I Want a New Jab

Posted On: Tuesday - July 2nd 2024 6:26PM MST
In Topics: 
  Music  Humor  Kung Flu Stupidity

We're running a little behind here. That is, I'll think of funny and/or appropriate things to say often 2 years after the perfect time. This was the case with our I am Monk! No, I am Monk! post 2 years after its time of peak memeity, and then we were about a year late in using the We're Not Gonna Take It! songs (Twisted Sister and, going back another 15 years, The Who - much better tune and sound) for our anti-jab posts.

Same here, but since we had the Huey Lewis & the News song parody in this post on Saturday, we've already got lyrics in mind. Just in time for the newest Bird Flu and word from The WHO, it's I Want a New Jab:

I want a new jab,
one that won't make me itch,
one that won't make me drop stone dead,
on the soccer pitch.

I want a new jab,
for the new Bird Flu,
one that won't make me lose my job
and spend a year in the loo.

I want a new jab,
no more are enn emm ayy.
no 2 foot clots in my arteries,
Don't care what old Fauci say.

One that won't make me sterile,
wondering what to do,
one that won't make me feel like
I've been lied to by The WHO, oh-oh, lied to by The WHO...

I won't embed I Want a New Drug here again. How about this one, Heart and Soul, another nice mid-1980s hit from the same album, Sports, by Huey Lewis and the News? I like it.

Comments (8)

Tucker/iSteve interview: Coming to America

Posted On: Tuesday - July 2nd 2024 12:04PM MST
In Topics: 
  Immigration Stupidity  Pundits  Race/Genetics

(Continued from the interview - - Who/whom? and the Kung Flu question.)

I've got no argument with Steve Sailer in this post - it's more like an "atta-boy". I've only got this series going about this great TC interview because I have followed Mr. Sailer for a good while and am surprised when I do disagree with him. As for Tucker, he does a great interview, meaning he doesn't spend so much time giving opinions - therefore I have no argument with him. There was that exception, already covered, of his remarks on the Kung Flu. Of course I had no arguments with any of that!

I was pleasantly surprised to hear Mr. Sailer talk about something here that I'd thought he'd not noticed at all. He has presented his "World's Scariest Graph"* and discussed it often. In the first part of our 2-part series Coming to America (Part 1 and Part 2), I wrote:
What he's NOT noticed, as I have, is that they ARE coming, and NOW. I am not even referring to the Bai Dien imposed 12,000,000*** "newcomers" from all reaches of the Earth, including Africa.
If you do a search** Most of his writing is about African immigration to Europe. That is surely an important and angering topic, but for America, I didn't see much. There is this, from '15: Mortgage Meltdown in Prince George's County Among African Immigrants. He discussed a story from one of his usual sources, the Washington Post, starting with:
From the Washington Post, a story of an African immigrant family who have racked up $1.3 million in debt, even while not paying their mortgage for over six years.
Yeahhhh. Anyway, I'm glad to see that iSteve brought up to Tucker (and America) in this interview what Peak Stupidity has been noticing with alacrity but serious dismay.

The context here is iSteve's great use of the word "equity" to indicate what the race hustlers in this country really want, yes, your stuff, your money, such as your home equity. He's really clever this way, and using the ctrl-left's terms against them, like the word "woke" itself is a nice tactic in the cold cultural war.

The transcript below starts after iSteve has expounded on this to Tucker, and he gets back to discussing D.I.E. just after this:
... Another question might.

Steve Sailer [01:02:07] Be.

Steve Sailer [01:02:08] You know, how how big is the African immigration going to going to be if you'll go to look at the border, there's all sorts of people showing up from Mauritania. Except. ] They're still way above. Reproduction rate in, in most of Africa. Right. And. It's not people know how to get out of Africa. Now you get a smartphone, it gives you only instructions and so forth. Clearly, you know, highly legitimate descendant of American slaves and Barack Obama not at all. But yeah, that's we're going to see.
Just as with many of the politicians, though, iSteve is alarmed about the illegal portion of the invasion in particular. As I discussed in those 2 posts, the legal number must be higher than that. That 13% Black! people number will not hold***, not unless the rest of the invasion continues as it has under Dark Brandon.

Anyway, thank you, Steve Sailer for bringing this up. I'd thought you hadn't noticed.

PS: Since we're talking Africa, the continent, here, I'll note that Tucker brought up the terrible situation in South Africa nowadays****
Tucker [01:43:30] Is there a point? I mean, I'm asking this question because South Africa, you know, tried this in the country is just continuously degraded for, well, 30 years this year and to the point where there's no electricity in parts at times, and the murder rate is among the highest in the world, the rape rate is the highest in the world. And but there's no deceleration that I can tell from afar, thousands of miles away. But I'm watching and it's like, no, there's no second guessing. It's just like going to ride it right back to the Stone age. Pretend it was never an advanced society in our country, which is different from South Africa in a lot of ways. Will there be a point, like when the planes do crash and the air traffic controllers are just high, or too dumb, or distract or don't care, to keep the points from crashing? Will there be a public demand like, no, no, no, let's just hire by ability from now on?
(These time stamps are only guaranteed accurate for the interview on the TuckerCarlson.com site. Sorry I can't give you my PW, only because it requires the email address too.)

This led to some great discussion, but, as usual, iSteve has the pilot/ATC stuff a bit wrong. Pilots now have generally much LESS real experience, but there are other reasons for the great safety record. ATC had delays in training indeed due to D.I.E., but the Kung Flu fiasco was a big part of it - out of the mouths of ATC personnel to me.

* This graph of projected Africa population up through 4 billion, while the rest of the world remains stable below that is actually dubbed "The World's Most Important Graph" by iSteve. I substituted in "Scariest", because, yeah, if you want a decent world left ...

** This is page 3 of the search for me on "Africa _+ Immigration", early on in my reading of his work.

*** There's chain migration in all sorts of ways, and there are offspring.

**** See Peak Stupidity's series Cry, the Deconstructed Country!: Continued from Part 1 - - Part 2 - - Part 3 - - Part 4: Anecdote on Anti-Apartheid - - Part 5: Cold and Hot Wars, and the Commies, of course - - Part 6: Africa Wins - - and Part 7: 1st World Memories of Suid Afrikaanse Lugdiens and Part 8: As Falls S. Africa....

Comments (6)

Hungary for a change

Posted On: Monday - July 1st 2024 6:58PM MST
In Topics: 
  Immigration Stupidity  Globalists  World Political Stupidity

Viktor Orban - Hungarian Nationalist leader:

(By "Nationalist", I mean someone who cares about his own people and nation. Why is that a bad word? Does it all go back to Hitler? I'd say more likely since The Great War and Woodrow Wilson.)

We've all likely been cheering on this ray of hope in the fight with the Globalist overlords, in his case, the big crowd of them in Brussels. Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban has been strongly resisting the Population Replacement Programme designed by the Globalists for the White people of Europe (along with the people of N, where N = any nation with a present or former White majority).

VDare, experts on immigration invasion issues here and worldwide, has praised this man and his work many times. I've read recently that the EU leaders will withhold some 10's of millions, maybe even 3-digit millions of Eurotrash currency, if Mr. Orban doesn't comply with their demands that he open up Hungary to the Hungry Hordes, hungry for welfare and White women that is. He's told them where to go.

Well, you learn something new everyday, and on one of the non-clickbait articles on The Gateway Pundit one Paul Serran reports Conservative Champion Viktor Orbán Takes Over European Union Presidency – Hungarian PM Vows to ‘Make Europe Great Again’. Whaaa? Yes. It's pretty surprising that the EU apparatchiks will honor it, but apparently, it's Orban's turn at a 6-month rotation as President of the EU. The Hungarian PM has described the EU as "the contemporary parody version of the Soviet Union’" Indeed.

The short article explains the complicated EU management, but unfortunately the EU Presidency seems to be worth that whole warm bucket of spit, after the consumption of Belgian-invented French Fries with mayo (Hmmm, this post is making me Hungary!):
“The presidency’s role is to set the agenda, chair meetings of EU members in all fields except foreign or euro zone matters, seek consensus among EU member states and broker agreements on legislation with the European Parliament.”
"Except for foreign and EU zone affairs." What DO you get to set the agenda for? And when you do get to set this agenda, so what?

Oh, well. It's Hungary's turn. The fun part is that Victor Orban is out there saying he will MEGA, Make Europe Great Again. The EU people don't like that one bit, no, not one bit.

C'mon people! It's been over a century now - Make Nationalism Great Again!

Kick ass Viktor Orbán!

PS: The Eurozone elections have been major good news lately, at least that from France. The continuation - after nothing but an introduction so far - of a comparison of America vs, Europe's prospects under the PRP and Globalism in general should include this news. I want to start with the damage already done though.

Comments (22)

I Want a New Drug

Posted On: Saturday - June 29th 2024 8:04PM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  Music  Humor  Trump  Hildabeast  Zhou Bai Dien

Again, though I didn't watch Thursday evening's entertainment, excuse me, important part of the American electoral process, I have seen enough to comment. I've read many people contending that Bai Dien must have been off his normal cocktail of medications that have kept him sounding somewhat coherent on previous occasions.

I'm not so sure I agree. Those other occasions were speeches that Bai Dien could simply read off, as best as he can. This time, I've heard he had been given the questions ahead of time (as the Hildabeast had for debates back in '16, causing the canning of a journalist responsible in cahoots with her on the cheating). Even so, that requires memorizing talking points and then remembering them again and stating them clearly. Even had he had a drug cocktail, it seemed to me that Bai Dien was trying to pull these things out of what's left of of his mind and just not succeeding. He had that look, but who knows?

Maybe Bai Dien's handlers just screwed up and got the mixture and/or dosages wrong. I'm sure those mistakes were the actions of an intern. (Always, always, blame it on an intern!) If the D-squad plans on keeping this guy (another post there) around, they're going to have to spend some time at the Apothecary's or even an organic chemistry lab. In a lucid moment even Dark Brandon must realize "I want a new drug."

And now, Peak Stupidity presents some music for this Saturday evening, this time from a band out of the San Francisco Bay area. The sound from this clean-cut looking '80s band was pop-rock (it was hip to be square), and they had a number of fun hits during their time.

From Joey Bai Dien and the Blues, (the "blue team", see?) it's I Want a New Drug:
I want a new drug,
one that won't make me sick,
one that won't make me sniff kids' hair,
and take a real quick lick.

I want a new drug,
one that comes in a pill,
that you mix with your ice cream cone,
prescribed by Doctor Jill.

I want a new drug,
one that might get me laid,
one that won't make me fall down stairs,
one that beats Medicaid.

One that won't make me stumble,
wondering' what to do,
one that makes me feel the way I feel when I'm with you,
when I'm alone with you, Cornpop...

Huey Lewis and the News was:
Huey Lewis – lead vocals, harmonica
Sean Hopper – keyboards, backing vocals
Bill Gibson – drums, percussion, backing vocals
Johnny Colla – rhythm guitar, saxophone, percussion, backing vocals
Mario Cipollina – bass guitar
Chris Hayes – lead guitar, backing vocals

This song was from their very successful album Sports.

Thanks for reading and writing in this week folks. More Bai Dien/Trump and Tucker/iSteve goodness is coming next week, and maybe we'll start back on the abandoned series about Europe v America and the Population Replacement Programme. Ad hoc stupidity will crop up - we'll call it when we see it.

Comments (16)

Debate wrap-up by Old Soldier and E.H. Hail

Posted On: Saturday - June 29th 2024 9:12AM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  Trump  Zhou Bai Dien

There are 37 comments (far shy of a record, mind you) under our quick Presidential Debate post of Thursday night. Though I didn't watch it, there WILL be more posts, as this kind of humor and stupidity is not something a site like ours can afford to pass up.

Between that and the encouraging and engrossing Tucker Carlson interview of Steve Sailer, we'll be busy through Tuesday. Other stupidity will have to wait in the queue. For now, let me paste in 2 summaries of the debate, first a short one from Old Soldier, and then a longer one, with much on the Lyin' Press handling and reaction, from E.H. Hail follows.

From commenter Old Soldier:
The things that were apparent to me during the debate: (a) Biden definitely knew the questions in advance and had carefully prepared responses programmed into his mind...but couldn't possibly speak the responses clearly because his over-drugged brain was too drugged for him to say anything clearly (b) Biden looked like death warmed over (c) Biden was slurring most words to the point where his words were incomprehensible and his sentences were just garbled sounds that even he did not understand (d) Biden seemed totally lost and confused throughout the debate. I could go on and on, but there's no point.

After the debate, the liberal commentators worked diligently to put a positive spin on Biden's responses and they're now fact checking everything Trump said while fact checking NOTHING that Biden said (but maybe the fact checkers couldn't understand Biden any better than I did???).

From commenter E.H. Hail:
I'm glad I watched the debate, or most of it, in its full form -- by which I mean not clips curated by partisans or social-media addicts, but the debate as aired. I also watched without following any rolling commentary on social-media or elsewhere during. Afterwards I saw reactions from the various sides, including CNN, MSNBC, Fox, Univision, and the interesting network NewsNation. I'll give here all that I can remember.

Newsnation seems to hire anchors fired from elsewhere (Chris Cuomo a host; Bill O'Reilly, an analyst; Geraldo, same) and aim for a happy-go-lucky big-tent centrism. The tone is definitely different and happier feeling that the big players.

NewsNation brought on Robert Kennedy Jr., who, it was explained, had "held his own debate" on Youtube. RFK Jr. answered all the same questions asked by the CNN moderators, for a Youtube audience of his fans. I didn't see any of that. He is not excelling in the polls.

Chris Cuomo suggested to RFK Jr., on the air, that he (RFK) ought to make some calls to the DNC. He could now find receptive audience for an arrangement for the DNC to ditch Biden and nominate him, RFK Jr., as the Democratic nominee for president after Biden's terrible performance. Chris Cuomo said it's because "you have such solid Democratic credentials," because he's already in the field and has an enthusiastic following, and because Biden had failed so shockingly at the debate, the stars had aligned. RFK seemed to say that would never happen. The DNC hates him and is inundating his campaign with legal harassment to try to keep him off ballots or otherwise harm him. He seemed really resentful against the DNC.

Biden's constant rifting off, trailing off, staring into space, mumbling, speaking too softly, all looked bad, of course. But I was, I think, more taken by the 'canned' nature of all his responses, a point Old Soldier brings up. I don't know if I agree that Biden "definitely" had the questions fed to him before the debate (although Hillary Clinton did have that advantage in her CNN debates, it was later revealed). But what is for sure is these were rehearsed lines. The problem is, Biden couldn't remember his own rehearsed lines and constantly bumbled them. A good thinker, who is also a extemporaneous speaker, doesn't need to memorize set-piece lines like that. There were also times I wondered whether Biden had a secret ear-piece in which someone was correcting his missteps live, because he often corrected himself after misspeaking. But maybe that just happens with someone trying hard to recall memorized lines.

Biden's points were the "same-old, same-old" ones he always uses. This always happens with "old" people, of course; some people are still sharp in the early eighties (Biden turns 82 later in this year), but almost all people, by that age, find it hard to truly live in the time they are in. Instead, they are always re-living some time of the past and applying it to the present. There were moments when this also came through from Biden, ranging from re-living the talking-points of the 2010s, including some proven to be false; but also dropping in the word "segregation" when the topic of Blacks came up, a word from the 1960s when Biden was in his twenties.

Another observation: Biden's facial reactions, body-language reactions to Trump were mostly muted. He sometimes condemned him as an evil person or a liar, but when Trump was making points he just stared blankly, like he was confused.

Someone produced this 'meme' during the debate, which hits the points I am making there:

MSNBC strangely brought on the California governor, Newsom, for a strangely long and strangely toned soft-ball interview. It was supposed to be a reaction to the debate, but it turned out to be, in my opinion, a long Gavin Newsom For President infomercial. All grins by the mixed-race anchor for interviewed him, the four-night-a-week successor to Rachel Maddow.

I did see some of the MSNBC reaction. Rachel Maddow, their star, was on hand and in the driver's seat of their large panel of experts. Her anti-Trump hysteria about Russia-Russia-Russia, and all the rest of what she traded in for so long, was absent tonight. She looked shell-shocked and said frankly that Biden gave the worst possible debate performance short of falling off the stage and begging for help on live TV (she didn't say any of this, this is my interpreting her mood). She looked like a general who had just received intelligence that the enemy had him surrounded, supplies would be cut off, and there was no easy way out. A restrained panic. That would characterize the mood of most of the anti-Trump commentators.

However, MSNBC tried to focus on the anti-Trump line (playing to their audience) and tried to go neutral on Biden. CNN, meanwhile, which had a panel of its own experts that looked to be about twelve people, was really anti-Biden, and kept putting things on the air like "Influential Dem: Biden as nominee is problematic" and more. CNN brought on Kamala Harris who attacked and mocked her interviewer, but some on the panel of experts praised her for it, which was also strange.

On Fox, the response was as would be expected. The smart-alec Jesse Watters, who is Tucker Carlson's replacement, said he was shocked tonight, not at anything from the debate stage but from within his own chest. He said he felt repeated pangs of sympathy for Biden, he felt bad for Biden. The performance, supposedly, was SO bad (for Biden) that it induced sympathy, "someone help this old man" feeling in him, a well-known Biden-hater.

I think CNN had the old anti-Trump hack Chris Wallace, the Jewish son of longtime journalist Mike Wallace. Chris Wallace was long of Fox, so I'm not sure why he was on CNN. (It turns out he went from Fox to CNN in early 2022; who knew?). Chris Wallace was on the warpath against Biden, saying it was a deep national shame that a man with clear signs of dementia was running for president, and there was no defense for this. Biden had a job to do, and he failed to do it. One or two co-panelists tried to contradict him, but he slammed them and morally attacked them for trying to defend Biden here. This is a Jewish debating tactic that I've often seen used, and is a large part of what's behind the crassness of political commentary now, especially its cable-TV form. It's take-no-prisoners moral-shaming.

Chris Wallace, who is a Democrat and hates Trump, was clearly trying to use his considerable influence to get Biden replaced. Although millions were watching all this chattering, a lot of it was, I think, aimed at the donors and the DNC bigwigs. The DNC has enough "superdelegates" that they might be able to maneuver a way to defeat Biden at the convention and replaced him with someone else. No one knew who that might be. A few names came up, one (I can't remember from whom) was: Josh Shapiro. He was elected governor of Pennsylvania in 2022.

Bill O'Reilly, on NewsNation, said he guaranteed that Biden would not be the nominee. He wasn't certain of that position before the debate, but now he is certian, he says. From the signals CNN was sending, it's no longer implausible that an anti-Biden palace-coup will occur within the DNC, before their convention in mid-August of this year, at Chicago. Geraldo and Bill O'Reilly laughed at both being old guys who remember the 1968 DNC convention in Chicago and its legendary chaos (I recall Pat Buchanan narrated himself witnessing the chaos from atop a high building). The 2024 DNC convention is also in Chicago. Bill O'Reilly then added that the role of left-wing violent protestors from 1968 would now be played by "pro-Hamas people."

There was also a live-translation Spanish simulcast on Univision. It's a remarkable skill to be able to do live-translation in that way. It must've been especially tough to do it for Biden when he was at his least-coherent.

The Univision commentary, which I also saw some of, was neutral and lacked the alarmist tone of CNN and MSNBC, and the gloating from Fox. From what I've seen of Univision's news coverage, they strive to be several things: (1.) pro-Hispanic, always (in which news is given from a "things happening with Hispanics always lead); (2.) serious news and not overt propaganda; (3.) not too serious, a lightness of touch, in the way you get from local news or from English newscasts of many decades past now.

Univision had two commentators on, one Republican, one Democrat, both White men with thick glasses who spoke reasonably and politely and were completely without histrionics and urged caution at jumping to any conclusions. But as I've already said, histrionics ruled the day for the agenda-setting talkers of the Left.

What's disappointing to me about all this drama, which is easy to get swept up into, as a sports mega-fan can be swept up by some big tournament. (Univision chose to air the debate and follow-on commentary instead of the latest "Copa America" soccer match, which it's been airing since the Western Hemisphere's biggest soccer-tournament began last week.) But in the debate itself and in the avalanche of reactions, of which I've given what I remember here, I heard little about actual policies.

Will Trump debate illegals or not? He dodged the question (which was asked to him twice), and instead he just used his usual talking-points. He bashed Biden for letting them in and focused on the dubious idea that most are directly exported from prisons in other countries, or insane asylums. He still wouldn't say if he'd deport them or not. What's his policy? Who knows? It all becomes a personality-game and a gotcha-game.

Trump is a clinical narcissist and, like all such people, is good at charming audiences. He won't even say for sure what his policies are, though. And given his record, we have no way to rely on him even keeping what promises he does make. So you're not voting for a set of policies but just kind of a vague apparition, a tendency, a mood, a gust of wind.

I like that meme, but still, I'm attached to the line at the bottom of a small poster the secretary had in her office: Dumb looks are still free!

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Tucker/iSteve interview: the Kung Flu question

Posted On: Friday - June 28th 2024 10:01PM MST
In Topics: 
  Pundits  Kung Flu Stupidity

After looking at parts of this interview the 2nd time around, I knew exactly why I could see a question about the Kung Flu coming from Tucker about 2 seconds before Tucker came out with it. As he's written in his book and has talked about in recent talks (usually in the summary), Steve Sailer again brought up his social commentary bread & butter. That is, he explains (01:17:45 - 01:18:43) that the personal, local anecdotes and observations we make cannot be unconnected to the results of analysis of lots of data ("This higher world of The Science", as Tucker chimes in "The world of data") on the same issues. As he says, "There's just one reality out there." and "It all tells pretty much the same story."

Here Mr. Sailer is, explaining to Tucker this philosophy. Yes, we have play-by-play commentary here at Peak Stupidity:

As iSteve finished up on this sound point that I've heard before from him, I had the thought "OK, well, how'd all that apply to the Covid one-niner PanicFest, Steve?" Because thoughts fly pretty fast sometimes, I remember thinking just after that "I guess he's not gonna touch the Kung Flu issue, and good idea there too!" Then, Tucker says (more play-by-play) at 01:18:44 - he can't help himself here, I think - "But why is it? ... we don't mean to get into Covid, but ..."

Ahaaa! I kind of agree with the general thoughts of E.H. Hail on this, at least as he's told us about the Tucker network TV show, that what's going to be discussed is planned ahead of time. At least on the Kung Flu, from the way this went down, that's what I think. Likely iSteve didn't want to get into that one, as, that period just wasn't one of his better stretches of Noticing, March to June of '20.

So Tucker probably slipped up there, but I LUV LUV LUV his point. He didn't ask a question. and he talked for a while, saying something I've personally said a lot. Not only do I not know anyone who's died from the Kung Flu, I don't (knowingly) know anyone who KNOWS ANYONE who died from it.* Tucker said this with different wording, talked about knowing people who died from the vaccine, continued with a his amazement at the PanicFest, and then simply let iSteve talk, with no question asked (at 01:19:22).

"Yeeeahhhh", started iSteve, but that's just one of his thinking modes. I am pretty sure he doesn't agree with Tucker's view. At this point, he went to one of his points from at least one post (that I did read) in that Spring of '20, lists of deaths of prominent people (celebrities) who died of Covid. I easily found one specific article, Mean Age of Celebrity COVID-19 Deaths: 78.5, from May 21st of '20. (Anyone else remember that stuff?) In this case it was former NY Mets star pitcher Tom Seaver (baseball too!) who Mr. Sailer brought up.

The logic of his answer is... unsound. Watch for yourself (01:19:23). He admitted that Tom Seaver, not that old at 74, had dementia (Tucker brought up Parkinsons) and "didn't have the good life ahead of him". iSteve says that we weren't aware of these people who were "no longer in the public eye". Why did they have to be in the public eye for us to know them? We're not all celebrity worshippers. (Did it help a lot not to have a TV, like the Amish?) There are plenty of old people near me, and none of them I know died of the Kung Flu. Then we come to that question again, did, say, I dunno, Tom Seaver, die OF the Kung Flu or just WITH the Kung Flu?

At 01:21:12, Tucker moved on. I need to move on.

With all this excellent Social Science Noticing, in Spring of '20, Steve Sailer didn't notice the problem with the Totalitarian measures being enacted using this virus as an excuse. He got sucked into it all for a while. I am not holding a grudge here. I agree with 98% of iSteve's explanations of Social phenomena. He shouldn't have to say he's sorry**, as we didn't have to read him and agree for a few months there. He got better. It's just that Tucker brought this up, and, well, those 2 1/2 minutes had me siding with Tucker over iSteve, in what didn't seem like a point of contention but was.

* There is an exception in that Mr. MBlanc46, commenter here, has stated that he knows someone who died from it.

** Saying "I was wrong" would be in order though.

Comments (10)

Bad luck $treak at the $PLC

Posted On: Friday - June 28th 2024 1:05PM MST
In Topics: 
  Race/Genetics  ctrl-left

VDare's got so many good writers, who often get into niche areas of immigration/racial stupidity with very good follow-through. The HATE.orgs, such as the $PLC.hate, the ADL.hate, and so forth can be real nemesi (?) for Conservatives wanting to get the truth out. VDare has gotten grief from the $PLC particularly, in the form of advisory info to Totalitarian government officials and recommendations that induce cancellations.

Lately Pat Cleburne has been all over the story of the $PLC's recent woes. The start of their woes goes back a ways, with Steve Sailer having written multiple posts about the change in management.

See, there was this grifter named Morris Dees, a White lawyer who marketed the Southern "Poverty" Law Center into an outfit that raked in the bucks from (heavily Jewish-leaning, per Mr. Sailer) donors to supposedly help out the Black! folk... and yeah make a real decent salary in Montgomery, Alabama running this non-profit that had accumulated half a Billion bucks in the banks (some local, some not), you know, for rainy days. Morris Dees, no matter how much of a money-grubbing, slandering, anti-White grifter he was*, WAS a White guy, after all. Therefore, he did run things pretty well. Half a Billion is not chump change, even today this week.

Well, he'd put in his time, and handed the reins over to those who deserve it much more, Black! money-grubbing, slandering, anti-White grifters. They ain't necessarily so good with the finances... I wanna' say, but that's a stereotype. Somehow the $PLC is having money problems.

One of these gentleman is the IT guy. You guess.

Whaddya' gonna do? You gotta make cuts somewhere. As much as the AA crowd is due their cushy office jobs, someone's gotta go. (No, not the IT guy! Please don't throw me in the ... fire the IT guy!) Actually, the CEO, errr, top non-profiteer, is a Chinese lady, one Margaret Huang, known as Yellow Margaret, I guess. (I just mean, that's her name in Chinese! That's all.)

That's only part of the woes the $PLC is undergoing. That Circular Firing Squad problem among the "Coalition of the Fringes" has the Jewish ctrl-left donor base not so awfully enamored with the new pro-Palestine left.** Besides adding to the financial woes, there is some animosity. Believe it or not, the $PLC has a union, the Grifters Union Local #314, I think it is.
“A message from SPLC Union officers and stewards: SPLC Union is and will always be rooted in the legacy of anti-oppression and decolonization led by Black and Indigenous leaders.
... so long as you bastards pay up on your back dues!

Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Management: "You demand WHAT?! This is a tightly-run HATE outlet here. Only so many of us got dibs on the donor equity. Get your shit together, or you're out of here."

I got on a roll there, so I'll just give links to Mr. Cleburne's articles on the Palestinian issue and an excerpt from a review of a book on the $PLC:

The $PLC Massacre—Purging Pro-Palestinians?

NOW I See Why $PLC Dumped Classroom Propaganda Program. Left’s Palestinian Purge Problem Just Beginning.

SPLC Union Strikes Another Shattering Blow At $PLC. But Is This A Labor Or A Political Dispute?

Now, the ADL is having the same conflict. Fan-damn-tastic!!

SPLC 2! Wikipedia Demotes The ADL. This Left Split On Gaza/Israel Is Epochal.

This is good news all around. I'd like to see these HATE.orgs DIE, from DIE, or Medicaid, or something. From the 1st link:
O’Neil has the advantage of having written Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. This book’s Amazon accurately says "The Southern Poverty Law Center … has… contributed to a climate of fear and hostility in America. Hotels, web platforms, and credit card companies have blacklisted law-abiding Americans because the SPLC disagrees with their political views … Corporate America, Big Tech, government, and the media are wrong to take the SPLC’s disingenuous tactics at face value.
I love the book title.

As for you union workers, once you set foot in the Southern Poverty Law Center offices, you'd best set'chr mind to workin'!

* Yet, Steve Sailer says Morris Dees is alright - in so many words - because he's a smart and fun guy or something ...

** Would it not be better if none of these people had any influence in our country?

Comments (2)

Who's the sucker 'round here?

Posted On: Thursday - June 27th 2024 7:33PM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  Humor  Trump  Zhou Bai Dien

My wife just showed me a couple of clips off of Telegram. We have no TV hooked up to anything but a DVD player. Now I wish I had had a 12 pack at some friend's place for this!

"My son was not a loser, he's not a sucker!
You're the sucker - you're the loser!"

Unless it was in the context of the great father/son corruption, you don't bring up he family. Still, Trump was right about Hunter.

"I really don't what he said at the end of this,
and I don't think he knows what he said either."

Big LOLs here! Yes, maybe a whole case, next time.

I think the suckers are those who sat in front of CNN for hours- then again, where else can one find this level of entertainment?

Oh, and finally, some kind of big-ass Fentanyl machines:

"We need those machines."

Comments (39)

Tucker/iSteve interview: Who/whom?

Posted On: Thursday - June 27th 2024 6:54PM MST
In Topics: 

Our 1st few thoughts and the video itself are here. Also, I found I could watch the whole video on Tucker Carlson's own site, without logging in - I've got to go through a short process to get a new PW, but I didn't have to for this particular video. (Possibly that's the case for all new ones for a short while.)

I hope you all will watch this interview. I watched the whole thing yesterday. Today, I went over parts of it, probably about 2/3 in total, to get to the parts I want to write about. Thanks go to Mr. Hail for finding me one spot I'd skipped over today.

"Who/whom?" a phrase from the Stalinist times in the USSR (near a century ago now), is a Steve Sailerism that the latter guy didn't employ in these 2 hours. It just fits for the title today, as I just want to mention who was mentioned. This is important, as Tucker Carlson does have a whole lot of American Conservative viewers. A short mention on the Tucker Carlson show could mean a lot to those involved and more importantly to the cause of Conservatism via a large number of new readers/viewers for those mentioned.

To begin with, and to answer a question Mr. Hail had before, no, Tucker had never met iSteve before in person but obviously knew his stuff and his reputation. He compared Steve Sailer to Matt Drudge (obviously the old Matt Drudge, before he went native) in that "everybody" read him, but nobody would admit he did.

How can you NOT like that guy, once you've seen him speak? Jared Taylor is greatly on the outs with cancellors of all sorts, the usual HATE Aggregators - $PLC, etc. - the Big "TECH" platforms, and everybody. It's such a shame, but then I suppose it's not technically "a shame" when this treatment is very purposeful. I am glad to see that (22:25 to start, then 23:02), in answer to Tucker's question "So why aren't there any organizations dedicated to them [rural (especially) White people]?", Steve brought up Jared Taylor. He also told Tucker how this "bright very gentlemanly fellow" "tried to do this for 30 years, and he's still banned on Twitter..." I'm glad Steve didn't go "conventional" here, though I wish he'd mentioned American Renaissance, Mr. Taylor's website, full of new articles daily, for exposure reasons. (Now viewers would have to look him up, and good luck with that!)

VDare was not mentioned. We know that Tucker has known VDare very well, if not before, after his interview of Lydia Brimelow. I can't recall (and don't see in the transcript) that Tucker introduced Steve's writing background at all*. Therefore, Steve would have had to bring up this organization. Seeing as it was much of his bread & butter for 20 years, I really figured he'd plug VDare, at least to explain where he'd expounded on his ideas, in addition to on Takimag and for most of the last decade, The Unz Review.**

Speaking of The Unz Review, neither it - Steve's most recent steady venue - nor that gentleman above were mentioned by either man. I say "gentleman", when I sort of mean "piece of work", but kind of in a nicer way. Mr. Unz, in his quest to run a true free speech bastion, and his site most certainly is, has got some strange bedfellows writing there. It's a bit much for even the Sailers and Carlsons of today's world, yes, even after this interview.

At 01:50:30, near the end, Steve talks about his possible place in the zeitgeist. (I am not really sure what a zeitgeist is, but he brings it up a lot). He does kind of have a big head about this all, BTW. I believe that his line at that point about being the Lord Voldemort, whose name must not be mentioned, was lifted from Ron Unz's oft-used line. Mr. Unz used to say that about his site, explaining why the ctrl-left would not try to cancel him. I think Ron Unz is so far out there, he's uncancellable. As much as I admire Ron Unz to a degree***, I understand why Steve didn't mention him. (Part of it may be his recent switch to his own site - maybe money matters?)

It's a shame VDare did not get another big plug here. Steve Sailer owes them a lot.

Next post in the series, because I can't wait, and you're gonna like this one: Discussion of the Kung Flu.

PS: OK, I really needed the transcript eventually, to write this. I had to get to my wife's acct, due to too much spam in my email accounts. Thanks, again, Mr. Hail - if you want me to look up anything, let me know. I could paste in the whole transcript somewhere, on your or my site, in a comment? I just found that some sections are skipped, however - one is a full minute about Bill Buckley and Pat Buchanan.

* In the part skipped in the transcript, starting at 01:52:50, Steve brought up that he used to write for National Review in the context of Buckley and Buchanan.

** That is very likely subject to change imminently, as
Steve Sailer.net has come into fruition. We'll have more on that.

*** ... not so much his political opinion, which is occasionally damn near retarded but his stalwart defense of what might be the truth and his great web skills.

Comments (3)

SCROTUS non-decision and an understanding of standing

Posted On: Thursday - June 27th 2024 9:30AM MST
In Topics: 
  TV, aka Gov't Media  US Police State  Media Stupidity  US Feral Government  Morning Constitutional

For nearly half a year now, one of Peak Stupidity's main go-to sites for news and blogging material has been The Gateway Pundit*. It is a pretty big deal that Jim Hoft, the founder/proprietor/editor of that site, was one of 7 plaintiffs in a case headed to the US Supreme Court. This is or maybe WAS, now, an important Amendment I case. Various officials of the US Feral Gov't have been influencing, indirect threats being involved, the inclusion or lack thereof, of news posts, tweets, what-have-you by BIG "TECH". This is direct Feral Gov't censorship, prohibited by Amendment I thusly:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;
Perhaps the confusion is that no laws were made - the Feral Gov't just did the kind of thing the Founders were worried about? I guess they didn't foresee their brainchild as turning into the huge beast it is now. Now it's "Laws? Laws?! We don't need no steeeenking laws!" Anyway, obviously the officials and organizations involved are in, or at least using, power unConstitutionally. This case is obvious

Missouri v Dark Brandon (our post on this matter) was not the actual name of the case, but I'd read it was Missouri v Biden. For whatever reason**, it's now Murthy v Missouri. That SCOTUS blog*** page definitely shows the same case. Murthy is Vivek H. Murthy, apparently the Surgeon General right now, and he's listed as a Petitioner here with a ton of other US Executive branch muckety-mucks. Even the bug-eyed Jean-Pierre is listed.) These "Petitioners", I must assume, were petitioning for the dropping of the case and injunction rulings that have been made out of it.

Peak Stupidity may well have missed this, and at some point I thought it must have been heard by now - I have not seen a GP post on the matter though, even now. Well, bad news has come for Jim Hoft and his org, along with the other 6 plaintiffs, and along with America.. The case was not decided in the negative, but the SCROTUS has denied it a hearing based on lack of "standing". The phrase "Article III standing" was used. Article III is simply the description of the duties of the Judicial Branch. ctrl-f for "standing" gets no matches.

Just what the hell is "standing", some may ask. I get the general idea, so I'll give the definition in my head before excerpting a proper definition: Lack of standing means that the plaintiffs have not themselves been wronged by the alleged unConstitutionality specified in their petition. Therefore, it's not for them to bring up such a case. Well, now I'm having a hard time getting that proper definition, so let me just paste in an excerpt from this blog, which is specific to the world of the SCROTUS:
Standing is a legal term which determines whether the party bringing the lawsuit has the right to do so. Standing is not about the issues, it’s about who is bringing the lawsuit and whether they a legal right to sue.
There are examples, but still, that doesn't really help so much. I suppose I should read the words of the 6 justices that voted to throw the case out. Says the SCOTUS=blog in its info from yesterday:
Judgment: Reversed and remanded, 6-3, in an opinion by Justice Barrett on June 26, 2024. Justice Alito filed a dissenting opinion, in which Justices Thomas and Gorsuch joined.
Peak Stupidity is no kind of fan on Reason magazine (due to the general idiotic stance for open borders), but they know their Constitutional stuff. One Jonathan Adler on the Volokh Conspiracy page/column explains the deal pretty well. Basically, Justice Barrett says that the plaintiffs didn't connect the dots well enough, aka, didn't do their homework, and the SCROTUS ain't got time for this shit. (She didn't use that exact wording.) The dissent by Justice Alito compared this stricter view of "standing" to some other cases.

I don't know - the Peak Stupidity Legal Dept. won't help either - all they care about is our not getting sued and their standing in their suit against HR for more sick time.

So, this one was not an actual loss, but the ruling means that those being censored must prove more clearly that the Government is coercing (and often in cahoots with) Big "TECH" to censor Conservative opinion. We already know this. We also already know that political solutions will not get us out of this. The solution is going to take a lot of "standing", standing up in the face of evil rather than sitting in court.

* See also our Addendum to that website review.

** I believe the reason is that this case is actually the Gov't as plaintiff against the (favorable) decisions made by the lower (5th Circuit) court.

*** I like that site. The cases have listings of all "actions" - rulings, argument dates, etc - taken since they were brought up.

Comments (2)

Tucker Carlson interviews The Most Reasonable Guy in America

Posted On: Wednesday - June 26th 2024 5:24PM MST
In Topics: 
  Elections '16 - '24  Immigration Stupidity  Lefty MegaStupidity  Trump  Pundits  Media Stupidity  The Future  The Neocons  Race/Genetics  alt-right  Guns

Notes: We've got a lot of Topic Keys attached, as I'm trying to remember all the topics within the conversation.

It wasn't really a conversation, actually. Steve Sailer did most of the talking, by far. This is similar with Tucker Carlson's interview of Vlad Putin, and so I'd guess most of them. That's a very professional way to do it.

Yes, readers. Commenter and blogger E.H. Hail called it. He has stated in numerous places including right here, that Tucker would interview Mr. Sailer this Spring. OK, Mr. Hail, you are off by 5 days (on the "Spring"), but then I was flat wrong thinking it wasn't Mr. Carlson's kind of thing. I look forward to a nice long review of this interview by Mr. Hail.

This is pretty exciting for me, though I'm not a commenter under iSteve any longer. I've been savoring his book Noticing, with a real review* coming here when I get one of those round tuits. Between the books, the book tours, interviews on the book, the videos of his talks at The Castle, and now this interview with the esteemed Tucker Carlson, Mr. Sailer has achieved the Big Time, at least the Biggest Time a Conservative can get in this current Cancellation Culture (more on the decline of that, or not...).

I watched the whole 1 hour 58 minutes (and change) interview nearly as soon as I learned about this. Instead of making this post 6 pages long, I'll present the video, with a basic timeline from the original youtube poster** today. I have at least 5 different subjects to comment on. I think these shorter posts will come quickly, as I don't want to forget my thoughts during viewing.

0:00 Intro
3:53 What Was the Impact of Black Lives Matter on Black Lives?
7:56 Car Crashes
20:26 The Mexican Cartel Targeting the Appalachian Whites
31:06 Why Democrats Hide Crime Statistics
35:17 The Term “Karen” and the Increase in Anti-white Racism
43:05 Emmitt Till
49:11 Are Race Relations Getting Better?
1:01:20 Demographic Change
1:11:05 Will Donald Trump Win the Election?
1:39:58 Schools Getting Rid of the SAT Requirement
1:38:33 Is the Country Becoming More Open and Receptive?

Here are just a few more basic thoughts to start out: Firstly, if you are a steady Steve Sailer reader, that first 35 to 45 minutes or so may be kind of boring. I've seen the graphs. Yes, good stuff, but this exposure is important for the (right now nearly 1/4 million views) others, not us.

Next, I'd say that Mr. Sailer had his agenda to get his very good Social Science findings across. In doing that, he took forever to get around to answering Tucker's few (and, of course, far between) questions early on, say in this 1/3 duration section. True, the answers require background, so, again, this is great for new Sailer adherents.

Well, much more is to come here, in smaller dosages. I WILL harp on points I don't agree with. However, I hope the reader will realize that Peak Stupidity is thankful that Steve Sailer's 98% good points of truth*** are getting NOTICED.

PS: The title here: Mr. Sailer tries to be humble, but he'll toot his own horn sometimes. Still, the appellation he suggested (near the end of the interview) is pretty, errr, reasonable.

* We did post an Overview after perusing the book 2 1/2 months ago.

** This timeline is not exactly what I would have made. It's got smaller details in some areas yet misses some other subjects. It's hard to do better, I'm sure, and I don't think I'll watch the whole thing again just to make one.

*** That's not to say I believe Steve Sailer is lying about ANYTHING. I have points of opinion, most small, but one big one, that I don't agree with him on.

[UPDATED ~ an hour later]
Ahaaa, yes Immigration Stupidity WAS a subject, as opposed to what I'd initially remembered. As a matter of fact, Mr. Sailer brought up something that I'd thought he'd not noticed. He has. We'll get to that - one of our handful or so of posts to come.

Comments (12)

Delivering the 6 million dollar flower pots

Posted On: Wednesday - June 26th 2024 4:05PM MST
In Topics: 
  General Stupidity  Lefty MegaStupidity  Student and other Snowflakes  Curmudgeonry  Economics  ctrl-left

I'll get to a review of the Carlson/Sailer interview soon. These personal and local anecdotes probably aren't so awfully interesting, but,

1) I want to get this off my chest.
2) Unlike the last post, there's a big general point here in addition to just general annoyance.

Yeah, it's the same local D politician as in that previous post involved here. He won his D-primary handily and will surely win "his" State House seat again in November. Just to show his constituents how thankful they ought to be, he has a big billboard up:

Steve Jones
Delivering $6 million for the [neighborhood] project!

His name has been changed to protect the scum, the amount has been altered by a tad, the name of the neighborhood was redacted, and I added an exclamation point, because, why not?

The project, having been going on for 3 months already with no end in sight*, has required the narrowing down of the street to 2 lanes for a few blocks, slowing done traffic and adversely affecting the businesses there. The project is basically a long flower bed. Apparently, the old median, with small hardwood trees and rubbery fake bark, was NOT OK, and the holes in the roads all over, and, well, crime and shit, will just have to wait. This is important.

Not only that, but the point is that this 6 million dollars has been "delivered"! It's been delivered to our neighborhood in the form of 20 to 40 guys working with machinery (there's infrastructure down there, which the city screwed with for years not so long ago), almost all of them foreign Hispanic guys**, working for half a year. Them's some wages! So, that's free money being delivered ... or something.

This guy is not stupid enough to believe the "Broken Windows" fallacy, is he? He's a college graduate, a lawyer (of course!), with a nuclear family, etc. I guess he figures the local neighborhood voters are the dupes. That's 6 MILLION DOLLARS that we are just getting, because State Rep. Jones has delivered it, sure, we should be so glad. What about the people in another city who may want their own flower bed project, delivered by their own helpful, kindly Representative using that same... errrr... free money from ...? Forget it.

I don't know. 10 years ago even, I'd have chewed this guy out, trying to explain the stupidity of his Flower Bed fallacy to him, on his mobile phone, the number being the one I got off the junk mail. I have mellowed out, though. I can't fix all this stupidity with one phone call. I'm sure I'll enjoy the flowers next Spring. I mean, it's not like that 6 million bucks was just gonna spend itself, anyway ...

PS: Oh, this is all the story, except that the hard-working guys earning our neighborhood $6 million were not out there during business hours today, oddly reminding me about this post. It's that heat wave, see? We can't be working out there in the heat. They canceled the kids' sports practice too, for 7 freaking thirty PM! We'd have been playing outside all day back in my childhood, without parents asking "where's your water bottle?"

So, I guess even the hardworking Amigos are snowflakes now (per diktat, anyway).

* I do not kid when I say that this project would take a week or less in China.

** The foremen speak English. One told me nicely what was going on, as I was stuck in the single lane on my side.

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Western Greta by AI from Adam Smith

Posted On: Tuesday - June 25th 2024 6:24PM MST
In Topics: 
  Music  Humor  Global Climate Stupidity  Artificial Stupidity  The Future

I wrote in the comments under last Saturday's musical climatic humor post, You've stolen my dreams (and lyrics), that I don't hate Greta Thunberg. I don't see her as evil. Even her extreme emotional stupidity is something I simply chalk up to her having been a teenage girl who had no reason to know any better. (In this day and age, I don't think going to school instead of going out on the road ocean for the "How Dare You?" world tour would have helped much either... not a Swedish government school, that is...) She's something of a lighting rod for my bolts of ridicule of the Climate Calamity™, however.

I should have done this myself for that previous post, but between my lazy streak and commenter Adam Smith's great helpfulness, I'll present AI Western Greta here and now. Adam had nearly a dozen for us, but these are my 3 favorites.

The AI sure knows its way around a woman's body... I'm just sayin'. I will stipulate that gunfighter Greta here was 18 y/o or older, or whatever you had to be in mid-1800s America. Really, as I wrote in the comments, this AI is scary - the porno possibilities of AI are endless. Did it learn its way around the female body by analysis of curves in millions of pictures?

I'm impressed. I cannot find where on this site I compared Greta to Marcia Brady, but I now stand vindicated on that one. We presented a more unfavorable comparison in Straight outta' Sweden: Greta v Agnetha, and the reader may want to check out our other posts, Greta is Gettin' Upset! - - Greta is Betta! - - Ring, Ring, Greta please give me a call ...♬ ♬ - - Death Metal Greta - - Introducing Black Greta and The evil side of Greta at the Trekkie Convo.

That's Calamity Greta with a big wheel gun. I guess it doesn't help to determine the caliber with AI having done whatever it "imagines". Greta ought to do more sit-ups to flatten that belly, but I'm not gonna be the one to tell her.* It's probably just the camera angle.

That'd have been much better for "High Plains Grifter".

Just to make it clear here - These are not real pictures of Greta Thunberg. I think plinking or marksmanship might be nice hobby for Greta and a way for her to release her pent-up frustrations about nobody caring enough about the coming demise of The Planet.

Commenter Hail has told us that that cute little "How dare you?" girl has turned 21. The following 2 Eagles songs are probably better suited for a young man, being Twenty-one and "knowing what freedom means to me", I can't give a reason why, I should ever want to die." and then getting a little "Out of Control".

On this "concept album" Desperado, Twenty-one is followed with no dead space by Out of Control which has some out of control guitars at the end. Great stuff.

Back to Greta for a second, Tom Petty has asked the same question I have:

* We're just getting back to pistol shooting after years for me. My son and I will shoot some cheap - well, they WERE then - .380 rounds tomorrow.)

[UPDATED 06/26:]
Oops, the compounds that make up smokeless powder do contain Carbon atoms. I'd looked only at the molecular diagram and forgotten that the Carbon "backbones" are assumed. (The chemical formula was there, but I didn't look till now.) A PS Chem review is in order. Thanks, commenter M!

Comments (8)

Climate Alarmist Yahoos

Posted On: Monday - June 24th 2024 8:39PM MST
In Topics: 
  Websites  Global Climate Stupidity  Media Stupidity

(You have to be really careful - these people will purposely conflate heat index with temperature.)

I've written a number of times that it's not as if I go to the yahoo website - one of the old classics, BTW - for my news. One can get to the mail login directly and avoid the home page*, but it's there for a moment when I log out. In addition to seeing "the news" then, I'll use yahoo's search feature regularly to get to Peak Stupidity to keep our search results blurb "tops in class".

What I've seen this summer is that yahoo's big news is usually about the weather. You know what they say about the weather, everybody blogs about it, but ... nobody does anything... besides Greta? I grabbed a screenshot of that image above about 5 weeks ago, I can see, as it says "one month before the official start of summer". Let me tell you, "official start of summer", i.e., the Summer Solstice, doesn't always mean squat, such as down there in south Florida.

Some of these articles get me going down the rabbit hole. They'll have me checking out hurricanes over the years (should be a post as much time as I spent on that), actual daily highs vs heat indices, etc.. Come for the bikini pictures, stay for the National Hurricane Center historical data.

This home page is supposed to be the news home page, but yesterday, 3 out of the 5 headlines were about the weather. There IS a heat wave going on now, but heat waves do happen in the summer time, official or not. It's very hot here, it's flooding over there, no, sorry, but these are local stories. 3 out of 5 headlines is not a coincidence - it's an agenda.

Peak Stupidity doesn't normally chalk up the steady flow of stupidity in one are to a planned action at high levels. I wonder on this yahoo push. Has yahoo been picked or, more likely, given financial incentives to harp (no pun intended) on extreme weather events to keep the scare up for the cause of the Climate Calamity™?

PS: And for the ladies in the bikinis: quit with the tattoos, yahoos!

* Old web guy here - it's the "main page" now, I believe, even when the file is named the same thing, "index" or what have you.

Comments (18)

You've stolen my dreams (and lyrics)

Posted On: Saturday - June 22nd 2024 9:55PM MST
In Topics: 
  Music  Humor  Global Climate Stupidity

From the back cover of the excellent EAGLES concept album of 51 years back:

Desperado, oh, you ain't gettin' no younger.
Your pain and your hunger, they're drivin' you home.
And climate, oh climate, well, that's just some people talkin'.
Your crisis is walking through this world all alone.

Don't your feet get hot in the winter time?
The sun won't snow and the sky won't shine.
It's hard to tell the night time from the day.
We're reachin' all new highs and lows,
but it's funny how the feeling goes away.

High Plains Grifter:

Go down, young Greta, don't you wonder why.
Sooner or later planets have to die.
Two voices call to you from where they stood
Lay down your models now - they're no damn good!

The queen of carbon let you down,
She was just an empty fable.
The queen of hearts you say you never met.
Your twisted fate has found you out,
and it's finally turned the tables,
stole your dreams and paid you with regret.

"You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. That's cause I'm pretty good with a six gun."

Better keep on movin', Greta Thunberg,
'till your shadow sets you free.
If you're fast, and if you're lucky,
you will never see that hangin' tree.

That was the reprise of Doolin' Dalton and then of Desperado, from the 2nd side of the vinyl record version of the Desperado album.

Comments (11)