - "Blacklisted by History" - I tend to think that those thought to be Commie spies WERE Commie spies for the most part. Their excuses and claims of persecution were BS, at least all those described in that M. Stanton Evans book. (It's got a whole lot of detail.)
Monday - April 8th 2024 5:06PM MST
PS: I don't know what i'd think of "Carrie", were I to first watch it today, Mr. Hail. It had a pretty good story before the supernatural business, but it's Steven King, so ... Additionally, that Carrie go revenge on her mean girl classmates was satisfying, as much as we didn't want to see the hot gym teacher or, well, all the girls in the 1970 shorts exit the field of view, haha.
Carrie's movie mother was a hard-core fundamentalist Christian, though most assuredly wrong on her take from the Bible, IMO. She was a single mother too, BTW, but I forget how that was explained. (I know there was a scene in which Carrie and her talked about her Dad) Yeah, she was quite the psycho, more than Carrie with her telekinetic powers.
So, the idea in this one was to show fundamentalist Christians as psycho, cluster-something-or-other. OTOH, the heroes, if any, were White too, I guess the girl who befriended Carrie, and the guy who meant no harm with his taking Carrie to the prom.
Carrie's movie mother was a hard-core fundamentalist Christian, though most assuredly wrong on her take from the Bible, IMO. She was a single mother too, BTW, but I forget how that was explained. (I know there was a scene in which Carrie and her talked about her Dad) Yeah, she was quite the psycho, more than Carrie with her telekinetic powers.
So, the idea in this one was to show fundamentalist Christians as psycho, cluster-something-or-other. OTOH, the heroes, if any, were White too, I guess the girl who befriended Carrie, and the guy who meant no harm with his taking Carrie to the prom.
Monday - April 8th 2024 3:45PM MST
RE: The Alarmist watching "the original Mean Girls" movie on a flight.
-- Oppenheimer --
I was recently able to watch the much-touted "Oppenheimer" by the same method. It's not about the themes of mean girls at all, of course, and effectively has no female characters.
There are some interesting themes that deal pretty-overtly with Jewish triumphalism, and promote that viewpoint. This is probably why it won all those Oscars. But looking it up now, it surprises me to find Christopher Nolan, a non-Jew, wrote the screenplay (in addition to directing and producing). Oppenheimer was a typical left-wing secular Jew of his time. His father is said to have emigrated to New York in 1888, only six years into the start of the highly-consequential East-European Jewish immigration wave that began in 1882. Oppenheimer's parents were German Jews, technically, but the mid-1880s start of the East-European Jewish wave is kind of major pivot-point of all Western history, even if it took a long while to recognize "what had happened."
Peak Stupidity engages in relatively few movie reviews. "Oppenheimer" is 3-hours. Much about it feels, in a sense, confusing and disjointed. It is in part deliberately done up as a myth. Myths don't need story continuity.
Another part of it is a framing of Oppeneheimer being persecuted in the 1950s for his extensive ties to Communism in the 1930s and possibly 1940s, and possible role or ties to facilitation of transferring nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union. The movie is strongly on the side of "he was persecuted unfairly." Movies are not real history, but most people take them to be.
Although there is no direct mention of what one would consider traditional religion, the message is really a postmodern kind of form of worship of left-wing Jews as the best people in the world, who saved the world. Weirdly, the movie makes left-wing Jews the saintly heroes and the Christian-origin Whites (Americans) around them as often villainous or at least kind of harmless idiots at best. It makes Harry Truman himself look like a cruel, evil monster and Oppenheimer and other Jews or vaguely-Jewish characters as moral heroes.
RE: The Alarmist watching "the original Mean Girls" movie on a flight.
-- Oppenheimer --
I was recently able to watch the much-touted "Oppenheimer" by the same method. It's not about the themes of mean girls at all, of course, and effectively has no female characters.
There are some interesting themes that deal pretty-overtly with Jewish triumphalism, and promote that viewpoint. This is probably why it won all those Oscars. But looking it up now, it surprises me to find Christopher Nolan, a non-Jew, wrote the screenplay (in addition to directing and producing). Oppenheimer was a typical left-wing secular Jew of his time. His father is said to have emigrated to New York in 1888, only six years into the start of the highly-consequential East-European Jewish immigration wave that began in 1882. Oppenheimer's parents were German Jews, technically, but the mid-1880s start of the East-European Jewish wave is kind of major pivot-point of all Western history, even if it took a long while to recognize "what had happened."
Peak Stupidity engages in relatively few movie reviews. "Oppenheimer" is 3-hours. Much about it feels, in a sense, confusing and disjointed. It is in part deliberately done up as a myth. Myths don't need story continuity.
Another part of it is a framing of Oppeneheimer being persecuted in the 1950s for his extensive ties to Communism in the 1930s and possibly 1940s, and possible role or ties to facilitation of transferring nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union. The movie is strongly on the side of "he was persecuted unfairly." Movies are not real history, but most people take them to be.
Although there is no direct mention of what one would consider traditional religion, the message is really a postmodern kind of form of worship of left-wing Jews as the best people in the world, who saved the world. Weirdly, the movie makes left-wing Jews the saintly heroes and the Christian-origin Whites (Americans) around them as often villainous or at least kind of harmless idiots at best. It makes Harry Truman himself look like a cruel, evil monster and Oppenheimer and other Jews or vaguely-Jewish characters as moral heroes.
Monday - April 8th 2024 3:33PM MST
Re: Carrie movie
I've never seen it, but apparently the mother displays major "Cluster-B personality disorder" traits, which again my recent interest on the origins of the current political order.
It's people like Carrie's mother who set the agenda in many ways, more empowered than at almost any time in history.
As a class, they also have a class consciousness, although not necessarily based directly on their harmful, chaos-seeking, chaos-creating personalities. They just think the chaos is a righteous byproduct of how evil are White Christian Males and their puppets and allies.
Re: Carrie movie
I've never seen it, but apparently the mother displays major "Cluster-B personality disorder" traits, which again my recent interest on the origins of the current political order.
It's people like Carrie's mother who set the agenda in many ways, more empowered than at almost any time in history.
As a class, they also have a class consciousness, although not necessarily based directly on their harmful, chaos-seeking, chaos-creating personalities. They just think the chaos is a righteous byproduct of how evil are White Christian Males and their puppets and allies.
Monday - April 8th 2024 11:09AM MST
PS: "Then again, in my corner of the EU and in the UK, that would qualify as a hate crime that could actually land one in jail."
"Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime" - Merrick Garland Beria
You used to get in much less trouble being a kid. "You should know better, Alarmist!" - HR Harpie. I don't know if that still stands about "kids being kids".
I've been watching old The Office episodes while traveling. But of course. I've seen the Mean Girls advertised on the seat back TVs though.
"Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime" - Merrick Garland Beria
You used to get in much less trouble being a kid. "You should know better, Alarmist!" - HR Harpie. I don't know if that still stands about "kids being kids".
I've been watching old The Office episodes while traveling. But of course. I've seen the Mean Girls advertised on the seat back TVs though.
The Alarmist
Monday - April 8th 2024 9:32AM MST
Yes, our company’s HR Harpy insisted on tampon disposal bins in half of the toilet stalls in what is still known as the men’s room in our UK and EU offices. The bloody things make it impossible to do a proper manspread while perched on the bowl. I never thought to simply tear the things out. Then again, in my corner of the EU and in the UK, that would qualify as a hate crime that could actually land one in jail.
Funny thing, but on the flight over, I watched the original Mean Girls. Those girls had nothing on the chicks in Carrie.
Happy Lunacy Day.
Yes, our company’s HR Harpy insisted on tampon disposal bins in half of the toilet stalls in what is still known as the men’s room in our UK and EU offices. The bloody things make it impossible to do a proper manspread while perched on the bowl. I never thought to simply tear the things out. Then again, in my corner of the EU and in the UK, that would qualify as a hate crime that could actually land one in jail.
Funny thing, but on the flight over, I watched the original Mean Girls. Those girls had nothing on the chicks in Carrie.
Happy Lunacy Day.
Younger Americans may not believe in the Good War myth, but then do they know much of that part of history at all? (That is, besides some racial angle they were taught in school) The lesson we should all learn is that there are 2 sides to every story. I guess vilifying the decent German people for 70 years did take the heat off the Communists who killed more and ruined more lives than the Nazis, all around the world. That's as you wrote.
Thanks for the reviews, long and short, from all of you.